30 Signs You Are Suffering From Long Covid

By Anna Collins 7 months ago

1. Since you've had Covid, everything tires you out

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One of the main things that people have found after having Covid, and suffering from long-term COVID-19, is that EVERYTHING tires them out. It may be something as simple as going out to grab a coffee from the local store, or even walking up the stairs, but it tires you out instantly!

2. You've struggled with your mental health since you caught Covid

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There are still so many side effects that are being researched about long-term Covid, and not all of them are physical. The mental symptoms of long Covid are just as prevalent. So, if you've struggled with your mental health since having the virus this could still be a symptom of the virus!

3 You keep forgetting things

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If you've noticed a spike in forgetfulness lately, you're not alone. Many individuals recovering from Covid have reported these memory blips. Forgetting things that used to stick like glue can be frustrating, but it's a common phenomenon of long Covid.

4. It's been months, and you still don't feel right!

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It can feel very disheartening when after so much time has passed, you still don't feel back to your usual self! Even after all this time, there's this lingering feeling that things haven't quite snapped back into place. Turns out it's more of a marathon with each day bringing a new set of challenges.

5. You've noticed pains in your chest that weren't present before Covid

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Now, there are pains in your chest that have started, that never used to be there! Sometimes it's discomfort and sometimes it's painful. Everyday movements, like reaching or stretching, now come with this unexpected reminder that things have changed, and it's taking some getting used to.

6. You still can't smell or taste things

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Those everyday scents and flavors? They decided to take a bit of a hiatus post-Covid. Months later and you still can't smell or taste! That morning coffee or a home-cooked meal? It's just not hitting the same, and you can't help but feel like you're missing out on a key element of life.

7. You get out of breath from the smallest tasks

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Remember when taking the stairs was a breeze? Now it feels like a mini workout. It's not just the usual huff and puff; it's a sign that your body's adjusting post-Covid. Little things, like going for a quick stroll, suddenly demand an effort level you didn't see coming.

8. You're STILL coughing

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Yes, you're still coughing. Yep, that annoying cough that made its grand entrance during the virus doesn't seem to be in a hurry to leave. No matter how many weeks pass it feels like it's never going to shift. Even when you feel better, the cough remains!

9. Your moods change much more dramatically

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Have you noticed that your moods are all over the place post-COVID? You now find yourself shifting from happy to frustrated in the blink of an eye, welcome to the unpredictable ride of post-COVID mood swings. It's not an easy journey, but acknowledging these changes is a crucial first step.

10. Your heart rate is still raised

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Surprisingly, your heart rate is still raised. That steady thumping in your chest serves as a constant reminder of the strain your body endured during the infection. While the worst phase may be over, you're definitely not feeling as though you're back to normal in any way!

11. Your blood pressure has been raised ever since you had the virus

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There has been a noticeable trend among individuals who have had COVID-19 – reports suggest that blood pressure levels are on the rise. The aftermath of the virus has stirred up some changes in the cardiovascular system. If you've noticed your blood pressure playing a new tune since your encounter with COVID-19, you're not alone.

12. You've had stomach pain that you never used to experience

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One of the most common symptoms of long-term Covid is stomach problems and in many cases stomach pain. Sometimes it can be easy to dismiss stomach-related concerns as unrelated to Covid. But, if the stomach pain continues after the virus it may be the case that you're struggling with long Covid.

13. You're more susceptible to other infections

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If it feels like you're catching every bug that comes your way post-Covid, you're not imagining things. It seems that the aftermath of the virus might leave your immune system a bit off-kilter, making you more susceptible to other infections. Your body's defense mechanisms may be readjusting after the battle with Covid, and your current battle with long Covid.

14. Earache is something you experience a lot now

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Experiencing frequent earaches after recovering from Covid has become a noticeable part of your daily routine. While it might be frustrating, acknowledging this new normal and finding ways to ease the discomfort, whether through home remedies or over-the-counter solutions, can make these earaches a bit more manageable.

15. Certain noises feel much more aggravating to you

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Remember when noise was just, well, noise? Now, it feels like certain sounds have cranked up the irritation meter. If everyday noises suddenly feel like an assault on your peace of mind, your ears might be plotting with long Covid to turn up the volume on annoyance.

16. You get random chills or hot flushes

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Ever find yourself shivering for no apparent reason? Post-Covid, random chills have become a thing for some survivors On the flip side, you might experience unexpected waves of heat. Hot flushes post-recovery are interfering with the internal thermostat.

17. Your throat still hurts

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The reasons for persistent throat discomfort post-Covid can vary, from residual inflammation to the aftermath of the infection. If you're grappling with a sore throat that just won't quit, it's crucial to reach out to healthcare professionals. They can examine your symptoms and rule out any potential complications.

18. Exercising is so much more difficult now

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With long Covid, getting back into exercising has become noticeably tougher. Endurance has taken a hit, making activities that were once routine feel more challenging. Shortness of breath sticks around longer than before, and the recovery period after a workout seems to be dragging on.

19. Your appetite has not returned to what it once was

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You used to attack a plate of food as if it owed you money, right? But now, if you're staring at your once-favorite meal like it's an alien artifact, blame it on the lingering effects of Covid. That voracious appetite of yours might have pulled a disappearing act, leaving you wondering when it'll decide to show up again.

20. You're experiencing issues with your gut

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Whether it's bloating, discomfort, or changes in digestion, your gut is making its presence known in ways that might not be all that welcome. This shift in your digestive rhythm adds an unexpected layer to your post-Covid journey as yet another symptom of long Covid.

21. Your lymph nodes swell randomly

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When our lymph nodes swell, it usually indicates that our body has triggered its immune response and is fighting something. This unexpected post-recovery symptom can be disconcerting, often leaving you puzzled about the why and when. It suggests your body is still not fully recovered!

22. Your blood pressure is higher or lower now

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There have been many reports indicating changes in blood pressure among individuals who have battled through Covid-19. Some are experiencing readings that are either higher or lower than their usual numbers. Blood pressure has been left in a state of flux.

23. You're so much more anxious than you used to be

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The anxiety linked with long Covid isn't only about mental health, it's also linked to your physical health after recovering from the virus. The toll the illness takes on the body, coupled with the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, can contribute to this heightened state of anxiety!

24. Tinnitus is bothering you

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Tinnitus is that constant ringing sound in your ears, and with long Covid, it has become one of the most common symptoms that sufferers are dealing with! n. This unexpected post-recovery symptom can be disconcerting, affecting your daily routines and overall well-being.

25. Headaches feel super frequent

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Many individuals who have battled through Covid have reported a significant uptick in the frequency of headaches. It's not just a random coincidence – there seems to be a clear connection. If you find yourself reaching for that bottle of pain relievers more often than usual, it could be a lingering effect of the virus.

26. You're getting frequent diarrhea

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Alright, let's cut to the chase. If you find yourself making more bathroom trips than you used to post-Covid, you're not alone. That frequent diarrhea? Yeah, it's a thing. No beating around the bush here – blame the aftermath of the virus. Your digestive system might be taking its sweet time to get back on track, leaving you with this less-than-welcome side effect.

27. You feel stressed that you won't return to how you felt before Covid

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Feeling stressed about whether things will ever go back to how they were before Covid-19? It's a common concern, and you're not alone in this. If the worry of not returning to your pre-Covid self is keeping you up at night, it may be that you are still battling with long-Covid.

28. You've got unexplained skin rashes

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Skin rashes may be another sign that you have long Covid. Especially, if you've had the virus within the last few months, and you now have unexplainable skin rashes. These rashes can vary in appearance and location, and they may cause discomfort or itchiness.

29. It feels like you've got constant brain fog

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Navigating through the foggy terrain of constant brain fog post-Covid can be challenging. Forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and a general mental haze become your daily companions. The virus's impact on neurological functions leaves you grappling with a mental fog that refuses to lift, making even the simplest tasks feel like an uphill battle.

30. You can't get quality sleep

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You might notice that a good night's sleep turns into an elusive luxury after battling Covid. Despite the exhaustion, nights become a series of tossing and turning, making the fatigue a constant companion. It's like searching for a comfy spot in a constantly shifting bed – challenging and downright aggravating.

31. Your muscles ache for no apparent reason

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Amongst the many symptoms of long Covid is the constant muscle ache, that persists for no apparent reason - whether you've been to the gym or you've been sat on the couch all day. It can make you feel disheartened and it contributes to that lethargic, energy-less sensation of long Covid.

32. You get random heart palpitations

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This unexpected long Covid symptom may leave you feeling worried. While the exact cause can vary, it's often linked to the aftermath of the virus on the cardiovascular system. Factors like inflammation, changes in heart rhythm, or increased sensitivity may contribute to these palpitations.

33. Your blood markers are still showing inflammation

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Months after battling Covid, your blood markers might still show signs of inflammation. Despite your best efforts to shake off the post-Covid symptoms, it continues to take a toll on your body. Your blood is still signaling that something is up with your health!

34. You're in a constant state of lethargy

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Fatigue becomes your shadow, sticking around long after the initial Covid battle. Daily tasks feel like running a marathon, and the simplest activities drain what little energy you have left. It's like dragging around a reluctant companion – heavy and persistently annoying.

35. Your periods haven't returned to normal

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For some, Covid throws off the hormonal balance, so you may find that even months later, your periods haven't returned or haven't returned consistently at least. It's still playing havoc with your reproductive system, which can feel unsettling, but it is now one of the many symptoms of long Covid!

36. Your joints hurt

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Experiencing discomfort in your joints after recovering from Covid? It's a common occurrence, and you're not alone. Post-Covid joint pain has been reported by many individuals as a lingering symptom. The precise reasons behind this phenomenon are still being investigated, but it appears that the virus might be influencing prolonged immune responses.

37. The medical conditions you had before have worsened

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For many, Covid exacerbates existing health conditions. It's like facing a double challenge – managing both the aftermath of the virus and pre-existing medical concerns. Navigating this dual path adds an extra layer of complexity to your health journey.

38. Your skin is pale and dull-looking

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Another aspect of dealing with long Covid is looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing a very pale, and dull skin-looking reflection staring back at you. This lack of vibrancy in your skin reflects all of the physical challenges that your body is still going through!

39. You don't feel like socializing as much

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The desire to engage with others, attend gatherings, or participate in social events might feel dampened. This shift is part of the emotional and mental adjustments that can accompany the recovery phase. Whether it's a result of lingering fatigue, changes in mood, or a general reassessment of priorities, it could all be tied to the effects of long Covid.

40. Focusing is a real challenge

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For many individuals who've had Covid-19, focusing has become a real challenge. If you find yourself easily distracted or struggling to stay focused, you're not alone in this post-Covid conundrum. It's a common hurdle that has been reported by many people suffering from long-term Covid.

41. You have numbness in parts of your body

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Long Covid may bring a persistent numbness that may affect various areas. This unexpected post-recovery symptom can range from tingling sensations to complete numbness, and it might feel unsettling. Numbness could be linked to neurological factors or circulation issues.

42. You get sporadic tingling sensations

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Even now, with time marching on, you're not fully back on your feet. Those sporadic tingling sensations persist, making themselves known at the most unexpected times. Despite your efforts, the remnants of these sensations haven't quite let go. These tingles could be explained by other things, but if you have other symptoms of long covid too, them it could be that!

43. When you stand up you feel lightheaded

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With long Covid, many individuals are reporting feeling lightheaded when standing up. This unexpected sensation can be disorienting and may catch you off guard. It's like your body is adjusting to a new normal, and the transition from sitting or lying down to standing becomes a bit more challenging.

44. Your chest feels tight

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This post-recovery symptom often requires attention, as it could be a sign of lingering respiratory issues or inflammation. If you find yourself dealing with this tightness, you probably have long Covid, and consulting with healthcare professionals is crucial to know how to manage it.

45. You feel shaky sometimes and you don't know why

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If you've been experiencing unexplained shaky moments lately, you are by no means alone. Many individuals who've been through COVID-19 have reported this phenomenon. While it might feel disconcerting, it's unfortunately not at all uncommon post-COVID.

46. Your allergies have increased!

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It turns out that there's a reason people with long Covid are finding that their allergies have increased. After Covid, your immune system has become hypersensitive, reacting to environmental triggers it may have overlooked before. It's now on constant guard, producing more dramatic symptoms!

47. Asthma sufferers find their symptoms are much worse

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Individuals with asthma may encounter a notable aggravation of their symptoms in the aftermath of a Covid-19 infection. The respiratory aftermath of the virus seems to amplify the challenges for those already dealing with asthma. Breathing difficulties increase wheezing, and a heightened frequency of coughing becomes more pronounced for asthma sufferers.

48. Your health feels much worse after physical or mental exercise!

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Engaging in physical or mental activities leaves you feeling noticeably worse, almost like these exertions trigger a significant decline in your well-being. Instead of the usual post-activity refreshment, there's a distinct sense of depletion, leaving you drained and fatigued.

49. You have difficulty regulating your temperature

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One minute you're hot, the next you're freezing cold. It doesn't even matter about your environment sometimes, your internal temperature regulation has been completely changed thanks to long Covid. Sweating, shivering, and both in quick succession is one of the many symptoms of the virus.

50. Doing your work feels so much more difficult now

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Doing your work may feel more challenging now as if each task requires a bit more effort and concentration compared to before. The usual flow of completing assignments or projects might seem a bit disrupted or slowed down, making the workload feel more demanding than it used to be.

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