10 Signs Of A Water Infection

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. You're taking constant trips to the toilet

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One of the first signs, and most common signs of a water infection is that you're constantly visiting the bathroom. It's an excessive amount, but there's nothing you can do about it. It's like as soon as you've paid a visit, your bladder is telling you that you need to go again!

2. No matter how much you pee, you still feel the urge to go

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It's a frustrating cycle – no sooner do you finish one bathroom trip, the urge to go strikes again. It's like your bladder is playing tricks on you, teasing you with a false sense of relief. And when you do manage to go, it feels like a mere trickle, leaving you feeling completely dissatisfied.

3. When you do go, not much urine comes out

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The volume of your urine seems to defy logic – considering the constant urge, you'd expect a waterfall, but it's more like a tiny stream. Each bathroom visit feels like a frustrating game of chance. You feel the need, but you can't get the relief when barely any pee comes out.

4. There's blood in your pee!

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Discovering blood in your urine is a clear indication that something isn't right. It's not a sight to brush off or dismiss. If your trips to the bathroom reveal this concerning sign, it's time to take it seriously. Blood in your pee can be a symptom of a water infection, but it could lead to kidney problems if you ignore it.

5. Needing to pee keeps you up through the night

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Needing to pee is one thing when you're awake, but if it's waking you up at every hour of the night then things are worse than you thought. This is one of the clear signs of a water infection. You'll be woken through the night with an intense urge to go to the toilet immediately!

6. Your urine has a strong, unpleasant odor

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Nobody expects urine to smell good, but it shouldn't necessarily smell that bad either. It shouldn't have a strong or distinct smell at all. An unpleasant and foul odor emanating from your urine could be another sign of a water infection. It may smell foul, or very strong or unusual - not at all like it usually does.

7. Your toilet habits have totally changed

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When your toilet habits undergo a noticeable shift, it's a clear signal from your body that something isn't quite right and you may have a water infection. The constant need to visit the bathroom, coupled with changes in the frequency, urgency, or discomfort during urination, indicates a disruption in your normal urinary patterns.

8. Things just don't feel right down there

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Often, we just know that something is up. And if you suspect this - you're most probably right! If you're experiencing discomfort when you pee or feeling like you have to go to the toilet constantly, trust your gut and get it checked out because it likely could be a water infection.

9. You experience a burning sensation when you go

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The routine act of relieving yourself has taken a painful turn. A burning sensation during urination is like a fiery signal that something is amiss. The discomfort is undeniable, turning a simple bathroom trip into an ordeal. It's as if your body is sounding an alarm, urging you to pay attention to this unmistakable sign of a water infection.

10. Your lower abdomen feels painful

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Your lower abdomen is not just uncomfortable; it's actively painful. The persistent ache serves as a constant reminder that something is amiss. Ignoring this discomfort could lead to more serious complications. Pain is always a warning sign from your body that you should not ignore!

11. Your temperature is very low

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Your body temperature feels unusually low, signaling that the water infection may be affecting your overall well-being. Infections can interfere with our body's internal temperature. This can be alarming, as it suggests that infection is taking a toll on your body and you are suffering with it.

12. Your pee is cloudy

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Another common characteristic of a water infection is when your pee is murky or cloudy. Cloudiness is often a visual cue that something is disrupting the normal composition of your urine, and if this symptom is also accompanied by others, then it indeed could be a water infection!

13. You feel super thirsty

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Feeling like you can't quench your thirst, no matter how much you drink? This constant and heightened sense of thirst might be more than just a passing inconvenience; it could be a sign of a water infection. The body's response to an infection can sometimes include increased thirst.

14. When you sit down there's pressure in your bladder

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When you sit down, there's an unmistakable feeling of pressure in your bladder, as if it's constantly reminding you of its presence. The sensation becomes a persistent discomfort that accompanies you throughout the day, making any moment of relief a mere hope.

15. You've been leaking when you wouldn't usually

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Unexpected leaks have become a new norm, catching you off guard when you wouldn't usually experience such incidents. This sudden and involuntary release of urine adds to the challenges of dealing with a water infection, making every step a potential source of embarrassment.

16. You rush to the bathroom, and nothing happens

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You often find yourself rushing to the bathroom, fueled by the urgency to relieve your bladder. However, more often than not, you're met with frustration as you discover that, despite the urgency, nothing happens. It feels confusing and frustrating because your body's signals don't match the reality of your body's needs!

17. When you do manage to go, your bladder won't empty fully

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Even when you do manage to go, your bladder refuses to empty fully. It's a frustrating experience, leaving you with a lingering feeling of incomplete relief and the knowledge that another bathroom visit is imminent. The cycle of urgency and incomplete emptying becomes an exhausting routine that doesn't let up!

18. Your urine flow is sporadic when it's usually steady

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The constant and heightened sense of thirst is more than just a passing inconvenience; it's a potential indicator of a water infection. Your body's increased demand for fluids could be its way of responding to the infection, especially when you feel the need to keep emptying the fluid from your body!

19. Your belly aches

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If you find yourself experiencing unexplained abdominal pain or discomfort, especially in the lower part of your abdomen, it could be a sign of a water infection. The urinary tract is intricately connected to the digestive system, and inflammation or infection in the bladder can often lead to discomfort in the surrounding areas.

20. You're super tired and fatigued

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Experiencing excessive fatigue and tiredness, even after a full night's sleep, might be indicative of a water infection. When the body is fighting off an infection, it redirects energy resources to combat the invading bacteria. This can leave you feeling drained and totally exhausted.

21. You feel nauseous and you don't know why

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Nausea is a common but often overlooked symptom of a water infection. The inflammation and irritation in the urinary tract can trigger a general sense of unwellness, leading to feelings of nausea. If you find yourself feeling queasy without any apparent cause, especially in conjunction with other symptoms you may have a water infection.

22. You're bloated

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Unexplained bloating, particularly in the stomach area, can be a subtle indicator of a water infection. The inflammation and irritation in the bladder can affect the surrounding tissues, leading to a sensation of bloating - which could make the urge to pee even worse!

23. Your underwear constantly feels damp

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When your underwear feels damp, it can be a sign of infection and it's also probably causing you some level of embarrassment. Infections can irritate the bladder, leading to involuntary urine leakage and leaving you with that unwelcome damp sensation.

24. It's hard to hold your bladder at the moment

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You might feel that sudden urge to go, and it's harder to resist. It's not just inconvenient; it can be pretty frustrating too. This could be a sign of a water infection messing with your bladder control. When your bladder is irritated, it can lead to these unexpected urges and make it challenging to wait until you find a bathroom.

25. When you wipe the skin is sore and irritated

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A water infection is happening inside your body, but that doesn't mean it won't manifest externally too! If you feel sore or uncomfortable when you wipe after using the bathroom due to a water infection which is making the entirety of the area feel sore and irritated!

26. It's constantly on your mind

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When the symptoms bother you so much that it's constantly on your mind, it's a signal that something needs attention. If the symptoms of a water infection are incessantly on your mind, it's a reminder not to dismiss them lightly. The mental preoccupation could be your body's way of urging you to take action!

27. Your pee is dark

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Dark urine can sometimes be linked to a water infection, also known as a urinary tract infection. UTIs can cause changes in urine color, and if you're experiencing this along with other symptoms like frequent urination, pain during urination, or a strong urge to pee, it's crucial to consider the possibility of a UTI.

28. You can't relax

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How can you relax with the constant feeling of needing to pee? If you find it hard to relax, and that feeling persists, it could be a sign that your body is dealing with a water infection. Infections can cause stress on your system, making it more than challenging to relax.

29. You have a mental fog

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Water infections that are left untreated can have an impact on your brain function! Experiencing a mental fog, where your thoughts feel cloudy and unclear, might be connected to a water infection affecting your overall well-being. Infections can impact cognitive function and leave you feeling mentally fatigued.

30. You crave certain foods, and want to avoid others

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Craving certain foods while wanting to avoid others could be your body's way of signaling distress. Water infections can influence your appetite and food preferences. If you notice significant changes in your cravings, or if certain foods suddenly don't appeal to you, it's worth mentioning to your doctor.

31. Your body feels weak

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When your body is combating an infection, particularly a water infection affecting the urinary system, it diverts significant energy and resources toward the immune response. This diversion can leave you feeling weak and fatigued, as your body channels its energy to fight off the infection!

32. You've been confused or disorientated

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Feeling confused or disoriented can be unsettling, and while it can be caused by various factors, one potential contributor, especially in older individuals, is a water infection. In fact, statistics show that UTIs are more common in older adults. The infection can affect cognitive function and lead to confusion or disorientation.

33. You've got persistent back pain, especially lower back

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Persistent back pain, especially in the lower back, can be a real pain in the, well, back! If you're dealing with this ongoing discomfort, it might be tied to a water infection, especially if it's continuing to persist. The lower back can often be linked to our stomach/ pelvic or bladder health!

34. You've got a lingering headache

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If you find yourself stuck with a lingering headache, it might seem unrelated, but a water infection could actually be playing a part. When you've got an infection in your system, like a urinary tract infection, it can trigger inflammation and stress in your body. This can sometimes lead to headaches that just won't seem to go.

35. You've got stomach cramps

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Water infections can sometimes stir up trouble in your urinary or digestive system, leading to discomfort in your belly. The cramps might feel like a persistent, dull ache or occasional sharp twinges. We have so much going on down there that symptoms can often get mixed up!

36. Sex is painful!

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When sex is painful, something is up! Experiencing pain during sex can be a red flag for a possible water infection. This discomfort could stem from inflammation or an infection in the urinary tract. Rather than brushing it off, paying attention to this symptom is crucial.

37. You've got a constant dryness in your mouth

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The sensation of constant dryness goes beyond the usual thirst, leaving your mouth parched and uncomfortable. It's like your body is struggling to maintain its natural balance, and the dryness serves as a tangible reminder that the water infection is affecting more than just your urinary system.

38. You can't concentrate

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The ability to focus and concentrate seems to slip away, leaving you in a fog of mental confusion. The water infection's impact extends beyond physical symptoms, infiltrating your cognitive function. When a water infection becomes serious, it can start to interfere with how well your brain is functioning!

39. You feel hot and shivery

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If you suddenly feel hot and shivery out of the blue, it could be your body signaling a potential water infection. Fever and chills often accompany infections, indicating that your immune system is working hard to combat the intruder, and it's no different with a water infection!

40. You've wet the bed

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Don't be embarrassed, if you've wet the bed there could be a medical explanation! Wetting the bed unexpectedly (especially if it's not a common occurrence for you) might be a red flag for a water infection. Infections affecting the urinary tract can lead to issues with bladder control, resulting in bedwetting!

41. . You've got pain in your sides

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Pain in your sides, particularly around the kidney area, could be a sign that a water infection has advanced or spread to your kidneys. Kidney infections can cause discomfort or pain in the sides or back. So, this could indicate that your water infection has been left untreated too long.

42. You have a high temperature

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This feverish sensation can be a sign that your immune system is working overtime, potentially due to an infection like a water infection. Sweating, feeling super hot, or your skin feeling burning hot to the touch could mean that your body is trying to fight an infection of some kind!

43. You've been vomiting

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If the sudden urge to vomit has become a common feeling, especially when you know it's not linked to a questionable meal, it's like your body is trying to send an urgent distress signal. Vomiting can sometimes be associated with a water infection, as your body attempts to rid itself of unwanted invaders.

44. You keep having strange sensations in your stomach

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If you're experiencing these stomach sensations along with other symptoms like frequent urination, pain or discomfort during urination, or changes in urine color, it's essential to consider the possibility of a water infection. In most cases, people can also feel strange sensations in their lower belly too!

45. Symptoms are interfering with your day-to-day

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It's super hard to go about your day-to-day business with a water infection because it's a feeling that doesn't go away. A water infection can disrupt your routine, causing discomfort, fatigue, and an overall sense of unease. If you find that you're struggling to perform daily tasks or enjoy activities due to the symptoms, it's probably a water infection!

46. Your pee looks red

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Discovering that your urine looks red is very alarming. While there are various potential causes for discolored urine, one common reason is the presence of blood, indicating a potential issue with the urinary tract. Red or pink urine should never be ignored, as it could be a sign of a water infection or kidney stones.

47. You feel more unsteady on your feet

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Feeling more unsteady on your feet without an apparent cause may be linked to a water infection affecting your overall well-being. Infections can induce fatigue, and weakness, and even affect your sense of balance. The symptoms can sometimes be much less obvious or noticeable!

48. Your skin is painful

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Dealing with painful skin, especially around your private parts or stomach? It can be a real nuisance, and understanding why it happens is essential. When you experience discomfort in these areas, it could be a sign of a water infection affecting your urinary tract. The infection can lead to inflammation and irritation, causing pain and soreness in the surrounding skin.

49. It's difficult to exercise because it hurts or you need to pee

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While a brisk walk or a workout is expected to get your blood pumping, it's not supposed to turn into a race to the nearest bathroom. If exercise consistently triggers a sudden and urgent need to pee, then you may have a urine infection. Plus, any movements seem to create more pressure on your bladder!

50. You can't ignore it

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These symptoms are affecting you so much that you really can't ignore it - and so you shouldn't. The constant urgency to visit the bathroom, coupled with discomfort, pain, and changes in urine appearance, is something that needs to be dealt with. It's a clear indication that your body has a water infection.

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