1. The 'Numbers' Guy
Image Source: Dailystar.co.uk
In 2017, Las Vegas was subjected to one of the deadliest cases of mass shootings in modern US history. A man named Stephen Paddock
shot and
killed 58 innocent people from his hotel room; as they enjoyed a music festival before ultimately killing himself before he could be arrested. Paddock's motives for this killing spree are still unknown but authorities do believe he planned for the massacre as his hotel room was stocked with firearms and a note with calculations for ballistic trajectories on it...earning Paddock the nickname
'The Numbers Guy’.2. He was Multi-Millionaire
Image Source: Pinterest.co.uk
So apart from the horrible crime he committed, what do we know about Stephen Paddock?... Well, for one he was a
multi-millionaire! Mr Paddock gained significant finical wealth through real estate according to his younger brother Eric Paddock. He successfully rented and sold real estate for a tidy profit which allowed him to live a lavish life but that wasn't always the case when he was growing up. Unfortunately, Mr Paddock spent much of his youth attempting to escape poverty and make money.
3. His Father Was A Bank Robber
Image Source: Independent.co.uk
Benjamin Paddock was known by many as a
"big-hearted" father who was raising four young boys whilst working a full-time job but he was caught in 1960 for robbing a string of banks in Arizona. According to authorities he had stolen around $25,000 and was sentenced to prison for 20 years in 1961...he even got his name on the FBI's
"10 most wanted criminals" when he escaped prison 8 years later. Members of the public were ever warned that he was carrying firearms and was a diagnosed 'psychopath'...They do say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
4. A Heavy Gambler
Image Source: ebaumsworld.com
Like his father, Stephen Paddock was also a big-time gambler who would risk thousands of dollars on high stake video poker games. According to fellow gamblers, Paddock spent and lost large amounts of money at various casinos and had a bankroll of about
2-3 million US Dollars. He was known for gambling between 6-8 hours a day and would sometimes boast about his winnings to his younger brother Eric. He was so well known at Las Vegas casinos that he was a sought-out casino patron, allowing him to gain a free $590-per-night suite for free the night of the massacre.
5. Buying Guns Since 1982
Image Source: njgunforums.com
It was clear to authorities that finding all the weapons, explosives and ammunition in Mr Paddock's hotel room on the night of the massacre, showed that he had a very good understanding of using lethal weapons. Police confirmed that he had an impressive arsenal, of around
40 firearms that he had been collecting since
1982. One gun shop owner claimed that Mr Paddock wasn't a 'novice' and had been shopping at several local gun dealers explaining he was trying to get back into his hobbies in the run-up to the Las Vegas murders.
6. Worked In Various Jobs
Image Source: glassdoor.com
In an interview with his younger brother Eric, it was discovered that Steven Paddock went through various jobs that he thought would make him rich before he got into real estate. Mr Paddock originally worked for the US Postal Service in the 70's before he moved on to a job working in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as according to Eric he believed that's where 'the money is'. Paddock briefly worked in the aerospace industry and as an auditor for the Defence Contract Audit Agency - That's a lot of different skill sets!
7. Looked After His Family Finically
Image Source: Instagram.com
Stephen Paddock became rich by buying and doing up properties in the economically run-down areas of LA, and by the late 1980s he had a steady cash flow coming in and he made sure that he made his family comfortable. His younger brother Eric knew his brother
"would succeed" and had no shortcomings with giving Stephen his life savings to help him invest and eventually, he became a partner in his company...Eric even said in an interview
"He helped make my mother and I affluent enough to be retired in comfort".8. Had Two Failed Marriages
Image Source: dailymail.co.uk
Paddock had two very short marriages that ended in divorce but according to family members he had good relationships with both his ex-wives. He was first married in 1977 till 1979 to his first wife, and then in 1985 he married for a second time until 1990...both marriages took place in LA. After his marriage, Mr Paddock seemed to give up on romance for a while until he met Marilou Danley a casino hostess in Nevada. Paddock would chat with Danley for several years while he gambled before in 2015 he persuaded her romantically.
9. Childless
Image Source: Instagram.com
Despite having two marriages and being in a long-term relationship, Mr Paddock never had any children. It is unknown if Paddock simply did not want children or if he simply couldn't have them...although considering Paddock was a full-time gambler and busy businessman he most likely would have
no time for children. Although he didn't have any biological children, Paddock spent a lot of his childhood raising his younger siblings due to his father being absent and his mother struggling to juggle work and 4 children.
10. He Had An Attitude
Image Source: newsweek.com
According to the FBI, Stephen Paddock was considered arrogant and egotistical...and some of his behaviours have pointed towards just that. Despite not being a cigar smoker paddock always kept one at hand. If someone sat down next to him and smoked in front of him, he would purposely take out a cigar and smoke right back in their face to annoy them. One of his classmates even admitted that Paddock had a lack of respect towards authority and rules in general. He was also known for having a
'god complex' at casinos, wanting quick service no matter how busy the staff were.
11. He Was Smart
Image Source: Pinterest.com
Despite having his attitude Paddock was considered very smart. During high school, Paddock was known for being quite a brainy kid but didn't typically look like a geek. Mr Weinreich a former casino host described Paddock as very analytical, a 'numbers' guy and that he was mentally on a different level than most people who gamble. A close friend of Paddock revealed that the man was
highly intelligent,
strategic and used his knowledge of algorithms to
gamble successfully. He also studied the US Constitution and his rights to own firearms...
12. Could Fly A Plane
Image Source: Instagram.com
Another interesting fact about Stephen Paddock is that he knew how to fly a plane. Pubic FFA records show that he became a
certified pilot in 2003. His certification allowed him to be able to fly a fixed-wing aircraft with a single engine. He owned two planes and even bought houses in Texas and Nevada near small airports so that he could park his planes close by. Unfortunately, in 2010 it appears that Paddock could no longer fly planes as his medical certificate expired and he didn't get it renewed.
13. He Was The Oldest Sibling
Image Source: thestar.com
Paddock was the oldest of four boys and was raised in Arizona. He had a troubled childhood but was considered the least angry out of his brothers and from a young age had to take over as head of the family after his father's imprisonment. He learnt to be
resourceful and
self-reliant whilst he helped his mother with raising his younger siblings. It is unclear why, but Stephen kept his distance from his brothers as he entered adulthood and remained on relatively good terms with his youngest brother Eric Paddock.
14. Described As Boring
Image Source: bellybelly.com.au
Patrick Paddock one of the brothers described his older sibling as
"the most boring one in the family". Instead of doing fun and exciting things in his early years, Paddock spent his 20s and 30s trying to escape poverty by working a variety of different jobs and setting up his real estate business. He tended to keep to himself and didn't have any social media...he spent the majority of his time gambling in solitude. He also didn't seem to have many friends and wasn't overly friendly with his neighbours, so he didn't spend a lot of time socialising.
15. Grew Up Working Class
Image Source: pinterest.com
As discussed before, Paddock grew up in poverty. When Stephen was 7 years old his father was sent to prison and his mother moved the family to South California. His mother Dolores Hudson was a secretary and raised the children on a small wage...she would also never admit where their father went. Paddock secretly admitted to one of his ex-wives that the family suffered quite a lot financially and that his brother would fight over which milk they would be able to get as his mother only had enough whole milk for some.
16. Tough Negotiator
Image Source: spacesworks.com
When you own a successful million-dollar company you need to learn to become a tough negotiator and that is exactly what Steven Paddock was...Todd Franks a real estate broker from Dallas explained how Paddock wouldn't budge easily, especially when discussing certain business ventures and that he wanted
"his price" on
"his terms". He even once cheated on a school project which involved building a bridge, his classmate remarked that Paddock used extra wood and glue to make the strongest bridge in the class and didn't "care what it took".
17. Didn't Enjoy The Finer Things In Life
Image Source: tumblr.com
Unlike most millionaires it seems Stephen Paddock didn't enjoy the finer things in life, preferring to spend his money on gambling and renovating houses. Paddock owned various properties but his houses were unadorned and his neighbours commented on how he never added any personal touches...but maybe this was because he was never home. This being said, Paddock tended to indulge a little whilst he was out gambling. The gambler enjoyed being
doted on by staff who left him feeling important and enjoyed shows and good food at casinos.
18. Once Gambled For 14 Hours Straight
Image Source: Pinterest.co.uk
Disturbingly, Paddock once gambled for 14 hours straight...Frequent gamblers know when to take advantage of casino promotions and they will often
"lock" a machine. This means that nobody else can use that particular machine throughout the game. So during one casino promotion, Mr Paddock rocked up two hours early to make sure he could lock in two machines and play them for the next 14 hours...
How crazy! Paddock spent around 25 years gambling in casinos he most likely tallied up a crazy amount of hours playing video poker.
19. Owned Various Houses
Image Source: heraldsun.com.au
Stephen Paddock owned various houses in many different areas, but despite owning these properties he didn't live in any of them. The last house he bought before his death was in a retirement community in Nevada, which was also around 90 mins from Las Vegas and just like the other properties he paid for it in cash. He also owned properties in Florida, Melbourne and Reno, and these houses had to get searched after the mass shooting, despite them not appearing lived in and authorities did find multiple weapons, ammunition and explosives.
20. Absent Neighbour
Image Source: doyouremember.com
When news broke about the mass shooting in Las Vegas Stephen Paddock's neighbours were shocked. Most of them agreed that even though Paddock wasn't very social, he seemed completely normal and incapable of the murders he committed. The sad reality was that Paddock spent so much time in the casinos that he was practically a ghost in his neighbourhoods and a neighbour from his house in Reno hadn't seen him at his house in a year and a half. But when he did appear in Reno he was curt and would not make conversation or
"eye contact".21. Had Anti-Government Views
Image Source: youtube.com
It became alarmingly clear in the weeks following the mass shooting, that Paddock had strong
far-right beliefs surrounding the US government. People who had met and conversed with him before the Las Vegas tragedy said that he has discussed some of these anti-government and conspiratorial views with them. Days before the shooting one woman overheard Paddock in a restaurant discussing the 25th anniversary of the 'Waco siege' and 'Ruby Ridge standoff' (both anti-government militia movements), which had left an impression on her that she was able to recall the information to the police.
22. Stockpiling
Image Source: pinterest.co.uk
When police raided and investigated Stephen Paddock's properties after the mass shooting, they discovered something shocking...Paddock had been stockpiling firearms, explosives and rounds of ammunition in preparation for the crime he was going to commit. Paddock's deadly stockpiling was never picked up by authorities, as in Nevada there are no laws regulating how many firearms you can legally own. Around
18 guns were discovered by authorities at his home in Mesquite and a further
7 at his residence in Reno...
23. Wired Money To His Girlfriend
Image Source: pinterest.co.uk
Investigators were keen to speak to Paddock's girlfriend Marilou Danley after the Las Vegas massacre, as they believed she might have answers to why he committed such a horrendous crime. Danley had returned home to the Philippines during the time of the shooting and was not involved in any of Paddock's plans, however, she did explain to authorities that Stephen had
wired her a large amount of money and that he was insisting she buy a house with the money. She believed that he was going to break up with her and this was his way of saying sorry.
24. Showed No Behavioural Patterns
Image Source: pinterest.com
Typically when someone commits a crime like Stephen Paddock did there are normally behaviour signs before the event that might indicate why the person did what they did but in Mr Paddock's case there were none. When investigators looked into Paddock's behaviours leading up to the shooting they found no
"single or clear motivating factor" that would make Paddock want to commit this crime or that he wasn't in his right mind. Although his girlfriend Marilou did tell investigators that she was concerned for Paddock's mental health unfortunately this was after the damage was already done.
25. Filed A Negligence Lawsuit
Image Source: reddit.com
After spending the majority of his time in casinos it's not surprising that he once filed a lawsuit against a famous Las Vegas hotel. In 2012, Mr Paddock raised a negligence lawsuit against a casino hotel called
'The Cosmopolitan on the Las Vegas strip. The reason for his lawsuit is that he said that he fell in the hotel lobby because of an
"obstruction"...there was no other information on the incident after that but it was reported that in 2014 all legal action was reportedly dropped by Mr Paddock.
26. Education
Image Source: express.co.uk
Just like the rest of us Stephen Paddock went to school and had an education. Paddock first attended middle school at E.Byrd middle school and then went on to Sun Valley High School in LA, but he would officially graduate in 1971 from John H. Francis Polytechnic High School. After finishing high school Paddock attended the California State University in Northridge where he would spend the next couple of years studying...he would later graduate with a degree in business administration in 1977 which would go on to help him make his fortune.
27. Born In Iowa
Image Source: Pinteres.co.uk
He was originally born in
Clinton, Iowa. At the time of his birth, his family were based in Iowa state, where he would spend his early years before the family moved to Tucson, Arizona. When Paddock was 7 years old his father went to prison for bank robbery and his mother decided the family was in for a change of scenery. She moved her children to
South California...or more specifically to Sun Valley, a Los Angeles neighbourhood. This is where Paddock would spend the rest of his childhood and teenage years.
28. He Was Self-Reliant
Image Source: youtube.com
As we've already seen Paddock had a hard childhood and being the eldest son in the family came with a certain amount of responsibilities. These responsibilities made the young Paddock grow up very fast and become self-reliant, a trait that would follow him into adulthood. He would spend his free time making sure his younger brothers were taken care of, helping his mother around the house and with other chores, and when he finally left home, he worked hard to provide for himself and set himself up for the future.
29. Loved Cruises
Image Source: reddit.com
Although not a lot is known about Paddock's hobbies and interests outside of gambling and guns, it was known that he enjoyed travelling...specifically taking cruises. Being a multi-millionaire came with certain perks...like being able to afford
20 cruise ship holidays! Whilst on these cruises Paddock visited several different foreign ports such as Italy, Jordan, Greece and the United Arab Emirates. His girlfriend joined him on nine of these cruises where they also visited the Philippines and his last cruise was to the Middle East.
30. Was On Valium
Image Source: reddit.com
One of the possible contributing factors why Stephen Paddock did what he did, might have been his use of the prescription drug
Valium. Investigators found that during his last months alive, Paddock began to smell strongly of alcohol and his girlfriend noticed he had become quite
despondent. It was later discovered that Paddock had been filling for the prescription drug Valium (which is an anti-anxiety drug) since 2016. According to the Chief medical officer in La Vegas and a psychiatry professor at Columbia University, the side effects of the drug can be intensified by alcohol and could have caused Paddock to have a mental breakdown.