Podiatrist Reveals Mistakes We Are All Making With Our Feet

By Paula Tudoran 8 months ago

Skipping the Warm-Up Wiggle

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Before you dive into action, spare a moment for your feet. They're your trusty companions, so treat them to a little warm-up. A few wiggles, toe stretches, and ankle rotations can wake up those muscles and ensure they're ready for the day's adventures.

Shoe Seduction Over Support

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We've all fallen for those alluring shoes that seem to whisper our names. But hold on! Don't let the seduction blind you to the importance of proper arch support. Without it, you might be dancing through discomfort rather than striding with confidence.

Ignoring Toenail TLC

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Trimming your toenails might seem like a small task, but ignore it at your own peril. Going too short or uneven can pave the way for ingrown nails that'll transform your steps into wincing dances. Give your toenails the TLC they deserve, and trim them with care.

Rampant Sock Abuse

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Socks are your feet's best friends, but not all socks are created equal. Don't subject your feet to low-quality, suffocating socks. Opt for breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that keep your feet cool, dry, and free from unwanted fungal hitchhikers.

DIY Pedicure Perils

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A DIY pedicure can be a delightful self-care session, but remember, moderation is key. While scrubbing away calluses and dead skin, don't get carried away and accidentally scrub off your foot's natural defenses. Pamper your feet sensibly for the best results.

Arch Enemy Heels

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High heels might give you an instant boost in height and confidence, but they can also be your feet's arch enemies. Over time, they can lead to shortened Achilles tendons, making flat shoes an agony to wear. Balance is the key — save those stilettos for special occasions, and let your feet breathe in comfy flats.

Flip-Flop Fallout

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While flip-flops are your summer pals, they're not designed for the long haul. Remember, they offer as much support as a feather mattress on a brick floor. Keep them for quick errands and beach strolls, and give your feet more supportive companions for lengthier adventures.

Neglecting Foot Muscles

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Your feet aren't just passive supporters; they're muscles that deserve a workout, too. A simple trick? Use your toes to pick up marbles or towels off the floor. It's like a mini-gym session for your feet, helping them stay strong and ready for whatever challenges come your way.

Overzealous Callus Removal

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Calluses might not win any beauty contests, but they're there for a reason. While it's tempting to go all out with your callus buffer, remember that these layers provide a natural shield against friction. Buff them sensibly to maintain a balance between smoothness and protection.

Shower Shoe Shyness

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Public showers might be convenient, but they're also notorious hangouts for fungi and bacteria. Don't let your feet get cozy with these unwelcome guests. Always play it safe by donning a pair of trusty shower shoes — your feet will thank you for the added protection.

Incorrect Shoe Sizing

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Squeezing into shoes that resemble Cinderella's stepsisters' mistake is a recipe for disaster. Tight shoes cramp your toes, and over time, this can lead to bunions, corns, and an overall uncomfortable experience. Choose shoes that allow your toes to wiggle and breathe.

Speedy Shoe Shopping

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Shoe shopping isn't a sprint; it's a leisurely stroll. Your feet are happiest when they're treated to a fitting session. Since feet can swell during the day, shop in the afternoon when they're at their largest, ensuring a better match with your chosen pair.

Running Shoe Relay

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Your running shoes might feel like trusty companions, but they do have a shelf life. Just like your favorite track on repeat, running shoes lose their magic after around 300-500 miles. Swap them out for a fresh pair to keep enjoying the proper support your feet need to stay in stride.

Forgotten Foot Sunscreen

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Don't let your feet bear the brunt of the sun's wrath. While you lather up the rest of your body, spare a thought for those often-neglected tootsies. Apply sunscreen to shield them from painful burns, especially when you're frolicking on sandy shores or enjoying a sunny day by the pool.

Weekend Warrior Syndrome

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Your weekday sedentary self might have grand plans for weekend adventures, but don't rush into it like a charging bull. Your feet, in particular, need a gentle introduction to increased activity. Sudden bursts of physical activity can invite blisters and pain to the weekend party.

Stairway Struggles

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Climbing stairs isn't just a mundane task; it's an opportunity for a mini-leg workout. However, don't solely rely on the balls of your feet to propel you upward. Distribute the effort evenly between your toes and heels to save those calf muscles from unnecessary strain.

Prolonged Pedi-Plunge

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Dipping your feet into a warm, soothing soak is like heaven after a long day. But here's the catch: Don't let your feet have too much of a good thing. Limit your foot spa sessions to around 10 minutes. Prolonged soaking can lead to waterlogged skin, causing its own set of problems.

Arch-Enemy Flats

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Flat shoes might be your go-to for comfort, but they're not your feet's best friends. Their lack of arch support can set the stage for unwelcome guests like plantar fasciitis. If you're attached to your flats, consider using orthotic inserts to give your arches the lift they need.

Ignoring Foot Pain

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Your feet are like your body's early warning system. If they're sounding the pain alarm, don't just put on earmuffs. Ignoring persistent foot pain can lead to bigger issues down the road. Play it safe and consult a podiatrist who can diagnose the problem and help you put your best foot forward.

Mindless Massage

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Massaging your feet is a gift you can give yourself anytime but don't just go on autopilot. Direct your kneading efforts to the arch, heel, and balls of your feet. These areas tend to hold the most tension, and a mindful massage session can send waves of relaxation through your entire body.

Tightening Those Laces

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Lacing up your shoes might feel like a snug embrace, but don't go overboard. Cinching your laces too tight can unwittingly squeeze your feet, leading to nerve compression and circulation hiccups. Strike the right balance to ensure comfort and healthy blood flow with every step.

Barefoot Blunders

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Sure, feeling the earth beneath your feet is liberating, but going barefoot 24/7 isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Your delicate feet are exposed to a world of potential hazards, from sharp objects to germs. Embrace the freedom, but remember to slip on some shoes when the terrain gets tricky.

Neglecting Hydration

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Your skin loves hydration, and your feet are no exception. Neglecting to hydrate can leave your feet looking and feeling like parched deserts. Remember, drinking enough water isn't just good for your overall health — it's the secret to maintaining soft, crack-free feet too.

Workout Shoe Woes

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Cross-trainers might be versatile, but like a multitasking jack-of-all-trades, they have limits. Using them for activities they weren't designed for can lead to discomfort, injury, and possibly even a strained relationship with your once-beloved shoes. Choose the right shoe for the right activity to keep your feet smiling.

Arch Support Overload

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Arch support is like a helping hand for tired feet, but not every shoe craves its assistance. Adding orthotic inserts to shoes that are already well-equipped can lead to arch overload and unnecessary discomfort. Keep things balanced by reserving those inserts for shoes that genuinely need the extra support.

Overlooking Medical Conditions

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Your feet might be whispering hints about bigger health issues. Changes in your feet can be early indicators of conditions like diabetes. Don't dismiss these signs as mere coincidences. Keep an attentive eye on your foot's transformations and seek professional advice if something seems amiss.

Soggy Shoe Sin

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Wet shoes might seem harmless, but they can transform into breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi. Swiftly swapping soggy shoes for dry ones is more than a hygiene tip; it's a move that safeguards your feet from unwanted microbial parties and keeps them comfortable and odor-free.

Stubbornness with Bunions

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Family traits might be endearing, but not when it comes to bunions. If these unwelcome bumps have a history of cropping up in your lineage, don't turn a blind eye. Start preventive measures early, like choosing proper footwear and practicing foot exercises. Don't let bunions write your foot's future story.

Pedicure Paranoia

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That salon pedicure might sound like a heavenly treat, but don't ignore your inner detective. Before settling into the pedicure chair, ensure the salon practices strict hygiene. Their commitment to cleanliness can make all the difference in avoiding post-pedicure infections and maintaining healthy feet.

Sitting For Too Long

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Your feet are made for movement, so don't leave them hanging in the air for too long. Extended periods of sitting can lead to swollen feet that might resemble overstuffed sausages. Remember, the solution is simple: stand up, stretch those legs, and take a leisurely walk to remind your feet that life is meant to be in motion.

The biggest walking mistakes you didn't know you were making

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It's just walking, right? How hard can it be? You might think there's no right or wrong when it comes to walking, when actually, there are a ton of walking mistakes you might be making that could be negatively impacting your feet, as well as other areas of your health and lifestyle!

Wearing the wrong footwear for different needs

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Wearing the wrong footwear for walking is amongst the biggest feet mistakes, according to podiatrists. You need to have shoes that fit properly, feel good to wear and are supportive. Even if you're going for a leisurely stroll, you need supportive shoes for the movement, so you shouldn't be out on a walk through the park in ballerina flats.

Taking steps that are far too wide

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How wide you step is also important for avoiding pain and even injury. If you're overdoing it on the wide stance, the extra effort to land and to balance may eventually result in injuries like shin splints if you're overextending and landing too hard. Keep your steps relatively small.

Continuing to stay on your feet when you're in pain

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For active people who like to take a walk every day, there's nothing worse than pain stopping you from achieving your potential - so likely, you soldier on through the pain. Don't! If your feet are in pain, they're trying to tell you something, such as you're going far too hard or intense with activity far too soon.

Walking at too leisurely a pace

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This entirely depends on what your goals are, but if you're going to take a walk, you might as well have it benefit your health while you're there! If you're walking too leisurely, your heart rate isn't getting up enough to give you any real benefits. You should be walking at a moderately intense pace to reap the rewards.

Not breaking in your new shoes

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You're excited to use your new walking shoes straight away, so you set out on a big walk - only to find they're killing your feet, you have blisters and you wish you'd never bought them. You can never know fully walking around a store how your shoes are going to fare, so take time to break them in before taking them on that first big hike!

Not making a plan for somewhere new

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Finding new walks is exciting, but it also needs extra planning. Even if it's only somewhere local and not a big hike, you need to try and plan the route ahead of time, and how you get back home or back to your car. It's amazing how easily things can go wrong on a new walk with one simple path mistake!

Not moving your arms the right amount

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Surprisingly, your arms are a key component to a successful walk! They act as a counterbalance to your leg movement. If you were to try and walk without moving your arms, apart from looking like a penguin you'd be able to feel the excess strain on your hips. You shouldn't be swinging your arms far too much, or too little - let the natural movement take over for you based on your speed.

Putting too much strain on your neck and shoulders

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You can easily walk with built in tension in your shoulders without even realizing it. It's important to loosen everything up around your neck and shoulders and let your arms move naturally. If you're hunching or tensed up top, it's going to make your walk very uncomfortable by the end of it!

Choosing music over awareness

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Going for a walk is one of the best opportunities to listen to your favorite Spotify playlist - but it's also one of the biggest mistakes you can make if you're not staying aware of your surroundings. Even if you're not in the middle of nowhere, you need to be aware of things around you like other pedestrians, traffic or any other goings on.

Not drinking water throughout the walk

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Some people chug a load of water before they head out, go on a 30-40 minute walk, and then chug another pint of water when they get back. While this might still sound like you're effectively hydrating, it's much better to drink water consistently throughout your walk.

Your dog is pulling ahead

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If all of your walks are dog walks, then your dog can significantly impact a healthy walk for you depending on how you're behaving. You should train a dog not to pull for many reasons, and this includes to protect yourself from injury or strain when a dog is pulling on one outstretched arm holding the leash.

You forget about good posture

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We always focus on good posture when we're sat in a chair or eating (as we should) but it's so easy to forget about it when you're out walking! Good posture while walking is important, as you need to make sure your shoulders are back, you aren't slouched and your head is up.

You're too flat-footed

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If you walk in a more flat-footed way, where your steps are more slapping down onto the ground rather than a rolling movement, then you could suffer some discomfort in the long run - and we don't just mean your feet. Walking flat-footed can actually have consequences for your hips and knees.

You're pushing forward with the front leg instead of back

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When you're propelling yourself forward with every step, you have two options: the correct option, which is to push from the back leg, and the incorrect way, which is to try and push with the leg in front. Doing the latter means you're putting extra strain on your pelvis and even your back!

You don't tense your core

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Walking really is a full body engagement, and this includes your core - which should be engaged at all times when walking. It's so easy to forget though - just like how easy it is to have your posture slump - because you consciously have to pull your stomach in and hold those muscles. But you need to do this to work those muscles and support your back.

Your shoulders are too high

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If you usually walk a little tense around the shoulders where you're actually lifting them up a bit around the ears, this is a painful way to walk as it will have negatively consequences for your posture, neck and shoulders. The best thing to try is naturally relax your shoulders and pull them back.

You're not being mindful of your muscles

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Any sort of walkout needs a mind-muscle connection, and the same applies to walking. Think about all the things that go into a walk: your legs, your feet, your butt, your back, your arms swinging... everything! You need to connect your mind with all muscles to use them properly with every step.

Looking down at the floor/your phone

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It's always tempting to look down at the ground so that you can watch where you're walking - or you might be one of those glued to their phone screen as they walk - but this just means your neck is arched forward and your back isn't aligned in the way that it should be!

Carrying a bag incorrectly

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If you're out for a proper hike then you'll likely have a comfortable backpack with even weight distribution (if you don't, that's you're first mistake!). But it's not just about hikes - if you're walking a long time with shopping bags or even a handbag over one arm, you might be causing discomfort and strain on one side of the body.