1. You've Spent A Lot Of Money On The Front Of Your Home: You're A Bit Showy
image source: reddit.com
There's a reason that most real estate advice would be to concentrate on the front of your home, too - because that's where first impressions are made. If you've spent a fortune on making the front of your home
amazing, it's because you care what people think - and you like to show off the finer things you can afford.
2. You've Used A Bright Color On The Front Door: You Welcome Guests
image source: reddit.com
Your front door paint color actually says a lot about you - after all, your front door is going to draw attention from the street, as well as being the all-important entrance to your home. So if your front door is a bright, striking color, like yellow, then you like having visitors!
3. Well-Kept Garden? You're Happy
image source: reddit.com
If you have a garden, no matter how big or small, and it's perfectly well tended and packed with plants, flowers and seating, then you're likely a very happy person indeed! It takes a lot of energy to want to sort your garden out, and that kind of energy comes from being content and wanting to spend time in your outside space.
4. Your Drawers Are Messy: You're Very Organized
image source: reddit.com
Okay, bear with us on this one! We know it sounds crazy. But if your drawers specifically are messy - like your sock drawer, or that one drawer we all have with random batteries and plugs - then you're likely an organized person. This is because you put so much focus on organizing the important areas of your everyday life that the inside of a drawer doesn't seem so important.
5. Your Bed Is Made Every Day: You Love Your Job!
image source: reddit.com
Ah, the old, 'do you make your bed every day?' debate. There is some truth in the fact that it's 'pointless' making your bed, because you're only going to get back into it anyway. While some people say making your bed straight away is the best thing you can do. People who happily make their bed are more likely to love their jobs - this is because people who hate their jobs use up all their energy to force themselves to get out of the things in the first place!
6. Your Closet Is Cluttered: You Find It Hard To Let Go
image source: reddit.com
If your closet is overflowing with clothes you haven't even worn for 20 years, it can be a sign you're a person who struggles to let go of the past - and likely a hoarder of other things, too. This shows a sentimentality but also a worrier mindset: 'But what if I want to wear it at some point?'
7. Lots Of Decorative Items? You're Ambitious
image source: reddit.com
If you're someone who puts a lot of care and attention on decorative items, like scented candles, ornaments and vases, it can be a sign you're a very ambitious person. This is because you put the focus on the little details, and you know it's the little things that can get you far in life!
8. Your Desk Is Tidy: You're Dependable
image source: reddit.com
There's a debate over messy desks versus tidy desks, in that people with messy desks are more creative or successful. You can make of that what you will, but one thing is for sure - if your desk is tidy, you're likely a dependable person, because you keep order and structure!
9. You Have Lots Of Cleaning Supplies: You Like Stability
image source: reddit.com
If your kitchen cupboards are overflowing with cleaning products, it's likely you prefer stability in every aspect of your life. It's also possible you're very 'traditional' when it comes to your views, whether that's on marriage, living, the political or relationships.
10. You Have A Bright, Open Bedroom: You're Emotionally Available
image source: reddit.com
If your bedroom is painted in a very light color and filled with lots of light, this welcoming space can be a sign that you're emotionally available. As the bedroom is a very personal space, it's a sign if you're opening it up to people that you're welcoming that kind of connection in your life.
11. You Barely Have Any Furniture: You're An Extrovert
image source: reddit.com
If your home barely has anything in it, it's a sign that you probably don't spend too much time there - or at least not extended hours where you would need a lot of stuff. And why is that? Because you're an extrovert, of course! And that means you're likely outside, hanging with friends, at a restaurant or bar.. anywhere but home 99.9% of the time.
12. Your Decor Is Maximalist: You're An Introvert
image source: reddit.com
On the flip side, if your home is packed with stuff, it's likely you're an introvert. For an introvert, their home is their private sanctuary, and where they feel safe being themselves. With this also comes the need to fill it with all the things you love, all out on display.
13. Your Fridge Is Packed: You're Outgoing
image source: reddit.com
If your fridge is packed full of food, it's likely you're an outgoing person - not only because you probably have a lot of visitors you like to feed or share a drink with, but also because you're indulging in the things that make you happy - food - and not taking life too seriously.
14. And You Have A HUGE Fridge: You Like To Flash Your Cash
image source: reddit.com
The fridge is one of the items in your kitchen that can say a lot about you - if not
the most important item that can! We know fridges come in all shapes and sizes, but it's usually the case that someone with a lot of money likes to flash it by buying the biggest, double fridge with an ice maker and probably an AI personality to boot.
15. You Have Tons Of Random Kitchen Gadgets: You're Impulsive
image source: reddit.com
We all know the appeal of nifty kitchen gadgets, especially if they come in novelty form. But if your kitchen is overflowing with a million kitchen gadgets, most of which you're not even sure how to operate or what they do, it's a sign you're an impulsive person - in decisions and in purchases!
16. Your Kitchen Is Bare: You're Not Family-Oriented
image source: reddit.com
They say the kitchen is the heart of the home - but that's only usually true when you have a big family to cook for. If your kitchen barely has anything in it, it can be a clear sign of meal-for-one and someone who likely eats their food alone in the TV instead of at the table.. and you're fine with that.
17. You Live In A Huge House Alone: You Plan For The Future
image source: reddit.com
If you've made the option to pay for, and maintain, a house larger than what you need right now, it's a sign that you're goal-oriented and you plan for the future. You're always thinking about what's to come, so it makes sense to you to invest in more property, rather than less.
18. You Have A Clothes Rack: You Love Fashion
image source: reddit.com
If you have all your clothes out on display using clothes racks, inside of inside a closet with clothes doors, it can be a sign you love fashion! You want your clothes to be on display because you want to be able to see them to celebrate them and be inspired by colors.
19. Your Decor Is Minimalist: You Have Meaningful Relationships
image source: reddit.com
If you're very much minimalist when it comes to decor, it can be a sign that you're a person who puts more focus on meaning in other areas of their life. You don't spend time or money on cluttered decor because you prefer to use your energy for close friends and family, and meaningful experiences.
20. Your Home Is Full Of Books: You're Open-Minded
image source: reddit.com
It doesn't matter what genre of books are strewn across your home, it's still a sign that you're an open-minded person. You're always ready to learn something new, have your viewpoint changed, or see things from another perspective. If you like fantasy, you're likely an escapist, too.
21. You Use Light Colors: You're An Easy-Going Person
image source: reddit.com
Light colors and a light space is easy to maintain - and you like it when things are easy. That isn't to say that you get stressed when things are hard, but as an easy-going person, you mostly like it when things are simple and when they take very little maintenance.
22. You Use Dark Colors: You're Emotional And Passionate
image source: reddit.com
If you use very dark colors around your home, it's likely you're a passionate person very much in touch with your emotions. Red in particular is always associated with passion, so bonus points if you have dark red anywhere in your home. You let your emotions guide you, which is usually to the deepest, darkest paint aisle.
23. The Size And Position Of Your TV
image source: reddit.com
This is one of the most important things that can say a lot about a person! Tiny TV at a side angle? You probably don't watch TV much and it's fleeting at best. Biggest TV in existence, straight on facing your couch and surrounded by speakers? You're obviously a media fan and TV-watching is a priority to you. If your TV is too high, this can also be a sign of someone who isn't too savvy when it comes to the tech experience!
24. You Rent Rather Than Buy: You're An Adventurer
image source: reddit.com
Most people who buy their home will say it's because they want to put down roots and are looking for the long-term. People who rent can do so for many reasons - we know how difficult the housing market is, after all - but renting can be a sign you're nomadic, adventurous and want to be able to up and leave whenever you want!
25. Your Home Is Messy: You're Creative
image source: reddit.com
Mess can definitely be a sign of creativity - and that's because an active mind is usually moving from one project to the next, looking for inspiration or trying to express themselves in many different ways. Your home may not even look 'messy' to you - it's a creative soundboard!
26. Your Home Is Spotless: You Take Style Over Substance
image source: reddit.com
Let's get real: nobody's home is
completely spotless. It's just impossible if you're living there, and impossible even if you're not because dust is going to settle! So if your home looks clinically clean, it can be a sign you focus too much on aesthetic and appearances rather than functionality!
27. White Paint, And Only White: You're Confident!
image source: reddit.com
It takes a very confident person to use bare white on every wall of their home, after all. White is clean, traditional, sleek - you can't really go wrong with it. And that's why it reflects a confident person - because you're comfortable and secure in who you are.
28. You Always Have The Blinds Closed: You Want To Be Left Alone
image source: reddit.com
Having the blinds or draped closed all the time can be a sign you're a very private person not home to visitors - your home is your hideaway, and you don't even want passersby to be able to glance through your window! Window treatment can say a lot about a person, and yours is likely as plain as possible to avoid drawing attention!
29. You Only Have One Or Two Chairs: You're Not Sociable
image source: reddit.com
The seating options in a home can say a lot about a person, too - if you're a sociable person then it's likely you have lots of chairs and a huge couch to make guests comfortable. The opposite is true if you're not sociable! You have enough seats for you, and you alone, thanks.
30. Your Art Means Something: You're A Deep Person
image source: reddit.com
Some people might just buy random art because they like the look of it, because the color goes with their scheme or there was a sale on in the store. But if you have a few very select pieces, maybe by famous artists or legendary artworks, it can show you're a very deep person who likes to explore meaning beneath the surface.
31. You Have An American Flag Outside Your Home
image source: reddit.com
Studies have shown that conservatives are more likely to have American flags outside their homes, and at the very least it's likely that a political person lives there if they have a flag showing! It's likely you have a conventional mind when it comes to decor if you're a conservative, so your home is neat and tidy.
32. Your Decor Is Restrained - Inside And Out!

image source: reddit.com
Do you really hold back with your decor? Do you dream of having wacky and wild colors but the latest Pinterest trends are telling you to play it safe and go cream or beige and just tone it down? This could be a sign that you're restraining your personality as well as your decor!
33. Your Garden Is Just A Lawn
image source: reddit.com
This can show that you're a busy person - as well as not being green-fingered. At the end of the day, we make time for the things we love, so if your garden doesn't have any plants or flowers and it's just a functional space, it's a sign you don't have time to keep those blooming flowers alive!
34. You Have A High Fence
image source: reddit.com
Your home is your safe place. You like your privacy, anywhere any time, but especially when you're home. The high fence not only keeps you to yourself, it also tells other people to leave you alone! You're likely not a neighborly person, and you're probably introverted, too.
35. You Have The Same Type Of Plant Everywhere
image source: reddit.com
You have plants all over your home, but there's no variation in them - you saw a type you liked, you bought it, you kept it. This can show a practical mind which likes to stick with what it knows. If there's one hardy plant you know you can keep alive, you're sticking with that one, thanks very much.
36. You Have More Family Photos Than Paintings
image source: reddit.com
You're a people person: family means the world to you, and you like your home to be a welcoming space filled with people. You happily put your memories on display, so if there's any wall space to be had, then you'll definitely use it to fill with the faces of those you love!
37. You Don't Display Any Photos At All
image source: reddit.com
In contrast, this can show that you're a very private person. That isn't to say you don't love your family and friends, but you feel like your home is your sanctuary and even their faces looking out at you can make you feel like you're sharing your home. It might indicate you have trouble showing your emotions, too - or just prefer not to!
38. There Isn't A Single Piece Of Flat-Pack In Sight

image source: reddit.com
Quality in life is important to you. You'd rather wait months to save for a better piece of furniture than buy fast and cheap. You understand good versus bad quality, and you have a very analytical mind when it comes to things in general. You like to surround yourself with things you can depend on - and that includes furniture!
39. You Have Smart Lighting: You're Tech Savvy
image source: reddit.com
You're not only tech savvy, you're a tech lover! Your home is probably very modern in every aspect, and you're very much a lover of the recent and the most technicality advanced rather than old furniture, antique buys or old-fashioned decor. You're also very much affected by mood lighting.
40. Your Vacuum Is Top Of The Range
image source: reddit.com
It's likely you have at least one pet, and you're an animal lover! There's only one reason for buying a more expensive vacuum cleaner, and that's to deal with the neverending pet hair! A vacuum cleaner is one thing you have no problem investing a bit more money in - it's worth it!
41. Everything Is Second Hand - You're Frugal!
image source: reddit.com
Avoiding flat pack furniture and only buying quality isn't enough for you - you need to go the whole hog and buy quality that somebody else has already had! You're not only frugal, but you like to avoid waste, so you usually do all your shopping - whether home items or clothes - in thrift stores.
42. You Have Solar-Powered Items - You Care About The Environment
image source: reddit.com
When it comes to doing what you can for the environment, it really does start at home - and if yours is kitted out with eco-friendly and solar-powered items, then it means you really do care about helping the environment. You're likely a huge nature-lover, too.
43. You're Obsessed With Cleanliness
image source: reddit.com
There's being clean, and there's being
obsessed with being clean. If your home has to absolutely be spotless, and if you feel quite competitive and energized about having your home the cleanest in all the land, it might also indicate that you have a Type A personality!
44. Making Things Cozy Is What's Important To You

image source: reddit.com
If coziness at home is the most important thing to you - throw rugs, snuggly pillows, candles, Instagram-worthy reading corners - than it's likely you could be an empath who's very much affected by their environment and the atmosphere around them. You like cozy because you feel relaxed and safe.
45. Your Decor Is Mostly Green
image source: reddit.com
If you love green in your home - so much so that you use it in every room - it can be a sign of a big adventurous personality that loves the outdoors. Your ideal vacation is probably a non-stop adrenaline fuelled adventure, with big hikes, sky diving and high energy sports.
46. Your Home Has Pops Of Yellow
image source: reddit.com
Yellow has always been associated with positivity, and it's no different with home decor. If you choose yellow in your home you're likely a very bright, optimistic and happy person. You like your home to reflect that because you also think positivity is a choice - so your home needs to help with that!
47. Black Is Everywhere In Your Home
image source: reddit.com
When you see a home that's mostly black, it doesn't necessarily mean gothic, macabre or negative - although lovers of bright colors might think that. Black can actually be a sign of a very deep thinker - still waters run deep and all that, and your still waters are likely painted black.
48. You Display Flowers In Your Window
image source: reddit.com
Displaying flowers in your window is not only the sign of a happy person, but it's an indication that the person who lives there wants to share their happiness. You likely spend your time trying to make other people feel better about themselves, and spread some cheer.
49. You Have A Souvenir Shelf
image source: reddit.com
If you have one of these in your home, no matter how big or small it is, it can be a sign that you're well-traveled, nostalgic and a goal-setter. You not only want to create non-stop good memories, but you want to showcase them - for yourself, and for those who come to visit!
50. You Have Books On The Coffee Table (That You've Never Read)
image source: reddit.com
This can be a sign of a person who either places aesthetics over function, or maybe even a little bit pretentious. Coffee table books are all well and good, but ones strategically placed there at the right angle that you're not even interested in reading? It's all a show!