1. Women are said to take fewer risks than men

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A study conducted by Cambridge University in the UK found that women are much less likely to involve themselves in risky behavior compared to men. The research studied the likelihood of men and women taking risks in three domains including health, gambling, and recreational activities and it found that men took more risks in all three areas.
2. Women have been found to have better healthcare habits than men

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A study from 2019 found that men and women view their health differently and also found that women actually have better healthcare habits than men. And, interestingly, the research found that maintaining good healthcare habits is actually something that is affected by gender.
3. Women typically have stronger support networks

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It is also a well-known fact that men and women need different kinds of support and women typically tend to receive the support they need from the people around them. Studies have found that women are much better at developing supportive relationships on both sides as women have been found to be more empathetic than men.
4. Pain tolerance could be a factor

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Research from 2019 found that men and women recalled pain differently and suggested that women tend to forget their past pain whereas men remember. However, other studies have found that higher levels of testosterone in men mean that men have a higher pain threshold than women, suggesting that they might not seek medical help in time if there's something wrong.
5. Women have lower levels of testosterone

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Women generally have lower levels of testosterone in their systems than men. A 2015 study carried out by the Endocrine Society found that testosterone works closely with cholesterol and high levels of the hormone lead the body to produce lower levels of the 'good' cholesterol, leaving men more susceptible to cardiovascular disease.
6. Men are statistically more likely to be involved in violent crimes

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Some of society's well-established statistics reveal that men are much more likely to be involved in violent crimes than women and this inevitably affects life expectancy. A study in the US found that men actually commit violent crimes three times more than women do.
7. Women typically have higher levels of estrogen

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Women typically have much higher levels of estrogen than men and although it's still largely unknown why women have a higher life expectancy, some research has found that estrogen has something to do with it. Particularly with protecting and rebuilding the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes from being frayed or tangled, and ultimately, protecting cells from dying.
8. Men are more likely to have dangerous hobbies

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Statistically, men are more likely to engage in more dangerous hobbies than women. And no wonder! A new study has found that men who take more risks, particularly when engaging in risky activities were deemed more attractive than those who take little to no risks... But it's not only this, there are researchers that have found how men's brains are wired has a connection with the willingness to take risks.
9. Women are more likely to seek medical help for mental health issues

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Various different studies have found that women are way more likely to seek medical help if they believe or are concerned they are experiencing mental health issues. Statistics show that nearly a quarter of women in the US underwent treatment in 2019 compared to just 13% of men.
10. Men have been more likely to have more dangerous jobs

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Typically, men have been, and in some cases still are, more likely to do jobs that carry more risks and are statistically more likely to die at work.
Psychology Today suggests that the reason for this is that more dangerous jobs are more well-paid than jobs that don't carry the same risks and men have been socialized to be the main breadwinner of the family.
11. Women tend to have stronger immune systems than men

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Women typically have stronger immune systems than men because women are born with not one, but two X chromosomes. And the X chromosomes have a much higher density of genes that are related to and also benefit the immune system. Men only have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, typically making their immune system weaker from the start.
12. Men are more likely to suffer from alcohol-related health problems

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Statistically, men tend to have higher rates of illness and hospitalization due to alcohol, and The Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that more than three-quarters of deaths in the US from excessive drinking were among the male population.
13. Women's hormones stabilize

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There has been a study that has found that the earlier a woman has their first period, the longer their life expectancy is predicted to be. And the same goes for menopause too. The research conducted in the US found that women who start their menopause after 50 have more than 40 reproductive years and may live past the age of 90!
14. Women are less likely to have heart attacks

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There is evidence that because of the lower levels of testosterone, women's risk of suffering a heart attack is lower than men's. But this evidence can prove deadly, as some sources work hard to highlight the fact that there are so many other risk factors when it comes to heart attacks and women are encouraged to learn to understand their risks and symptoms.
15. Men are more likely to suffer a stroke

Again, there is evidence that suggests that men are statistically more likely to have a stroke and commonly have higher rates of hemorrhagic stroke. But women are also at risk too but have been found to be more likely to suffer a subarachnoid hemorrhage.
16. Men are more likely to suffer from sleep disorders

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Evidence has also suggested that men are more likely than women to suffer from certain sleep disorders that can affect life expectancy. And this particularly includes sleep apnea, when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep. Other risk factors include having a large neck size or being overweight.
17. Women are more likely to practice stress-reducing activities

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Women have been found to be more likely than men to practice activities that help reduce their stress. This might include breathwork, yoga, and meditation. But one study found that women were more likely to actually read in an effort to reduce their stress levels compared to men.
18. Women are more likely to have better diets

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An international study that was carried out in 2020 found that in 23 countries around the world, women were more likely to have a better diet than men. They found that women were much better at avoiding fatty food, limiting their salt content, and eating more fruit and fiber.
19. Men are more likely to participate in contact sports

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A study conducted in Ireland in 2013 found that men aged 18-24 were twice as likely to engage in competitive sports compared with women. They have also been found to participate in more contact sports, which, as we know, can carry serious risks of accidents and injuries that can have long-lasting effects.
20. Men are more likely to suffer from obesity

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The statistics on obesity are quite close when we are comparing men and women. In the US, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 4 women are said to be obese and this can cause significant health problems for people that over time, can prove fatal and can significantly lower their life expectancy.
21. Women tend to have lower rates of smoking

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Typically, women tend to have lower rates of smoking tobacco products than men. But, interestingly, men are more likely to quit smoking tobacco than women! A study found that women are significantly more likely to relapse on the first day of quitting smoking.
22. Women usually have more regular access to healthcare

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Studies have shown that women usually have more regular access to healthcare than men. There are a number of factors that affects this, including the use of maternity services, but the fact is, women are just more likely to access healthcare than men are in general.
23. Men are more likely to suffer from prostate cancer

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All men are at risk of prostate cancer and studies have found that it is, unfortunately, quite common in older men. In fact, in the US alone, statistics show that 13% of men are likely to develop prostate cancer with 2 to 3 of those dying from the disease.
24. Women are more likely to seek preventative health measures

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Studies have also found that as well as typically having more access to healthcare during their lives, women are also more likely to see a medical professional if they suspect something is wrong. And this behavior helps them to catch diseases, like cancer earlier, giving them a much better survival rate.
25. Women are more likely to speak to loved ones if they are suffering with their mental health

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Studies have found that men are 40% less likely to talk with a friend, family member or mental health professional about their own mental health, whereas women have been found to be more likely to seek help from those around them. It has been proven that a lack of help with mental health issues can lead to bad outcomes.
26. Men are more likely to be involved in workplace accidents

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Now, because men are typically more likely to have a more risky and dangerous job, they have been found to be more likely to be involved in workplace accidents, causing injury and sometimes even death. This can be caused by working at great heights and even using heavy machinery to name a few.
27. Men are more likely to take risks on the road

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Statistics have also shown that men are more likely to engage in risky behavior on the roads, including not wearing a seatbelt for safety, and they are more likely to drive at higher speeds than women. These risks can cause accidents and have been found to be a factor in the life expectancy of men and women.
28. Men are more stressed

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It is also quite well-established that men have much higher stress levels than women and they are less likely to do anything to try and deal with it, like mindfulness and meditation. Stress can lead to a number or health-related issues including high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
29. Women age more slowly

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In many studies, women have been found to age at a much slower rate than men. It has been established that men age over more time than women and begin the aging process at a younger age, whereas women face a more rapid decline when they hit menopause.
30. The influence of biological and social factors and why we should learn about our own individual risk factors!

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Many factors related to how long men and women live have been found to be affected by gender. These include biological differences but social influences are also heavily involved in the life expectancy of men and women. But experts also warn against becoming too comfortable in your biology because some health issues more likely to affect men can also affect women too, like cardiovascular disease. So never ignore the symptoms and learn about your own risk factors!