20 Ways To Discipline A Child Based On Their Age

By Molly 7 months ago

1. 3 Months: soothing

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At three months old, babies are very young and can't understand rules or consequences. So, disciplining them means making them feel safe and comfortable. When they cry, they tell you they need food, a diaper change, or a nap. Parents should quickly respond by using calming methods like wrapping them snugly, singing softly, or giving them a pacifier.

2. 8 months: Be Responsive

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When babies are about eight months old, they start noticing things around them more and become closer to their parents. They may like specific people and something more. It's crucial to respond when they're hungry quickly, need a diaper change, or want comfort. Doing this makes them feel safe and helps them trust you.

3. 10 months: Establish Routine

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When babies reach ten months, having a regular daily routine is helpful. They are starting to notice how their day goes and might like some things more than others. Having a routine means doing things simultaneously daily, like feeding, napping, and playing. It will help them feel safe and know what to expect.

4. 11 months: Offer positive reinforcement

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When babies get close to their first birthday, they start doing vital things like crawling or standing. To help them learn and feel good about it, it's a good idea to show them you're happy. You can clap your hands, offer praise, and be excited when they do these new things. It makes them feel proud and want to keep trying.

5. Age 1: Supervision

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When a child turns 1, they become toddlers and start exploring things more. They are curious and want to do things by themselves. This is when parents should start using more organized ways to guide their behavior. At this age, it's vital to ensure they are safe and always watch them to prevent accidents.

6. Age 1: Distraction

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At one year old, kids are very curious and active. They like to explore. Discipline should be about keeping them safe while they learn. One way to do this is by distracting them. If you see them trying to touch something dangerous, like an electrical outlet, gently guide them to play with a safe toy instead. It keeps them out of harm's way.

7. Age 2: Consistency

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When kids are around two years old, they understand rules better. It's important to keep things the same and predictable for them. This means having rules that stay consistent and routines that they can follow. For example, having regular meals and bedtime routines helps them know what to expect.

8. Age 2: Time-Outs

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When children reach the age of 2, they may start testing boundaries. A brief time-out can be effective if your child acts inappropriately, like hitting or throwing tantrums. Place them in a safe spot for a short time. It allows them to calm down and learn that their behavior isn't okay.

9. Age 2: Model Behavior

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At age 2, children are like little sponges, absorbing everything around them. They pay close attention to what adults do, especially their parents. It's crucial to lead by example. If you want your child to be kind, patient, and polite, show them how it's done. Use polite words and treat others with respect.

10. Age 3: Time-Outs with Explanation

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By the time children are 3, they're starting to grasp the concept of cause and effect. Time-outs can be a useful discipline tool, but pairing them with explanations is vital. When your child misbehaves, like hitting a friend, place them in a time-out spot and calmly explain why. Use simple words to help them understand.

11. Age 3:Teach Empathy

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At the age of 3, children are becoming more aware of emotions, both their own and those of people around them. Teaching empathy is a crucial step in their development. Be a role model by showing empathy toward others. Express concern when someone is upset and explain how you're helping or comforting them.

12. Age 4: Natural Consequences

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By age 4, children are starting to grasp the idea of cause and effect. Natural consequences can be a great way to discipline while teaching them about the outcomes of their choices. If your child refuses to wear a jacket on a chilly day, allow them to feel the natural consequence of being cold. They will learn to make better choices next time.

13. Age 4:Encourage Problem Solving

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At age 4, children can start learning problem-solving skills and conflict resolution. It helps them handle disagreements and conflicts more effectively. Ask them how they think the problem can be solved when a conflict arises. When they successfully resolve a conflict, praise their efforts and highlight how it's a better way to handle problems.

14. Age 5: Implement a reward system for positive behavior

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At age 5, kids can grasp rewards and consequences better. Implementing a reward system can motivate positive behavior. Decide on appropriate rewards, such as stickers, tokens, or extra playtime. Be sure these prizes are things they want. Be steady in giving rewards when they do well.

15. Age 5: Explain the Whys

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At five years old, kids start to question rules. It's essential to explain why rules exist. For example, if there's a bedtime rule, say, "We have a bedtime because sleep helps us grow, stay healthy, and feel good." As they understand the reasons behind rules, encourage them to make good choices. It empowers them to take responsibility for their actions.

16. Age 6: Set Clear Expectations

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When your child is 6, it's vital to be clear about what's expected. Communicate rules and what happens if they break them. For example, if there's a rule about finishing homework before playtime, explain it clearly. Say, "Homework first helps us learn and do well in school." It helps them understand what's okay and what's not.

17. Age 6: Consistent Feedback

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When your child is 6, always acknowledging when they behave well is crucial. Notice and praise their efforts. Be specific in your praise, like saying, "You did a great job sharing your toys." Keep using positive comments to encourage them. Whether it's extra playtime or a kind word, consistent feedback makes them proud of their actions.

18. Age 7: Establish Rules Together

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At age 7, children can have a say in family rules. Involve them in discussions about the rules at home. Ask for their ideas and opinions during family meetings. This involvement helps them understand the importance of rules and makes them more likely to follow them because they had a part in creating them.

19. Age 7: Teach Respect

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When your child is 7, it's a good time to stress the importance of respecting how others feel and what they think. Encourage polite language and listening to others. Explain that everyone's ideas matter, and understanding how others feel is vital. This helps them learn to respect others, fostering good behavior.

20. Age 8: Use loss of privileges as a consequence for repeated misbehavior

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At eight years old, children can better grasp consequences. If they repeatedly misbehave, consider taking away privileges like TV or playtime. It teaches them that choices have consequences. Encourage them to make better choices to avoid losing fun activities.

21. Age 9: Discuss Consequences

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At age 9, children benefit from talking about the outcomes of their actions. Explain the effects of their choices. For example, they might get lower grades if they don't do their homework. Discussing consequences helps them understand that actions have results. Encourage them to think before they act and make choices that lead to positive outcomes.

22. Age 9: Encourage Extracurricular Activities

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At nine years old, children can explore hobbies and interests beyond school. Encourage them to try extracurricular activities like sports, art, or music. It keeps them engaged and helps them develop new skills. Discuss their interests and find activities they enjoy. This provides a positive outlet for their energy and creativity.

23. Age 10: Encourage Responsibility

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At age 10, it's a great time to promote responsibility. Assign them age-appropriate chores and tasks around the house. These responsibilities include setting the table, helping with pet care, or doing laundry. Encouraging responsibility at this stage prepares them for more independence and teaches vital life skills.

24. Age 10: Open Dialogue

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When your child reaches 10, it's crucial to have open conversations. Keep communication lines open so they can express their worries and thoughts. Listen to what they say and provide guidance. Talking about concerns helps them feel heard and supported. It builds trust and allows you to address any issues together.

25. Age 10: Set Academic Expectations

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At age 10, it's crucial to set clear academic expectations. Discuss with your child what you expect in terms of schoolwork. Encourage them to complete homework and assignments on time. Explain the importance of doing their best in school. It sets a foundation for good study habits and shows that education is a priority.

26. Age 11: Encourage Critical Thinking

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At age 11, it's time to encourage critical thinking. Ask open-ended questions to stimulate their thinking. Encourage them to think for themselves, consider different perspectives, and make informed choices. Fostering critical thinking at this stage helps them become more self-reliant and helps them face challenges.

27. Age 11: Monitor Screen Use

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At age 11, it's crucial to watch their screen time. Set healthy limits for how much they can use phones, tablets, or computers. Monitor the content they access to ensure it's age-appropriate. Explain the importance of balancing screen activities with other interests, like outdoor play. This helps them develop responsible digital habits and provides a well-rounded childhood.

28. Age 11: Discuss Peer Pressure

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At age 11, it's vital to have conversations about peer pressure. Talk to your child about making choices that align with their values. Encourage your child to stand up for what's right. Share stories and scenarios to help them understand how to navigate peer pressure. Discussing these topics helps them feel confident in making wise decisions and resisting negative peer influences.

29. Age 12: Discuss Puberty

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When your child reaches 12, it's time to discuss puberty in a way they can understand. Share basic information about the changes their body will go through. Emphasize that these changes are normal. Providing age-appropriate information helps them navigate this transitional period with confidence.

30. Age 12: Be a supportive and empathetic presence

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At age 12, children may experience emotional ups and downs due to puberty and growing up. It's essential to be a supportive and empathetic presence in their lives. Listen to their feelings without judgment, offer comfort when upset, and provide guidance when needed. Being supportive during this transitional phase helps them feel safe and loved.