This Is Where We Inherit Our Character From

By nick hadji 11 months ago

1. Genetic Code

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Our genetic code, inherited from our parents, forms the foundation of who we are. These DNA sequences are like a blueprint that shapes both our physical attributes and psychological tendencies. From eye color to risk-taking behavior, our genes influence it all. For instance, a family full of artists would indicate that creativity runs in the genetic code of our families.Original content sourced from

2. Genetic Mutations

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Within our genetic makeup, sometimes there are mutations in specific genes. These mutations can result in distinct character trains or even susceptibilities. These unique genetic variations can contribute to diverse personalities and inclinations. A mutation might make us more adventurous, or it could lead to a heightened sensitivity towards certain things.

3. Heredity

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Passed down through generations, traits and tendencies reveal the power of heredity. Whether it's a knack for storytelling, a love for outdoors, or a shared sense of humor; these are all passed down through families. Traits that are favorable tend to be passed down through the families, and it's not surprise that we and our children act similarly to our parents and grandparents.

4. Brain Structure

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Our brain structure, an inheritance from our ancestors, contributes to our personality and behavior. The arrangement of neural networks can affect traits like introversion or extroversion. An inherited brain structure might make us more prone to analytical thinking or emotional depth. Understanding this connection helps us appreciate how our brain's makeup molds our character.

5. Neurotransmitter Balance

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The balance of neurotransmitters, influenced by genetic factors, wields a significant influence on mood and behavior. Serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters impact how we experience emotions and approach different situations. These neurotransmitters and affect our optimism, anxiety and generally our emotional responses. This has a huge effect on our character traits.

6. Hormonal Regulation

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Our genetic makeup controls not only our physical appearance but also our hormonal balance. Hormones have a huge influence over our moods, behaviors and even our decision-making process. Genetic factors play a role in how our bodies produce and regulate hormones. Therefore, whenever we display something like assertiveness or empathy, it can be tied to our hormones.

7. Family Upbringing

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The environment in which we grow up in has a large effect on our overall character. The environment is mostly shaped by your immediate family, followed by the group of people that you are with the majority of the time. Different parenting styles, dynamics within a family and values instilled in us define how we see and act in our environment, and they have a big effect on our emotional intelligence and sense of responsibility.

8. Cultural Background

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Our cultural background plays an important role in how our character is shaped. Different cultures have different traditions, norms and values, and we take in all of these as we grow up. Each culture has different communication styles, beliefs and experiences and they truly shape our character. Depending on our culture, it can differentially affect our moral compass, approach to relationships and our understanding of society.

9. Peer Influence

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During our formative years, interactions with our peers and friends have an immense effect on our character traits. The influence of those around us can shape our interests, attitudes and even our ambitions. Whether we become more ambitious or more cautious  can be a reflection of the dynamics between our peers. The friends we have when we are young affect our character.

10. Socioeconomic Background

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The economic status of the families that we're born into can shape our character. Also, our socioeconomic background sets the stage for what we can experience throughout our childhood. Different economic situations mean different access to education, healthcare and lifestyle, which can all shape how we act and develop. Not one person is exactly the same, and economic status plays a role in this.

11. Education

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Education, whether formal or informal, molds our knowledge, values and the lens in which we view the world through. Whether it's in the classroom or self-learning, the accumulation of knowledge influences our critical thinking, empathy and understanding of complex issues. The more you learn, the more curious you become, which molds our character.

12. Temperament

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Inherited from our parents, temperament influences our emotional responses and tendencies. Some of us our naturally more outgoing and enthusiastic, while others are more introverted and calm. These emotional patterns have a big influence on how we navigate challenges and interact with others. It's important to understand your temperament, as you can leverage its strengths in different situations.

13. Personality Traits

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Our personality traits are a blend of inherited dispositions from our parents, and they generally shape our approach to life. Whether we're introverted or extroverted, have high levels of openness or showcase conscientiousness, these traits influence our behaviours and social interactions. Everyone has a unique personality with different quirks and strengths, and these have a big impact on our overall character.

14. Cognitive Patterns

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We inherit our cognitive patterns from our parents, and these different styles guide our though processes, which impact our decision-making and problem-solving abilities. There are different types of cognitive patterns; some people lean more on analytical thinking, where as others utilize creativity and rely on their intuition. How you think about things can have a big effect on your character.

15. Life Events

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We all go through different experiences and various levels of trauma throughout our lives, but what we're exposed to during our formative years has the biggest impact on on our overall character. For example, those of us who have been consistently exposed to hard work and the idea of failing to improve will often exhibit more resilience than others.

16. Trauma

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Experiencing and witnessing trauma can have a profound effect on our character, for better or for worse. Trauma, if dealt with correctly, can lead to resilience and empathy. However, if it isn't dealt with, it can lead to trust issues and poor self-esteem. All of these things can really shape our overall character and how we come across to our peers and friends.

17. Success And Failures

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Our character is rarely shaped by smooth-sailing; it's developed through failures and the ability to keep your chin up and come back stronger. Achievements bolster confidence, but setbacks foster adaptability and grip. Whether we conquer our goals or have to navigate our setbacks, experiencing success and failure is key to developing our character.

18. Relationships

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Our interactions with our families, friends and partners craft our character. Close relationships teach empathy, communication and compromise. Healthy bonds foster emotional intelligence, whilst challenging dynamics can lead to personal growth. It's important for us to develop many different relationships through our lives, as they can have a positive effect on our character.

19. Media Exposure

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The media we consume - books, movies and more - holds a not so insignificant sway over our character development. Reading different stories and books and have a large influences over our perspectives and values. Our brains continually develop until we reach around 25 years old, so anything we watch or consumer can have an effect on our character.

20. Role Models

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For those of us who were lucky enough to have good parents, it's likely that our first role model would have been our Mom or Dad. We have all sorts of different role models throughout our lives and it all depends on what experiences we've had or our pursuits. Having a good role model can help guide you through certain situations and teach you how to deal with things.

21. Hobbies And Interests

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Our hobbies and interests greatly influence our overall character. For example, those of us who are in to sports or play things competitively can mean that we have a tough character, and those of us that enjoy volunteering can indicate a compassionate character. Often times, our hobbies and interests align with our existing character, which further shape our values.

22. Lifestyle Choices

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The choices we make in our lifestyle - the food we eat, the exercise we do and how we relax - significantly impact our physical and mental well-being. For people who live a balanced lifestyle, they often display strong signs of discipline and resilience. When people don't strike a good balance between these things, it often shows in their physical and mental health, which in turn can impact their character.

23. Career Path

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Different career paths can nurture (or hinder) a person's character. Look at a nurse for example; their life revolves around caring for other people, which means that, most likely, their empathy and compassion will be very high. However, a soldier is trained to be incredibly resilient and adaptable, which will contribute to them having a very tough character.

24. Religious Beliefs

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Depending on your religious beliefs, they can impact your character, especially when we're younger. Different religions have and hold different values around relationships, love and personal development, and these all have an effect on us. If you have strong religious beliefs, or not, these can all shape and mold your overall character.

25. Philosophical Views

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When you start looking into philosophy, you realise that you're only scratching the surface. There are 100s of different stances and viewpoints among different philosophers on different issues, each with their own nuance. If, for example, you are a vegan, there is a strong chance that you reached that decision through a philosophical view around the treatment of animals.

26. Health Conditions

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People all over the world, at some point, will face some sort of health condition. It can range from mild to life-threatening, and each one can take a toll on not only a person's physical health but also their mental health. People who have gone through serious health conditions and come out the other side have often had to display sheer resilience and determination.

27. Genetic Predispositions

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Some people inherit disease or susceptibility to conditions from their parents. It could be that a heart condition runs in the family, or maybe they're born with Cystic Fibrosis. These people often view life differently to otherwise healthy people, as they understand that their life could potentially be shorter than those around them, which has a huge effect on their character.

28. Family History

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Exploring our family history is fun, especially if you find out that you're distantly related to some kind of famous person or politician. We're often told that we act like our parents in some situations, and they would have been told the same thing. This shows that people inherit character traits from their families which could span generation after generation.

29. Ancestral Culture

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Often times, the culture of your ancestors can be passed down to you through traditions and celebrations that might be different to those around you, especially if you've moved to a new country or city. The traditions that get passed down by our ancestors that we end up practicing can seem strange to our peers and friends, but often times it is the fabric of our character.

30. Self-Discovery

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Another thing that we inherit our character from is through our own personal development. By learning and studying how to improve certain things, whether it be discipline, physical fitness or how to start a business, you can influence your character. For example, ff you're trying to improve your fitness, you have to work hard and show dedication.

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