Proof That Ghosts Really Do Exist

By Molly 9 months ago

1. The Bell Witch

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Kicking off with one of the most famous ghost stories in American history,the Bell Witch. Back in the early 1800s, the Bell family of Tennessee were said to be plagued by supernatural happenings in their home. These hauntings are said to have been seen by several eyewitnesses, which include objects being tossed, pets being harmed and even voices being heard. In fact, the hauntings eventually drove the father, Mr John Bell, to his death.

2. The Ghost of Oxford Milford Road

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Be careful if you're passing through the roads of Oxford, Ohio - as you might encounter the ghost of Oxford Milford road. Starting in 1927, there have been an alarming number of sightings over the years of a motorcyclist, sometimes standing on the side of the road, sometimes hurling past fast on his bike, then simply disappearing into the air. He's said to dressed all in black, with a black motorbike.

3. The White House

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Ghosts are believed to linger in places where they have unfinished business, or in places that were highly significant to them during their mortal lives. With this in mind, it doesn't come as a surprise that the White House is known as one of the most haunted places in the whole of the U.S. To name two examples, the ghosts of Abraham Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln. Witnesses swear that they have seen and heard evidence of these ghosts, including voices and crying.

4. The Ghost of Deer Island

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Deer Island, Mississippi, is said to be home to a headless ghost. Legend says that the spirit belongs to a soldier who was beheaded during his fight in the war. Now, he has been sighted by several witness, each who claim to have seen a man dressed in Confederate uniform, walking through the woods without a head. Some people even claim to have seen him carrying his head under his arm.

5. The Amityville Horror

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In Amityville, New York, back in 1975, the Lutzes family moved into their new home. They immediately started to have strange experiences, which became increasingly concerning. It started with unexplained noises, things moving about the house, escalating to being attacked by supposed spirits. They lasted 28 days in the house, before fleeing out of fear. It's believed that the spirits belonged to the DeFeo family, as they were murdered in the very same house the year before.

6. The sighting of a departed friend

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In 1948, a woman living in Westminster, England, wrote a letter outlining the strange events that happened to her one afternoon as she was returning home. She was rushing when she spotted a couple that she knew well walking down the street, she didn't have time to greet them so went inside. The next day, she received a phone call from a friend telling her that the very same man she had seen had died some days earlier.

7. The Enfield Poltergeist

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The Hodgson family, in particular sisters Janet and Margaret Hodgson, were reported to be victims of poltergeist activity in their homes. The events happened in Enfield, London, starting in 1977 and continuing for 2 years. Apparently, the family heard knocking noises and began to notice furniture was moving around by itself. The unusual occurrences worsened, with unexplained voices being heard, even the sisters levitating.

8. The Holiday Haunting

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In 1885, a family rented a holiday home in Isle of Wight, off the South coast of England. Whilst they stayed here, each family member and the house staff experienced unsettling events. There were reports that a figure had passed by whilst walking down the corridors, cold hands were felt touching their skin, bells were rung without explanation and the two young girls fled their beds at night, claiming to have seen a figure walking around their bedroom.

9. The Ghost of La Parva Ski Resort

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At the La Parva Ski Resort in Chile, a bunch of friends ended up living their own real life horror story whilst they're up in the mountains on a ski holiday. The strange happenings started with hearing unusual noises whilst they were on the ski lift, which developed into seeing unexplained figures in the snow and footsteps behind them when nobody was there. In fact, the friends even say that they saw a woman, dressed in white, screaming at them.

10. The Winchester Mystery House

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Sarah Winchester, widow of firearms magnate William Wirt Winchester, once resided in a mansion in San Jose, known as the Winchester Mystery House. The house was designed in a very peculiar way, featuring staircases that didn't lead anywhere, windows overlooking rooms and even doors which opened into walls. But it wasn't just the architecture that was unusual. Mrs Winchester swore that those who had been killed by Winchester rifles lived within the walls and haunted her.

11. The Disappearing Lady

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Madge Smith documented memories of her paranormal experience on paper in 1948. She recalled that whilst out walking in Devon, England, she spotted a woman who appeared to be in extreme distress. The woman was crying, with immense pain written in her facial expression. Filled with concern for the woman, Madge followed her in attempt to help. But before she could reach her, she watched the woman vanish into thin air. No other spectators were ever able to see the woman at all.

12. The Stanley Hotel

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As far as haunted buildings go, the Stanley Hotel is up there with one of the most famous. The hotel is in Estes Park, Colorado, where for many years throughout history, numerous strange and unexplained occurrences have happened. To name a particularly striking story, in 1911, it was reported that housekeeper Elizabeth Wilson died following an explosion in room 217. Several different guests who have stayed in this room report seeing a figure, hearing things and having a general feeling of unease.

13. The Forgotten Village

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In 1942, a couple were talking a walk through a forest when they stumbled upon a wide open space without any trees. The man immediately said he felt uneasy and wanted to leave, and the woman agreed that she felt an overwhelming feeling of depression, hopelessness and misery wash over her. They left, and returned to their hotel, where they told a staff member about their experience. They were then told that this spot used to be a village, that was lost in the snow, causing the residents to all starve to death.

14. The Death Carriage

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An account was found in a handwritten diary in Kent, England, which dated back to 1868. A man noted that a member of his family had passed away at just 26 years old. He said that he had noticed a pattern, that just before any member of the family passed, there could be carriage wheels heard driving to his door. Whenever he looked outside, there was never a carriage there.

15. The Queen Mary

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Over the years, there have been a number of different accounts of paranormal activity on the Queen Mary ocean liner. It was a British ship, but is now a museum in Long Beach, California. People have heard unexplained noises, experienced strange cold spots and seen flickering lights. Some people even say that they have seen figures of supposed ghosts, including a fireman, soldier and a little boy.

16. The Supernatural vista

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A family were living on a ranch in rural Montana back in the 1960s. The young boys were out in the fields one day when they were stopped in their tracks. In front of them were three dead cows that had been perfectly aligned in a circle. There was no blood, but their reproductive organs appeared to have been surgically removed. There was never an explanation as to how this happened.

17. The Pentagon

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In Arlington county, Virginia is the famous Pentagon. This building is said to be home of the ghost of Robert Furman, who was killed during an attack in Pearl Harbor back in 1941. Some people believe they have seen Robert Furman walking around the halls, and others say they have distinctly heard his voice. Doors are said to open and slam shut by themselves, lights flicker and objects go missing.

18. The Horse Whisperer

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A farmer living in Devon in the 1970s reported that they would often smell a strong scent of tobacco smoke inside their horse barn. Nobody on the farm was a smoker, so it didn't make any sense where this smell was coming from. One day, close to their horse being due to give birth, they ran into complications. The farmer desperately struggled to calm the horse down when the smell of smoke came again. Immediately, the horse settled and the farmer felt a comforting presence. They later discovered the previous owner, now dead, were animal lovers who all smoked pipes.

19. The Gettysburg Battlefield

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The Gettysburg Battlefield is another of America's most haunted spots. During the Civil War, there were more than 40,000 casualties here. So, it doesn't come as a surprise that there are said to be numerous ghosts of soldiers wandering through the battlefield. Visitors have heard cries of pain, screams, cold spots and unusual figures. Scary right? Does this make you believe in ghosts?

20. The Canine's Visitor

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A woman living in an old house in England recalled the events of a ghostly visit to her home one evening. Their dog suddenly sprang to its feet, ran excitedly to the door wagging its tail, as though greeting a new visitor. In fact, the dog even then trotted back into the living room, glancing up beside him, as though bringing the visitor into the room.

21. The Mary Celeste

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The Mary Celeste ship was abandoned, found in the Atlantic Ocean in 1872. The strange thing was, there was absolutely no clues as to what happened to the captain and his crew. Many people who have been onboard the ship swear that the boat is haunted by the old crew. There are many different theories about where the crew vanished to, but the case has never been solved.

22. The Crying Lady

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The Dakota apartment building is a well known building in New York City. In fact, it was this building where John Lennon lived, and where he was shot in 1980. Before he was assassinated, Lennon swore that he had seen the ghost of a woman. He claimed the woman to be crying and walking through the hallways. After his murder, his girlfriend Yoko Ono claimed that she had seen Lennon sitting at a piano in the building.

23. The Ghosts of the Crescent Hotel

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You can actually pay to stay overnight at the Crescent Hotel. It's in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. But, would you want to? This hotel has a dark history. Cursed from the get-go, a worker was killed whilst constructing the building. There are reports of people staying in the hotel seeing the figure of the worker. But, it doesn't stop there. Norman Baker was a medical fraud, who used this building to pose as a hospital in 1937. Sadly, many patients died under his care until he was eventually arrested. The spirits of his victims are said to roam the hotel.

24. The Catacombs of Paris

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The Catacombs are a network of underground tunnels in Paris. It's believed that they were used to bury the dead in the 18th century. Some people have ventured down to explore the tunnels, but many have returned to say they had unsettling experiences whilst down there. In 1973, a curious man entered the tunnels and disappeared. He was found dead 11 years later.

25. The Huggin' Molly

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Abbeville, Alabama, is home to the legend of Huggin' Molly. Locals say that after nightfall, there's known to be a large figure dressed in black that lurks in the streets. If the figure sees you, it is said to hug you and scream into your ears. Since the 1900s, there have been different accounts of people reporting being chased by such a figure in the night.

26. The Ghost of Bellamy Bridge

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In the 1830s, Elizabeth Jane Croom Bellamy and Dr. Samuel C. Bellamy married. Tragically, her wedding dress caught fire, leaving her badly injured with severe burns. Elizabeth sadly passed away shortly after her wedding day, and was buried along the banks of the Chipola River. Since this day, passers by have claimed to have seen a woman, dressed in white wandering the banks and diving into the river as though trying to put out a fire.

27. The Tower of London

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Throughout history, there were many executions held at the Tower of London in England. The Tower has also held numerous prisoners, and seen multiple tragedies over the years. There are several different ghosts which are said to haunt the Towers, all of which were either killed or imprisoned here during their mortal lives. One example is Anne Boleyn, who was the second wife of Henry VIII.

28. The Surrency House Ghost

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A family moved into a house in Surrency, Georgia, in the 1870s. Their paranormal experiences grew increasingly severe during their time there. From flying objects, hearing laughter, crying and even seeing red eyes looking at them into the house. In fact, the family reported that their dinnerware and cutlery was twisted into strange shapes with no explanation. Eventually, the family couldn't take any more and moved out. The locals were afraid, and the building was eventually burned to the ground in 1925.

29. The Biltmore Estate

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George Washington Vanderbilt II built the Biltmore Estate in the late 19th century. This huge mansion is said to be home to several different ghosts. One of which includes Vanderbilt himself, who has been sighted in the master bedroom and the library. Another spirit is his wife Edith, who witnesses claim to have seen by the piano. There is also said to be an unidentified lady, dressed in grey, who appears to be sad and lonely, wandering the grounds.

30. Zombie Road

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Just outside of St. Louis, Missouri is Zombie Road. It's named this way as there have been several occurrences of paranormal activity over the years. The activity is thought to stem from the fact that there used to be train tracks here, where many accidents and casualties happened. There have been unusual sightings and even murders here. In fact, it's now completely out of bounds once night falls, and there are even fines in place to stop trespassers.

31. The Lizzie Borden House, USA

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Massachusetts itself in the US is known for being a paranormal hotspot, with many places supporting the idea that ghosts exist, but none more so than the Lizzie Borden House. The house is said to be such a place of the supernatural because it's said to be the place where Borden allegedly murdered her father and stepmother in the 1800s. Many people claim to see the spirits of the murdered father and stepmother still lurking around.

32. Aokigahara Forest, Japan

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You might have heard tales of the 'Suicide Forest' in Japan, and this is it: Aokigahara Forest, which has been the chosen spot for over 500 people to tragically take their lives. The amount of death in this forest has led it to be considered one of the most haunted places in the world, with these tormented souls remaining within the trees. People who visit the forest claim ghosts try to lure people off the path, too.

33. Poveglia Island, Italy

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This island is famous for its ghostly activity and apparent sightings, and it's enough to convince most people ghosts exist - and to stay well clear of them on this island! This island was actually a quarantine zone in the 1800s for plague victims, and due to the amount of suffering in this location - as well as the mass graves - you can understand why it might be home to a ghost or two.

34. Island of Dolls, Mexico

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If an island of ghosts doesn't sound creepy enough to you, how about an island of ghosts AND creepy dolls? That's what you'll find at Xochimilco in Mexico. This place has a legend about a girl who tragically drowned in the water nearby, and when the man who found her body hung a doll in the tree nearby, he began to be tormented by her spirit. He hung more and more dolls until his body itself was found in the same spot the girl had died. Now people claim to hear a little girl's laugh...

35. Casa Loma, Canada

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This place is swamped in ghostly mystery, including people feeling their hands being touched, the ghost of a gardener that apparently wanders the grounds, and the most famous of all, the White Lady, who has been on the second floor of the castle and believed to be the spirit of a maid who once worked there. The castle decided to take advantage of the ghosts and it's now a haunted house attraction.

36. Chateau de Brissac, France

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The legend of this haunted castle goes that the apparent illegitimate daughter of King of France, Charles VII, was killed inside its walls by her husband after he discovered she was having an affair. Visitors to the place now claim to see the ghost of a woman they've called The Green Lady due to the color of the dress she's wearing as she's roaming the halls... And if you want to see for yourself, you can actually stay the night.

37. The Haunted Vicarage, Sweden

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The Old Vicarage is known for being one of the most haunted places in Sweden, and it was actually the original priests who lived there who started to experience paranormal activity and claim their things were being moved. The stories of spirit activity continued, and people believe the ghosts could be those of previous maids or priests who lived there and passed on.

38. Hoia Baciu Forest, Romania

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There's more than one spooky forest in the world which is enough proof for some people that ghosts exist, and the Hoia Baciu Forest in Romania is one of them. People who venture into this forest claim to feel like they're being watched, while others have experienced the whole deal by actually seeing ghostly figures, or having ghosts appear in photos they've taken...

39. Corvin Castle, Transylvania

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Transylvania itself has a spooky reputation, but it's here you can find a lot of reports of ghostly activity. Corvin Castle is actually the location where the famous man from vampire myth, Vlad the Impaler, was known for keeping his prisoners... and impaling them, of course. With such a violent and grim history, if there was ever to be a place haunted by ghosts, it would be this one.

40. The Monte Cristo Homestead, Australia

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The history of this property is riddled with tragedy, which means it's a prime spot for ghostly activity which has indeed been reported. It began with the original family whose child died there after falling from the stairs, while a maid fell to her death from the balcony and a stable boy was burned alive. Later, a man was chained up there for 40 years, and another person was murdered there. So as far as grim places go with a number of tormented souls... this is one of the most significant.

41. The Castle of Good Hope, South Africa

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The name might make you think this is more of a positive place, but the Castle of Good Hope is actually the sight of quite a few haunting reports. The first was the apparition of a man on one of the walls, who was later seen in following years to be actually jumping off the wall, or walking around. Another ghost soon appeared at the site, the Lady in Grey, seen running through the castle.

42. The Ancient Ram Inn, England

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England isn't short of a ghost story or two either, and this inn is supposed to be the most haunted place in the whole of the United Kingdom... but some say it could be the most haunted place in the world. If that isn't enough to convince you that ghosts are real, we don't know what will! The inn has had stories of human sacrifice in its past as well as devil worship alongside ghostly apparitions. Its said to have been so bad that guests have even left in the middle of the night to flee for their lives.

43. Banff Springs Hotel, Canada

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This hotel has a reputation for being a luxury resort, but it also has a reputation for being haunted. A number of guests have reported seeing the ghost of a bride - a bride who apparently fell down the stairs of the hotel and broke her neck after her dress caught fire. Not only that, but the ghosts of a family who were murdered in one of the rooms, and the ghost of a bellman who haunts the guests.

44. Old Changi Hospital, Singapore

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Any old hospital has the potential to be a hotbed for ghostly activity, and this one in Singapore was once used as a torture camp and prison for captives of the Japanese Secret Police. A lot of people died her, whether as patients or as executed prisoners. There have been many sightings of ghosts in this place, including spirits of children, loud banging and even louder screaming.

45. Mary King's Close, Scotland

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In the Old Town of Edinburgh, Scotland, is Mary King's Close, which is a series of winding alleyways, supposedly haunted due to the long history of these walkways. They were once used by merchants or residents living in the slums, and these days (as the walkways are now closed off, but you can take tours) people claim to feel uneasy, sick or have things thrown at their head by ghosts that linger there.

46. Eastern State Penitentiary, USA

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This place is apparently so haunted that you only need to go in the doorway to know how bad the supernatural activity is. This penitentiary found in Pennsylvania was a former prison that housed patients victim to horrible torture methods. The prison itself closed down in the 70s, but it's now open as a museum and anyone who walks there feels uneasy.

47. Hashima Island, Japan

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This creepy island in Japan used to be a coal mine before it was abandoned, and its now said that the ghosts themselves never left. The place is so eerie and steeped in tragic history, it's a prime example of why ghosts exist. The workers on the island had to endure harsh conditions that were so bad it resulted in 200 deaths. If you went there today, it's said you can hear their ghostly voices.

48. St. Augustine Lighthouse, USA

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This is a pretty beautiful tourist spot, but as these things go, this is another place that pretty much proves ghosts exist with the amount of activity going on. The historic lighthouse had a previous lighthouse keeper fall to his death, while three girls drowned in the ocean around it. People have reported seeing the ghost of the keeper, and hearing the sound of children laughing.

49. Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, USA

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If you're looking for a source of ghostly activity, number one stops should usually be old asylums - as nothing good usually happens in these places. This one, in West Virginia, was subject to what most are through history - the wrong approaches to mental health issues, including lobotomies and electroshock therapy. Many patients died in these walls, and it's now said their tortured souls still haunt the halls.

50. Hotel Monte Vista, USA

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In Arizona, this old hotel is the subject of many, many reports of ghost activity. Some of the most famous ghosts have been an old woman in one of the rooms, rocking in a chair, as well as the sounds of babies crying, or ghostly housekeepers spotted trying to continue their chores. There have been deaths in this hotel in history, too, while people claim to see their spirits still wander...