20 Foods You Should Never Reheat In The Microwave

By Carole 2 months ago

1. Foods in aluminium foil - you could set your microwave on fire!

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Microwaving foods wrapped in aluminium foil can lead to sparks and potential damage to the microwave's interior. The metal in the foil reflects microwaves, causing electrical currents to form and potentially ignite a fire.  Even a tiny piece of foil packaging you may have missed can prove hazardous.

2. Oily or fatty foods can burning

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Foods high in fats or oils can splatter in the microwave, creating a mess and posing a burn risk.  Additionally, the intense heat generated by the microwave can cause oils to reach their smoke point, resulting in unpleasant odors, difficult to disperse, and potential health risks.

3. Raw fish could have harmful consequences

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Raw fish, such as sushi or sashimi, should definitely not be reheated in the microwave due to the risk of uneven cooking and potential bacterial contamination. Raw fish can contain harmful pathogens that may not be completely eliminated by microwave heating.

4. Shellfish can become rubbery

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Reheating shellfish, such as shrimp or crab, can lead to overcooking and a nasty, rubbery texture, making the food practically inedible. Shellfish are delicate and can quickly become tough and unappetizing when exposed to high heat, such as that generated by a microwave.

5. Foods in plastic containers which aren't microwave safe

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Some plastic containers may contain harmful chemicals, such as bisphenol A (BPA), that can leach into food when heated in the microwave. To avoid potential health risks, it's essential to use containers specifically designated as being completely microwave-safe.

6. Breast milk can be a disaster

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Breast milk contains valuable nutrients and antibodies that can be compromised by excessive heat. Microwaving breast milk can create hot spots, causing the milk to lose its beneficial properties and, more importantly, potentially scalding the baby's mouth.

7. Gravy can become lumpy

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Gravy can thicken and develop an unsightly lumpy texture when reheated in the microwave due to the uneven distribution of heat. Stirring frequently can help promote more even heating, but it may not always prevent texture changes, leaving it unappetising.

8. Cream-based sauces may separate

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Cream-based sauces, such as Alfredo or béchamel, can separate and become greasy when reheated in the microwave. The high heat of the microwave can cause the fat molecules in the sauce to separate from the liquid components, resulting in an unappetizing appearance and texture.

9. Foods with a high water content

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Foods with high water content, such as berries or melons, can become superheated in the microwave, leading to explosive boiling when disturbed. This phenomenon poses a risk of burns and can really cause serious injuries if the hot liquid erupts unexpectedly.

10. Foods containing small, sharp bones

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Reheating foods with small bones, such as fish or chicken, in the microwave can create hot spots that cause the bones to become extremely hot and potentially splinter. Consuming these foods without carefully inspecting them for bone fragments can pose a choking hazard.

11. Carbonated beverages can build up pressure

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Carbonated beverages contain dissolved gases, such as carbon dioxide, which can build up pressure when heated in the microwave. As the pressure increases, it can cause the container to rupture or explode, resulting in a messy and potentially dangerous situation.

12. Sparse or unevenly distributed foods

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When food is not spread out evenly on a plate or inside a container, some parts of it may receive more microwave radiation than others. This can lead to uneven heating, with some portions becoming overcooked while others remain undercooked and/or cold.

13. Large cuts of meat could be ruined

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Large cuts of meat require precise heating to ensure that they reach a safe internal temperature without drying out. Microwaves may not penetrate large cuts of meat evenly, resulting in uneven heating and potential food safety risks.  NEVER compromise as you may become ill.

14. Foods with delicate textures such as meringues

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Delicate foods, such as meringues or soufflés, rely on their delicate structure for their light and airy texture. Reheating these foods in the microwave can cause them to collapse and to lose their texture due to the rapid and uneven heating process.

15. Bread may end up chewy

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Bread contains moisture, which can evaporate quickly when heated in the microwave, resulting in a tough and chewy texture. To prevent this, it's essential to reheat bread using low power settings or by wrapping it in a damp paper towel to retain moisture.

16. Highly acidic foods like tomatoes

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Highly acidic foods, such as citrus fruits or tomatoes, can react with certain microwave-safe containers, leading to the leaching of harmful chemicals into the food. It's essential to use containers specifically designed for microwave use and to avoid prolonged exposure of acidic foods to plastic containers.

17. Certain vegetables can be rubbery

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Vegetables with tough skins or membranes, such as bell peppers or eggplants, can become rubbery when they are reheated in the microwave. Blanching these vegetables before reheating can often help soften their texture and improve their overall quality.

18. Foods with crispy coatings can turn soggy

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Foods with crispy coatings, such as breaded chicken or tempura, rely on their crispy texture for their appeal. Reheating these foods in the microwave can cause the coating to become soggy and lose its crispiness. Using a conventional oven or toaster oven can help preserve the crispy texture of these foods.

19. Easily dehydrated foods like leftover pizza

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Foods that tend to dry out quickly, such as leftover pizza or lasagna can become tough and unappetizing when reheated in the microwave. To prevent this, covering the food with a damp paper towel or microwave-safe lid can help retain moisture and prevent dehydration.

20. Certain spices and herbs run risk of losing flavor

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Fragrant spices and herbs can lose their aroma and flavor when they are exposed to high heat in the microwave. Adding fresh herbs and spices to reheated dishes just before serving can help preserve their flavor and enhance the overall taste of the dish.

21. Foods with hard crusts or shells may turn chewy

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Foods with hard crusts or shells, such as pies or pastries, can become tough and chewy when reheated in the microwave. The microwave's heat may not penetrate the crust evenly, resulting in uneven heating and texture changes. Nothing worse than hard pastry!

22. Caramel or sugary sauces can be hot, hot, hot!

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Caramel or sugary sauces can become extremely hot and sticky when reheated in the microwave, posing a risk of burns to the mouth, which can be very serious. Additionally, overheating caramel can cause it to scorch and develop a horrible, bitter taste.

23. Foods with layers of different densities such as desserts

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Foods with layers of different densities could struggle in the microwave.  These include layered casseroles and various desserts which may heat unevenly in the microwave. The denser layers may become overcooked but the lighter layers could remain undercooked.  How disappointing!

24. Frozen foods in plastic bags is a no-no

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Reheating frozen foods in plastic bags can cause harmful chemicals to leach into the food, especially if the plastic is not labelled as being microwave-safe. It would beneficial to transfer frozen foods to microwave-safe containers before reheating for a safe, even result.

25. Thin or delicate cuts of meat

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Thin or delicate cuts of meat, such as thinly sliced steak or fish fillets, can easily become tough and dry when reheated in the microwave. The high heat of the microwave can cause the proteins to tighten and expel moisture, resulting in a less tender texture.

26. Crumbly or flaky foods such as biscuits

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Crumbly or flaky foods, such as delicious pie crusts or maybe your favorite biscuits, may lose their texture and become soggy when reheated in the microwave. To preserve their flakiness, you would be best using a dry heat method such as in a toaster oven.

27. Foods with high fat content

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Foods with a high fat content, such as cheese or butter-based dishes, can become greasy and unappetizing when reheated in the microwave. The fat may separate from the other ingredients, resulting in an oily texture.  Al in all, they won't look appetising on the plate!

28. High protein foods like tofu

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High protein foods, such as eggs or tofu, can become rubbery and tough when overheated in the microwave. The proteins in these foods can denature rapidly at high temperatures, altering their texture and taste.  You would struggle to digest them easily!

29. Cooked pasta with tomato-based sauces

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Cooked pasta with tomato-based sauces can become mushy and lose their texture when reheated in the microwave. The acidity of the tomato sauce can break down the pasta, resulting in a less appetizing dish. Much better to reheat on a low light over the stove.

30. Dishes with delicate garnishes

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Dishes with delicate garnishes, such as fresh herbs or nice, crispy toppings, may wilt or lose their crispness when reheated in the microwave. It's advisable to add these garnishes just before serving in order to maintain their freshness and texture.

31. Frozen meals with complex components - meat with  sauce

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Frozen meals with multiple components, such as meats, vegetables, and sauces, may not reheat evenly in the microwave. Certain components may become overcooked while others remain frozen or undercooked.  The meal you were looking forward to could leave much to be desired.

32. Foods with crispy or crunchy textures

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Foods with crispy or crunchy textures, such as potato chips or crackers, can lose their crispiness when reheated in the microwave. The moisture in the microwave can soften these foods, resulting in a less enjoyable texture which would be a great shame!

33. Foods with volatile oils such as rosemary

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Foods with volatile oils, such as herbs like rosemary or thyme, can lose their flavor and aroma when exposed to high heat in the microwave. It's a better idea to add these herbs to dishes once they have been reheating so they can preserve their freshness.

34. Foods with cream cheese or soft cheeses

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Cream cheese and soft cheeses can become overly melted and lose their texture when reheated in the microwave.  Another big issue is that they may also separate or become greasy, resulting in, to put it politely, an undesirable consistency resembling gloop!

35. Egg-based dishes with fillings

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Egg-based dishes with fillings - we're saying foods like quiches or omelettes, may not reheat evenly in the microwave. The problem is that the fillings can become overheated, quite dangerous, while the eggs remain undercooked or with a rubbery consistency.

36. Foods with delicate fruits

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Delicate fruits, such as strawberries or kiwi, can become mushy and lose their shape when reheated in the microwave. Add fresh fruits to dishes after reheating to preserve their texture and flavor.  Don't learn the hard way like me, trying to save time!

37. Foods with thin sauces

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Foods with thin sauces, such as pasta dishes with light broths, may become watery when reheated in the microwave. The sauce may separate or become diluted, resulting in a less than flavorsome dish. Reheating foods with thicker sauces should probably be ok.

38. Eggs in their shells

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Placing eggs in their shells in the microwave can result in explosive outcomes. The rapid accumulation of steam within the egg can lead to a violent burst, presenting a risk of injury and creating a messy situation. To ensure safety and prevent accidents, it is strongly recommended to use alternative cooking methods when preparing eggs.

39. Hot Peppers

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Heating hot peppers in the microwave can release volatile compounds, generating strong fumes that may irritate the eyes and respiratory system. To avoid discomfort and potential health issues, it is advisable to opt for alternative cooking methods when dealing with hot peppers. Using methods like roasting, sautéing, or baking allows for better control over the release of these compounds and minimizes the risk of irritation.

40. Travel Mugs

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Putting travel mugs with metal linings in the microwave can lead to sparking and damage to the microwave's interior. This can pose safety hazards and affect the functionality of the appliance. It's best to use microwave-safe containers to avoid accidents.

41. Whole Fruits

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Heating whole fruits in the microwave can cause them to explode due to steam buildup within their skins. This poses a messy and potentially dangerous situation, risking injury and damage to the microwave. It's safer to use other cooking methods for fruits.

42. Grapes

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Microwaving grapes can lead to sparks and fire hazards due to their high water content. The electromagnetic waves interact with the grape's skin, creating plasma, resulting in potential damage to the microwave and posing safety risks. It's best to avoid microwaving grapes altogether.

43. Foods In Sealed Containers

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Microwaving foods in sealed containers can cause pressure buildup, leading to explosions and potential injury. It's safer to transfer food to microwave-safe containers with vents or open lids to allow steam to escape and prevent dangerous situations.

44. Food in wax packaging 

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Heating food in wax packaging in the microwave can cause the wax to melt, potentially contaminating the food with harmful chemicals. Moreover, the wax may catch fire or produce sparks, posing safety hazards. It's best to transfer food to microwave-safe containers before heating.

45. Foods with high sugar content

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Foods with high sugar content can overheat and scorch in the microwave, leading to burnt flavors, unpleasant odors, and potentially causing the food to catch fire. It's safer to use alternative heating methods for sugary foods to avoid damage and maintain food quality.

46. Foods containing dairy 

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Microwaving foods containing dairy can lead to uneven heating, curdling, or boiling over, resulting in a messy and undesirable texture. It's better to heat dairy-containing foods slowly on the stove or in the oven for smoother results and to preserve their quality.

47. Foods with absorbent skins 

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Foods with absorbent skins, such as eggplant or bell peppers, pose a risk of becoming soggy or even exploding in the microwave due to the moisture trapped inside. This can lead to messy outcomes and compromise the texture and flavor of the food. To preserve their texture and prevent such mishaps, it's advisable to opt for alternative cooking methods like grilling, roasting, or sautéing.

48. Foods with high protein 

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Microwaving foods high in protein, such as meatloaf or chicken breasts, can result in uneven cooking, making some parts overcooked and tough while others remain undercooked. It's better to use gentle cooking methods to ensure even doneness and preserve the texture of protein-rich foods.

49. Food with lots of air in

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Foods with a high air content, such as marshmallows or soufflés, have the potential to expand rapidly in the microwave, leading to messy and inconvenient situations. Moreover, there's a risk of overcooking or developing a rubbery texture due to the microwave's intense heat. To maintain the desired texture and avoid microwave mishaps, it's advisable to opt for alternative cooking methods that allow for better control over the expansion and cooking process.

50. Foods with non microwavable additives

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Microwaving foods with non-microwave-safe additives, like decorative toppings or metallic wrappers, can release harmful chemicals or cause sparks, posing health risks and damaging the microwave. It's safer to transfer food to microwave-safe containers to prevent accidents and ensure food safety.

51. Here's some foods that do surprisingly well in the microwave! - Eggs

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Eggs are incredibly versatile and can be cooked in various ways using the microwave. Microwave in short bursts, stirring occasionally, until the eggs are set. For poached eggs, crack an egg into a microwave-safe bowl filled with water and microwave until the egg white is set but the yolk is still runny.

52. Potatoes are so easy

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Potatoes can be cooked quickly in the microwave, making them perfect for a fast and easy side dish or meal. Simply pierce the potatoes with a fork to create steam vents, wrap them in a damp paper towel, and microwave until they are tender when pierced with a knife.

53. Steamed vegetables to perfection

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Fresh vegetables can be steamed to perfection in the microwave. Place your vegetables in a microwave-safe bowl with a splash of water, cover with a microwave-safe lid or plastic wrap, and microwave until they are tender-crisp. Season with salt, pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil for a healthy and delicious side dish.

54. Fish fillets work a dream

Image source: Quora
Fish cooks quickly and easily in the microwave, making it a convenient option for busy weeknights. Season your fish fillets with herbs, spices, and a squeeze of lemon juice, then place them in a microwave-safe dish. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave until the fish is opaque and flakes easily with a fork.

55. Long grain rice is hassle free

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Cooking rice in the microwave is a simple method. Combine rice and water in a microwave-safe dish, cover, and microwave until the water is absorbed and the rice is tender. Fluff with a fork and serve as a side dish or base for your favorite stir-fries and curries.

56. Popcorn is poptastic!

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Microwave popcorn is a quick and easy snack that's perfect for movie nights or any time you're craving a salty treat. Simply place a bag of popcorn kernels in a microwave-safe bowl, cover with a microwave-safe plate, and microwave until the kernels have popped. Add your favorite seasonings like butter, salt, or nutritional yeast for extra flavor.

57. Impressive mug cakes

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Mug cakes are a fun and delicious dessert that you can make in minutes using your microwave. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, milk, oil, and any other desired ingredients in a microwave-safe mug. Microwave until the cake is set and cooked through, then top with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, or fresh fruit for a sweet treat!

58. Oatmeal is so nutritious

Image source: Quora
Oatmeal is a hearty breakfast option that cooks quickly in the microwave. Combine oats and water or milk in a microwave-safe bowl, microwave until the oats are tender and the mixture is thick and creamy. Top with fresh fruit, nuts, and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup for added flavor.

59. Pasta is eazy-peazy

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Cooking pasta in the microwave is a convenient option for busy weeknights or dorm living. Combine pasta and water in a microwave-safe dish, cover, and microwave until the pasta is al dente. Drain the pasta and toss with your favorite sauce for a quick and easy meal that's sure to satisfy.

60. Mug quiche - quick and filling

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Similar to mug cakes, mug quiches are a quick and easy breakfast or snack option. Simply whisk together eggs, milk, cheese, vegetables, and any desired seasonings in a microwave-safe mug. Microwave until the eggs are set and the quiche is cooked through. You can customize your mug quiche with ingredients like spinach, mushrooms or bacon.

61. Microwave risotto any night of the week

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Making risotto in the microwave is a convenient option for busy week nights. Combine Arborio rice, chicken or vegetable broth, chopped onions, garlic, and any desired herbs or vegetables in a microwave-safe dish. Microwave until the rice is tender and creamy, stirring occasionally. Finish with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese!

62. Microwave steamed artichokes are yummy

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Artichokes can be easily steamed in the microwave, making them a quick and delicious appetizer or side dish. Trim the stems and remove any tough outer leaves from the artichokes. Place them in a microwave-safe dish with a few inches of water, cover with a microwave-safe lid or plastic wrap, and microwave until the artichokes are tender.

63. Yes! - Microwave lemon curd

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Lemon curd is a sweet and tangy spread that can be made in the microwave with just a few simple ingredients. Whisk together fresh lemon juice, lemon zest, sugar, eggs, and butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave in short bursts, stirring frequently, until the mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon. Strain the lemon curd to remove lumps.

64. Poultry

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Poultry can be safely reheated in the microwave, provided it is cooked thoroughly to eliminate any potential harmful bacteria. It's essential to use microwave-safe containers and adhere to recommended cooking times to ensure even heating and maintain food safety standards. Utilizing proper containers helps to prevent contamination and ensures that the poultry reaches a safe internal temperature during the reheating process.

65. Frozen Microwavable meals

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Frozen meals are designed for microwave heating, with packaging instructions specifying safe cooking times and methods. Microwaving frozen meals is convenient and ensures quick, hassle-free preparation, making it a popular choice for busy individuals looking for a convenient meal option.

66. Popcorn

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Popcorn kernels contain moisture, and when heated, this moisture turns into steam, leading to the characteristic popping of the kernels. Microwave popcorn bags are specifically designed to safely contain and facilitate this popping process, making it convenient to prepare popcorn quickly and easily in the microwave.

67. Hot Chocolate

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Microwaving hot chocolate is a speedy and convenient method for effortlessly preparing a warm beverage. This approach not only ensures a quick turnaround but also promotes even distribution of heat, guaranteeing a consistently enjoyable drinking experience. Whether you're craving a comforting drink on a chilly day or simply seeking a hassle-free way to enjoy hot chocolate, the microwave proves to be a reliable and efficient solution for warming this delightful beverage.

68. Sandwiches

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Microwaving sandwiches is a fast and convenient method to enjoy warm fillings and melted cheese. This quick heating process provides an easy option for a satisfying meal or snack, preserving the original flavors of the ingredients. Whether it's a lunchtime sandwich or a midnight snack, using the microwave ensures a warm and enjoyable culinary experience without the need for extensive preparation or cooking time.

69. Pre Cooked Meats

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Reheating pre-cooked meats in the microwave presents a swift and practical option for a convenient meal. The microwave's even heating capability ensures that the meats are warmed uniformly, preserving both their flavor and texture. This method offers a hassle-free way to enjoy a quick and warm meal without compromising on the quality of the pre-cooked meats.

70. Butters

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Heating butter in the microwave is convenient for softening it quickly for spreading or incorporating into recipes. Microwaving butter helps to achieve the desired consistency without the need for lengthy waiting times or extra dishes, making it a convenient option for cooking and baking.

71. Frozen Fruits 

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Microwaving frozen fruits is a quick and convenient way to thaw them for use in recipes or as a snack. It helps to preserve their flavor and nutrients while providing a hassle-free method for incorporating fruits into meals or enjoying them as a refreshing treat.

72. Side Dishes

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You can heat side dishes in the microwave for a quick and convenient way to enjoy a warm accompaniment to your meal. Microwaving side dishes ensures even heating and preserves their flavor and texture, making it a hassle-free option for busy individuals or those seeking a quick meal solution.

73. Meat Alternatives

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Heating meat alternatives in the microwave provides a quick and convenient way to enjoy a plant-based meal. Microwaving ensures even heating, preserving the texture and flavor of the meat alternative while offering a hassle-free cooking method for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet.

74. Oats

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Heating oats in the microwave is a convenient way to prepare a warm and nutritious breakfast. Microwaving oats ensures quick cooking and even heating, allowing for a delicious and satisfying meal in minutes, perfect for busy mornings or anytime you need a hearty and healthy option.

75. Pizza 

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You can heat pizza in the microwave for a quick and convenient way to enjoy a warm slice. Microwaving pizza helps to evenly distribute heat, ensuring a gooey and satisfying texture without the need for preheating an oven, making it a popular choice for a fast meal or snack.

76. Microwavable dessert cups 

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Microwaving microwavable dessert cups is a convenient way to enjoy a warm and indulgent treat. It ensures quick heating, preserving the delicious flavor and texture of the dessert while providing a hassle-free option for satisfying your sweet cravings.

77. Tea

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Heating tea in the microwave is a quick and convenient method to enjoy a warm beverage. It ensures even heating and allows for customizable brewing times, providing a hassle-free way to prepare tea to your desired temperature and strength, perfect for busy mornings or anytime you need a soothing drink.

78. Coffee

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Microwaving coffee proves to be a rapid and practical method for reheating your preferred brew, ensuring uniform warmth and permitting personalized temperature adjustments. This approach offers a hassle-free solution, enabling individuals to enjoy a warm and gratifying cup of coffee at their convenience without compromising flavor or resorting to more time-consuming reheating methods.

79. Oatmeal

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Microwaving oatmeal offers a swift and convenient means of preparing a nourishing breakfast, combining speed with versatility. This method guarantees even heating, preserving the oatmeal's consistency, and allows for personalized cooking times based on individual preferences. Its simplicity and flexibility make microwaving oatmeal a hassle-free option, catering to those seeking a quick, customizable, and satisfying start to their day.

80. Custard 

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Microwaving custard provides a convenient and efficient way to enjoy a warm and creamy dessert, ensuring even heating that preserves the smooth texture and rich flavor of the custard. This method is time-efficient, making it an excellent option for those with limited time or a spontaneous sweet tooth. The simplicity and ease of the microwave contribute to its convenience, requiring minimal preparation and monitoring.

81. Rice Pudding

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Microwaving rice pudding is a convenient way to enjoy a warm and comforting dessert. It ensures even heating, preserving the creamy texture and delicious flavor of the pudding while providing a hassle-free option for satisfying your sweet tooth - serve with your desired toppings and enjoy!

82. Sticky Toffee Pudding 

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Microwaving sticky toffee pudding ensures even heating, maintaining its gooey texture and rich flavors. It's a quick method to enjoy a warm and indulgent dessert without compromising on taste or quality, providing a hassle-free solution for satisfying your sweet cravings.

83. Ragu 

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Microwaving ragu allows for even heating, ensuring that the sauce retains its flavor and consistency. It offers a quick method to warm up the sauce without the need for additional pots or pans, making it a practical choice for a speedy meal preparation.

84. Soup

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Microwaving soup of any kind provides even heating, preserving its flavors and textures. It's a quick method to warm up a comforting meal without the need for stovetop monitoring, offering a simple solution for enjoying a hearty and satisfying dish.

85. Burrito

Image source: Reddit
Microwaving a burrito ensures even heating throughout, maintaining its delicious flavors and textures. It's a quick method to warm up the meal without requiring additional cooking utensils, offering a straightforward solution for enjoying a tasty and satisfying dish.

86. Grilled Cheese

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Microwaving a grilled cheese sandwich evenly reheats the bread and melts the cheese without the need for a stove. It's a quick method to enjoy a warm and gooey sandwich, offering a simple solution for a satisfying meal without additional cooking equipment.

87. Bacon

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Microwaving bacon can provide an even cooking and crispy results without the need for greasy pans. It's a quick method to prepare crispy bacon slices, offering a simple solution for enjoying this delicious breakfast staple with minimal cleanup required.

88. Chocolate 

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Microwaving chocolate allows for precise melting without the risk of burning. It's a quick method to achieve smooth and creamy melted chocolate, offering a simple solution for preparing desserts, coatings, or drizzles with ease and efficiency. Make sure you microwave chocolate in intervals to avoid it burning!

89. Croissant 

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Microwaving croissants gently warms them, preserving their flaky texture and buttery flavor. It's a quick method to enjoy a warm pastry without the need for an oven, offering a simple solution for a delightful breakfast or snack. It requires minimal clean up too!

90. Sausage Rolls

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Microwaving sausage rolls heats them evenly, ensuring they're warm throughout. It's a quick method to enjoy a savory snack without the need for an oven, offering a simple solution for satisfying hunger cravings in no time. Be mindful that you may lose some of the flakiness in your pastry!

Here is some things you shouldn't put in the microwave...
91. Metal Objects

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Heating metal objects in the microwave can cause sparks, fire, and damage to the appliance. The metal reflects microwaves, creating electric currents that can lead to arcing and potential hazards. It's essential to avoid placing metal objects in the microwave to ensure safety.

92. Aluminium Foil

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Aluminum foil in the microwave can cause sparks, fire, and damage. It reflects microwaves, leading to arcing and potential hazards. It's crucial to avoid using aluminum foil in the microwave to prevent accidents and ensure the appliance's safe operation.

93. Styrofoam

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Heating Styrofoam in the microwave can cause it to melt or release harmful chemicals into food. This can lead to contamination and health risks. It's essential to avoid microwaving Styrofoam containers to maintain food safety and prevent potential health hazards.

94. Plastic Containers

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Microwaving plastic containers can lead to chemicals leaching into food, especially if they're not labeled microwave-safe. This poses health risks, including potential exposure to harmful compounds. It's crucial to use microwave-safe containers to ensure food safety and avoid health hazards.

95. Breast Milk

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Microwaving breast milk can create uneven heating, leading to hot spots that may scald the baby's mouth. It can also destroy essential nutrients and antibodies in the milk. It's safer to warm breast milk using gentle methods like warm water to preserve its quality and ensure the baby's safety.

96. Plastic Bags

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Heating plastic bags in the microwave can cause them to melt or release harmful chemicals into food, posing health risks. It's crucial to transfer food to microwave-safe containers to prevent contamination and ensure food safety when heating in the microwave.

97. Liquid In Sealed Containers

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Heating liquids in sealed containers in the microwave can lead to pressure buildup, causing them to explode and potentially causing burns or injury. It's essential to use vented containers or leave lids slightly open to allow steam to escape and prevent dangerous situations.

The last three are for children safety and concern...
98. DVD'S

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Putting DVDs in the microwave can cause them to melt, release toxic fumes, and damage the appliance due to the metal content. It's essential to avoid microwaving DVDs (not that you would want to anyway) to prevent health hazards and maintain the functionality of the microwave.

99. Paper Bags

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Microwaving paper bags poses a significant fire hazard primarily because paper is highly flammable and can easily catch fire when exposed to intense heat. Paper bags are often treated with various substances, such as inks, dyes, or other chemicals, which can further increase their flammability. When subjected to the high temperatures generated in a microwave, the risk of combustion becomes even more pronounced.

100. Fireworks

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This one feels pretty obvious, but microwaving fireworks can cause them to explode due to the heat, posing a severe safety risk and potentially damaging the appliance. It's crucial to avoid microwaving fireworks to prevent accidents, injuries, and property damage.

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