10 Signs You Are The Victim Of Love Bombing

By Anna Collins 7 months ago

1. You're the center of their universe

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In the initial stages of a love bombing situation, you'll notice that everything seems to revolve around you. From constant compliments to an overwhelming amount of attention, this person is deliberately making you feel like you're the center of the world...in the beginning at least.

2. They spoke about the future together way too quickly

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Talking about marriage and future plans when you've not even known someone for very long may be less 'cute' and more worrying. Love bombers have a knack for fast-forwarding into life plans, painting a vivid picture of your shared future. Before you get swept away, pause and ask yourself if it's a genuine connection or just another love-bombing move.

3. You're being showered with excessive gifts

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No, this isn't just picking up your favorite chocolate bar from the store. This is being laden with luxury items and things that just feel a little bit too much. From lavish bouquets to expensive surprises, it might seem like you've hit the jackpot. However, in the world of love bombing, these gifts may be used as tools to manipulate and create a sense of indebtedness.

4. Three days in and you're being told 'You're my soulmate'

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Three days in and bam, they're dropping the "you're my soulmate" bomb. Sounds like a plot twist from a rom-com, but in reality, it's a classic love-bombing move. Love bombers love to speed up the emotional rollercoaster, making you feel like you've found your other half in record time.

5. It all feels VERY intense

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If you're being love-bombed, it's all going to feel super intense. Love bombers thrive on turning emotions up to the max, making you feel like you're in the middle of a whirlwind romance. The intention is to get you feeling completely caught up in the emotion.

6. It's all highly publicized

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When your relationship is being publicized so much, you've got to wonder, ''Is this for us or is it to try and prove something to everybody else?''. If it was about pure love, then would it really matter what the rest of the world thought? Love bombers love the spotlight, showcasing your connection to the world.

7. They're intensely clingy

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Love bombers often excel in the art of being intensely clingy, making every moment feel like an inseparable bond and making you think they can't be without you. While closeness is valuable, an overwhelming need for constant togetherness might be a love-bombing move.

8. They text you non-stop

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If your phone is constantly buzzing with texts and calls from someone who claims they just can't get enough of you, be cautious. Love bombers often flood your phone with messages and calls. It all creates an artificial sense of urgency and closeness.

9. They immediately want to know EVERYTHING about you

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Love bombers crave to know EVERYTHING about you from the get-go. While getting to know each other is natural, the rapid-fire interrogation might be a love-bombing strategy. It's not just about genuine interest; it's a move to gather ammunition for emotional connection and control.

10. They pressure you to commit early on

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If they're pushing for commitment at the speed of light, you might be dealing with a classic case of love bombing. It's a clear sign. Love bombers often apply pressure to commit swiftly, so that they can ensure that they have secured you for themselves.

11. They praise everything you do

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Sure, we all love compliments. But when every action you take is hailed as extraordinary, it could be a sign of love bombing. Excessive praise might not be about genuine admiration; instead, it could be a tactic to make you dependent on their approval. Pay attention to the sincerity behind the compliments and ensure they align with reality.

12. They're like a shadow - always there

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Nobody can be together 24/7, it's not healthy to be so dependent on one person and neglect the other aspects of your life. But, it's what they want you to feel! They want you to be with them constantly so that they then have more influence and emotional control over you.

13. And they always want to know where you are

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This is a red flag right here. If they're perpetually asking, "Where are you?" then you need to realize that this doesn't stem from genuine concern, they are watching over you and trying to find out who you are with. They want to monitor you, and it's a big concern.

14. Everything is over the top

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A sign you are being love-bombed: everything is extravagantly over the top. It's a key love bombing move. Nothing is subtle - at all. And, don't be fooled, this isn't like a movie - it's all a great facade to reel you into the image that your new romance is perfection!

15. They swept you off your feet

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Have you found yourself in a whirlwind romance, moving at a pace that leaves you breathless? It sounds like a movie, but love bombers often accelerate relationships, making grand gestures and commitments early on to impress you. While it might seem exciting, it can be a concerning sign!

16. They tell you their life story super quickly

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Getting comfortable quickly, opening up, and being vulnerable can be a great thing. But telling you their life story on the second date can also be alarming. While openness is valued, this rapid disclosure may be a strategy to try and speed up your connection!

17. You're plastered all over their social media

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Your face dominates their social media feeds, and your name echoes in every caption. They are purposefully broadcasting your connection to the world. But beware – if it feels like they're curating a perfect online narrative more than building a genuine connection, you might be caught in a love-bombing spectacle.

18. There's a lot of PDA

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PDA is something that a love bomber will use as a tactic to create the perfect picture for everyone that the two of you are so in love and super happy. This is so that you believe it yourself! It's a calculated performance to reinforce the image of an intensely loving connection.

19. They give you constant declarations of love

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If declarations of love are raining down on you like confetti, you might have a love proclaimer in your midst. Love bombers specialize in constant, over-the-top expressions of affection, bombarding you with words of love. While it may seem like a romantic dream, it's crucial to discern whether it's genuine love or a love-bombing tactic designed to create emotional dependence.

20. They love to pay you surprise visits

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Sound cute? It's not. At least, not when it's love bombing. All this really means is that it's an attempt to invade your personal space and establish dominance. But, so that it isn't obvious they'll pretend they wanted to surprise you because they love you and missed you!

21. They won't do subtle things to help you, it all has to be a grand gesture

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Are they constantly seeking your approval and validation? Love bombers feed off this constant need for reassurance. While it might seem like they just want your love, it's crucial to question if their need for validation is a genuine desire for connection or a manipulative tactic.

22. They want constant validation from you

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Always on the lookout for your approval and validation, love bombers seem to thrive on soaking up that constant reassurance. It might appear like they're just hungry for your love, but it's worth questioning if their constant need for validation comes from a genuine desire for connection.

23. They charm the people around you

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They're not just charming you; they're working their magic on everyone around you. The charm offensive is a love bombing tactic where they effortlessly win over your friends, family, and even the neighbor's cat. It's a strategic move to solidify their image as the perfect partner so that you don't leave them!

24. They're super jealous of you being with anyone else

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Too much jealousy can be toxic! If they're exhibiting intense jealousy at the thought of you spending time with anyone else, that's a love-bombing red flag. Love bombers often use jealousy as a tool to assert dominance and control within the relationship.

25. Everything is 'we', not you or I

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If every sentence starts turning into a 'we' and there's no more 'you' or 'I,' you might be under the spell of a love bomber. The 'we' makes you feel like everything is about the two of you. But this is at the expense of anything truly being about you, in reality, it's all about their manipulation!

26. They idealize everything

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If they're turning everything into an idealized version of reality, be wary. Love bombers have a knack for painting a picture that seems almost too perfect. While it might feel like you're in a fairy tale. It could be another love bombing tactic aimed at creating an unrealistic and unsustainable image of your relationship.

27. Personal boundaries are ignored entirely

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Personal boundaries are something that will be totally ignored if you find yourself being love-bombed by someone. It's a deliberate move to seize control and manipulate the dynamics of the relationship. It also completely takes away your control of the relationship!

28. It all seems too good to be true

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Look, we all know the saying ''if it feels too good to be true, then it probably is''. And, while it's not necessarily the case there is some truth to it and it's worth paying attention to. Is it all an act? Nobody's perfect and it's okay to reveal flaws...but they won't allow themselves to.

29. There's no such thing as personal space anymore

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When personal space becomes an ancient myth in your relationship, it might be a love bombing scenario. Love bombers often blur the lines, making it challenging to carve out time and space for yourself. This isn't healthy, and can be toxic and a love-bombing tactic to keep you all to themselves!

30. If you argue they remind you ''how good you are together''

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In the aftermath of a disagreement, if they swiftly serve up a reminder of how "good you are together," it's a love bombing defense mechanism. Rather than addressing the issue at hand, love bombers often attempt to erase conflict by emphasizing the positives to steer away from the obvious issues!

31. They say things like ''No one will love you as much as I do''

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Don't be fooled, nothing is flattering about this. When phrases like "no one will love you as much as I do" start cropping up, it could be a love bombing strategy. Love bombers often use such statements to make you believe that their love is unparalleled, and so that you feel like you can't leave them because they love you so much!

32. They hate being criticized

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Expressing criticism becomes a battleground when it comes to love bombers. Rather than handling feedback constructively, they tend to dislike and resist any form of criticism. This aversion might signify a reluctance to acknowledge faults or a strategy to maintain their 'perfect' image.

33. They won't take any responsibility for their previous relationships

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If they're quick to point fingers and shift blame when discussing past relationships, then it could be a sign of a love bomber. Refusing to take any responsibility may indicate a pattern of manipulation and an unwillingness to learn from past experiences.

34. They leave no room for anyone else in your life

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Feeling suffocated because they demand all your time and attention? Love bombers often isolate you from friends and family, leaving little room for anyone else in your life. Healthy relationships thrive on both balance and mutual respect for your personal space!

35. You're the hero in all of their stories

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Ever noticed how every anecdote they share somehow revolves around you as the hero? While it may seem flattering, this narrative might be crafted to make you feel indispensable. Be wary of narratives that paint you as the central figure in every story - it's not realistic after all!

36. They try to fix all of your problems

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They swoop in like a superhero, armed with solutions for all your problems. Okay, it may seem caring, but excessive interference could be a tactic to assert control and manipulate your decisions, and to make you feel as though you can't cope without them anymore!

37. They always seem to know what you need

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It's like they have a sixth sense when it comes to your needs and desires. Whenever you need something, they are already there and they have what you need. I can seem caring, but really their intention may make you dependent on them so you don't leave them!

38. They don't seem to like your close relationships with people

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Love bombers might not be the biggest fans of your friends and family, subtly expressing disapproval. By discouraging your close connections, they aim to isolate you. They see other people as a threat to having you all to themselves - which is seriously concerning!

39. They introduce you to their inner circle very quickly

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Welcome to the fast lane of relationships, where meeting their inner circle happens at breakneck speed. Love bombers often accelerate this process to solidify the connection rapidly, making it tricky for you to press pause on the two of you because you're caught up in the moment!

40. In public, they're even more over the top

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Public displays of affection are common but love bombers take it to the next level. If every outing feels like a showcase of their undying love, it might be an attempt to create a public narrative that reinforces your emotional connection and to make everyone think it's perfect so that you do too!

41. You're always a top priority

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While being a priority is, of course, important, love bombers might use this claim to an extreme. It's crucial to evaluate if their declaration aligns with a healthy balance, as an exaggerated focus on you could be a tactic to foster emotional control over you!

42. They spill their deepest secrets straight away

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Quickly opening up and sharing personal, intimate stuff right at the start of a relationship might make it feel like you're getting super close, super fast. But, here's the catch – it might not be as real as it seems. It makes you feel close, sure, but the question is, is it the real deal or just a sneaky move to play with your feelings?

43. They're always available for you, no matter what

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Whether it's the middle of the night or during a busy workday, they're always there for you. While support is crucial, constant availability may be an attempt to establish dependence. Having some independence is healthy, and nobody is always available!

44. As soon as you're not with them they tell you they miss you

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The second you step away, the 'I miss you' messages flood in like they've not seen you in a month. If their default mode is broadcasting longing vibes when you're not around, it could be a love-bombing tactic. Keep an eye out for whether it's genuine affection or just a strategic move to keep you constantly tethered to them.

45. They remind you of how good they are

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Ever notice how they're always reminding you of how amazing they are? If you're constantly getting a highlight reel of their greatness, it might be a love-bombing strategy. Love bombers often use this self-praise to inflate their image and, in turn, manipulate your perception of the relationship!

46. They're super possessive

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Love bombers want you all to themselves, and so they are very possessive. It goes beyond care into a territory where personal boundaries start to blur. You might begin to feel like they believe that they have some kind of ownership over you - which is a huge red flag!

47. They make huge promises to you

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In the usual love-bombing script, they're the ultimate promise weavers. Big commitments, grand assurances – they're dishing them out like candy. But beware, because love bombers often use these monumental promises to create an illusion of a perfect future together.

48. They're always checking your social media

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If your social media feels like it's under 24/7 surveillance, you might have a love bomber on your hands. Constantly checking your online presence is a love-bombing tactic. They're not checking out of curiosity; it's a way to control your public image and keep tabs on your interactions.

49. They make you feel guilty for not being with them all the time

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In their world, not being with them 24/7 is akin to a cardinal sin. They've mastered the art of making you feel guilty for having a life outside the relationship. And if you do, they make you feel super guilty for it! It's not that they miss you, they want to influence all aspects of your life!

50. They have a history of short-lived, intense relationships

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Ever notice a pattern in their relationship history? If it's filled with short-lived but intense love affairs, it might be a love-bombing signature move. Love bombers often struggle to sustain long-term, stable connections. The intensity might grab attention initially, but watch out for the longevity factor.

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