Signs Your Dog Has Rabies

By Anna Collins 7 months ago

1. Your dog is drooling excessively

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A little bit of drool is totally normal. And, some pups are naturally more drooly than others. But, it's super important to know that excessive drooling can be a red flag for rabies, a virus that affects the nervous system. It's one of the key signs to watch out for!

2. Your dog can't swallow properly

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Your heart sinks as you notice your fur baby fumbling with swallowing, almost as if an invisible barrier hinders the natural flow. Rabies often disrupt the swallowing reflex, making the simple act of ingesting a challenge! This struggle is a heart-breaking sign of rabies!

3. Their personality has shifted massively

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Your once charming, tail-wagging confidant now appears distant, their playful spirit replaced by an unexplained aggression. Rabies doesn't just affect the body; it infiltrates the very essence of your dog's personality. The joyful companion you knew may become a shadow of their former self, signaling a cry for help!

4. Your dog is restless and anxious

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If you notice your usually calm and composed furry friend displaying signs of restlessness and anxiety, it might be an indication that something is amiss. Dogs with rabies often exhibit heightened nervousness, pacing, and an overall sense of discomfort.

5. Your dog has become super aggressive

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One of the alarming signs of rabies in dogs is a sudden and extreme shift in behavior toward aggression. If your once-friendly companion becomes unusually hostile, growling, snapping, or biting without apparent provocation, it's crucial to treat this as a red flag. Rabies can alter a dog's temperament drastically, leading to dangerous confrontations.

6. They're unusually lethargic

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If your energetic pup becomes lethargic and seems uninterested in activities they typically enjoy, it could be a sign of rabies. The virus can cause a dog to experience extreme fatigue and weakness. Pay attention to changes in your dog's overall activity level and behavior!

7. Your dog is suddenly afraid of water

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Hydrophobia, or a sudden fear of water, is a classic symptom of rabies in dogs. If your dog, who usually loves splashing around or drinking water without hesitation, starts showing signs of fear or avoidance of water, it's a cause for concern as it could be rabies.

8. Your dog seems disoriented or confused

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Rabies can impact a dog's neurological functions, leading to disorientation and confusion. If your pet appears bewildered, struggles to recognize familiar surroundings, or seems generally disoriented, you should seek veterinary attention immediately!

9. Your dog is having muscle tremors or spasms

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If you've noticed your dog having muscle tremors – like little shivers or shakes – it's worth paying attention to. These muscle tremors could be due to various reasons, but one of the serious possibilities is rabies. It messes with a dog's nervous system, causing things like muscle issues.

10. Your dog is overly sensitive to stimuli

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Your dog seems to be on high alert, overly sensitive to various stimuli in their environment, and constantly on guard. Everyday sounds, sights, or even touches that once went unnoticed now provoke an exaggerated reaction. This heightened sensitivity could be caused by rabies!

11. Your dog is experiencing unexplained paralysis

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Imagine your usually active pup having difficulty standing, walking, or moving their tail - it's hard to watch and extremely worrying. Unexplained paralysis can be caused by various issues, and one significant concern is rabies. Rabies can affect a dog's nervous system, leading to paralysis as one of its severe symptoms.

12. Your dog is struggling with coordination

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Is your dog tripping, bumping into things, or stumbling? A sudden struggle with coordination can leave you feeling concerned and wondering about the potential reasons behind this unanticipated stumbling! It could be the case that your beloved dog has rabies!

13. Your dog is running a fever

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Your dog's well-being is paramount, and when their usual playful demeanor takes a backseat to lethargy and warmth, it's natural to feel concerned. Running a fever is a common sign that your furry friend might be facing a health challenge - and it could be rabies.

14. Your dog is having hallucinations

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Hallucinations in dogs are not as straightforward as in humans, but signs can manifest in behaviors like intense staring, sudden reactions to non-existent stimuli, or even apparent attempts to interact with invisible entities. In the context of rabies, a viral infection affecting the nervous system could result in hallucinations!

15. Your dog is unusually irritable

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We all have our off days, but you know something is wrong when your once-friendly companion is suddenly irritable without apparent reason! You reach out for a comforting pat, but a low growl replaces the familiar tail wag. Unexplained irritability could be your dog's way of signaling distress or even rabies!

16. They're excessively itching themselves

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If you notice your dog engaging in excessive itching, it's more than just a passing nuisance; it could be a sign of an underlying issue that warrants attention. Among the potential reasons for this behavior, it's essential to consider the possibility of rabies!

17. Your dog's pupils are dilated

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Dilated pupils, where the black portion of the eye expands, can occur for various reasons. While it's often a response to low light conditions, heightened emotions, or even certain medications, it could also be a subtle sign that your dog may be suffering from rabies.

18. Your dog is sensitive to light

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Photophobia is one of the neurological symptoms that can manifest in dogs with rabies. The virus affects the nervous system, leading to various behavioral changes, and sensitivity to light is one of them. It's not just a random aversion; it might be your dog's way of signaling an underlying problem.

19. Your dog is displaying unprovoked aggression towards objects

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If your dog isn't usually aggressive, this kind of random aggression displayed at objects will seem so out of character. Unprovoked aggression towards objects could be caused by various factors, including fear, anxiety, or frustration...or possibly rabies!

20. They are having seizures

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Seizures in dogs can manifest as sudden, uncontrollable movements, loss of consciousness, and sometimes even foaming at the mouth. These are potential signs that your dog has rabies, and it's better to catch the virus as early as possible to manage it!

21. Your dog's appetite has decreased...or massively increased

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Meal time... a moment of pure excitement for most dogs. Whether they're inhaling food like there's no tomorrow or turning away from their favorite treats, these fluctuations could be signaling an underlying issue, one of which in serious cases, could be rabies.

22. Your dog is exhibiting signs of depression or withdrawal

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Your once spirited and lively companion now seems to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. Signs of depression or withdrawal in your dog can manifest in subtle ways – a lack of interest in playtime, a disheartened gaze, or a reluctance to engage.

23. Your dog is disinterested in surroundings or family members

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You know your pup better than anyone, and if they're no longer wagging their tail like they've not seen you in years every time you walk through the door - something could be wrong. Disinterest in surroundings or family members is more than just a case of the blues; it can be a subtle signal that your pet is grappling with internal changes, potentially linked to health concerns like rabies.

24. They're no longer affectionate

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As a dog owner, there's nothing more we love than a cuddle with our four-legged companion. Dogs are known for their affectionate nature, so a sudden lack of cuddles, tail wags, or face licks might leave you wondering what's amiss. And, it can be characteristic of rabies.

25. Your dog is extremely excitable

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If your furry friend is bouncing off the walls with a level of excitement that seems out of the ordinary, it's wise to consult with a veterinarian. An extremely excitable dog may display hyperactive behavior, such as excessive jumping, playful barking, and an overall inability to contain their enthusiasm. In some cases, this can link to rabies!

26. Your dog has become super wary of you

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Your once-trusting companion may have started showing signs of extreme wariness or fear towards you, it can be a distressing situation for both you and your dog because this is NOT normal for your fur baby. Rabies can cause significant changes in a dog's behavior, including altered perceptions of familiar individuals.

27. Your dog is excessively thirsty

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While rabies can cause some dogs to avoid drinking, it can have the opposite effect in others, leading to excessive thirst. If your dog is drinking water excessively and seems insatiable, it could be a sign of neurological changes associated with rabies.

28. Your dog is struggling to breathe

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When you observe your beloved canine companion struggling to catch their breath, it's like witnessing a cherished friend gasping for air, leaving you with a deep sense of worry. The distress in their breathing is a serious signal that your dog could have rabies.

29. Your dog is unresponsive to commands

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We all like to think that our dog is well-behaved. And when they act out it can take us by surprise. This change in behavior can leave you feeling perplexed and concerned about their well-being. It's important not to ignore these signals as they could point towards rabies.

30. Your dog is wandering or roaming without cause

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As a devoted pet owner, you've likely grown accustomed to your dog's daily routines and habits. But what happens when your furry friend starts wandering or roaming aimlessly without a clear purpose? It's easy to dismiss it as a momentary escapade, but when coupled with other peculiar behaviors, it might be a signal of a more serious concern—rabies.

31. Your dog is reacting without warning

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Sudden reactions in dogs can have a multitude of causes, ranging from pain and fear to anxiety or even territorial instincts. However, it is crucial to consider the unlikely but serious possibility of an underlying health concern, such as rabies too!

32. Your dog is making strange sounds

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Your dog's quirks are part of what makes them special, but if your furry friend has started making strange sounds it's a clear message that something's not right. Howling can be a sign of distress or even pain, and if it's a behavior they have never shown before, it could be worrying!

33. Your dog has abnormal eye movements

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If you're worried that your dog has rabies, an unusual symptom to look out for is abnormal eye movements. While this may seem peculiar, it's a potential sign that something might be amiss with their neurological functions. Abnormal eye movements, when linked to rabies, point to the virus affecting the nervous system,

34. Your dog is gulping excessively

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Now, if your canine companion starts gulping excessively, it's not just an inconvenient mess – it's a potential red flag. Rabies, a viral infection impacting the nervous system, can lead to excessive drooling due to difficulties in gulping because the virus interferes with the normal functioning of the salivary glands.

35. Your dog is uninterested in favorite activities

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Picture your once lively dog losing interest in their favorite activities. It's like their enthusiasm has hit a sudden roadblock. This disinterest, when associated with rabies, can be a result of the virus causing neurological disruptions, affecting your dog's ability to engage in activities they once enjoyed.

36. Your dog is suddenly unpredictable

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We all think that we know our fur babies inside and out. So when they start acting unpredictably it can leave you feeling shaken. Rabies can manifest in various ways, from sudden mood swings and erratic reactions to unfamiliar stimuli to uncharacteristic aggression or withdrawal.

37. Your dog is extremely hyperactive

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Rabies can affect a dog's nervous system, leading to changes in behavior, including heightened excitability. If your dog seems excessively restless, engages in frenetic and uncontrollable movements, or displays a level of hyperactivity that is unusual for them, it may be that your dog has rabies.

38. Your dog is snapping or biting without provocation

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Rabies is one of those conditions that we fear about when it comes to our dogs. And, if your dog is snapping and biting without any provocation whatsoever then it may be more than a case of a dangerous dog - it could be that they have rabies which has been left untreated.

39. Your dog can't close its mouth

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When you notice your canine companion struggling to close its mouth, you need to see a vet. It's important to be aware of more serious concerns, including the possibility of neurological issues or infections like rabies, which can affect a dog's muscle control.

40. Your dog has started choking on their food

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The signs of a choking dog are unmistakable: distressed behavior, pawing at the mouth, gagging, and difficulty breathing. If you notice these symptoms during or after your dog's meal, immediate attention is crucial. It could even be caused by rabies.

41. Your dog is super anxious

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Your usually cheerful companion is now showing signs of extreme fear or anxiety - so when our pup starts acting all jittery, cowering in corners, or nervously pacing around, something is up. Dogs, much like us, can experience heightened anxiety due to various reasons, but it can also be rabies!

42. Your dog is lacking balance

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When you notice that your once agile and coordinated dog is struggling with movements, stumbling, or exhibiting a lack of balance, it's more than just a momentary lapse in grace. This concerning change in balance can sometimes be indicative of rabies!

43. Your dog is reluctant to eat or drink

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While it's not uncommon for dogs to experience temporary changes in appetite due to environmental factors, stress, or mild illnesses, persistent reluctance could be a cause for concern. Rabies, affecting the nervous system, can lead to alterations in a dog's behavior, including a diminished interest in food and water.

44. Your dog keeps biting things

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Your dog may have suddenly become fixated on biting things, in a way that it seems like they can't get enough. Intense biting is more than just a momentary annoyance; it could be a sign that something is amiss. Causes range from allergies and skin infections to pests like fleas or ticks, or it could be more serious like rabies.

45. Your dog is aggressive towards its own reflection

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When your furry friend suddenly develops a hostile attitude towards its own reflection, it's not as comical as it may initially seem. Dogs, known for their playful and curious nature, usually find mirrors intriguing but not threatening. If your dog starts displaying aggression towards its own reflection, it could be indicative of heightened stress, confusion, or even rabies!

46. Your dog is suddenly aggressive during handling

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This intense itching could be driving your dog bonkers, and watching them self-mutilate – chewing or scratching excessively – is extremely distressing. You know your dog isn't naturally aggressive, so seeing this switch in your dog can leave you feeling shocked and upset.

47. Your dog has no interest in their favorite toys or treats

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Your pup's sudden aversion to favorite toys or treats is a small but crucial warning. Rabies, with its impact on the nervous system, can alter your dog's preferences and perceptions, turning their once-loved items into sources of discomfort or even fear.

48. Your dog is howling randomly

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Factors like loneliness can make a dog howl, but it's important to be aware of more severe possibilities. In rare cases, howling can be linked to neurological changes associated with diseases like rabies. Rabies, a viral infection affecting the nervous system, can manifest in erratic behaviors, including unpredictable howling!

49. Your dog is not recognizing familiar individuals

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When you see your once-affectionate pup not recognizing familiar faces, it's puzzling and unsettling. Dogs, our ever-loyal companions, usually light up with joy at the sight of their favorite people. So, when that familiar spark fades, it's natural to feel a tinge of worry, and so you should!

50. Your dog is fighting with other animals

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Being a dog parent has its delightful moments, but it can be concerning when your normally friendly pup starts giving other animals the cold shoulder, or worse, a growl. Recognizing the link between aggression and potential health issues is crucial. Rabies isn't something to ignore!

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