1. When you see the light, for a moment you're dead
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Technically there are two kinds of death. There's biological death, which means you're truly gone forever. Then there's clinically dead, which means that you are medically dead but there's a chance you could be revived. When you do clinically die, you may experience seeing the light!
2. You have a personality shift!
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Proportionally, considering how many people are on the planet, not many people see the light. But of those who do, there has been a significant portion who have found that they underwent an entire personality change before and after seeing the light!
3. Seeing the light means the oxygen to your brain has stopped
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The reason that the light appears during near-death experiences (according to scientists) is because the oxygen temporality stops in your brain, which then causes a vision of light. One of the recurring experiences is this overwhelming sense of bright light!
4. You temporarily leave your physical body
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When you see the light, your sense of presence and consciousness feel totally detached from your physical body - you feel like you have no external body. Which, basically means that you leave your physical body for some time. Whether you really do is another question entirely.
5. Climbing the stairway to heaven is actually very close to the truth!
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You see in movies that when people have a near-death experience, they climb the stairway and enter a door through to heaven. It's not quite like this, but the idea of the stairs does come from true accounts where people felt as though they were climbing.
6. When you see the light, time ceases to exist for a moment
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In the moment when you see the light, all sense of time is completely irrelevant. People aren't aware of how long they are there, there's no awareness or feeling of time which is almost impossible to imagine unless you've experienced this very same phenomenon.
7. Is it the in-between heaven and earth?
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Nobody can say for sure whether this near-death experience is linked with a religious moment because nobody truly knows. If you're a believer and you see the light, then you may perceive this as a moment where you are in between heaven and life, and nobody can definitely confirm that this is NOT the case.
8. You could be greeted by angels
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Multiple people who have seen the light have each recorded the fact that they were greeted by angels with their arms outstretched. To someone who has never had this experience, the notions sound unrealistic. But to people who have been through this, they have recalled a very similar experience!
9 . Seeing the light may just be emptiness and blackness
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On the other hand, some people do not experience seeing the light in this way at all. For some people who have had a near-death experience, they feel complete emptiness and blackness which is as close to nothingness as you could possibly get, yet with some kind of awareness!
10. There's an overwhelming sense of peace!
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Another feeling that is recalled by lots of people who have had near-death experiences is the feeling of an overwhelming sense of peace. This is because the body in this moment releases a rush of endorphins which naturally calm your body and mind, allowing you to feel peaceful!
11. Something pulls you towards the light
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When you do see the light you'll have heard people say of something pulling you towards it. This has often been associated with entering death, for example in movies they say 'Don't go towards the light' when they want someone to live. But this feeling and pull really do exist during a near-death experience, but it's not clear why!
12. It's a glimpse into a parallel universe
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Quantum physicians have a different take on the experience entirely. They believe that it is a glimpse into a parallel universe. That for that brief moment when you see the light, you are really peering into another universe that is entirely different from ours.
13. You really do see a bright white tunnel
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One of the first questions is, do you ACTUALLY see a bright light tunnel? And the overwhelming evidence from people's accounts and from various points of research is that yes, you really do. A bright, tunnel-like light seems to appear when you temporarily die or almost die.
14. Some people meet their deceased loved ones
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When people wake up from a near-death experience they are asked to recall what happened to them. And some people find that during these moments of seeing the light, between life and death, they have seen their deceased loved ones. Some people see images, others claim they have been able to interact with them!
15. You feel it through your entire body
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It's not as though you only feel the experience happening in your mind, it's a full-body experience. Your physical body feels it too, but in a way that's literally been described as 'indescribable'. Although the physical body feels it, it's not in a comparable way to what we know!
16. It's not like you see in the movies: no floating clouds, no celestial music
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It's not exactly like the movies, with the floating clouds and the orchestra playing. Things aren't so clear it's more of an abstract experience. Your senses can see and feel things, but nothing is clear. It's more of a feeling and an awareness of light rather than seeing images before your eyes.
17. Life flashes before your eyes
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In this moment, life truly flashes before your eyes. It's the only moment really where this literally becomes true because for a moment you are dead...or at least very nearly dead. This is an experience that you only have when you see the light and you realize how close you were to lose your life.
18. Your life changes forever
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It's impossible to go through such an experience and not feel as though your life has changed forever. When you've come so close to death that you've seen the light, you can't then resume life as it was before. Your life will be changed as you realize how fragile life is.
19. You gain other-worldly knowledge
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Once you've had a near-death experience you've briefly left the living and visited a place that nobody truly knows what it is. But you gain a kind of knowledge here, people have found that they felt a different kind of wisdom when they woke up back in their body on earth!
20. All of your pain disappears
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You feel only positive emotions and physically feel only good things when you see the light. All of your pain disappears completely, regardless of what has happened to your physical body. This is because of the release of endorphins which completely mask your pain.
21. You'll never feel the same again
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How could you possibly ever feel the same after seeing the light? You couldn't! And people who have been through this experience feel that they have an immense amount of appreciation for life after what they have been through which changes them forever.
22. You don't feel scared at all
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Having a near-death experience is terrible for those who are conscious around them, but for the person themselves during the moments that they see the light, it's anything but scary. One of the emotions that seems to be a consensus of opinion is how comforted they feel in that moment!
23. It saves some people's life in more ways than one
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After a near-death experience, some people find that not only has their physical life been saved, but their life in general. Sometimes when someone is struggling or going down a dangerous path, it takes something drastic to rerout them. And there's nothing like seeing the light to make you reevaluate your choices!
24. You enter a realm that even science cannot explain
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There are very few things in life now that are totally beyond our understanding and explanation. Usually, a quick Google can tell us everything we need to know. But when it comes to seeing the light, even science cannot fathom the experience that happens to us.
25. People receive messages from the beyond
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One of the most dramatic and profound experiences that people have recorded when they see the light is receiving messages from people beyond the grave! People have claimed that deceased loved ones have spoken to them or sent messages to angels who recounted them!
26. Seeing the light looks very different to everyone
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Another reason why science fails to explain seeing the light is because it's so different for everyone, yet it shares similarities at the same time. It's also such a strong experience that it's not simply a trick of the brain or the light. But each experience entails something different!
27. It's a second chance at life
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Not many people get a second chance in life, but a near-death experience gives you just that. Once you've seen the light and woken up, you literally have been given another chance to love life the way you want, to do what you want to do, and to be exactly who you want to be!
28. Nobody can ever question your experience
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Nobody can tell you that 'that never really happened!' because nobody can even begin to fathom your experience. Only someone else who has seen the light could begin to comprehend, so nobody can ever deny your experience as it defies everything we think we know.
29. Seeing the light can make you a better person
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When you almost die, and get the chance to live you reassess the person you are. Maybe you reflect and think that you could or should be a better person, more forgiving, and have more kindness for people's situations. You've been through something that shows you life is too short to be a bad person!
30. Your perspective changes forever
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Someone who has seen the light will never look at things the same way again. Their perspective on life in almost all aspects will change; how they view the people around them, how they view the world, and what they want to get out of life. The trivial things will seem extremely unimportant.