Body Parts We Have Been Cleaning Wrong Our Entire Lives

By Lou 11 months ago

Belly Button

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The belly button can go unnoticed as being unclean for longer than you might think, but this little hole in our stomachs can actually harbour more bacteria than anywhere else on our body! You should get a cotton bud and dip it in rubbing alcohol to clean the inside of the belly button, until it comes out clean!Original Content sourced from


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You might have previously used your own fingers or a cotton bud to clean your ears but this can actually be quite dangerous. Instead of this, you might have better luck using some baby oil (or other lubrication) to soften the wax and then dribble a small amount of water in to your ear. Tip your head so the water and your wax comes out and wipe it with a towel or cotton bud!

Your Scalp

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We can often get too far ahead of ourselves when we're washing our hair, and sometimes we can overwhelm our scalp with an overuse of hair products like shampoo and conditioner. Instead you should be washing your hair a few times a week; you should be only putting conditioner on the ends of your hair!

Your Tongue

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This is another part of the body that people often ignore when it comes to having to clean it. In reality, it's just as important for the health of your mouth for your tongue to be cleaned the same amount that your teeth are. Use a scraper to pull the dirt off your tongue to the front of your mouth and wash it out!

Your Face

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As a child you might have been told to wash your face using soaps and face washes, but many of the options available on the market can actually just cause your skin to become drier. Instead you should find a suitable face cleanser and mix it with some water to get a good wash, keep those pores clear!

Your Eyes

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You don't really have to wash an eye very often, in fact you don't need to wash it at all unless you notice any form of leakage or crusting around the eye. Obviously the eye is quite a sensitive location so you need to be careful when giving it a clean; most people tend to go for warm water on a cotton ball!


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The skin around your elbow can actually get very dark if you dont wash it specifically. This is because dead skin cells can build up in this area of your skin! The best thing you can do in order for the elbow to remain at full health is to exfoliate the elbow more than once a week, but don't put too much pressure on it!

Your Hands

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I hope we all wash our hands after we've used the bathroom or once we've prepared any form of food, but I doubt everyone washes their hands like they're supposed too! Supposedly, you should wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds ensuring every inch of the hand has been scrubbed clean!

Any Piercings

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Okay so this isn't technically a body part, but your piercings might be found anywhere on top of your body! It's important to not ignore these places when you're washing even if it can be more awkward and time consuming! Use a saltwater mix to clean your piercings as it can help clear any debris.

Your Teeth

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Most of us probably agree that brushing our teeth means we're cleaning them, but apparently we'd be wrong! You should definitely floss as this can get rid of the more dangerous bacteria from between your teeth. We might even have been brushing wrong this whole time! You should actually brush your teeth with your brush at a 45 degree angle. Who knew that?

Your Back

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If you're like me then you'll hate when it comes to having to wash your back in the shower, it's one of the most awkward parts of your body to wash! You probably want to get your hands on a device that can help reach your lower back to avoid you stretching too far and pulling any muscles!

Your Legs And Arms

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Apparently we might actually be washing these parts of our body TOO much! This is because both our arms and legs don't produce a large amount of oils and so if we over wash them with products like shower gels and soaps we can actually end up causing them to dry out. This can cause unnecessary itching and be quite uncomfortable.

Your Chin

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You probably don't realise that your chin can actually become extremely oily; mainly because your hands are often touching your chin and also oily foods are in and around contact with this area of your body. One of the best ways to avoid getting pimples in this area is to steam your face to open your pores or use a steroid cream!

Your Feet

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Although when we're in the shower our feet get washed by the water flowing from our bodies, it's actually important they get their own little wash! To avoid any dry skin building up on the feet you should scrub them; there are a few devices you can use to do so like pumice stones and electric foot rollers! And most importantly dry every part of the foot to avoid any infections forming.

Beneath Any Fat

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No one should be ashamed to have a little fat on their belly, there's probably billions of us out there who have a little roll or two somewhere. If you do though, it's important to lift your fat a little and wash underneath them, this is essential in order to avoid any infections forming under any folds.

Beneath Your Boobs

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Just as its important to lift any fat you might have to wash underneath them, it's just as important for any females to wash beneath their boobs. This works in the same way as fat does; the section at the bottom of your boobs can harbour germs and cause a number of infections to arise if not cleaned with soap and water.

Behind The Knees

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I suppose this is one of the parts of the body that people can easily end up missing out during their shower routine, but it's also an area of the body where a lot of sweat can build up. This happens especially if you're sitting down for long periods, you don't have to do anything special just remember to use a washcloth and soap.

The Vagina

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When it comes to washing your genitals it's important that you don't use any form of scented soap; this can damage the pH balance around your vagina and then cause uncomfortable issues like infections! Also make sure your cleaning in between each and every of your folds!

Our Groins

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So whilst we should be ensuring our genitals are thoroughly cleaned, it's actually not necessary to use any form of soap or other wash products in order to keep the bacteria away. Supposedly, both males and females should be fine just using hot water to keep their groins clean and safe from any issues.

Your Armpits

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We all know that our armpits can become the sweatiest parts of the human body, and this can cause some disgust as it can make us smell quite badly. We've all been there haven't we? You have to wash your armpits at least once a day with soap and water in order to keep that smelly scent and the bacteria away.

Our Skin

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I suppose this goes for every part of the body, but each person will have an individual skin type; this means some things can cause more irritation than others. You'll probably know by now what products you can and can't use so try and find out if you need any specifics like a hypoallergenic or a sensitive skin product.

Your Behind

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As I'm sure you'll understand, between our butt cheeks there is a lot of room for bacteria to grow and live, especially thanks to it being quite a warm and dark location. Add in to the fact that you poop from here it's important you give it a good clean every time you shower! Nothing too special but ensure you use something other than your hands!

Under Your Fingernails

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If you like your fingernails to be long then you've probably noticed that they can get quite dirty, especially if you've been partaking in any outdoor activities! Unfortunately, these are an area of the body that can harbour a lot of bacteria. You can get your hands on nail brushes and soaps that can be a great help!

Behind The Ears

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This is another part of the body that can get ignored during our washing routines; is it somewhere you're regularly washing? Again this is a prime location for bacteria to try and hide in the little crevices so it's important you get right back there with a washcloth and some soap to keep them away.

Your Nose

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Our nose can be quite a bacteria-filled part of the body, it does inhale everything from around us, and as a result it can become quite dirty and blocked. You can use a saline mist or the more popular option people tend to go for is the sinus flush; this can quite uncomfortable (trust me it really isn't nice) but you use a syringe to pour saline water up one nostril and out the other.

Your Towels

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Now, this isn't part of the body, but if what you're using to dry your body is dirty, then it's a very counterproductive task. Your towels should be washed every three to five washes, and replaced completely every two to five years. No one wants to be smearing their own dirt on themselves after getting out of the shower!

We Don't Need To Wash Every Day

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Although it might feel hygienic to chuck ourselves in the shower once a day this actually isn't necessary. This is because over washing can actually be harmful to the skin; it can cause an increase in dry or itchy skin and actually increase the amount of bacteria that gets in to the body as a result of the lowering of oils on the skin.

Any Cuts Or Wounds

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If you've ever got in to the bath or the shower with a small cut then you probably know that hot water can actually be quite irritating to them and you might have decided to cover them up with a band aid or bandage. But it's actually better for the hot water to get in to your cuts as it can cleanse them of infections.

Make Sure To Dry Yourself Properly

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This seems like quite an obvious tip but by the amount of people that end up at the GP with issues like dry skin suggest this isn't as commonly done as it should be! Make sure that when you're done there isn't any water left on your skin as this can cause a number of problems like chafing and irritation.

Extra Tip For Your Face: Use Face Masks

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This is another great way to ensure that your face remains clean and you don't even have to buy store products; you can actually make your own at home. You'll be able to find a number of recipes online and they typically contain ingredients like honey and lemon. Give them a go, and who knows you might have a new thing to add to your routine.

The Parts Of Your Body You Don't Actually Have To Clean As Often As You Think...

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When it comes to personal hygiene and cleanliness, you might think that there's never any possibility of being 'too clean', right? But the fact is, your body is built to produce things like natural oils and natural bacterias to help look after the way things are run - so for the people who are cleaning their bodies a little too much, and scrubbing a little too hard, it could be having the opposite effect!

Inside Your Ears

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We know that it's important to keep your ears clean, and most people like to get rid of a build of a wax. This is particularly important if excess wax is affecting your hearing. But ultimately, wax is there for a reason - and you need to leave some in there! It's there to keep your ear healthy, and the wax is there to protect anything from getting into your ear, like infections from external factors.

Your V*gina

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Your v*gina is the ultimate self-cleaning machine - you really never need to get in there with soap at all. Keeping the outside of your v*gina clean with normal soap is a good thing to do everyday, but in terms of deep-cleaning inside... it's not needed whatsoever. You should also avoid using any scented or heavy soaps around that area, as it can affect the natural balance of good and bad bacteria.

Your Eyes

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Your eyes should be kept clean in terms of removing any eye makeup, and just being on the look out for 'sleep' build up when it gets all crusty in the corner! Other than that, you really shouldn't be cleaning your eyes to the extreme. You should avoid using skincare products directly on the eyes, and you also need to make sure your eyes naturally stay lubricated instead of dried out by too much cleaning!

Up Your Nose

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Okay, we're all guilty of picking our noses, and sometimes when everything is feeling a little bunged up and... uh, crusty.. it's good to just have a good nose blow, a good dig and get everything out. But actually, you might not be doing your poor nose any favors. Snot is there for a reason at the end of the day - and your nose hairs are there for a reason, too! Over-picking can cause nose irritation as well.

Your Colon

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Colon cleanses are a thing that some people opt for from time to time, just to get a nice clean in an area that they're never going to be able to reach themselves! But colon cleaning is only really necessary before a colonoscopy. Other than that, there's really no reason for you to be cleaning up there! It could also cause some health risks, because your digestive system is already built to get rid of waste the way it should.

Your Hair

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There's always a debate over how often you should be washing your hair, and for the most part, it depends on the type of hair you have. Some people would never skip a day, while others can go a whole week without washing. The truth is, you might be washing your hair a little too much and not letting the natural oils do their job. People with normal oil levels will be fine with washing every 2-3 days. People with very dry scalps should only wash once or twice a week.

Your Arms

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We don't mean under your arms, but your actual arms themselves. Think about it - how often do your arms get oily or get a buildup of bacteria? Unless your bare arms are absolutely covered in something you need to wash off, like if you've been rolling around in the mud, then your arms don't actually need washing the same as every other part of your body! Which means you might not need to lather up with soap on them all the time.

Your Legs

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The same goes for your legs, too. Your legs and arms don't produce oil like other areas of you body, such as the back or chest, so they don't need a deep clean with a sponge full of soap like everything else. It's important to concentrate on washing your feet thoroughly when you shower, especially the bottom and between the toes, but as for the rest of your legs, it can pretty much take care of itself.

Your Teeth

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The general consensus is to brush your teeth twice a day, morning and night, for two minutes a time, an use floss everyday as well as mouthwash if possible. With teeth cleaning, it can also be tempting to think the more you clean the better - like brushing your teeth a third time in the middle of the day - but actually, two is all it needs. You can risk brushing too much, and especially around eating, which could weaken enamel if you're eating too quickly after a hard brush!

Your Face

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Your face definitely needs to be cleaned every single day, and thoroughly if you need to remove makeup, but you can actually overclean your face, strip it of its natural oils and over-clean it with too many products. Things like face exfoliators, for instance, should only ideally be used once a week so you don't strip too much natural oils from your face. So make sure you're not being TOO thorough.

And The Body Parts You're Definitely Not Washing As Often As You Should! Your Scalp: Every Day

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We spoke about what to do and what not to do when washing your hair and scalp, but it's likely you're probably not washing your scalp specifically enough anyway! Think about it - how often do you pay attention to thoroughly washing your scalp alone, and not just as part of your hair wash routine? Your scalp needs scrubbing and massaging on a daily basis to keep it as clean as it should be, regardless of if it's hair wash day or not.

Your Back: 2-3 Times A Week

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There are ways to more easily wash your back in a better way, and ways you've been doing it wrong. But how often are you washing your back anyway? You should be putting a big focus on a good back wash around two to three times a week. You don't need to overly scrub it every single day, but you should be doing more than thinking standing under the shower water is enough!

Under Your Nails: Every Time You Wash

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You should ideally be cleaning under your fingernails every single time you wash your hands - yep, every single time! Especially if you've been handling things like raw meat, then a normal handwash - even if you do it for 30 seconds - is only half the job, because there's a huge chance bacteria is under the nail still. It's important to give a clean under your nails every time you wash your hands.

Behind Your Ears: Every Day

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How often are you washing behind your ears and actually being aware you're doing it, rather than thinking a quick shower counts because water must have got behind there, right? The backs of your ears need DAILY wash attention! That's right, you should be washing behind your ears every single day. This is because bacteria can very easily collect there - and, worse, it can start to smell!

The Bottom And The Sides Of Your Feet: Every Day

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Your feet don't get a thorough clean just from standing in the shower because of gravity and all that - remember when we said you don't need to clean your legs as much, but you definitely need to clean your feet? Yeah. You should be washing your feet every single day - and not only that, you should ideally be using a pumice stone on your feet every single day, too!

Your Belly Button: Every Day

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The reason your belly button should be cleaned every single day instead of every once in a while - or, worse, never! - is because it's the perfect place for bacteria to make a home, because it's so warm and snug! So you really should be looking to clean inside your belly button every single day when you take a shower. This is even more important if you have a belly button piercing.

Your Tongue: Every Time You Brush

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We spoke earlier about that good technique for keeping your tongue clean, but that isn't a once a week deal - you need to clean and wash your tongue every single time you brush your teeth, to keep on top of it! So basically twice a day as part of your oral hygiene routine. A lot of toothbrushes come with a tongue scraper on the back so you can easily use that while you're there!

Back Of Your Neck: Daily

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You should be washing the back of your neck daily, and especially if you have long hair that's always hanging down! If you have a shower every other day instead of every day, you should still be making sure to wash the back of your neck with a washcloth. This is because this warm area can very easily get a bacteria buildup. All it needs is some warm water and soap!

Your Elbows/Creases: Daily

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Think how many times you put your elbows down on a public table, public transport seat or anything else while you're out and about. All of this can easily collect on your elbows, which means you should be washing your elbows - and creases - every single day. If you have dry skin develop of your elbow, it can also increase the risk of bacteria getting through the broken skin.

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