What Your Sun Sign Says About You

By Lauren Mccluskey 6 months ago

1. Sun Signs: The Lowdown

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At the time of your birth, the sun's journey across the sky influences what your Sun Sign is.  This sign is believed to have an impact on your life, including predicting your own life's journey, as well as your personality traits and how these influence your path.

2. The Zodiac Wheel has a lot to do with it

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Your Sun Sign is determined at the moment you are born and is influenced by the position of the sun.  It falls within the Zodiac Wheel, which represents the path of the sun through the sky.  It is split into twelve equal parts, each part representing a different sign.

3. So they're basically part of the Zodiac...

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If this all sounds familiar, then it's because it's true - Sun Signs are also known as Star Signs or Zodiac Signs.  However, the Sun isn't the only celestial body that influences our lives.  In fact, there are different astrological entities that influence our traits and fortunes.

4. What's the difference, then?

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The type of information you get about your individual traits and life's path depends on which celestial bodies are being read and measured on the Zodiac Wheel.  You see, when you're measuring the moon's journey across the sky, this is what governs our emotional nature, whereas, the sun represents your ego and motivations.

5. Sun Sign Astrology: How your sign is determined

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So with this in mind, when you are born, wherever the Sun is on its journey across the sky offers part of the picture of your personality traits, according to beliefs in Astrology.  Your Sun Sign represents the person that your ideal self, and the self that you wish to be, and a belief in them can give you more of an understanding of your motivations in life.

6. When did it all begin?

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The earliest roots of astrology can be traced all the way back to the 2nd millennium BCE to ancient Mesopotamia, which is now modern-day Iraq.  During the Babylonian times, ancient astrologers observed and recorded the movements of celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and planets, later developing the Zodiac system that you might recognize today.

7. Babylonian Astrology

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So Babylonian Astrology turns out to be the earliest record of the zodiac as we know it to be discovered.  This version splits the zodiac system into twelve equal parts which are each associated with specific constellations.  These early astrologers believed that the positions of various celestial bodies had the power to influence human events on the earth.

8. Hellenistic Astrology

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Between the 4th to the 1st century BCE, the Greek influence of Babylonian Astrology led to the rise of Hellenistic Astrology.  Greek philosophers combined the beliefs and findings from both Babylonian and Greek concepts which led to a more systematic system, bringing in the "natal chart" which maps the positions of the celestial bodies at the time of birth.

9. Roman & Byzantine Periods

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The Romans and later the Byzantines also had a part to play too, as they continued to practice and develop astrology.  Rather than the beliefs and concepts being just for scholars and philosophers to ponder, these began to enter everyday life, from politics to personal guidance.

10. Medieval & Renaissance Europe

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Over time, astrology continued to adapt to life and society and during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was widely practiced by not only scholars and theologians, but also rulers too.  This is when Sun Sign Astrology really began to take shape, as people began to see the sun's position as a major factor in a person's life, including their personality traits and their path.

11. The Fixed Stars

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Astrologers and scholars measure and map many celestial bodies, and often their journeys across the night sky.  But some objects in space don't move and these are referred to as 'The Fixed Stars'.  These are distant bodies that are positioned in specific constellations have been assigned specific symbolic meanings and are also used in natal charts.

12. The 'Wandering' Stars

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Wandering stars are the visible planets in the night sky, including Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.  These are key factors in natal charts and horoscopes and are believed to represent various aspects of a person's personality and experiences.  Their wandering nature provides dynamic and ever-changing influences as they move through the zodiac.

13. Planetary Symbolism

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Zodiac planetary symbolism plays a vital role in astrology.  Each planet holds very specific meanings and influences over the different zodiac signs and contributes to a person's traits, behavior, and experiences.  For example, Mercury symbolizes communication and intellect and Venus represents love and aesthetics.

14. The Sun

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In astrology, the Sun is a central and vital celestial body, just like in the universe.  It symbolizes a person's core identity and ego, as well as their life's purpose.  The Sun's position within the natal chart reveals a person's traits, aspirations, and how they express themselves.  It really sheds light on a person's inner self, authenticity, and character.

15. William Lilly: The first newspaper astrologer

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As we get closer to the modern day, it's hard to journey into the present without mentioning the very first newspaper astrologer, William Lilly, who helped to popularize astrology during the 17th century.  He was well-known for his popular almanacs and predictions, blending astrology with historical events and weather forecasts.

16. And it has, of course, evolved over the years

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Astrology's evolution over the centuries has shaped the concepts and beliefs that you are familiar with today.  From the development of the zodiac system to the natal chart, all the way through to popular newspaper columns, astrology has never been more popular.  And nowadays, you can even access it instantly with the use of social media!

17. How does it all influence you?

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It's entirely up to you how the zodiac and sun signs influence you as it's individual to everyone depending on their beliefs and ideas. You might believe in their power and predictions, or you might just see them as entertainment.  You might even allow them to influence your life and choices.

18. It's a popular Pseudoscience

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It's important to note, though, that astrology is actually considered nowadays as a popular Pseudoscience.  This means that the zodiac essentially lacks empirical evidence to support its claims and relies on unverified principles and subjective interpretations.  But even though it's often dismissed by the scientific community, it is a belief and practice that has been around for centuries.

19. Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

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As a Capricorn, your Sun Sign suggests that you're an ambitious individual who is well-disciplined.  You're known to be incredibly hard-working and prioritize success over many things, meaning that you're often found to be achieving your goals.  You take a logical and pragmatic approach, ensuring that you finish what you started.

20. Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

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As an Aquarius, you're full of innovative ideas and always striving to improve things, even the tiniest things to make the world a better place, bit by bit.  You're humanitarian and always support those in need of help.  You value individuality and always encourage mutual understanding and respect.

21. Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

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As a Pisces, the Sun dictates your imaginative nature, with you gaining inspiration and motivation from your dreams and spiritual connections.  You're artistic and creative, and also incredibly intuitive and compassionate.  You're a good friend and will always offer an empathetic ear in people's times of need.

22. Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

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According to your Sun Sign, as an Aries, you are the life and soul of the party and your high energy is contagious.  You're a determined natural leader and you're able to fearlessly face challenges head-on without a second thought, taking initiative and encouraging others to follow suit.

23. Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

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If your Sun Sign is a Taurus, then people can always rely on you in their hours of need.  You're always there to lend a hand and you approach tasks and matters of the heart in a practical way.  You love comfort, and you will work hard to achieve this in your life.

24. Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

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As a Gemini, your Sun Sign suggests that you absolutely love to socialize, and other people love to hang out with you too!  You're witty and curious about other people, asking interesting and inquisitive questions.  You are also able to adapt to change quickly and without fuss.

25. Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

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The Sun influences Cancer in many ways, and it suggests that you're absolutely filled with empathy, valuing emotional connections, and a strong bond with family and friends.  You're sensitive to the needs of others and you're an intuitive individual who is incredibly nurturing.

26. Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

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Leos are at the center of any room, enthralling people with your charisma and humor.  You absolutely love the limelight and you have this natural flair for hooking people, making you a great leader.  You're also generous and creative, and will always offer people your time.

27. Virgo (Aug 22 -Sep 22)

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As a Virgo, the Sun represents you as a perfectionist with a keen eye for detail.  You absolutely excel with your own organization and you're very practical with your approach.  You're an excellent and useful friend to have around when someone has an issue as your problem-solving skills are second to none!

28. Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

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As a Libra, the Sun suggests that you're charming and very diplomatic with a strong sense of justice, meaning that you're a great person to have around to solve conflicts.  You have a balanced life and strive to maintain this in your work and play.  You have a good balance in relationships and actively seek harmony.

29. Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

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If your Sun Sign is a Scorpio, then it's said that you're a fiery individual with strong passion.  You're intense and determined to achieve everything that you set your eyes upon.  You are driven by deep emotional experiences and connections and you won't let anything get in your way.

30. Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

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Sagittarius is often viewed by the Sun to be very adventurous in life, and not just with your outdoor challenges, but also with your hairstyles too!  You love to explore at any level and you're deeply curious and optimistic.  You love to go with the flow and experience whatever life throws your way!