17+ Seemingly Harmless Bathroom Habits That Are Actually Disgusting

By Anna Collins 11 months ago

1. Going on your phone on the toilet

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Sitting down on the toilet is almost like a little break time in your daily routine. You sit and you start to scroll and very soon you are sucked down a digital rabbit hole and suddenly you've been sitting on the porcelain throne for a good 20 minutes. But do you realize how gross this is? With all of the bathroom germs transferring to the screen that you won't wash, even after washing your hands!

2. Using a toilet brush

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Toilet brushes have to be, single-handedly, one of the most gross and unhygienic inventions ever. It's a stick with a brush on the end that clears away the remnants of your private business, and then remains, unwashed in the bathroom spreading germs and harmful bacteria into the air!

3. Not cleaning your toothbrush properly

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When you brush your teeth, your toothbrush becomes a magnet for leftover toothpaste, food particles, and, most notably, bacteria from your mouth. If you don't clean it thoroughly, these elements linger on the bristles, creating a thriving breeding ground for bacteria. Essentially, every time you brush, you reintroduce these nasties into your mouth.

4. Using a loofah for too long

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Over time, loofahs can trap dead skin cells and moisture, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive. As you unknowingly scrub away, you're inadvertently spreading these microorganisms across your skin, risking irritation and infection. The worn-out, frayed surface of an aging loofah only exacerbates the problem, making it harder to clean thoroughly.

5. Leaving your toothbrushes together in a cup holder

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In this cozy arrangement, bristles from different brushes (from different people) can come into contact, leading to cross-contamination as they exchange germs from one person's toothbrush to another. Moisture and inadequate ventilation in the enclosed space further create a perfect environment for bacteria and mold growth. Basically, this way, if one person has a virus, the rest of you soon will have to!

6. Leaving a hairbrush in the shower

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The damp and humid environment of the shower provides an ideal breeding ground for mold and mildew, which can quickly build up in the bristles of your hairbrush. As you brush through wet and tangled hair, the brush collects not only strands but also shampoo, conditioner, and residue from other hair products, creating a sticky concoction that attracts even more grime.

7. Keeping your soap in a dish

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When you keep a soap in a dish you probably think that you've found a good solution to stop it slipping all over the sink. But, you'll notice the water collects in the dish and one side stays soggy and mushy. Just because it's soap, doesn't mean that mold can't grow, and when it's constantly wet this is what's going to happen.

8. Not cleaning your shower curtain

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Cleaning your shower curtain is probably on the last of your to-do list. But, it's more urgent than you'd think. The shower curtain is constantly getting wet, and the humidity of a bathroom can lead to grime and soap scum to cling to the surface. They can be full of mold that we can't even see, meaning our showers may not be as clean as we'd hope!

9. Hanging your towels on the same rack

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When damp towels are crowded together, especially in a confined space, they struggle to air out properly. This lack of ventilation creates a cozy environment for moisture-loving bacteria to thrive. Plus, towels in close proximity may transfer germs and skin particles between them, inadvertently spreading what you're trying to wash off.

10. Leaving contact lenses uncovered in the bathroom

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Now this really is gross. Imagine flushing the toilet after doing your business. And then, the airborne particles from the toilet may land on surfaces around the bathroom - one of which could be your contact lenses. You then unknowingly put the lens into your eye, an extremely sensitive area of your body...

11. Sharing a towel

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Towels become very personal because although you've showered before using them, nobody's ever perfectly clean. These towels will also dry intimate parts of the body. The last thing you want to do is to share bacteria, germs, or dead skin cells from one person to another.

12. Not cleaning the toilet bowl regularly

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Neglecting to clean the toilet bowl regularly might be tempting to avoid a very unpleasant chore, but it can result in a host of hygiene and odor issues. Over time, mineral deposits, bacteria, and stains can accumulate in the bowl, creating unpleasant smells and health concerns!

13. Leaving your toothbrush uncovered

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Leaving your toothbrush uncovered exposes it to the airborne particles from your toilet! The bristles can collect these particles, bacteria, and other contaminants present in the bathroom, so putting them into your mouth can be dangerous, not to mention a horrifying thought!

14. Not flushing with the lid closed

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When the toilet is flushed without closing the lid, a plume of microscopic water droplets containing bacteria and other pathogens is released into the air. This aerosol effect can spread these particles across the bathroom, potentially landing on surfaces and personal items.

15. Not cleaning the shower head

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Forgetting to clean the shower head might not be the first thing on our minds, but it can lead to some serious hygiene issues! Over time, mineral deposits and bacteria can build up in the tiny openings, affecting water flow, and allowing this bacteria to flow through the water and right onto you.

16. Forgetting to disinfect the light switch

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Light switches frequently touch surfaces, and over time, they can accumulate bacteria and germs from our hands (which get super dirty). Forgetting to disinfect them allows these microbes to persist, potentially leading to the spread of illness to you and other people in the house!

17. Not cleaning your bathroom floor more than once a month

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We get it, cleaning your bathroom is a chore that none of us want to do. But if there's a floor in your house that seriously needs keeping clean, it's the bathroom! Bathroom floors are prone to collecting dirt, dust, and moisture, and it's somewhere we walk barefooted. Infections such as athlete's foot can spread easily here!

18. Using the same towel for your hands and face

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We all know we shouldn't constantly touch our face with our hands, so why would we use the same towel to wash our hands and face? Hands collect a lot more bacteria, so when you use the same towel for your face, you risk transferring these contaminants to your skin, which can lead to skin issues or breakouts.

19. Not washing bath toys

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Bath toys often accumulate soap scum, bacteria, and mold in the warm and damp environment of the tub. Without regular cleaning, these toys become potential breeding grounds for microbes. And let's face it, our little ones love putting those toys in their mouths, making it even more crucial to keep them clean.

20. Flushing tampons or sanitary pads

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Flushing tampons or sanitary pads down the toilet may seem like a quick way to dispose of them, but it can have severe consequences, especially when they end up in water systems. Tampons and pads don't break down easily and they can make their way into water treatment facilities, where they can disrupt the treatment process and contribute to environmental pollution.

21. Leaving your razor in the shower

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Leaving your razor in the shower may seem convenient, but it can create hygiene issues with how long your razor lasts. The moisture in the shower encourages bacterial growth on the blades, increasing the risk of skin irritation and infections. Additionally, constant exposure to water can dull the blades faster and wear out the razor handle.

22. Brushing your teeth whilst on the toilet

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Brushing your teeth while on the toilet might seem like a time-saving strategy, but it introduces some seriously bad hygiene habits! The bathroom environment, particularly around the toilet, is prone to airborne particles and germs when flushing. When you brush your teeth in close proximity to the toilet, there's a risk of these particles settling on your toothbrush and, ending up right in your mouth.

23. Not having enough ventilation in your bathroom

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Not having proper airflow allows excess humidity to linger, creating conditions ripe for unseen allergens and airborne particles. The lack of proper ventilation might contribute to an unpleasant and stifling atmosphere, impacting not only the overall comfort of the space but also potentially exacerbating respiratory issues.

24. Keeping makeup in the bathroom

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Think about all of the germs and bacteria floating around the bathroom, possibly landing right into your makeup collection or on the bristles of your brushes. You then apply this to your face, around your eyes, and near your mouth. This isn't just unhygienic it could lead to getting sick!

25. Taking a bath in a tub you didn't clean first

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Over time, bathtubs can accumulate soap scum, body oils, and even remnants of previous baths, creating a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. By settling into a tub that hasn't been cleaned, you expose yourself to potential skin irritations and infections.

26. Not washing your bath mat often

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When we step onto a bath mat, we generally have bare, wet feet. This means that a lot of germs are collecting on this mat. And, even after getting out of the shower where you've just washed your feet - you're stepping onto this dirty mat and picking up all the old germs again onto your skin.

27. Not cleaning the bathroom fan

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Forgetting to clean your bathroom fan might not seem like a big deal, but the fan collects dust and dirt over time, and if you don't clean it, it will start to fail to work properly. When the fan collects dust and mold particles, they will start to spread around the bathroom as it blows out air.

28. Using washing cloths in the shower and using them

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When you use a damp washcloth, you risk spreading these microbes to your skin, potentially causing skin irritations or infections. To maintain good hygiene, it's advisable to allow washcloths to dry thoroughly between uses and wash them regularly to prevent mold!

29. Using the same razor for too long

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Blades on a razor can become dull and lose their sharpness, making shaving less effective and potentially causing skin irritation. And, the moist environment of the bathroom creates an inviting space for bacteria to flourish on the blades, increasing the risk of skin infections and irritation. Continuing to use a worn-out razor also increases the likelihood of nicks and cuts, as dull blades can tug at the hair instead of cleanly cutting through it.

30. Not straightening out your towel after using it

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When a towel remains folded or twisted, it hinders proper drying, creating a damp environment. This dampness becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and mold, compromising the freshness of the towel. This is then wiped over your body to dry you - wiping bacteria all over you!

31. Forgetting to clean the doorknob

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Think about how many times a day a doorknob is used, and by how many people. And let's face it, not everyone even washes their hands after the bathroom. So not cleaning your doorknob means that every time you touch it, even after washing your hands you're basically defeating the point of removing the dirt!

32. Using a dirty bath plug

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Using a dirty bath plug may not immediately strike you as a big deal, but it brings potential hygiene concerns into play. Over time, bath plugs can gather soap scum, hair, and other residues. When the plug isn't kept clean, it becomes a potential source of dirt that might end up back in your bathwater.

33. Resting anything on a bathroom surface that you will then use near your face

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When we go into the bathroom it's super easy to put something down on the side. Maybe our glasses for example. But, bathroom surfaces can harbor bacteria and germs, and when items come into contact with these surfaces, they can pick up these contaminants. Using these items near your face, especially around sensitive areas like the eyes or mouth, increases the risk of infection!

34. Keeping the same toothbrush after you've been sick

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Continuing to use the same toothbrush after being sick might not be the best practice for maintaining good oral and overall hygiene. When you've been sick, your toothbrush can harbor germs and bacteria from the illness, and using it afterward may reintroduce these microbes into your mouth.

35. Not changing your towel often enough

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Towels can hang on the rack for much too long, it's super easy to keep grabbing for the same towel and thinking ''I really should change this soon''. But, it's less of a minor oversight than we may think because essentially we could be making ourselves dirty, right after showering!

36. Skipping the underside of the toilet seat

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Overlooking the underside of the toilet seat during cleaning is a bit like leaving behind a hidden party for germs, grime, and, well, whatever else may have found its way there. Neglecting to clean this often-forgotten area is like giving these unwelcome visitors a free pass to stay put, creating a less-than-sanitary surprise for the next person who takes a seat.

37. Not cleaning the bathroom scales

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The scale, being stepped on regularly, can collect dust, dead skin cells, and all of the dirt that's come from your feet or shoes (maybe even foot infections). Neglecting to clean it allows these unseen particles to linger, creating an unintentional breeding ground for bacteria.

38. Not washing bathrobes frequently

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Bathrobes can often be overlooked in comparison to our towel-washing regimes. But, it's the same idea! Over time, a bathrobe can accumulate body oils, dead skin cells, and residual moisture, creating an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. The warm and cozy environment of a robe makes it prone to developing unpleasant odors and potential skin irritations.

39. Not clearing hair from the drain

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Over time, hair can accumulate in the drain, trapping soap scum, shampoo residues, and other gunk. This creates a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and mold, not to mention the potential for clogs. Avoiding the task of clearing hair from the drain allows this build-up to persist, hindering proper water drainage and increasing the risk of unpleasant odors.

40. Using old or expired toiletries

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Using old or expired toiletries might not be the first thing on your mind when getting ready in the bathroom, but it's akin to applying a touch of neglect to your personal care routine. Over time, products like lotions, creams, and even toothpaste can lose their effectiveness and, in some cases, become breeding grounds for bacteria.

41. Using a communal hairbrush

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Do you really want to transfer dirt from one head to another? Hairbrushes can accumulate not just hair but also oils, dead skin cells, and even microscopic debris from the scalp. When shared, these brushes become potential transfer points for bacteria and other contaminants between users.

42. Sharing a loofah

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Loofahs are the kind of material that exfoliates you whilst using them, making you feel all smooth and clean. Well, this may not be the reality at all. As a loofah is used, it accumulates dead skin cells, soap residue, and moisture - a bacteria-thriving environment. When shared, this very personal item transfers germs between each person, risking skin infections!

43. Not washing hands before using a smartphone

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Skipping handwashing before using a smartphone might seem like a harmless shortcut, but it's akin to inviting all the unseen things you've touched throughout the day to linger on your device. Our hands come into contact with numerous surfaces carrying germs, and when we handle our smartphones without washing, those germs get a free ride.

44. Not cleaning the hairdryer filter

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Neglecting to clean the filter allows this buildup to persist, compromising the efficiency of your hairdryer and potentially impacting air quality. Regularly cleaning the hairdryer filter ensures that you're not unintentionally blowing all that accumulated dust and debris onto your freshly washed hair.

45. Ignoring the toothbrush holder

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Imagine it as providing an unintended breeding ground for unseen microorganisms right where you store your toothbrush – not the most appealing thought. Neglecting to clean the toothbrush holder allows these residues to linger, potentially compromising the cleanliness of your toothbrush.

46. Not disinfecting the toilet flush handle

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The toilet flush handle is frequently touched, and over time, it becomes a hotspot for bacteria and other contaminants. Ignoring the disinfection of the toilet flush handle allows these microbes to persist, potentially contributing to the spread of germs in your bathroom.

47. Ignoring the plunger

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Plungers are an essential tool in our bathrooms to help us solve blockages. But after plunging it into our toilet bowl we really should clean it. There are not many places as unhygienic as a toilet bowl, so carrying something that's been in contact with it and storing it without cleaning it is seriously gross.

48. Not cleaning the shower floor after use

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Every time you step on the shower floor, it becomes a landing zone for the remnants of whatever you've walked around on throughout the day. From microscopic particles on your bare feet, the scale accumulates a medley of unseen and potentially harmful germs. Yes, it's being flushed with water - but it's not enough!

49. Using a shared hand towel

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Imagine it as sharing more than just a piece of cloth—it's potentially sharing traces of various hands, skin particles, and whatever else lingers on our palms. Using a shared hand towel introduces the risk of cross-contamination, potentially leading to the transfer of germs between individuals.

50. Not letting shower scrubbers properly dry out

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Neglecting to let your shower scrubbers dry out properly might seem like a small thing, but it can lead to hygiene issues. These scrubbers work hard to keep our shower surfaces clean, but when we leave them damp and bunched up, they won't be making anything clean, quite the opposite!

Now let's have a look at some less disgusting bathroom habits...
51. Keep the bathroom CLEAN

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Keeping the bathroom clean and tidy is essential for hygiene and aesthetics. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of dirt, grime, and germs, creating a pleasant and inviting space for daily use. It also reduces the risk of mold and mildew, which can thrive in damp environments.

52. Shower Caddy 

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Utilizing a shower caddy helps organize toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, reducing clutter and making them easily accessible during showers. This promotes efficiency and prevents bottles from cluttering the shower area, reducing the risk of slips and falls.

53. Hang towels neatly 

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Hanging towels neatly after use allows them to dry properly, preventing unpleasant odors and mold growth. It also maintains a tidy appearance in the bathroom, creating a more inviting environment for users. By hanging towels to dry, you prolong their lifespan and reduce the frequency of laundering, saving time and energy.

54. Wipe down your sink

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Wiping down the sink and countertop daily removes toothpaste residue, soap scum, and water stains, keeping surfaces clean and free from bacteria. This simple habit promotes hygiene and prevents the buildup of grime over time. By incorporating daily cleaning into your routine, you ensure that your bathroom remains fresh and sanitary for everyday use.

55. Use a toilet brush

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Using a toilet brush to clean the toilet bowl regularly ensures proper sanitation and prevents the buildup of stains and bacteria. It helps maintain a fresh and hygienic toilet, promoting a clean and healthy bathroom environment. Regular toilet cleaning also reduces the risk of unpleasant odors and prevents the spread of germs, contributing to a more pleasant and comfortable bathroom experience for all users.

56. Dispose of empty toiletry 

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Properly disposing of empty toiletry containers helps declutter the bathroom and prevents unnecessary mess. Recycling or disposing of containers responsibly contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable living environment. By making a habit of disposing of empty containers promptly, you create a more organized and efficient bathroom space, making it easier to find and access the items you need.

57. Keep toilet paper stocked

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Keeping toilet paper stocked ensures that users have access to this essential bathroom item when needed. Regularly checking and replenishing toilet paper supplies prevents inconvenient situations and promotes user comfort. It also avoids the frustration of running out of toilet paper unexpectedly, ensuring that everyone can use the bathroom without interruption.

58. Use a bath mat

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Using a bath mat provides a non-slip surface for users exiting the shower or bathtub, reducing the risk of slips and falls. This safety measure promotes bathroom safety and helps prevent injuries, especially in wet conditions. By placing a bath mat in front of the shower or bathtub, you create a designated area for drying off, reducing the likelihood of accidents and creating a more comfortable and secure bathing experience.

59. Empty the trash 

 Image source: Reddit
Emptying the trash regularly prevents unpleasant odors and maintains cleanliness in the bathroom. Disposing of trash promptly reduces the risk of pests and creates a more hygienic environment for users. By incorporating trash removal into your cleaning routine, you ensure that your bathroom remains fresh and inviting for everyone who uses it.

60. Use a toothbrush holder 

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Using a toothbrush holder helps keep toothbrushes clean, organized, and easily accessible. Storing toothbrushes upright allows them to air dry between uses, preventing the growth of bacteria and promoting oral hygiene. It also reduces clutter on the countertop and prevents toothbrushes from coming into contact with other surfaces, minimizing the risk of contamination.

61. Rinse the sink after brushing teeth

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Rinsing the sink after brushing teeth removes toothpaste residue and prevents buildup, keeping the sink clean and hygienic. This simple habit helps maintain a fresh and pleasant bathroom environment, promoting cleanliness and user comfort. By rinsing the sink regularly, you prevent the accumulation of toothpaste residue and reduce the need for deep cleaning, making it easier to keep your bathroom looking its best.

62. Use a soap dish

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Using a soap dish prevents soap residue from accumulating on countertops or sinks, keeping the bathroom clean and tidy. It also allows soap to dry between uses, prolonging its lifespan and reducing waste. By using a soap dish, you create a designated spot for your soap, preventing it from sliding around and ensuring that it stays in place when not in use. 

63. Flush your toilet every time

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Flushing the toilet after each use helps maintain proper hygiene and prevents the spread of germs and bacteria. This essential habit ensures that the toilet remains clean and sanitary for the next user, promoting a healthy bathroom environment. By flushing the toilet promptly, you remove waste from the bowl and prevent odors from lingering, creating a more pleasant experience for everyone who uses the bathroom.

64. Use a shower squeegee 

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Using a shower squeegee to prevent water stains on shower walls and doors reduces the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance. This simple tool helps maintain a sparkling shower enclosure and prolongs its lifespan. By using a shower squeegee regularly, you remove excess water from surfaces, preventing the buildup of hard water stains and soap scum. 

65. Close the shower curtain 

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Closing the shower curtain or door after use prevents water from splashing outside the shower area, minimizing cleanup and preventing water damage. This habit promotes bathroom cleanliness and preserves the integrity of surrounding surfaces. By closing the shower curtain or door, you contain water within the shower enclosure, reducing the risk of slips and falls and keeping the rest of the bathroom dry and safe for use.

66. Hang wet towels 

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Hanging wet towels to dry properly prevents musty odors and mildew growth, prolonging their freshness and usability. Properly drying towels also helps maintain their softness and absorbency, ensuring a pleasant user experience. By hanging towels to dry, you prevent them from becoming damp and musty, preserving their quality and extending their lifespan. 

67. Replace toothbrushes every 3 months 

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Replacing toothbrushes every three months or sooner prevents the buildup of bacteria and ensures optimal oral hygiene. Regularly replacing toothbrushes promotes effective plaque removal and reduces the risk of oral health issues. By replacing toothbrushes regularly, you maintain good oral hygiene and prevent the spread of germs, helping to protect your teeth and gums from decay and disease. 

68. Keep a plunger nearby

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Keeping a plunger nearby for emergencies ensures quick and effective resolution of toilet clogs. Having a plunger readily available allows users to address clogs promptly, preventing messy and inconvenient situations. By keeping a plunger in the bathroom, you are prepared to tackle unexpected clogs and minimize disruption to your daily routine. 

69. Use a drain cover 

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Using a drain cover prevents hair and debris from clogging the bathtub or shower drain, reducing the need for costly repairs and maintenance. This simple accessory promotes efficient drainage and prevents water backup. By using a drain cover, you trap hair and other debris before it can enter the drain, preventing blockages and ensuring that water flows smoothly down the drain. 

70. Wipe down mirrors

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Wiping down mirrors to prevent streaks ensures clear visibility and maintains a neat appearance in the bathroom. Regular mirror cleaning promotes a polished look and enhances the overall aesthetics of the space. By removing dust, fingerprints, and water spots from mirrors, you create a brighter and more inviting bathroom environment. 

71. Keep hair styling tools unplugged when not in use

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Prevent accidents and save energy by unplugging hair styling tools when not in use, reducing the risk of fire hazards and promoting safety. It's a simple habit that can prevent potentially dangerous situations and help conserve energy in the long run.

72. Store meds in a cool dry place

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Ensure the efficacy and safety of medications by storing them in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and moisture. This practice helps prevent degradation and maintains the potency of medications, ensuring they remain effective when needed. Proper storage also reduces the risk of accidental exposure to heat or humidity, which could compromise the quality of the medication.

73. Keep cleaning supplies organised 

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Maintain cleanliness efficiently by organizing cleaning supplies in a designated area. By keeping them organized and easily accessible, you can streamline your cleaning routine and ensure you have everything you need on hand when tackling household chores. Plus, a well-organized cleaning supply area makes it easier to keep track of inventory and replenish supplies as needed.

74. Use a bathrobe or towel to protect clothes whilst getting ready

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Prevent stains and damage to clothing by wearing a bathrobe or wrapping a towel around yourself while getting ready. This simple habit helps keep your attire clean and dry, especially when applying skincare products, hair products, or makeup. It also reduces the need for frequent washing and extends the life of your clothing.

75. Keep bath toys in a designated storage bin 

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Maintain hygiene and organization by storing bath toys in a designated bin after use. Allowing them to dry thoroughly and keeping them contained helps prevent clutter in the bathroom and minimizes the risk of mold or mildew growth on the toys. It also makes cleanup easier and encourages children to take responsibility for putting their toys away after bath time.

76. Use a shower cap 

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Preserve hairstyles and reduce the need for frequent washing and styling by using a shower cap to protect hair during showers. This simple accessory helps shield hair from excess moisture and steam, prolonging the life of your hairstyle and minimizing frizz. It's especially useful for those with curly or textured hair who want to maintain their natural curl pattern between washes.

77. Close the toilet seat before flushing 

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Minimize the spread of germs and bacteria by closing the toilet lid before flushing. This simple habit helps contain potentially harmful microbes and prevents them from becoming airborne, reducing the risk of contamination in the bathroom environment. It's a small but effective step in maintaining a clean and hygienic space for yourself and your family.

78. Use hand sanitizer 

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Promote hand hygiene by using hand sanitizer after using the bathroom. Even if you've washed your hands with soap and water, hand sanitizer provides an extra layer of protection against germs and bacteria. It's especially useful when soap and water aren't readily available or as a convenient option for on-the-go hand hygiene. 

79. Wash hands thoroughly

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Ensure proper hand hygiene by washing hands thoroughly with soap and water. This essential practice helps remove dirt, germs, and harmful bacteria from the skin, reducing the risk of illness and infection. Be sure to lather all surfaces of the hands, including the backs of the hands, between the fingers, and under the nails, and scrub for at least 20 seconds before rinsing thoroughly. 

80. Use a gentle face wash 

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Use a gentle face wash suitable for your skin type: Maintain healthy skin by using a gentle face wash suitable for your skin type. Whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, or combination skin, choosing the right cleanser helps remove dirt, oil, and impurities without stripping away essential moisture or causing irritation.

81. Use a shower timer 

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Installing a shower timer limits shower durations, conserving water and lowering utility bills while supporting environmental sustainability. By encouraging conscious time management in the shower, individuals can reduce their water usage significantly without compromising personal hygiene.

82. Replace loofahs regularly 

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It's essential to replace loofahs regularly to prevent bacterial buildup, ensuring effective exfoliation and promoting optimal skin health and hygiene. Over time, loofahs can accumulate bacteria and mold, posing potential risks of skin infections or irritations. By replacing them periodically, individuals can maintain cleanliness and prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms.

83. Rinse out shampoo bottles when finished 

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After each use, it's important to rinse shampoo and conditioner bottles to prevent residue buildup, maintaining cleanliness and product effectiveness. Residue buildup can occur over time, leading to clogged dispensers and compromised product quality. By rinsing out bottles after each use, individuals can ensure that their hair care products dispense smoothly and effectively, without any residue or blockages. 

84. Use a humidifier to maintain moisture 

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Using a humidifier in dry climates helps combat dry air, maintaining comfortable moisture levels for skin and respiratory health. Dry air can lead to various issues such as dry skin, irritated nasal passages, and respiratory discomfort. By adding moisture to the air, a humidifier creates a more comfortable indoor environment.

85. Dispose of expired products 

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It's crucial to dispose of expired products promptly to safeguard health and maintain cleanliness, ensuring the efficacy of personal care routines. Expired products may lose their effectiveness over time and could potentially harbor harmful bacteria or other contaminants. 

86. Keep a first aid kit

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Keeping a well-stocked first aid kit on hand is essential for swift response to minor accidents and injuries, promoting safety and well-being. A properly equipped first aid kit contains essential supplies such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers, allowing individuals to address common ailments and emergencies effectively. 

87. Use a foot scrubber

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Regular use of a foot scrubber is essential for exfoliating dry skin, promoting foot health and revitalization. Feet are often subjected to wear and tear, leading to the accumulation of dead skin cells and rough patches. By using a foot scrubber regularly, individuals can effectively remove dead skin, smooth rough areas, and promote circulation, resulting in softer, healthier-looking feet. 

88. Keep razors stored out the way of children 

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Safely storing razors out of children's reach is crucial for preventing accidents and injuries, ensuring a safe bathroom environment. Razors are sharp objects that can cause cuts and lacerations if mishandled, especially by curious children. By storing razors in high cabinets or locked drawers, individuals can minimize the risk of accidental injuries and create a safer living space for their families. 

89. Use a designated laundry hamper for dirty towels

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Using a designated hamper for dirty towels and clothes is essential for maintaining organization and streamlining laundry routines. A designated hamper helps prevent clutter in the bathroom, ensuring that soiled items are contained in one place until laundry day. 

90. Use a non slip bath mat

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Enhancing bathroom safety with a non-slip bath mat is essential for preventing slips and falls on wet surfaces, promoting a safe bathing experience. Bathrooms can become slippery when wet, posing a risk of accidents and injuries, particularly for children, elderly individuals, and individuals with mobility issues. 

91. Keep your bathroom door closed

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 Ensure privacy and create a comfortable atmosphere by keeping the bathroom door closed while in use. This practice not only provides a sense of privacy but also helps contain sounds and odors within the bathroom, enhancing comfort for everyone in the household.

92. Use a toilet seat cover when using public restrooms 

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 Minimize exposure to germs and bacteria in public restrooms by using a toilet seat cover. This simple yet effective measure provides a hygienic barrier between the skin and the toilet seat, reducing the risk of contact with potentially harmful pathogens and promoting peace of mind during restroom visits.

93. Keep feminine hygiene products stored discreetly 

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Respect privacy and maintain discretion by storing feminine hygiene products in a discreet location. Whether it's a drawer, cabinet, or decorative box, keeping these items out of plain sight ensures accessibility while preserving modesty and personal boundaries.

94. Replace shower curtains to avoid mould 

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Prevent the buildup of mold and mildew by regularly replacing shower curtains. Over time, these surfaces can become breeding grounds for bacteria, leading to unpleasant odors and potential health risks. By refreshing shower curtains periodically, you can maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the bathroom environment.

95. Use a toilet paper holder 

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Keep toilet paper rolls organized and easily accessible by utilizing a toilet paper holder. This simple yet essential bathroom accessory ensures that rolls are kept neatly in place, minimizing clutter and making it convenient for users to reach for toilet paper whenever needed.

96. Keep bathroom surfaces dry 

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Minimize the risk of mold and mildew growth by keeping bathroom surfaces dry after use. Wiping down sinks, countertops, and shower walls helps prevent moisture buildup, which can contribute to the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. By maintaining dry conditions, you can promote a clean and hygienic bathroom environment.

97. Use a designated trash can for disposable items 

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Maintain cleanliness and organization in the bathroom by using a designated trash can for disposable items. Whether it's tissues, cotton swabs, or packaging from personal care products, having a dedicated receptacle prevents clutter and makes it easy to dispose of waste responsibly.

98. Use a toothpaste squeezer to minimize waste

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Maximize the use of toothpaste and reduce waste by using a toothpaste squeezer. This handy tool ensures that every last bit of toothpaste is squeezed out of the tube, minimizing unnecessary expenses and promoting eco-friendly habits.

99. Keep essential oils or air fresheners for a pleasant scent

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Create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere in the bathroom by freshening the air with essential oils or air fresheners. Whether you prefer calming lavender or zesty citrus scents, infusing the space with delightful aromas can help mask odors and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being.

100. Encourage family members to follow good bathroom habits 

Image source: Reddit
Foster a culture of cleanliness and hygiene by encouraging family members to practice good bathroom habits. This includes habits such as washing hands regularly, flushing the toilet after use, and tidying up after oneself. By instilling these habits, you can promote a shared responsibility for maintaining a clean and hygienic bathroom environment.

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