Club Doorman Reveals Their Craziest Stories

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. Discovering a secret organization

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One club doorman had a very crazy experience working at a very wealthy, highly exclusive city club. He had noticed a group of well-dressed men entering the club on various occasions and something about their whispered conversations and secret hand signals raised flags in his mind. He kept an eye on them and even investigated the area of the club they had stayed and he found secret coded messages and symbols. He informed law enforcement and discovered that this was a criminal group running a very powerful drug and sex trafficking ring!

2. Undercover cop operations in the club!

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Another club doorman on another instance found that there was a secret cop operation happening in his club. Of course, he didn't know it at the time until the gang that the police were set out to uncover was busted. It turned out that they were involved in some very high-up, organized crime ring and he had witnessed some of it unfold before his very eyes!

3. Sometimes they are the last to see people and are involved in a law investigation

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One doorman spoke of his very tragic experience in which he was one of the last people to see a woman known to be alive. She had been out with her friends and he, nor anyone else had seen the club. Police searched and she couldn't be found anywhere. The club doorman had to work with police to try and locate her and retrace her last steps before she disappeared.

4. People try to get illegal things into clubs

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One of the craziest things that club doormen reveal is the amount of contraband and things that have to be confiscated before they enter the club. Some of these are by no means legal and may include things such as weapons or illegal substances or many other bizarre person even tried to sneak a snake into the club! They then try and use the money to get bribe the doormen to give them back!

5. I'll give you 'Money to change your life to spy on my husband'

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Another doorman had a very crazy experience when he was offered 'money that will change your life' by a woman. Her husband was a regular at this very wealthy club where he worked. Her wife approached him one night asking him to report back to her on whether her husband was having an affair with other women in the club. He said that no amount of money was worth ruining a marriage!

6. People get up to all sorts of things in clubs

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According to one club doorman, people wouldn't even believe the kinds of things that people get up to in clubs. In fact, in his opinion, you could think of the craziest things, and it actually truly does happen within a club! He worked at a very exclusive club in NYC and found that before working at a club he had no idea about all the sordid activities that people got up to!

7.  Some clubs have secret rooms

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One club doorman worked in the USA in one of the wealthiest nightclubs and most exclusive around - the name of which was kept a secret! He said that the club he worked at had secret rooms with mattresses and rubber walls - and the ideas your mind conjures up are probably correct. And inside these rooms, all the kinds of sordid activities, both illegal and explicit were happening on a very frequent basis. And many of these people were 'VIPs'.

8. There have even been deaths

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Now when we think of the night time economy and the club scene we think of the hedonistic fun it offers. But there's a very dark side too. And one club man had seen the very darkest of all. He shared his experience in which he had found that emergencies and even death were not uncommon sights. Sometimes this was caused by acts of violence, too much alcohol, or illegal substances!

9. Women flashing themselves

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What seemed to be a recurring theme by club doormen was the extent that people would go to get inside the club! And one doorman shared his experience of working outside a club and women actually flashing him with no clothes on to try and either gain entry that they had been denied or to try and jump the queue and gain favor with the doormen to get priority in the club!

10. Illegal substances are common

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Sadly, although the club scene can be super fun it can also go hand in hand with some darker elements and illegal activity. For example, club doormen have revealed that illegal substances are super, super common in the big clubs in cities and that it can be impossible to confiscate all of them before they enter the club. It can cause a lot of problems and unpredictable behavior, including violent outbursts!

11. The 'I know the owner' line is heard one too many times

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'Oh, I can skip the queue I know the owner', 'you can't refuse me entry I know the owner', 'If you kick me out...I'll call the owner they're my friend'. Now this line is one of the most pretentious phrases ever, isn't it? And the amount of times that it is heard is unbelievable, as stated by a doorman who heard this almost every night. And, the majority of the time it is completely untrue!

12. People requesting that they kick people out of the club

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One doorman said that another request they constantly hear is someone coming up to them, requesting that they kick another person out of the club either because they don't like them because they're an ex, or because they're jealous or have a disagreement with someone. One man even had a bar woman working at the club request that he banned her ex-boyfriend from coming to the club.

13. The clubs sometimes hide the money that they make

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Now club owners and managers do not always do things by the book according to one barman who experienced working at a club where a lot of illegal activity took place. According to him, the cash intake from the night would be collected and stored in secret places around the club. This meant that it was not declared by the club so that they could avoid paying tax on it.

14. Being hit on countless times

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Doormen have also shared multiple stories of being hit on multiple times by both men and women. One doorman, in particular, said that being slipped a phone number or being complimented in a polite way could be very flattering. But, sometimes people took it too far and would throw themselves at the doormen leaving them feeling super awkward and uncomfortable!

15. Some people come looking for a fight

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Multiple clubmen shared their stories of how some men come to them seeking out a fight, simply because they were either under the influence or because they wanted to seek some kind of reputation by picking a fight with a man of status or stature. It can be super hard to diffuse the fight without it escalating into a violent altercation or a streetside brawl!

16. VIPs are often the wildest

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This barman worked at a city hotspot, one of the most popular clubs chosen by celebrities to enjoy their weekend. And so he witnessed celebrities of all kinds in a variety of different states. And after working in this environment he believed that VIPs were actually the wildest. Although it was a part of the club's rules not to declare what these people did...he did say it was extremely crazy!

17. Someone pretending to be a part of the SIA

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One man found experienced a man coming up to him trying to gain entry into the club he had been refused by pretending that he was a member of the SIA, there on a secret mission. He had zero proof and a very half-hearted and messy attempt at a story that sounded completely false. It's just one of very many wild stories people will make up to get into a club!

18. Some club doormen are attacked

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Another sad reality of being a club doorman is that it is not an uncommon thing to actually be physically attacked. Unfortunately, when people are fuelled with alcohol, their judgment lapses, and some people even become aggressive or violent. Other people may be under the influence of other substances which can also make people act unpredictably and some club doormen have been brutally attacked. Doormen have also witnessed fellow doormen attack those who have been aggressive to them!

19. Abuse can come as often as every 20 minutes

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Sadly, abuse when being a club doorman is something that happens all of the time. In fact, one club man who worked in the middle of a huge, busy city said that the verbal (and sometimes physical) abuse came on average about every 20 minutes. This was usually when people were refused entry, or they were queuing for a long time, or just because their judgment had been completely impaired.

20. They have to oversee 3000 clubbers each weekend

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Imagine having to oversee around 3000 clubbers every single weekend. A barman from the center of NYC in one of the hottest nightclubs found himself having to deal with thousands of customers every weekend. With that, you can only imagine the kind of chaos that occurred. He found being a doorman here gave him a completely new insight into the human nature of people and how they behave!

21. People go to extremes to gain entry

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Now when we say that people go to extremes to get into the club we probably couldn't even imagine it in our wildest dreams according to one doorman. They've had impersonations, identical twin tricks for example. And, studio 54 used to be one of the most sought-after club experiences in the world for some time. An ex-club doorman revealed that people used to climb walls down entire buildings and buy secret maps which claimed to know secret passages to enter!

22. People are seen in the worst states

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Unfortunately, one doorman remarks, seeing people in their worst states is a part of the job. And sadly this comes with the physical results such as vomit, people peeing themselves, and even worse. But not only do doormen see people in their worst physical states, but they also witness people clubbing to escape from major life events that have left them reeling and they are trying to find a distraction.

23. Doormen see extremely famous people

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As the doorman to exclusive and wealthy clubs, they see extremely famous people. A-list celebrities, even former presidents such as Donald Trump who used to be a regular in the exclusive and iconic club named Studio 54. Some of the most famous people in the world are regulars in clubs for example, in California it's a hotspot for Hollywood and A-lister celebrities!

24. Instinct has to be acted on to prevent tragedy!

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According to one doorman, he had to use his instinct in order to prevent a terrible tragedy or a very violent and dangerous outburst. He had spotted a man and claimed that he could visibly see how agitated and worked up he was he could literally sense the anger seething from him. He kept glancing at another man and after an hour he strode over with a look of unwavering intent and the doorman thankfully intervened before he could reach him. It turned out that the man had a vendetta he wanted to avenge.

25. People get intimate in clubs...

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Clubs aren't exactly the most romantic of locations, but that doesn't mean that they aren't an atmosphere where the intimacy and passion seem to be rife. And seeing clubbers with their faces locked is one thing....but doormen have seen much, much worse. The dimmed lights, the alcohol, the atmosphere seems to be a place where debauchery in many aspects thrives!

26. Some doormen have been shot at

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One thing is witnessing people acting irresponsibly, another completely unimaginable level is when people actually SHOOT at doormen. And this has happened in certain places when people haven't been let into the club. This has been taken to such a level that they have then sought the most serious kind of revenge. One doorman revealed that a car had driven past and shot at his foot!

27. Doormen can be very picky and people take it personally

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Doormen reserve the right to refuse entry on matters such as behavior, whether they are deemed too drunk or simply because the club is full. But also doormen can be very picky according to the policy of the club. If the club has a strict dress code then they may turn people away based on the fact they aren't deemed appropriately dressed. Some people take this VERY personally despite it being nothing of the sort.

28. Someone tried to bring in a pet snake

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One club doorman said that strange behavior was totally commonplace and being a club doorman declared that he had witnessed all kinds of things...for example, one night a man came in dressed in a  full suit which was not so unusual. In fact, he was about to go inside when he spotted the head of a SNAKE slithering out of his shirt. Of course, the man was removed...along with the snake!

29. They witness countless breakups and makeups

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If you've been clubbing you'll know yourself just how much drinking too much alcohol on a night out can affect and heighten your emotions. There have been countless times in which doormen have witnessed explosive arguments, ugly makeup, and even super emotional make-ups. Club nights can never be predictable unless you always expect the unexpected!

30. Witnessing proposals

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It's definitely not all illicit activity on the club scene. Being a club doorman you also experience people being at their pinnacle, having the time of their life! And, so much so that there have even been many impromptu proposals witnessed (or even surprisingly some planned) within the club. Sometimes the club holds some kind of emotional prominence in the couple's life.