1. You are bloated a lot
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The liver is the organ mainly responsible for filtering all of the toxins in our body, and when there are too many toxins, it can also affect your digestive system, which may mean you experience excessive or frequent bloating, all because you need an urgent detox!
2. You're always tired
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Being constantly tired may be because you are in need of an urgent detox and there is a very scientific reason behind this. When your body deals with toxin overloads over a long period of time it can lead to something called adrenal fatigue due to the stress that it puts on the adrenal glands.
3. You are having mood swings
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Toxins can lead to an imbalance of cortisol (aka the stress hormone) which can leave your body under a lot of stress, meaning that you may feel very up and down when it comes to the stability of your mood and it can generally make you more irritable and angry.
4. You can't sleep
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When your body is physically in need of an urgent detox it can mean that it is under a lot of stress. This in turn can affect you mentally and emotionally. These combined together can lead to insomnia or difficulty staying asleep for periods of time without continuously waking up.
5. Your weight is fluctuating
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The fat cells in our body often store toxins within them. When you are in need of an urgent detox you may find that your weight is fluctuating despite you trying to maintain a consistent weight. This may be because the body does not want to break down fat cells that could release toxins into our bodies.
6. You have recurring constipation/diarrhea
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Removing waste from our bodies is very much linked with removing toxins. If you experience frequent constipation it could be due to a lack of antioxidants in your body and diet. Frequent diarrhea could be because the body cannot hold a large number of toxins in the body.
7. You feel more anxious
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Physical and mental health are massively linked. When you are in need of an urgent detox it means that your physical health is suffering from extra stress and it can impact your gut and your immune system, both of which may be extremely linked to your emotions and moods.
8. You experience a lot of indigestion
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Frequent indigestion probably wouldn't be the first thing you would associate with having an overload of toxins within your body. But health experts claim that this is a sign that the liver has too many toxins which can lead to a feeling of indigestion.
9. You have really bad breath
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When you are in the urge of an urgent detox, these toxins can build up in your body when they are not being removed properly, and they may eventually emanate through your breath. Removing these toxins may help make your insides healthier, and then get rid of the bad breath.
10. You experience frequent headaches
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Frequent headaches could be due to the build-up of unreleased toxins in your body, the build-up of physical tension can then result in headaches or migraines. This could be your sign that you need an urgent detox! During the initial stage of a detox, the release of toxins may also cause a headache temporarily.
11. Your skin is dull and you have dark circles
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Not only can toxins affect your internal health, but this may also show in your external appearance. When our body is full of toxins and we need a detox, we may not have the essential nutrients we need which can result in our skin looking completely dull and contribute to dark circles around our eyes.
12. You have inflammation
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When toxins build up in the body (and you really need to detox!) you can become overloaded with toxins which may contribute to inflammation and what is called oxidative stress in the body, which can also further trigger inflammation and may worsen chronic inflammation caused by other issues.
13. You have a low libido
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Low libido can be caused by hormonal imbalances in the body and one reason for hormonal imbalances may be that the level of toxins in your body is interfering with your natural levels. This could be one reason why you are experiencing a low libido...because you need to detox!
14. You experience regular brain fog
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Toxins may cause you to experience brain fog because toxins may affect how well our brain functions. Too many toxins could disrupt the functions of cells which may include brain cells and may make you feel a little bit confused. A detox should clear this feeling.
15. You crave unhealthy food
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When your body has too many toxins it can mean that you do not have the essential minerals or vitamins which you may then crave in unhealthy food which is so full of sugars and salts. Toxins can also interfere with your brain and how it receives rewards, it may make you crave unhealthy foods which provide quick releases of pleasure.
16. You have acne
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Our skin can often replicate what is happening on the inside of the body, and the toxins on our inside may result in our outward appearance changing too. You may experience some irritated skin, or it could may make your current acne become more aggravated.
17. You cannot concentrate
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As we know, toxins can disrupt cells all over our body, including our brain. This may make it feel very difficult to concentrate. You may feel as though you cannot stay on one idea without keep getting distracted. This feeling may reduce once the toxins are released from your body.
18. You keep getting sick
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Toxins, of course, may affect your immune system and weaken it and so you may notice that you keep getting sick and can't seem to shake a stubborn cold. When you're immune system is lowered, the ability to fight things is diminished resulting in your getting sick more frequently.
19. Your sweat smells really bad
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One way that our body tries to dispel toxins in our body is through sweating, this is how we release some of the toxins in our body. If you have a lot of toxins in your body it may mean that your sweat smells bad because the sweat contains some of the toxins that had built up.
20. Your muscles feel weak
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When your body is in need of a detox you may feel lots of different symptoms or even ailments. One of these may be that your muscles feel weak. The toxins work in many different ways against your body, resulting in your muscles feeling like heavy and completely lethargic.
21. You smoke
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It's no new revelation that smoking is very bad for our bodies. If you do smoke, you may be putting more and more toxins into your body which need detoxing so that the toxins don't continue to build up. The best way to do this is to quit smoking and stop putting the toxins back in your body!
22. You have a lot of allergies
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Not only will you have your allergies working against you, but the increased level of toxins in your body may also contribute to sensitivities and allergies. It may make you feel extra sensitive and experience more symptoms than you would usually, which may be the case until you have a detox.
23. You feel stiff or sore
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Toxins working against your muscles, interrupting your cell function, and creating nutrient deficiencies are just a few of the ways in which toxins may affect our bodies, making them feel stiff and sore to move. This should improve once we have detoxed our bodies.
24. You drink a lot of alcohol
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Alcohol essentially is poison to the body, it's full of toxins. So if you are someone who drinks more than the recommended amount of alcohol then chances are your body has a higher amount of toxins which means it may be wise to have a detox and cut back on the alcohol.
25. Your blood sugar is high
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Your blood sugar may be high for many reasons. Sometimes high blood pressure can also be combined with having a high level of toxins in your body. It is hard to know if these two elements are linked, but it may be a sign that you need to detox and perhaps alter your lifestyle.
26. Your skin feels more sensitive
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When you are in need of an urgent detox, your body as a whole may feel more sensitive than usual. Toxins can also affect our skin, and you may notice that you have sore or sensitive patches of skin. While this could be because of multiple reasons, one explanation may be that you need a detox.
27. You live in a very polluted area
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Pollution is one of the many ways we unintentionally and unavoidably consume and intake toxins daily. If you live in an over-polluted area, toxins are going into your body daily. It is important to be able to consume fresh air and unpolluted area regularly.
28. Your sinuses always feel bunged up
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Do you forever feel like you have a cold? Like your sinuses are never clear and you can never breathe freely? There is a possibility that this could be a consequence of needing a detox. Having too many toxins can sometimes result in our sinuses getting clogged.
29. You keep forgetting things
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As we have mentioned, toxins can also affect our brain function. So when you are in urgent need of a detox you may find that your brain is not working at its usual capacity. You may keep forgetting things and you may be acting much more clumsy and disorganized as usual.
30. Your tolerance to caffeine has decreased
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When you need a detox you may notice that your tolerance to certain substances, such as caffeine or alcohol decreases. You may feel more sensitive to it because your body already has a lot of toxins, making your body feel the caffeine/ alcohol more as it will be less able to process them.