You love to fly

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This one is the first because it's a fairly big sign! You adore flying, always have done, and so it's only natural that you would want to be in charge of taking yourself and other into the sky. You were 100% meant to be a pilot if you look forward to the flight more than you look forward to the vacation.
You know what you want

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A big part of being a pilot is knowing that you want it, being aware that you have a plan for your future. Pilots need to be able to plan ahead, know their course of action, and make the decisions that are going to get them there. You need to know what you want in order to be the best at what you do.
You don't mind late nights

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Late nights are a prerequisite to the job, both fortunately and unfortunately depending on your perspective. You need to be comfortable with the idea of staying up until an ungodly hour to be able to get passengers where they need to be and at the right time.
You don't mind early mornings

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It's not just late nights, it's early mornings too. You may be required to wake up at two o'clock in the morning just to make sure that you can get those families to Hawaii in time! You need to be prepared with coffee in tow, ready to do your job, no matter what the hour.
You are an excellent leader

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Being a pilot is not just about being able to fly the plane. You need to be an intelligent, strong leader who will be able to rally the troops when you're having a particularly difficult flight, or let your team know how best to move forward in a certain situation.
You've watched Sully at least ten times

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Either you loved Sully or you loved Flight. Both are fantastic films depicting how a captain should act in the face of a bad situation. If you couldn't help but think what it would be like to be in charge of that plane, then being a pilot is most certainly for you.
You're alert

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It's not enough to just be able to be attentive; you need to make sure that you are alert at all times, ready for any opportunity or hazard that may come your way, and quickly able to solve or suss what to do next. Your reactions needs to be as quick as a whip.
You love to learn

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Being a pilot means a lot of training, plenty of meticulous hours spent learning how to navigate flight paths, how to control the aircraft and the specific functions of the cockpit. Your brain must be hungry to learn in order to succeed in this education heavy career.
You're not afraid of heights

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Have you ever been stood at the base of the Empire State, looked up and felt your whole body shake? Or, even better, stood at the top of it and seen your life flash before your eyes? Yes? Then being a pilot is probably not for you. Heights are as predictable as the in-flight meals.
You're logical

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Being booksmart is one thing (you need to be ready to build your understanding), it's the logic and practicality of the job that is the tough thing. You're either born with it or you're not, so if you are, it's definitely a good sign for this potential future career.
You want to earn a lot of money

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Sometimes picking a career is about picking the thing that feels like your life's calling, as though you wouldn't be able to live without it. Other times it's about chasing the money, even at 40,000ft. If you know you have the skills and want the money but it's the choice between piloting or accounting, piloting is probably for you.
You're a team player

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Of course it is absolutely essential to be a good leader, but it is necessary to be a great team player too. At the end of the day, you are onboard with your crew mates for sometimes ten hours. You need to be able to contribute in a positive way, and not lord your title over them.
You love machines

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Being a pilot is as much as being in the sky as it is being in the cockpit. You need to know how the mechanisms work, how the gears grind, in order to be able to do your job effectively. The best way to do that is to have an innate love for it and know that you could man the plane with your eyes closed.
You're great at problem solving

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While the majority of flights are straight forward, ferrying passengers from A to B, maybe you actually want to be a pilot in the army. If that's the case, then you need to be able to solve any problem that comes your way; less will we be home in time for dinner, and more do we have enough fuel for this jet.
You're good at public speaking

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It may seem like a small part of the job but talking on the intercom to the passengers and crew onboard the plane, as well as the air traffic control, is not something you can shy away from. You need to be able to command a room, ensure all ears are on you, and speak with authority and gravitas.
You enjoy in-flight meals

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You never know what you're going to get at most jobs, but it is highly likely that you'll find yourself eating in-flight meals most of the time. You need to be able to enjoy them, savour them, almost be excited for when they're on their way. They're predictable, but if you enjoy them, it will make the job easier.
You're adaptable

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Adaptability is a great sign that you would be a phenomenal pilot. Situations can shift and vary so quickly whilst you're in the sky, regardless of what kind of aircraft you're flying, so you'll need to be sure you can manage the unpredictability and flexibility of the job.
You're determined

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Considering the tasks and responsibilities of being a pilot, it is not a profession for the faint hearted. You need to be steadfast in your ambition, capable at every juncture and determined to do the best job possible. If you're willing to do whatever it takes, then this is the job for you.
You can read a map

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It might sound obvious but it's surprising how little people consider map-reading an essential part of the job. Of course, with commercial airlines it is less likely you're going to need one. But if you decide to fly a helicopter or a jet plane, you're going to need to know where you're going.
You're flexible

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Flexibility and adaptability go hand in hand, but being flexible means you need to feel comfortable in the decisions that have been made. You need to be prepared for the possibility that everything will not go to plan, but you will do the best job possible regardless.
You've got a need for speed

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If you're on a plane and the build up of speed at you're about to take off gives you a warm tingly sensation in your stomach, then being a pilot is certainly the job for you. You have got to be able and willing to live a little fast and furious in the life of a pilot.
You're good at communicating

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Words need to come somewhat naturally to a pilot. If you're flying commercially, you need to be able to discuss options with the cabin crew and your co-pilot, plus supplying the best customer service. Equally, if you decide to fly for any work, you will have to communicate your intentions with your aircraft a lot of the time.
You can do math

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All of it. Now, sometimes, the equations and numbers will be fixed for you and it will remain a little concern. But, as a fail safe, you should always be able to do basic maths to ensure you can solve any problem that comes your way, especially if you need to calculate a fuel change.
You're patient

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You sometimes don't know how long you will be in the air for. You don't know if your co-pilot is going to be 100% up to scratch. You don't know if you're going to be delayed due to a slight issue with the engine. You need to be able to keep your cool when the sky gets a little tricky.
You're a quick thinker

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Problem solving may come to you successfully but slowly, and that is not the kind of attribute a pilot must have, Pilots need to be able to make quick decisions at the drop of a hat, and not wait around for someone else to take control. They need to think on their feet, even if they are in the sky.
You love seeing the world

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You have loved travelling for as long as you can imagine? Then being a pilot will come easy. You will be able to travel all over the world, meet interesting people, see the landmarks you have always dreamed off. Being a pilot is not the profession of a homebody.
You don't get stressed easily

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If you find it easy to take a deep breath, center yourself and guide a situation, then being a pilot is certainly for you. Stress can't come easy for a pilot. When days and nights can change constantly or remain unpredictable, you need to be able to shoulder the weight and the responsibility of what's ahead, without getting your knickers in a twist.
You hate office work

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It is a sure fire sign that you are suited to pilot work if the idea of sitting in an office all day makes you feel more than a little nauseated. You can't stand the idea of sitting at your desk all day fielding phone calls? Then you need to be out and about, experiencing the variety of each day as a pilot.
You're self disciplined

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The training, the stress, the pressure and responsibility: these things are not always easy to stomach. You need to be willing to do whatever you need to do and sacrifice whatever you need to sacrifice in order to become a successful and trustworthy pilot.
You speak multiple languages

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It is absolutely a bonus if you can speak multiple languages. You will be flying all over the world, experiencing a variety of different nationalities and cultures, and it would help if you could understand what any of them are saying. It will only help you if you have another language tucked under your belt.