Babies Born With Unique Features

By Anna Collins 7 months ago

1. Archie Innes: the boy born with no eyes

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Archie Innes was a little boy born in 2017 without any eyes. The syndrome, which caused this is called SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome which causes abnormal development in both eyes. Only 1 in 250,000 are affected by this. Archie's mother was trying to raise 100,000 to get her little boy robotic eyes.

2. Nong Youhui: can see in the dark

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Nong Youhui was born with a very rare medical condition named leukoderma. He became well known in China for his condition which allowed him night-time vision. People were intrigued by Nong's ability to see in the dark, however, his sensitivity to light means that sunlight can cause him pain and damage.

3. Peyton and Bryant Switzer: identical twins with different fathers

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Peyton and Bryant Switzer are identical twins with different fathers which is caused by an extremely rare phenomenon called hetero-paternal superfecundation. Essentially the mother releases multiple eggs which are then fertilized by different fathers...but born as twins!

4. Fu Wengui: the boy with an extra long neck

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Fu Wengui was born with an extra long neck which was the result of being born with 2 extra vertebrae in his neck. Instead of the usual 7 vertebrae that make up the neck, he was born with 10. He underwent corrective surgery as his condition was causing him many physical problems.

5. Supatra Sasuphan: the hairiest girl in the world

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Supatra Ssuphan was deemed the hairiest girl in the world by the Guinness World Records. She was born in Thailand in 1999 with a condition called 'Ambras syndrome' which caused her excess hair. She is now 21 years old and shaved her fur regularly to reveal her facial skin.

6. Manar Maged: born with two heads

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A little boy named Manar Maged was born in Egypt, in 2005 with a rare condition called craniopagus parasitics which meant that her head was attached to another head - the head of her undeveloped twin. The twin had some capabilities and could even smile or blink.

7. Brooke Megan Greenberg: the girl who NEVER aged

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Brooke Megan Greenberg was an American girl who lived for two decades but continued to live the life of a toddler. Despite how much time went on she never ages or matures. The condition was completely bewildering to medical professionals who deemed it the 'Brooke Greenberg Phenomenon'.

8. MilliAnna Worthy: a white spot of hair

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MilliAnna was the daughter of a woman named Brianna Worthy who had a condition called poliosis which causes an absence of pigment. Like mother-like daughter, the same white spot of hair was inherited by the baby in the exact same place as her mother.

9. Arshid Ali Khan: the boy with a tail

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Arshid Ali Khan was born in India with a tail, several inches long. He became famous in India as he was believed to be a reincarnation of the Hindu monkey god. But, as he got older he decided to undergo surgery to remove the tail so that he could walk properly, and his status was removed!

10. Shiloh Pepin: real-life mermaid

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Shiloh Pepin was born in 2008 with a condition that was more commonly referred to as 'Mermaid Syndrome', rather than its scientific name of sirenomelia. She defied the odds when grew with her legs fused together, the distinctive feature of the condition.

11. Loyalty Adonis Grover: a 14-pound baby

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A 43-year-old fourth-time mom expected to give birth to twins, rather than one very big baby. Her baby, named Loyalty Adonis Grover weighed 14.1 pounds and measured 22 inches in length. Loyalty turned out to be a happy and healthy baby, fondly named 'Big Chunk' by his mother.

12. Deepak Kumar Paswan: born with 4 legs and 4 hands

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Deepak Kumar Paswaan was born with many extra limbs as an undeveloped twin was conjoined to his body. He suffered years of bullying and people fearing him before he received his life-changing surgery which freed him of his extra limbs and allowed him to live the normal life of a little boy.

13. Katie Renfroe: born with no nose

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Medical professionals were so dumbfounded when Katie Renfro was born as they had no explanation or experience of this particular medical phenomenon. Katie was born with so many unique features that the doctors were never able to diagnose the cause, or even fathom the condition.

14. Harper Foy: snake-like skin

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Harper Foy was diagnosed with a rare skin condition called Harlequin Ichthyosis, meaning that she has very dry, itchy, and flaky skin that requires continuous ointment. Harper is already reshaping and redefining beauty standards and has signed some modelling contracts to show her unique beauty.

15. Erika and Eva Sandoval: conjoined twins

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Erika and Eva Sandoval were formerly conjoined twins. They were born in 2014 and were attached to one another. Both twins were fully formed, however, their bodies were fused together. The twins received a lot of medical curiosity, however, they were severely separated during an arduous surgery which allowed them to live separate lives.

16. Vincent Nowroozani: born with an angel's kiss

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Vincent Nowroozani was born with an unusual birthmark in the shape of a forehead, right in the center. It was dubbed an 'angel kiss'. He garnered lots of media attention for his endearing and unique facial features which added to his very charming baby cuteness.

17. Archer Jones: his organs are mixed up

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Archer Jones was a very unique little baby born in 2018. he was born with his organs mixed up, some of them were attached externally. However, his rare condition called heterotaxy syndrome didn't hold him back as he underwent successful corrective surgery.

18. Primrose Austin: silver eyes

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Primrose Austin stunned experts when she was born in China with silver-looking eyes, the result of a complex eye disorder. Her unique features however came with a lot of symptoms that caused her pain. Thankfully, doctors were eventually able to provide surgery to remove the optic tissue causing her to suffer!

19. Oliver Cuthbert: different colored eyes

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A little boy was born with different colored eyes and he became an internet sensation as he gathered a lot of media attention for his unique feature. Now slightly older, Cuthbert loves that his different eye colors make him different and give him a unique look!

20. Charlotte Garside: the smallest baby in the world

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Charlotte Garside became one of the smallest babies in the world when she was born in 2007. She had something called primordial dwarfism, and so she grew at a much slower rate than her siblings. Her unique medical condition and physical features gained a lot of media attention!

21. Grace Rosian: a heart on her forehead

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Grace Rosian was a beautiful baby girl born in 2011, with a rare condition called congenital Flynn. It meant that a large portion of her face was covered in a birthmark, but the shape was distinctly in the shape of a heart. She was finally nicknamed 'heart girl'.

22. Lara and Mara Bawar: twins with albinism

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In Sao Paulo, in 2006, two twins called Lara and Mara Bawar were born with Albinism. Their very unique look had them featured on multiple advertising campaigns. They are now 11 years old with successful modelling careers as they take the fashion industry by storm.

23. Beau and Theo Brady: twins with multiple pupils

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Beau and Theo Brady were identical twin boys born in 2018. They were both born with a unique feature, multiple pupils in one or both eyes, caused by polycoria. It gave the twins a very distinct feature, as there are only a handful of cases of this worldwide!

24. Oliver Garza-Pena: covered in moles

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Oliver Garza Pena inherited the exact same condition as his mother, in which the majority of his body was covered in moles. Both mother and son use their unique feature to question the societal beauty standards in an effort to show that being unique is beautiful!

25. Elsa D'Lima: colorful eyes

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Elsa D'Lima caused quite a stir when she was born due to her very colorful eyes. One of the eyes was a very bright green, and the other appeared purple due to the makeup of the pigment in the eye. But she quickly gathered more and more attention as people admired her unique beauty.

26. Jaxon Buell: born with a partial brain and skull

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In 2014, Jaxon Buell was born with a condition called anencephaly. The condition was so rare, and it meant that part of his brain and skull did not develop fully. However, he managed to defy the odds when he survived birth and lived for many years with his unique features.

27. Ella Chadwick: born with a heart on the left side

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Ella Chadwick was born with a heart on the left side. Her unique feature raised potential concerns for her future, but after undergoing some complex surgeries, she is now happy and healthy and she's become an icon of inspiration and strength all over!

28. Boston: born with a fully grown hair

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Boston quickly became an internet favorite when he was born with a ginormous head of hair. Not only did he have fully developed hair, but it was also almost grown out. Boston's hair at the age of 1 month old (while many babies remain hairless) was already several inches long, growing directly skyward.

29. Miles Oliver: real-life Harry Potter

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The real-life Harry Potter was born in the form of baby boy Miles Oliver, who was born with a scar on his forehead in the very shape of lightning, resembling everyone's favorite wizard. Comparisons to the fictional character quickly came flooding in.

30. Nova Winter: an extra finger and toe

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Nova Winter wasn't just born with an extra finger or two, she was born with an extra finger on BOTH hands, as well as an extra toe on each foot. His unique features have; stopped her from being the happy and healthy little toddler, and she is set to have some of them removed so that her other fingers work better.