They Haven't Been Baptised
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The only way that Catholics believe you can be rid of your 'original sins' is to be baptised. Fortunately for most of the Catholic family they never have to worry about this as they are baptised around their birth. But for those of you with worries about going to hell get yourselves baptised!
You Don't Believe In Hell
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This seems like something that might have been in a fantasy movie, but supposedly if you don't believe hell actually exists then you've bought a one way ticket to hell! Now if you still don't believe hell exists then this isn't going to worry you at all, but maybe you might start to believe.
You Believe In The Big Bang Theory
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Realistically, if you have any beliefs that challenge the bible then it is believed that you will be going to hell. Unfortunately, there is now a massive amount of evidence to prove that the big bang is what caused the creation of the universe and so I'm sure a lot of us are now going to hell.
You Believe In 'Another' God
Image Source: Reddit
This goes for anyone who believes in a higher power outside of Christianity; so if you find yourselves under the religion of Buddhism or Islam then Christians believe you're going to hell. I'm sure your religion however will contradict their beliefs so you should be okay!
You Pollute The Earth
Image Source: Reddit
In recent years the church have announced a number of new things that can be titled as sins! One of these new sins is the pollution of the earth; and this is something that has become a major problem around the world in the last few decades particularly. Don't forget to recycle and you might avoid hell.
Being Part Of Genetic Sciences
Image Source: The Guardian
I suppose that this accounts for a very small percentage of the Earth's population; but Christianity believes that if anyone is involved in manipulating genetics then you're going to hell. This seems odd as genetic science has developed and is developing to the point that lives can be saved now.
Someone Has Caused Poverty
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This one is probably going to worry those engaged in politics as a lot of the policies put in place do cause some people to suffer from instances that result in some of the population falling into poverty. Seems weird as back in the day the church used to take a lot of money from the poor!
Excessive Wealth Being Accumulated
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The church is very much against people earning and maintaining an excessive amount of money, much of the bible discusses the need for a person to have sympathy and give charity. Unfortunately there isn't much of this outlook when it comes to the billionaires around the world and, supposedly, they'll be heading to hell.
Taking Or Dealing Illegal Medications
Image Source: Esquire
I'm sure you can tell what I mean in this scenario, without going in to too much detail you don't want to be involved in the consuming or selling of any illegal medications. I'm sure most of the people involved in this industry in some form or another are probably not too bothered however.
People Who Have Abortions
Image Source: The New York Times
This one is particularly relevant in this current era, especially with the recent Roe V Wade case which resulted in some terrible decisions. Abortion seems like something people should have control over, although the church (of basically all religions) really looks down on this as an option; suggesting that this is a form of murder.
Someone Cheated On Their Partner
Image Source: Reddit
It is believed that if you have been married and then engaged in relations with someone outside of this marriage then you will be going to hell! I'm sure the partner who didn't cheat probably feels the same way about this! Just don't cheat on your partner, that shouldn't need to be a sin for you to avoid.
Pre-Marital Relations
Image Source: Reddit
Similarly to the former one, any relations you have prior to actually getting married then you might also be going to hell for this as well. It seems a little outdated however as it's quite rare that people tend to wait until they find their final partner to consummate their new relationship.
You Have A Child Before Marriage
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The last 3 seem to go hand in hand (in hand) with another and if a child comes out of your pre-marital relations then you might be in even more trouble with the higher powers in religion. This has become more and more common in the last century so hell might be even more full these days.
Someone Gets Divorced
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There seems to be a lot of rules around marriage when it comes to what is and isn't allowed within religion. In your vows you often promise your life to them, and unfortunately if you break these vows you're probably looking at a one way ticket straight down to hell.
Image Source: Reddit
Blasphemy is something you can't do no matter what religion you follow and in some countries, like Muslim ran countries where religion is still high in priority, you can suffer some heavy consequences. People are still executed for using words or actions out of turn against their god.
Saying 'Jesus Christ' When You're Shocked
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This is loosely related to blasphemy, but using the lord's name out of vain is something that is looked down on by the religious community. I'll be the first one to admit that I use Jesus Christ as an exclamation more often than not, and it turns out this is a sign that could see you heading to hell.
Taking Advantage Of The Less Fortunate
Image Source: Euronews
I feel like this is something we all know that we shouldn't do but unfortunately there are a load of people that can't keep their grubby hands off of the less fortunate. Think big companies who don't pay a correct amount to people because they're more desperate for the money than some other people.
Taking Money From A Working Man
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This seems a little hypocritical considering the church used to make an excessive amount of money from taking money away from the working community in order to keep the church looking amazing! This also links to thieves who make their money by stealing objects and money from the community.
Being Jealous
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Jealousy doesn't look good on anyone, and unsurprisingly the church doesn't look positively upon people who are regularly jealous. I assume they believe that people should be happy with the lives that they've been given and that these lives they have were given to them for a reason.
You Don't Pray
Image Source: The New Arab
This is probably not a surprise to anyone, but if you don't pray to your god then you're not putting enough faith in them, and so you might be heading to hell. I suppose if you are religious then this is a quick and easy way to get on the right side of the big man upstairs!
You're A Hypocrite
Image Source: The Guardian
Hypocrites aren't typically people that we like to spend our time with, they might do things they deem dangerous or disapproving of themselves so they're not following their own rules. I don't think anyone would like to remain friends with a hypocrite and evidently God is no different.
People That Don't Feel Bad For Their Wrongdoings
Image Source: Reddit
If you're the sort of person who doesn't repent for your sins then its likely in the eyes of religion, you'll be heading to hell. You have to be able to take account of yourself when it comes to things you've done wrong even if they're accidental. Take the blame and apologise for your and their sake.
Those Who Never Seeked God
Image Source: Reddit
To avoid hell, you must have at least, at some point looked to god for help! If you're one of the many who have avoided this fact for most of your life then it's another sign you could go to hell. Religion is obviously strongly rooted in faith and if you don't believe god can help you then they don't believe he will.
You're Egotistical
Image Source: CinemaBlend
As we all know, religion although based on one god, revolves around people being supportive of one another and faithful. So if you or someone you know is very egotistical, self-centred and absorbed in themselves then be sure they won't be the ones heading to heaven.
You've Turned Your Back On God
Image Source: Reddit
One thing that is particularly looked down on within any religion is believing in your god and then turning your back on him. Some people tend to have their reasons for this, like people in their lives dying, or losing their job; but a true religious person would believe these things happen for a reason.
You Don't Forgive
Image Source: Reddit
Being a forgiving person is essential when it comes to being religious, there are a number of stories within the bible that revolve around the idea of being forgiving. This means that when people do wrong to you you should give them a chance to repent; you may see this in court when a criminal and someone affected by their crime come together.
You Lie A Lot
Image Source: WIRED
Lying is never going to get you anywhere in life, at least not for a prolonged period of time (unless you're absolutely loaded) and this includes getting in to heaven. Lying is seen to be a horrendous crime in religion as it often comes down to using lies to advance your way in the world.
You Committed One Of The Big Crimes
Image Source: Reddit
This is an obvious one, but if someone has committed a terrible crime it's a sure fire way to send themselves to hell. We're talking life sentence crimes like murder, trafficking, abuse and many others. Surely they can't expect to find themselves anywhere but hell after death.
Things Are Going Wrong In Your Life
Image Source: Vox
If you or someone you know is going through a particularly rough patch, your friends and family might have died, you might have been diagnosed with something or you've lost your job it could be a sign that God is punishing you. Maybe think about the bad things you might have done recently.
You Straight Up Don't Believe In God
Image Source: Reddit
This is probably one of the more obvious signs you'll be heading to hell instead of heaven; not that it matters to you as you're not a believer. But in the views of all religions you have to be faithful to the higher power that religion believes in and if you don't then it's only one way for you.
Signs You're A Bad Person: You Make Others Feel Bad!
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And what makes it more likely you'll go to Hell? Being a pretty bad person. Maybe you don't even think you are, but here are some signs: a bad person makes everyone around them feel bad, too. This might be directly with what you say, or how your actions affect other people - either way, people are feeling worse for being around you.
You Think You're Superior To Everyone Else
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There's nothing like a little humility, is there! Not only do you think you're better than everyone else, you
need to be better than everyone else - so you go out of your way to knock others down a peg or belittle their achievements just so you can feel like you've come out on top.
People Avoid You At All Costs
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If people always avoid you, then you need to ask yourself why - it's likely because people can't stand you. If you've made them feel bad about themselves before, they're not going to want to see or speak to you again. You could also just be giving off a 'bad' vibe that keeps people at a distance.
You Like To Control People
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Controlling people means that you feel superior, and you can influence how a situation will play out. It makes you feel good about yourself to know you have that power over people. You see absolutely everyone around you as a pawn to be played, or you just believe that you know best, every time.
And You're Very Manipulative
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Manipulation comes as part of the whole controlling issue - and a good person wouldn't seek to manipulate anyone for their own gain. Manipulation comes in many forms, but one of the worst can be emotional manipulation and blackmail by making people feel bad so you get what you want.
You're Passive-Aggressive
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Sometimes, bad people aren't openly aggressive, because they like to keep their little manipulation game on the down-low or make people question themselves. It's also a huge red flag that you're two-faced because you never say what you really mean, and people don't know how to take you.
You Don't Take Any Responsibility For What You've Done
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How can you take responsibility for what you've done if you never believe you've done a single thing wrong? Owning up to mistakes and asking for forgiveness is the sign of a good person who wants to do better, but you never take accountability for anything you've done wrong or to hurt other people.
You Love To Stir The Pot Behind People's Back
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A bad person is a person who gossips, spreads rumors and purposefully makes up lies about someone to tell others and cause drama. Your rumor-spreading may even cause people to lose friends or to lose out on opportunities, but you don't care - you love to gossip!
You Exploit People, In Any Way Possible
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If you exploit others for your own personal gain, you're not a good person - even less of one if you exploit the pain or suffering of others to get what you want. If you see someone struggling, instead of your instinct to be to comfort them, it's 'how can I benefit from this situation?'.
You See Kindness As A Weakness
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Kindness definitely isn't a weakness - but to you, it is. Because being kind means that you're more vulnerable, and you refuse to be that person. If you see kindness in others, you see it as their weakness, so you use it to your advantage so that you can take them for granted.
You Live For Embarrassing People
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Instead of doing the kind thing and speaking to someone in private about something they may be conscious about, you bring up things in front of a whole group of people with the sole purpose of embarrassing that person in front of everyone! Especially if it's about a really personal topic.
You Hold A Grudge Forever
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Forgiveness takes a lot of strength, but not only do you not forgive people, you actually
enjoy holding a grudge because it means you can get payback on the person you think has wronged you. You can't talk things through and move on because you take it personally if someone has offended you - and you're not going to let that go.
You Take Every Little Thing Personally
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Speaking of taking things personally - because you have such a huge superiority complex, you think absolutely everything is about you, which also means you take every little thing as a personal attack. You definitely can't take constructive criticism, and people probably tread on eggshells around you.
You're Full Of Hate
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You might just be a very hateful person, and you thrive on hating others, hating situations or just being a pessimist in general. You refuse to feel happy for other people's success, so you hate them for it instead. You hate anyone who seems to be doing better than you.
You're Always Envious Of Others
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It's also likely you'll be envious of others for this reason - you want to be the best at everything, and you hate it when other people win, so if anyone is doing good in life, you see it as an opportunity to be envious instead of happy for them. It doesn't matter if it's a total stranger either.
You Make Threats (That You Actually Mean)
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You threaten people all the time, but it's never empty threats, either. You make it clear to people around you that if they cross you, you'll get payback. If someone insults you, you threaten them. If someone works to steal something from you - like a promotion or other opportunities - you make it clear to them what you think about that.
You Can't Be Trusted
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There's no way anyone can ever trust you, because you thrive on drama, so if someone tells you a secret, you're definitely going to gossip about it. People can't trust you with their news, good or bad, because you're always looking out for your next opportunity to take advantage of people.
You Never Compromise - Ever
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Why would you compromise when you know exactly what you want, and what you deserve? You don't feel like you should ever have to compromise because you believe your opinion is the most important, so it's other people who should be bending around you.
Your General Mood Is Just 'Bad Person'
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You're definitely not a smiling, laughing person - you just look like you're in a bad mood all the time (even if you're not). Your face is enough to ward people to stay away, because it's less than welcoming. Even though you're usually open about being in a bad mood, you can still be fake when you need to be.
You Get Energy From Other People's Suffering
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Most people will get drained from drama, or get tired from bad days - but you, you say the more the merrier, because that's the energy you need for your day. You feel better for other people's bad days, and especially if you can watch random acts of chaos, like people falling over, a couple breaking up on the next table over or someone spilling their drink.