Signs You Have A High Cholesterol

By Anna Collins 7 months ago

1. You've got bad breath

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Bad breath isn't just about what you had for lunch. When your cholesterol levels are high, it can lead to a condition called halitosis. Excessive cholesterol in your bloodstream can affect your saliva composition, creating an environment where bacteria thrive. The result? Unpleasant breath that might linger, no matter how diligent you are with your dental hygiene.

2. You've got diabetes

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Your body may be signaling that something is off if you find yourself constantly reaching for a glass of water. Excessive thirst can be a symptom of diabetes. When blood sugar levels are elevated, your body tries to flush out the excess sugar through increased urination, leading to dehydration and an unquenchable thirst.

3. You've got high blood pressure

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When you have high cholesterol, it can lead to the buildup of fatty deposits in your arteries. This makes them narrower and less flexible. So, this means that your heart has to work harder to pump blood through these narrowed arteries, causing an increase in blood pressure!

4. You find balancing very difficult

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Try the standing-on-one-leg test, is it very difficult? Again, it's not a symptom that springs to mind when you think about the effects of high cholesterol - but it is a real consequence! Co-ordination can be subtly affected by your health, and by having high cholesterol.

5. You eat a lot of processed foods

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Eating a lot of processed foods, like snacks and fast food, means that you may be consuming an excessive amount of unhealthy fats and sugars that can mess with your cholesterol. These foods might raise the "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in your body - leading you to suffer from high cholesterol.

6. You have random skin bumps

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These bumps, known as xanthomas, result from the accumulation of cholesterol deposits under the skin. They often appear as yellowish or flesh-colored bumps and can be found on various parts of the body. Xanthomas are more commonly associated with extremely high levels of cholesterol!

7. Sleeping at night is a huge challenge

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Sleep disturbances could be linked to high cholesterol. Cholesterol plays a role in the production of hormones, including those that regulate sleep. Disruptions in cholesterol levels may impact your sleep patterns, leading to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

8. You're feeling short of breath

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Shortness of breath can be a concerning symptom and you should pay attention to it. High cholesterol can contribute to the formation of plaques in the arteries, limiting oxygen-rich blood flow to the lungs. This can result in difficulty breathing or a feeling of breathlessness.

9. You don't exercise a lot

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If you're not getting much exercise, it could be a sign that your cholesterol levels might be higher than they should be. Regular physical activity helps boost the "good" cholesterol (HDL) in your body and lowers the "bad" cholesterol (LDL) which helps to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol!

10. You get a constant urge to clear your throat

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This persistent urge may be related to the potential impact of high cholesterol on your blood vessels and circulation. Cholesterol deposits can accumulate in the arteries, affecting blood flow not only to the heart but also to other parts of the body, including the throat.

11. You're always tired

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Do you find yourself running out of energy sooner than usual? High cholesterol could be playing a role. It impacts the blood flow to your muscles, causing them to receive less oxygen. This can result in fatigue and a constant feeling of tiredness, even after a good night's sleep.

12. You keep forgetting your words

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Some individuals with high cholesterol have reported experiencing difficulties with word recall and verbal fluency. The potential connection lies in the impact of cholesterol on our blood vessels and, consequently, on cognitive functions like our language processing abilities!

13. You have pain in your legs when you walk

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One of the more common symptoms tied to high cholesterol is feeling pain in your legs when you walk. When cholesterol levels are too high, it can narrow your arteries, making it tough for blood to flow smoothly. This lack of proper blood flow can lead to pain or cramping in your legs, especially when you walk.

14. You've noticed that your body smells bad

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Beyond the usual culprit of sweating, elevated cholesterol levels can play a role in altering the composition of sweat - which can make us smell bad. And, the sebaceous glands, which are closely tied to hair follicles, produce a fatty substance that, when influenced by cholesterol imbalances, can contribute to a shift in the fragrance emitted by our bodies.

15. You've been feeling down recently

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Research suggests a potential link between elevated cholesterol levels and an increased risk of mood disorders. So, if you've been feeling consistently down or experiencing a lingering sense of sadness, it might be that you have high levels of cholesterol affecting you.

16. Your nails have yellowed in color

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Changes like yellow discoloration or a noticeable decrease in growth rate may signify an imbalance or underlying issue, such as elevated cholesterol levels. Nails can serve as indicators because they are influenced by factors like blood circulation and nutritional health.

17. Your mood changes constantly

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When you have consistent moods that change like the wind you may not assume that it could be linked to your physical health. But, high cholesterol can have so many unexpected symptoms, one of these being that you may find your mood is very up and down!

18. Your periods are irregular

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For women, irregular menstrual cycles could be a subtle indicator of cholesterol imbalances and high cholesterol. Cholesterol is involved in hormone production, and disruptions in these levels may affect your menstrual cycle in terms of how regular (or not) they are!

19. You're losing track of time a lot

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Some individuals with high cholesterol have reported experiencing frequent instances of losing track of time and having no concept of what time it is. It seems that elevated cholesterol levels may play a role in affecting how our brain works and our time perception.

20. You're experiencing chest pain

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Chest pain is a red flag that should never be ignored. High cholesterol can lead to the formation of plaques in your arteries, restricting blood flow to your heart. This lack of proper blood supply can then cause you to have chest pain, which is known as angina.

21. You've got a cough you can't shake

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While coughing is not commonly associated with cholesterol issues, recent studies suggest a potential connection. Elevated cholesterol levels may contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress in the airways, possibly leading to a chronic cough that you can't seem to get rid of!

22. You frequently get back and leg aches

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Feeling sore after a workout is one thing, but persistent muscle aches, especially in your legs or back, might be trying to tell you something more. It turns out, that high cholesterol could be sneakily messing with your muscles' blood supply, causing that unwelcome discomfort.

23. You keep gaining weight

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Changes in cholesterol levels can impact metabolism, potentially leading to increased weight, particularly around the abdomen. If you're experiencing unexpected weight changes, it's vital to consider whether elements like diet, exercise, and cholesterol levels have a part to play!

24. You get headaches all the time

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Headaches can have various causes, and high cholesterol is one of them. When cholesterol builds up in your blood vessels, it can affect the blood supply to your brain, which can then cause headaches. If you're experiencing persistent or even severe headaches.

25. Your knees feel sore and creaky

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Aching or sore knees, hips, or even fingers may be a sign that you have high cholesterol! Joint pain can be a sign that your cholesterol levels need attention. High cholesterol can contribute to inflammation in the joints, causing pain and discomfort.

26. You get hiccups all the time

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Hiccupping can be a very unexpected symptom of high cholesterol. While less common, there is a connection between high cholesterol and persistent hiccups. High cholesterol may contribute to disturbances in the diaphragm, the muscle responsible for breathing and controlling hiccups.

27. You've developed yellowish skin patches

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Your skin might be trying to tell you something about your cholesterol levels. High cholesterol can lead to the formation of yellowish patches (properly known as xanthomas) on various parts of your skin. These deposits are usually found around your eyes, elbows, or knees.

28. Things taste differently now

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Have you noticed that foods don't taste the same way that they used to? Or, there's a strange taste in your mouth? When you have high cholesterol levels, they might impact the functioning of taste buds and olfactory receptors, affecting the perception of flavors!

29. You're having trouble focusing

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High cholesterol might not only affect your physical health but also your cognitive function. Reduced blood flow to the brain due to cholesterol buildup can result in difficulty concentrating and memory issues. If you find it hard to stay focused or notice changes in your mental clarity, consider checking your cholesterol levels.

30. You get random dizzy spells

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Experiencing random dizzy spells could be a sign that your cholesterol levels are elevated. High cholesterol can lead to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, restricting blood flow to the brain. When the brain doesn't receive an adequate supply of blood, it can result in dizziness or lightheadedness.

31. Your skin is itchy

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Itchy skin can be an annoying symptom, and surprisingly it might be linked to your cholesterol levels. Elevated cholesterol can contribute to the formation of dry skin, making you feel constantly itchy. If you find yourself scratching more than usual, consider having your cholesterol levels checked!

32. You have no idea why, but you're always irritated

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Who knew that our mood could be linked to cholesterol? Cholesterol imbalances can affect the production of hormones and neurotransmitters, influencing mood and behavior and making us a lot less patient. High cholesterol can make you much more irritated than you should feel.

33. Your eyesight's been struggling

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Your eyes can provide insights into your overall health, including your cholesterol levels. High cholesterol can contribute to the development of yellowish deposits on the cornea, known as arcus senilis. And, it may increase the risk of eye conditions that affect blood vessels, which could cause vision problems.

34. You need to go to the toilet very often

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Bathroom habits aren't something to overlook! When you notice that you're making more trips to the bathroom than usual, high cholesterol might be a factor. Cholesterol buildup in the blood vessels can impact kidney function, leading to increased urine production.

35. You may be struggling to conceive

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High cholesterol can also massively impact your sexual health, affecting blood flow to various parts of the body, including the genital region. As a result, it can be very difficult to conceive, because the entire act is much more difficult with high cholesterol!

36. You're noticing changes in body hair

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Surprisingly, hair loss and hair thinning could be more than an aesthetic concern; there might be a link to cholesterol levels. Imbalances in cholesterol can throw off the delicate dance of blood circulation, influencing the health of hair follicles and causing noticeable shifts in hair growth.

37. You're wondering why your libido is so low

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If you don't feel the same level of desires as you used to, it's not something to dismiss as aging or a phase that never ends. It could have a deeper meaning. Having high cholesterol can really impact how you feel, and not feeling in the mood to be physically intimate!

38. You've had a stroke

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Experiencing a stroke is a serious and concerning event that can be associated with underlying cardiovascular issues, including high cholesterol. A stroke occurs when there is a disruption in blood flow to the brain, often caused by a blocked or ruptured blood vessel!

39. You're finding it hard to focus on

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The reduced blood flow and potential formation of plaques in the arteries are caused by high cholesterol. can then contribute to difficulties in concentration and focus. If you're consistently experiencing challenges in staying attentive or focused, it's worth having your cholesterol checked out!

40. You're having difficulty swallowing

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Difficulty swallowing, which is also known as dysphagia, might be linked to having high cholesterol levels. Cholesterol imbalances can contribute to the formation of plaques in the arteries, impacting blood flow to the muscles involved in swallowing!

41. You've noticed your handwriting is shaky

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Handwriting, or things like drawing or painting, may become more challenging as the fine details and control required could be affected. Your once smooth handwriting may have been replaced by shaky scrawl - and it could all be because you have high cholesterol levels!

42. You can taste metal

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While not a common symptom, some individuals with elevated cholesterol levels have reported a persistent metallic taste. The exact mechanism behind this association is not fully understood, but it could be linked to changes in saliva, created by high cholesterol!

43. You keep forgetting things

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If you're having a lot of "I forgot where I put my keys" moments, it might be related to high cholesterol. Turns out, having too much cholesterol floating around can mess with the blood flow to your brain. It can be much harder to remember the things you need to.

44. Your spatial awareness has declined

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Spatial awareness relies on the brain's ability to process information about the body's position about its surroundings. Reduced blood flow due to cholesterol-related issues may impact this cognitive function, leading to difficulties in spatial awareness.

45. You're noticing changes in your voice pitch

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Have you or anyone around you noticed that you're sounding a bit different recently? High cholesterol can actually lead to alterations in the way you sound! If you're noticing this unusual shift in your voice, it's a good idea to consider checking your cholesterol levels.

46. You're having trouble with fine motor skills

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When you have high cholesterol one of the unusual effects that you may notice, is subtle, or even not-so-subtle changes to your fine motor skills. Reduced blood flow to extremities can affect nerve function and coordination, meaning once simple tasks are becoming much more difficult.

47. You're having trouble with decision-making

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Usually when you make a decision, even if it's a difficult decision to make, you are thinking with a clear head. But sometimes, high cholesterol can make it feel like you are trying to make a decision when your mind is murky like you can't think clearly anymore!

48. You've had a heart attack

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If you're finding it challenging to carry out precise tasks that require fine motor skills, such as buttoning a shirt or tying shoelaces, it might be related to elevated cholesterol levels. This can lead to difficulties in performing intricate tasks.

49. You have a grey ring around your iris

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Another symptom to look out for if you want to find out if you have high cholesterol is a grey ring around your iris. It may have formed when it was never there before. It's a subtle indicator that your lipid levels are causing some concerns within your body.

50. Your muscles feel achy or painful for no reason

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When your muscles start to complain consistently with mysterious aches and pains, it might be worth considering cholesterol as a potential culprit. This silent discomfort could be your body's way of hinting that you have an underlying cardiovascular problem.

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