7 Signs Your Body Needs More Folic Acid

By Aaron Love 7 months ago

1. You Want To Sleep All The Time

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Do you find yourself hitting that snooze button more times than you'd care to admit? It's like your bed has suddenly become the coziest place on Earth, and getting out of it feels like an Olympic feat. Well, before you start blaming your mattress, consider this: your body might be low on folic acid. Yep, that's right! Folic acid plays a crucial role in energy production, and when you're running low, it's like your body is begging for extra shut-eye just to keep going.

2. Your Body Feels Weak

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Feeling like your muscles are about as cooperative as a stubborn mule? It's like you're lugging around invisible weights, and every step feels like an uphill battle. Well, don't blame your gym routine just yet—your body might be sending out an SOS for more folic acid. Without enough of this essential nutrient, your muscles might feel like they're running on empty, leaving you feeling weak and wobbly.

3. Struggling To Breathe

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Breathing is supposed to be as natural as, well, breathing, right? But lately, even the simplest of tasks, like taking a deep breath, feels like trying to inflate a balloon with a leak. If you're finding yourself gasping for air more often than not, it might not just be a case of being out of shape—it could be a sign that your body needs more folic acid.

4. Getting Headaches

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Ah, headaches—the uninvited guests crashing the party of your day. They come in all shapes and sizes, from dull throbs to pounding migraines, but one thing's for sure: they're a real pain in the... well, you know where. Before you reach for that bottle of painkillers, though, consider this: your headaches might be trying to tell you something about your folic acid levels.

5. Your Skin Is Pale

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Are you looking a little more ghostly than usual lately? Like you've been hiding out in the shadows a bit too much? While it's tempting to blame it on the lack of sunshine or your newfound vampire lifestyle, your pale complexion might actually be trying to tell you something about your folic acid levels.

6. Having Mood Swings

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But lately, it feels less like a fun day at the amusement park and more like a never-ending loop of ups and downs. If you're finding yourself riding the wave of mood swings more often than not, it might not just be a case of being overly dramatic—it could be your body's way of telling you it needs more folic acid.

7. Getting Sores In The Mouth

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Whether they're tiny blisters or big, angry ulcers, they're like unwelcome guests crashing the party in your mouth. But before you start blaming your toothpaste or your spicy dinner, consider this: those pesky mouth sores might actually be trying to tell you something about your folic acid levels. Yep, turns out folate deficiency can sometimes leave your mouth feeling a bit worse for wear, with those painful sores popping up more often than you'd like.

8. Growing Slowly

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Yep, folate deficiency has been linked to stunted growth in both kids and adults, leaving you feeling like you're stuck in a never-ending game of "short stack." So, if you're tired of feeling like you're standing still while everyone else is zooming by, it might be time to give folate a chance to help you reach new heights!

9. Memory Problems

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Ever feel like your memory is playing hide-and-seek with you, and it's winning every round? You're not alone! Forgetfulness happens to the best of us, but if you're feeling like you're constantly misplacing your keys or forgetting your best friend's birthday, it might not just be a case of being scatterbrained—it could be your body's way of telling you it needs more folic acid.

10. Feeling Depressed

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If those feelings of sadness and hopelessness are sticking around longer than a bad houseguest, it might not just be a case of the Monday blues—it could be your body's way of telling you it needs more folic acid. Yep, folate deficiency has been linked to depression, leaving you feeling like you're stuck in a never-ending rain cloud of gloom.

11. Getting Anxious

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Ever feel like your brain is stuck on the spin cycle, with worries and fears swirling around faster than you can keep up? Anxiety—it's like the unwanted houseguest that just won't leave, no matter how many times you drop subtle hints. But if those feelings of unease and apprehension are starting to take over your life, it might not just be a case of being a worrywart—it could be your body's way of telling you it needs more folic acid.

12. Not Getting Enough Sleep

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Tossing and turning all night, counting sheep until the cows come home—it's like your bed has suddenly become the battleground for the war on sleep. But if you're finding yourself burning the midnight oil more often than not, it might not just be a case of too much caffeine or late-night Netflix binges—it could be your body's way of telling you it needs more folic acid.

13. Weak Muscles

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Feeling like your muscles are about as strong as wet noodles? It's like every step is a struggle, and even lifting a feather feels like a Herculean feat. But before you resign yourself to a lifetime of flimsy limbs, consider this: your weak muscles might actually be trying to tell you something about your folic acid levels.

14. Getting Infections All The Time

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Sick and tired of being sick and tired? If it feels like you're catching every bug that comes your way, from the common cold to that nasty stomach bug that's been making the rounds, it might not just be bad luck—it could be your body's way of telling you it needs more folic acid. Yep, folate deficiency can sometimes weaken your immune system, leaving you feeling like you're constantly battling one infection after another.

15. Toilet Troubles!

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If your toilet troubles are becoming a regular occurrence, it might not just be a case of bad luck—it could be your body's way of telling you it needs more folic acid. Yep, folate deficiency has been linked to digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation, leaving you feeling like you're stuck on a never-ending rollercoaster ride of tummy troubles.

16. Struggling To Eat Properly

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Ever feel like your appetite has gone AWOL, leaving you staring blankly at your plate like it's a foreign object? Or maybe you're on the opposite end of the spectrum, with cravings that just won't quit no matter how much you eat. If you're struggling to find your balance when it comes to eating, it might not just be a case of being indecisive—it could be your body's way of telling you it needs more folic acid.

17. Weight Loss (Or Gain)

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If your weight seems to be fluctuating more than the stock market, it might not just be a case of too many late-night snacks or missed gym sessions—it could be your body's way of telling you it needs more folic acid. Yep, folate deficiency has been linked to both weight loss and weight gain, leaving you feeling like you're riding a yo-yo of body changes.

18. Your Hair Is Falling Out!

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Folate deficiency can sometimes wreak havoc on your locks, leaving you feeling like you're starring in your very own hair-raising horror movie. So, if you're tired of feeling like you're shedding more than your pet cat in the summertime, it might be time to give folate a chance to help you keep those strands firmly rooted where they belong!

19. Having A Swollen Tongue

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Ouch! Ever feel like your tongue has suddenly decided to puff up like a balloon, making it feel like you're trying to talk with a mouthful of cotton balls? If you're experiencing tongue swelling, it might not just be a case of eating something spicy or accidentally biting your tongue—it could be your body's way of telling you it needs more folic acid.

20. Feeling Really Cold

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Brrr, is it just you, or is the thermostat stuck on "Arctic Tundra" even in the middle of summer? If you're feeling like you're constantly battling the chill, no matter how many layers you pile on, it might not just be a case of being sensitive to the cold! So, if you're tired of feeling like an ice cube in a world of toasty marshmallows, it might be time to give folate a chance to help warm you up from the inside out!

21. Or Too Hot!

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Is it getting hot in here, or is it just you? If you're feeling like you're constantly sweating buckets, even when everyone else is reaching for their sweaters, it might not just be a case of being hot-blooded you might just need to introduce some more folate to your diet instea! It's not too hard!

22. Having Heart Palpitations

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Ever feel like your heart has suddenly decided to audition for the role of a jackhammer, pounding away like it's trying to break free from your chest? Heart palpitations—they're like your body's way of giving you an unexpected drum solo. But if those irregular heartbeats are becoming a regular occurrence, it might not just be a case of too much caffeine or stress.

23. Your Nails Are Brittle

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Chipped nails, split ends, and brittle tips—oh my! If your nails are looking more like a broken fence than a manicured masterpiece, it might not just be a case of bad luck or too many DIY manicures. Folate deficiency can sometimes wreak havoc on your nails, leaving them feeling weak and prone to breakage.

24. Your Hair Is Greying Too Early!

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Ah, the dreaded gray hairs—they're like unwelcome guests crashing the party of your youth. But if your hair is starting to look more silver fox than golden locks earlier than expected, it might not just be a case of bad genetics or too much stress. You could be left feeling like you're aging faster than a fine wine!

25. Your Nose Is Permanently Blocked

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it's like your nose has suddenly decided to throw a tantrum and refuse to let any air in. But if you're feeling like you're constantly battling a stuffy nose, no matter how many tissues you go through, it might not just be a case of seasonal allergies or a stubborn cold. You might just want to introduce some more folate to the diet!

26. Your Ill During A Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is supposed to be a time of glowing skin and excitement, but if you're spending more time hunched over the toilet than planning baby showers, it might not just be a case of morning sickness. There is a higher chance of nausea, fatigue and certain defects for pregnant woman!

27. Having Constant Mood Swings

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Ah, the emotional rollercoaster ride of life—sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down, and sometimes you're doing loop-de-loops for no apparent reason. But if those mood swings are starting to feel less like a fun day at the amusement park and more like a never-ending loop of highs and lows, it might not just be a case of being emotionally sensitive.

28. Signs Of Dermatitis

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Itchy, red, inflamed skin—it's like your body has suddenly decided to throw a tantrum and revolt against you. But if you're dealing with the frustrating symptoms of dermatitis, like dry patches, rashes, and irritation, it might not just be a case of bad luck or sensitive skin. You'll notice any issues with your skin quickly!

29. Your Blood Sugar Level Is Low

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Ever feel like your energy levels are on a rollercoaster ride, with highs and lows that leave you feeling like you're running on fumes? If your blood sugar levels are constantly plummeting, leaving you feeling shaky, dizzy, and downright hangry, it might not just be a case of needing a snack. Folate deficiency could show up in your energy levels.

30. You Bruise Easily

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How did that giant purple mark appear on your leg overnight? If you're finding yourself covered in unexplained bruises more often than not, it might not just be a case of being clumsy (although it can be just this!). If you find yourself brusing a lot faster than others then this could be the problem.

Now Here Are The Best Ways To Get More Folic Acid In Your System... 31. Eat Leafy Greens

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Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are powerhouse sources of folic acid. Incorporating these nutrient-packed veggies into your meals is a tasty and easy way to boost your folate intake. Whether you toss them into a salad, blend them into a smoothie, or sauté them as a side dish, leafy greens are a versatile addition to any diet.

32. And Some More Legumes

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Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and black beans are not only rich in protein and fiber but also packed with folic acid. Adding legumes to soups, stews, salads, or even making them into delicious veggie burgers is a fantastic way to increase your folate consumption while enjoying a variety of tasty meals.

33. Try Adding Fortified Cereals To Your Diet

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Start your day off right by choosing fortified breakfast cereals that are enriched with folic acid. Many cereals on the market are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, including folate. Enjoying a bowl of fortified cereal with milk or yogurt can help you kick-start your morning with a healthy dose of folic acid.

34. Include Brocolli In Your Meals

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Broccoli is not only a crunchy and delicious vegetable but also a fantastic source of folic acid. Whether steamed, roasted, or stir-fried, incorporating broccoli into your meals adds a nutritious punch while boosting your folate intake. Make it a staple in your diet to reap the benefits of this versatile veggie.

35. Eat More Avocadoes

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Avocados aren't just creamy and delicious—they're also packed with nutrients, including folic acid. Whether mashed into guacamole, spread on toast, or sliced into salads, avocados make a fantastic addition to any meal while providing a healthy dose of folate. Join the hipster craze!

36. Citrus Fruits

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Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are not only refreshing but also rich in folic acid. Snack on citrus fruits throughout the day, add them to salads, or enjoy a glass of freshly squeezed juice to boost your folate intake and add a burst of flavor to your diet.

37. Nuts

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Nuts, such as almonds, peanuts, and walnuts, are not only crunchy and satisfying but also excellent sources of folic acid. Enjoy a handful of nuts as a snack, sprinkle them over salads or yogurt, or incorporate them into baked goods for a delicious and nutritious way to increase your folate consumption.

38. Fortified Pasta

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Opt for fortified pasta varieties that have been enriched with folic acid to increase your intake of this essential nutrient. Pair your favorite pasta dishes with nutrient-rich sauces, vegetables, and lean proteins for a tasty and nutritious meal that helps you meet your folate needs.

39. Eat Liver

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Liver, whether from beef, chicken, or other animals, is incredibly nutrient-dense and packed with folic acid. Incorporate liver into your diet by adding it to stews, casseroles, or sautéing it with onions and herbs for a flavorful and nutritious dish that boosts your folate intake. It's not everyone's go to, but it would be healthy!

40. Fruit Juices

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Many fruit juices, especially orange juice, are fortified with folic acid, making them a convenient and tasty way to increase your folate intake. Enjoy a glass of fortified fruit juice with breakfast or as a refreshing beverage throughout the day to help meet your daily folate needs.

41. Drink Milk

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Milk isn't just a calcium powerhouse—it's also a good source of folic acid. Enjoy a glass of milk with your breakfast, use it in your morning cereal, or blend it into smoothies for a creamy and nutritious boost of folate. I know it isn't for everyone, but this could be the start of your folate boosting journey.

42. Edamame

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Edamame, or young soybeans, are not only a tasty snack but also a great source of folic acid. Steam or boil edamame pods and enjoy them as a nutritious appetizer or add them to salads and stir-fries for a delicious and folate-rich addition to your meal. You can even just grab a little tub of them!

43. Granola Bars

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Opt for granola bars that are fortified with folic acid for a convenient and tasty way to boost your folate intake. Enjoy them as a quick and satisfying snack on the go or as a pre-workout fuel to keep you energized throughout the day. They can be the perfect way to set your day off on the right path!

44. Folic Acid Supplements

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If you're struggling to get enough folic acid from your diet alone, consider taking folic acid supplements. These supplements are readily available over the counter and can help ensure you're meeting your daily folate needs, especially for individuals with specific dietary restrictions or increased folate requirements.

45. Papayas

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Papayas are not only sweet and delicious but also packed with folic acid. Enjoy papaya slices as a refreshing snack, blend them into smoothies, or add them to fruit salads for a tropical twist that boosts your folate intake. They aren't a commonly eaten fruit, but it could be something new to add to your diet.

46. Beets

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Beets are not only vibrant and flavorful but also rich in folic acid. Roast, steam, or pickle beets for a versatile and nutritious addition to salads, side dishes, or main courses that adds a colorful pop and boosts your folate consumption. Again, they aren't perfect for everyone, but they can be the perfect ingredient. You can even drink beet juice!

47 Drink Sports Drinks

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Some sports drinks are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, including folic acid. Enjoy them during or after physical activity to replenish electrolytes and boost your folate intake for optimal performance and recovery. You don't have to be engaging in physical activity to have to drink these!

48. Tomatoes (And Sauces)

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Tomatoes and tomato-based sauces are not only versatile and delicious but also excellent sources of folic acid. Enjoy fresh tomatoes in salads, sandwiches, or as a topping for pizzas, or use tomato sauces in pasta dishes, soups, and stews for a flavorful and folate-rich meal.

49. Eggs For Breakfast

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Eggs are not only a classic breakfast staple but also a good source of folic acid. Enjoy them scrambled, poached, or boiled for a protein-packed and folate-rich start to your day that keeps you feeling full and satisfied until lunchtime. We all love eggs don't we? They're such a flexible food item!

50. Salmon

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Salmon isn't just rich in omega-3 fatty acids—it's also a good source of folic acid. Enjoy grilled, baked, or broiled salmon fillets as a delicious and nutritious main course that boosts your folate intake while providing essential nutrients for overall health and wellbeing. Get some on your next trip to the store!

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