1. Michael Jackson... The Creep We Never Suspected
image source: reddit
Michael Jackson was and always has been widely regarded as one of the all time great pop stars of all time. As with many stars that have passed, many allegations have been made towards him about many different things. One of which being that he has been accused of abusing younger boys during his time on earth. Let's have a look at his alleged victims...
2. Leaving Neverland... The Documentary That Tarnished EVERYTHING!
image source: vanity fair
Back in 2019 the documentary Leaving Neverland was released on HBO and detailed the lives and stories of Wade Robson and James Safechuck who accused Michael Jackson of sexually abusing them from the ages of around 7 years old for years on end!
3. The Allegations Had Been Around For Years!
image source: vanity fair
It's no secret to any of us that these allegations had been made for years, even before he was taken from us way too early! There had been numerous sexual abuse allegations and police investigations which go back nearly half a century at this point. What do you think?
4. James Met Michael On A Pepsi Advert
image source: adweek
Although you can't see James in this advert, this is actually where the two met for the first time. Supposedly, Michael befriended James on the advert and began donating him expensive gifts and even flying him and his family out for vacations fully paid for!
5. James And Michael...
image source: mjjcommunity
This is one of the earliest known photos that exists showing both Michael and James together. The lady we see on the right of the screen is James' mother, so if there was something going on then surely she must not have known about any of the alleged wrongdoings that were occurring.
6. In Bed Together?
image source: mjjcommunity
This is one of the images that featured in the Leaving Neverland documentary and it interestingly shows both Michael and James sitting in bed together whilst their legs are intertwined. Does it not seem strange that MJ would have allowed so many photos to be taken if he wanted to hide anything?
7. With George Lucas And Harrison Ford
image source: mjjcommunity
One example of Michael flying out James and his family for vacations and events can be seen here where James, his mother and Michael can be seen getting their photo taken with Harrison Ford and George Lucas who were obviously famous for their participation in the Star Wars franchise.
8. Wearing MJ'S Fedora
image source: rotten tomatoes
Taken at the same time as one of the former pictures in this list, we can see Michael resting his arms on Wade's shoulder whilst he sports one of Michael's famous pieces of headwear. It's believed that he was actually allowed to keep this piece of kit after the meeting!
9. At The Family Home
image source: Entertainment weekly
It became common for Michael to regularly attend the homes of both Wade and James throughout the period in which the alleged abuse was happening. Here we can see the two getting close whilst throwing money we can assume was given to the child up in the air!
10. Taking A Flight
image source: Radar
This image shows Michael on board a flight he took with one of the many young children who attended his Neverland Ranch. They weren't always joined by MJ on the flight, sometimes parents were willingly sending their children on flights or trips to visit Jackson alone!
11. Many Sick Children Visited
image source: radar
Although we don't know if this young child was ever subject to some of the alleged abuse by Michael Jackson, it does show how close he was with the younger generation. Many sick children were brought to visit the Ranch as a form of good publicity for the singer!
12. MJ Got Booked
image source: NPR
Back in 2003 Jackson was actually booked in the days after Neverland was raided by the sheriff's office. He was actually indicted on 10 criminal counts at the time and had to pay $3m in bail fees and give up his passport in order to be allowed to go free at the time.
13. Wade Robson Was Interviewed Loads!
image source: radar
Wade Robson was obviously one of the two major people at the demise of MJ's failure. However through the early 2000's he had been asked on live TV as to whether anything dodgy ever went on which he denied. He even backed MJ during his initial trial back in 2005.
14. Neverland Ranch
image source: radar
This is an aerial shot of the neverland ranch where it is believed that many of the allegations against Michael Jackson supposedly took place. It was essentially a theme park where underprivileged children were taken to ensure they were able to have at least some form of a good time.
15. Michael Made Wade Lie
image source: radar
In interviews, Wade Robson admitted that he was excited to have to defend Michael if anyone was to question him about any issues they might have had. Michael supposedly told him that he had to lie to anyone including in court in order to protect him as well as the relationship they had.
16. Holding Hands
image source: radar
It's clear from this image that Michael wasn't afraid to hide the fact that he was comfortable spending a lot of time with the kids he had befriended. And besides that, the children's parents obviously didn't hate the idea either as they were often seen, like here, being pictured alongside the pop star.
17. Wade Lied In Court
image source: radar
Supposedly, Wade never wanted to actually get involved or his parents involved in the court case, but he was worried that MJ was going to be killed in prison. He was also fearful that Jackson's daughter, Paris, was going to be left without a father if he didn't choose to defend the star.
18. Holding Hands Again
image source: radar
The last time that Wade ever saw Michael Jackson was in Las Vegas where the two were both living at the same time. He said that this was the only time that he ever saw MJ drinking alcohol and he abruptly left despite claiming he wasn't going to be gone for long. He never saw his alleged abuser again.
19. Wade's Daughter Opened His Eyes
image source: radar
It wasn't until following Jackson's death that Wade began having questions about him in his mind. In fact, it was when his daughter was turning the age he was when he alleges he was abused that he had an emotional and rage filled reaction to what happened to him. guess that makes sense!
20. Hitler?
image source: reddit
One of the strangest parts about the entire documentary was when they were discussing some quite harmful stories about MJ abusing them. But in the background we can see that on a TV screen MJ is looking at what seems to be a photo of Adolf Hitler... I'm not entirely sure what he could have been watching?
21. Meeting The Family
image source: radio times
One of the most obvious and potentially chilling aspects of the whole story is that the children's families were obviously invested in Jackson becoming a part of their family. They are always seemingly in the same place as the star and the children blissfully unaware of any wrongdoings that could be done.
22. Dancing Together
image source: the sun
Michael actually met James following him winning a dancing competition and this shows them in the hours following that show. There seems to be nothing off about these images but when you take them as a collective you can begin to see how it could be seen in a completely different light.
23. Looking Happy Together
image source: reddit
Many people have since claimed that either side of the story could have falsified their accounts. You could never blame the children for not saying anything if it was true, they'd be scared, but many believe they purposely waited until after his death in order to not allow him to defend himself.
24. You Can See James Growing Up
image source: reddit
You can see here in this image just how long the alleged abuse could have been going on for. Here we can see an adolescent James having his shoulders held by Michael at a meet and greet for one of his shows. It's believed that this is another event where MJ requested the child came to again.
25. Having A Cuddle
image source: the sun
Most people begin to have problems with the whole situation when they realise how comfortable MJ was with the physical contact he was having with the young children. This seems to be from a professional photoshoot although I am not entirely sure what they were shooting for!
26. Sharing Secrets
image source: the guardian
As you can tell, many of these images were taken on similar days. Obviously we don't know what James could be whispering in to Jackson's ear here, but knowing now about the allegations it seems to make the image all the little bit creepier. Everything changes when you have a little context.
27. Attending Awards Shows
image source: the sun
I mentioned before that James and Wade often attended events at the invitation of MJ. Again we can see here that MJ had no issue displaying his closeness with the kids and here we can see him holding James hand at a popular awards ceremony on the red carpet. Did no one question it?
28. Too Close?
image source: the times
Again, when you have the context behind the images they can always appear a little creepier than they might first seem. Taken from the same day, we can see the duo seemingly enjoying each other's company a little too much? You'd think someone might have pulled them apart at least a little.
29. They Did A Load Of Press
image source: vanity fair
In the many months before and after the documentary James and Wade engaged in a boat load of interviews with various news networks and talk shows to tell their story. You are all left to make up your own opinion as to whether you can back them or whether you still back the star.
30. Leaving The Hotel Together
image source: reddit
Leaving perhaps the creepiest of images to last is this one of MJ and James leaving a Paris hotel together, hand in hand back in 1988. You have to question why the duo would have stayed together in the same hotel without anyone else watching over them? They were always together!
Now We Will Look At Some Creepy Images of Jackson's Neverland Ranch... A Self Shrine
image source: house digest
Throughout the ranch Jackson has numerous shrines to himself built with thrones and embellished pieces of clothing. Although this seems satirical, knowing the allegations against him it might look as though he was trying to glorify himself a little bit. It all seems just a little bit off!
32. A Hyperbaric Chamber
image source: house digest
If this seems like an odd thing to be at a kids park then you're absolutely right. This device is a personal hyperbaric chamber which is used to creative pressurized environments of oxygen, usually to heal injuries. Why on earth would MJ have or need one of these where it was??
33. Secret Rooms
image source: house digest
Hidden inside MJ's cupboard in his room at the ranch there was a secret door that led to a little safe room. When the place was raided in 2003 they found a load of quite creepy items including pieces of Macaulay Culkin signed memorabilia. Why was that so important to Michael?
34. 'Field of Dreams'
image source: rolling stone
This is one of the many pieces of art that was found and has since been auctioned from the neverland ranch. It really doesn't do anything for Jackson's image, although it was evident that he clearly had some form of need to help the underprivileged children at the time.
35. Life-Sized Child Dolls
image source: throwbacks
Back in 2003 when the ranch and MJ's home was raided one of the creepiest things they found were these life-sized child dolls! Some of them were even positioned as if they were talking to each other which just seems a little too creepy. It also doesn't do anything for MJ's reputation and image either!
36. Boys Kissing Door Knocker
image source: throwbacks
Given the context that we all now have about Michael Jackson, little things like this become all the more creepy. MJ had these little door knockers that appear to show to young boys kissing each other. You'd think they might be able to get something a little less alarming to decorate the place??
37. Animatronic Fortune Teller
image source: throwbacks
I'm sure we've all seen some form of horror or heard a creepy story about these sorts of animatronic fortune tellers. Now i kind of understand wanting these to be as part of the theme park but they're not always the most uplifting. They might end up being a little bit frightening to the youngers.
38. Macaulay Culkin Painting
image source: throwbacks
Amongst all of the hidden things in the back of MJ's closet, they found this Macaulay Culkin signed artwork. Their relationship has always been questioned as a result of them sleeping over together regularly. Despite this, Culkin has always been there to support Jackson against any allegations.
39. Robotic MJ Head
image source: throwbacks
I guess, this is something that all famous people must have around their homes right? Right...? This massive Michael Jackson head is now valued at more than $2000. How creepy must it have been to turn a corner and be met by this monstrosity staring back at you from across the room.
40. A Batsuit
image source: throwbacks
I suppose this is a little more normal than some of the other things in the ranch. But still, having a life sized batman suit, filled with the face of Ben Affleck too! I guess MJ must have been a huge batman fan but even then, coming across this must have been one of the more unsettling sights in the place.
41. Face Molds Of Himself
image source: throwbacks
These aren't just creepy, but they are also some of the weirdest things found in Neverland Ranch too. These casts of his own face cost more than $600 each and they supposedly depict him singing. They look more like he's going through some form of severe pain instead of singing.
42. Fairy Statues
image source: throwbacks
I get that the whole theme of the park was to be like Peter Pan, but even then these small child fairy statues are actually very creepy still. Everywhere you walked around this place there seemed to be pair of eyes watching you. I'm sure there were no cameras hidden in the eyes though.... I think.
43. For Now...
image source: ebaum's world
Knowing what supposedly happened at this ranch and other places MJ was frequenting, the ending for now, seems a little bit creepy. Were the same children going to be coming and going from the theme park or was it just a one off? Surely there was a wider range of underprivileged children to attend.
44. Fan Mail
image source: vice
Here we can see a stack of fan mail that MJ was sent during a period in which he was still alive. The stack is obviously large but what stands out is the image of the Lawyer that tried to take him down painted as if he's the devil. I suppose some people were never going to change.
45. More Life Sized Dolls
image source: steemit
As we've already seen, there were loads of life-sized dolls scattered around the park; these are definitely two of the creepiest. The boy is dressed in a boy scout outfit and he is holding hands with a little girl. It's just so creepy seeing some of them whilst they're out in the wild.
46. Culkin Images
image source: sliptalk
It wasn't just the Macaulay Culkin painting that was hidden in Jackson's back room, but there were also pictures of him too! It was even signed with a line from the Home Alone series he was so famous for. It's less weird though when you learn that MJ was Culkin's godfather.
47. $50,000 Duvet
image source: throwbacks
This is absolutely the most ridiculous piece of equipment found at the ranch. He clearly had too much money to spend as the duvet which cost $50,00 was actually even used by Michael Jackson himself. I can't imagine that this could have been so comfortable for MJ or anyone else to actually sleep in though.
48. A Full Candy Store
image source: pinterest
I suppose a trip to the theatre at neverland wouldn't be the same without a little candy shop outside too. I suppose he really thought of everything and he wanted to make sure the kids that were visiting could get everything they wanted. Would you say this was a little creepy too though?
49. Concrete Hands
image source: pinterest
Now this has to be one of the strangest and creepiest things found in Michael Jackson's ranch! It's a creepy piece of artwork which shows two hands reaching out of a slab of concrete. Not only is it a little strange, there's even blood visible on the hands. What is even going on here?
50. Edward Scissorhands Gloves
image source: throwbacks
This one isn't so much creepy, it's more likely just a little weird! Of all the objects Michael could get his hands on, he decided that the gloves worn by Johnny Depp in Edward Scissorhands were what he should put on display! It doesn't seem particularly child friendly here does it?