Body Features That Give You Clues About Your Ancestry

By Kirsty 2 years ago

1. Celtic Toe/Feet

Image Source / WikipediaThe Celtic toe, or foot shape, is where you have your second toe longer than the big toe, and longer than the other toes. The rest of the toes will be a similar length going down to the little toe being the smallest. This toe shape is a mixture of a few different cultures, though, due to the fact that the Celts could be present in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England.

2. Greek Toe

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The Greek Toe is very similar to the Celtic toe, but the big toe will be a little bigger in comparison. For the Greek Toe, you will have a regular big toe but your second toe will be longer than the big toe, and the rest of the toes. It's a common trait associated with Greeks, and you can actually see it on a lot of Greek statues.

3. Roman Toe

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The Roman Toe is probably the most symmetrical and straight foot shape you can find. It shows the largest three toes (the big two, second toe and third toe) being pretty much the same length in a line, and then the last two toes being slightly smaller. This foot shape can actually be a pain for trying to find comfortable shoes, as you have more toes pushing against the front of the shoe!

4. German Toe

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A German Toe shape is where the big toe is - literally - the biggest toe. This is the most prominent toe, and then all the other toes will be the exact same size in a line - and smaller than the big toe. The German foot toe type can also been seen in others, like the Celtic foot.

5. Egyptian Toe

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The Egyptian Toe is probably the most satisfying to look at compared to other toe shapes, because it's very neat. This toe shape will have the big toe as the longest, and then have every other toe size reduced downwards in a very neat slant. Interestingly, prosthetic toes have actually been found on the feet of Egyptian mummies!

6. Roman Nose

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This refers to a nose shape that has a very obvious ridge and then a hook at the end of it. It's also known as an 'aquiline' nose which can be used as a description in lots of books for someone with a bird-like nose. This shape is very distinctive to the Romans, but it could also be a stereotype. In Europe, it could also be seen as a noble facial feature.

7. Wide Nostrils

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Nostril width actually used to say a lot about the type of climate people lived in. Your ancestors might have lived in more hot climates if their nostrils were wider, because the nose is there to filter inhaled air to turn it warm - so a hotter climate means nostrils don't need to be as narrow to keep out the cold air.

8. Narrow Nostrils

Image Source / Saigal Facial Plastic Surgery
And vice versa, narrow nostrils are therefore more common of people from colder areas, because the nostrils will need to filter the cold air as it's inhaled to make sure it's warmed up to go into the body. A narrow nose would therefore be more helpful for people trying to survive in a colder climate.

9. Skin Tone

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One of the most key body features that can give away your ancestry is the tone of your skin. It's a genetic trait passed down from your ancestors, generation to generation. Your appearance can be made up of a variety of skin tones and pigments to make you look the way you do, so your unique makeup is a result of all your ancestor's skin tones!

10. Your Eye Colour

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Your eye colour can also be a big hint to your genetic history, too. It can relate to the geographical location of your ancestors, and whether a mutation might have been introduced somewhere along the genes being passed down. Brown is the dominant eye colour, which is why blues and greens can give more of a hint to a rare ancestry.

11. Your Height: If You're Tall, It Could Link To Northern Europe Or Africa

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Did you know that your height is actually a hereditary trait too? It can give a hint to ancestry because of how height developed to help survival. Tall people have been linked to northern Europe or tribes in Africa because of needing to handle livestock or travel for food. Bodies had to be larger to be able to deal with that excess physical labour.

12. If You're Shorter, It Could Be A Hint At Island Communities

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People who had a smaller stature were more likely to have come from closer communities, like island groups in a hunter-gatherer type situation. The short stature is because they could adapt better in smaller societies with no need to grow any taller in order to have more strength.

13. Have Lactose Intolerance? You Might Not Have Northern European Roots

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If you have roots in Northern Europe, it's very likely that dairy products aren't a problem for you. Even though it's not a physical body feature, it's actually an interesting one in terms of genetics. The genes that make it so you can enjoy dairy products are most commonly found in Northern Europeans!

14. East Asia Genetics Can Make Lactose Intolerance More Likely

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The opposite is found in East Asia, as well as China, where it's much more likely you'd be faced with lactose intolerance. This can be a lot about the type of food ancestors ate and how genes have developed. Northern Europeans are much more likely to spend time with dairy products like cheese and milk, and be around goats and cattle, whereas people from Asia might not have been exposed as much - therefore find it more difficult to digest dairy.

15. Do You Have A Preference For Sweet Foods?

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Preferences for certain foods may also indicate gene traits due to what your ancestors would have had to survive on and the type of food in their climate. It's very likely to find that people with European genes prefer sweeter and sugary snacks - but of course that isn't exclusive to Europeans, and people all over the world can enjoy sweet foods, while Europeans can still enjoy salty, too.

16. East Asian Descent Prefer Salty Foods

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Whereas at the other side of the world, there's a large preference for salty food for those of East Asian descent. Of course, that doesn't mean they can't enjoy sweet food, either, but it does look like that food preference is very common in this genetic line from that part of the world!

17. Red Hair: European Links

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If red hair runs in your family, then it's likely that you have genetic links back to Europe, because this is where the red hair variant is often found. The interesting thing about the red hair gene is that some research has also found that red hair started to appear in Europe after people had already settled there.

18. Freckles

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People with freckles are also commonly people with red hair, but of course that's not exclusive! But this link also makes sense when it's found that freckly skin can likely be traced back to the northern part of Europe. It's also suggested through studies that the same genes that make it likely to have light skin (from Europe) also make it likely to have freckles.

19. But Having Freckles Doesn't Necessarily Mean Northern Europe!

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While it's likely that lighter skin tones and freckles in particular are passed down from northern Europe, it's of course not exclusive to this area of the world - it's always possible to have freckles no matter where you're from, and as we know, sometimes things like the sun can bring them out on your face when you didn't know you really had them!

20. Having Dark Eye Color

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Your eye color can't immediately tell people the exact country you're from, but it can be very helpful in pinpointing a specific region. There does seem to be a trend of darker eye colors being more common in people of African or East Asian descent, with brown eyes being the most likely.

21. But Dark Eye Color Isn't Exclusive To These Regions

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But of course, anyone can have dark eyes! And with brown being the dominant eye color, it's more likely than other eye colors no matter where you're from. So obviously skin tone and genetics needs to be taken into account alongside dark eyes to understand whether you have African or Asian genetics.

22. Having Light Eyes

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Lighter eye colors are very common in European regions, and in people of European descent. Though, again, light eye colors can be found anywhere and don't necessarily mean you definitely have European genetics! And of course your eye color is always influenced by your parents genes.

23. What Can Your Nose Shape Indicate About Your Personality? Big Noses Can Mean Strong Leaders

Image Source / Zenith Cosmetic Clinics
Those with a bigger nose will have a long bridge, a wide tip and larger nostrils. It's common to see people with bigger noses be very strong and powerful leaders. They might be ambitious and driven, as well as working well on their own. It's likely to see big noses on important leading historical figures, or with people who like to be their own boss.

24. Small Nose: More Cheerful

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People with smaller noses can be on the more positive, playful and cheerful side. They can prefer to be more sociable than working alone, and are best in group situations or group activities where they can work creatively with others. They enjoy working hard and have a more optimistic outlook on repetitive work.

25. Long Nose: A Good Sense Of Business

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Just like with bigger noses, people with longer noses can be more ambitious and driven, and more likely to have a sound business head. This makes them great at working independently, at being their own boss, or leading others in a workplace environment. They're also likely to have great instincts - follow your nose, after all!

26. A Fleshy Nose: Quick And Clever

Image Source / Dr. Michel Siegel
If you have a more fleshy nose, it can be narrow at the top but move into a more fleshy, bulbous shape down the length of it and be quite snubby on the end. If you have this type of nose, you might be very clever and able to think fast in difficult (or just normal) situations. You might be very caring and loyal, too.

27. Hooked Nose: The Rebel

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This nose type will see a longer nose with a curved hook shape towards the tip which will then point downwards. You can often see a curve on the ridge, too (think Snape from HP). People with hooked noses are likely to follow their own path. They don't care what others think, and for this reason can also be very independent. You might also find a rebel in a person with a hooked nose!

28. Nubian Nose: Creativity

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The Nubian nose is a nose that is long, but is narrow at the top and wider at the bottom across the nostrils. This nose shape can often reflect a creative and passionate person. They can be more expressive and open-minded, as well as having a very charismatic personality.

29. Pointed Nose: A Little Bit Complicated

Image Source / Cosmopolitan
People with more pointed noses - where the tip sticks out at a point - tend to be more complex people. This can mean both positive and negative, because you might find you don't know where you stand with a pointed nose person! They act on their own reasons and can be assertive with their beliefs - which can cause controversy.

30. Greek Nose: Hard-Working

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A Greek nose - or a straight nose - can be seen as long with a narrow ridge. This can indicate a very hard-working person who's great at staying organized. They enjoy facts and working towards a goal, so the Greek nose can be seen as very 'scholarly'. They work very well under pressure, too!

31. Next Up: What Your Body Says About You! Asymmetrical Face? You Might Be A Better Leader

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Some studies have suggested that people with an asymmetrical face shape or facial features - where your features aren't a perfect mirror of each other on either side - are actually better at taking charge and showing more initiative in group settings. This means you're more likely to be a great leader and be able to work with others.

32. O Blood Type? Mosquitos Are More Likely To Want You

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Fantastic news for people with O blood types - you could be a more tasty meal for a mosquito. According to research, mosquitos have been found to be more likely to go for a person with O blood type to feast on. It's not actually known why this is the case, but it might be that O blood type tastes differently to mosquitos for some reason?

33. Index Finger Longer Than Your Ring Finger? You May Be Less Likely To Get Prostate Cancer

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This isn't, by any means, scientific fact, but more and more research is being done into this. Some scientists have claimed that longer index fingers compared to ring fingers means that the person is around 33 percent less likely to get prostate cancer at some point during their lifetime. The reverse has also been studied, in that people with longer ring fingers have a higher chance of that diagnosis.

34. Ear Crease? You Might Be More At Risk For Coronary Artery Disease

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If you have a bilateral ear crease, where the crease appears on both sides, you might actually have an increased risk of developing coronary artery disease in your lifetime. It's been researched in China and resulted in a strong suggestion for this to be the case. It can also be an increased risk if you only have a unilateral ear crease.

35. Brown Eyes? You Might Get Drunk Faster

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Have you been wondering your whole life why you can't hack your alcohol like all your blue- or green-eyed friends? Well it turns out that brown-eyed people might actually suffer more easily with a lower tolerance for alcohol. Apparently this is down to people with brown eyes having more melanin in their brains, which means the brain processes things quicker, including alcohol. So you get drunk faster!

36. Large Forehead? You Might Be A Tad More Intelligent Than Others

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It's not quite as literal as 'bigger forehead means more room for big brain', but it's something like that. Studies have shown that babies born with larger foreheads are likely to be a bit cleverer than those with smaller heads. This was shown by babies' foreheads being measured and then their academic abilities measured during their lifetime. Turns out, those big-headed babies did better!

37. Belly Button In A Weird Position? You Might Be A Better Runner/Swimmer

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Apparently your belly button can show a lot about you, and it's very specific when it comes to your running or swimming capabilities. Because your belly button is the 'center of gravity' when it comes to your body, the position of it can determine your response to gravity when it comes to physical exercise. For example, runners who have a high-up belly button have a higher center of gravity, resulting in them being faster than those with belly buttons lower down.

38. Long Eyebrows? You Might Be Great At Dealing With Stress

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According to studies done by expert facial readers, those blessed with longer eyebrows are apparently great listeners. This means better equipped at listening to loved ones problems and dealing with pressure. Alternatively, people with short eyebrows apparently had a short fuse, too, and don't deal with stress as well.

39. Blinking Rapidly? You Might Fancy Someone

Image Source / The Guardian
According to those super-duper body language experts, rapid blinking could actually be a sign of heightened excitement, specifically if you fancy someone. A lot can be read from eye blinking but it's something most of us don't pay attention to! Apparently a blink rate of more than 10 a minute means high emotions, excitement or lust!

40. Contaminated Hair Follicles? Evidence Of Illegal Activity!

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Did you know that your hair follicles can actually snitch on you? Even just one hair follicle can have traces of certain substances on it ,like marijuana, cocaine or opioids, for a whopping 90 days! That's 90 days for others to be able to find out what you've been up to in your spare time. Some drug tests even use hair follicles instead of urine to check for substances.

41. Short King? You Might Actually Live Longer

Image Source / Tastefully Offensive
If you're often lamenting about not being 6 feet tall, don't fret - turns out that if you're shorter, you might actually live longer. According to research from the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, shorter people have a gene which taller people don't have, which could actually help them to live longer.

42. Big Nose? You Might Be More Successful At Business

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You might already have a head for business, but how about a nose for business, too? If you've a big one, that is. According to expert face readers, if you have a bigger nose, it increases the chances that you're more successful in business ventures. This also means more likely to make some serious money! People with big noses can be ambitious, which is great for business.

43. Square Toes? You Might Be A Practical Person

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This toe shape can be known as 'peasant foot', and if you have a more 'square' arrangement to your toes, it could mean that you look at situations with a more practical and logical viewpoint. It's more likely that this toe shape means you're someone who likes to think about every decision properly before making it. You're also likely to be a more dependable person!

44. Wide Hips? You Might Be Promiscuous

Image Source / RedditThey always say that wide hips mean 'child-bearing', but it might also mean you're more likely to do the thing you need to bear a child in the first place. Apparently people with wider hips are more likely to have more sexual partners - and, in particular, one-night stands! Might be time to get the measuring tape out.

45. Deep Red Tongue? You Might Need More Nutrients

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The color and texture of your tongue can reveal a lot about your health, so if you've been rocking a dark red tongue for a while now, it could be a few different things. One of these could be entirely at fault of what you've been eating, such as high-acid foods making your tongue red for a bit. But a more serious cause of a red tongue can be missing out on key nutrients, like B12.

46. Can You Spread Your Fingers Really Wide? You're Probably More Independent

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And even more so if you didn't need anyone to help you check the width of your finger spread! If you have a wide finger spread when you lay your hand down flat, it could suggest that you're someone independent, open to new experiences and more likely to go on solo adventures than with others. So wide fingers can suggest adventure-seekers.

47. Fingers Tight Together? You're More Guarded

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Alternatively, if you find that your fingers are very tight together even when you try to spread them, with limited width, it could mean the opposite - that you're very closed off and guarded as a person. This can also mean you're more cautious, which means you wouldn't rush into travel or adventure decisions, and especially not for traveling alone.

48. Feet With High Arches? You're Self-Sufficient

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Did you know that the natural arch of your feet can reveal things about your personality? If you have very high arches, it could mean you're very self-sufficient - and the higher the arches, the more independent you might be. You might be more on the lines of anti-social and preferring to do things alone, to spend time with just you and your high arches.

49. Low Arches? You're More Outgoing

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On the flip side, if you have very low arches, you're probably more outgoing, which means you can rely on others more than somebody with high arches might do. You might find you prefer being around people, value the company of others more and also need more emotional support from those around you.

50. Discolored Fingernails? It Could Suggest Health Issues

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Your nails can actually give you the heads up about a number of different health problems, so if your nails are discolored, it might be worth checking with your doctor if you feel like they could be telling you something. Things like lines on nails, black nails, indentations and soft nails can all tell you something about what's going on in your body.

51. Blue Eyes? You're Probably A Great Strategic Planner

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If advance planning is one of your favorite hobbies and you have blue eyes, you can thank your eye color for that. Turns out that studies into eye color suggest that people with lighter eye colors are better at strategic thinking, which means planning for events ahead of time might come easily to you, such as the itinerary of a trip or studying for an exam.

52. Darker Eyes? You Might Be Better At Physical Activity

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Alternatively, if you've been blessed with eyes on the darker color spectrum, this could mean that instead of strategic thinking, you're more likely to excel in physical activities which require agility and strength. This could mean that you're better at sports day than you are locked in an exam hall, or you focus better when doing something physically rather than sat there pondering.

53. Square Palms? Math Problems Might Be Easy For You

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People with square palms apparently have a very practical way of viewing the world, including a more 'black and white' viewpoint when it comes to situations around them. This makes square-palmed peeps more adept at solving mathematical problems due to maths only having one solid solution for an answer.

54. Long Big Toe? You're More Creative

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According to footcare experts, a long big toe could mean you're a much more creative person/thinker, with a keen mind being likely, too. This has yet to be proven by science, but if you're a very creative person who happens to have an extra big big toe, then it all makes sense now!

55. Longer Third Toe? You're Energetic To The Max

Image Source / RedditIf you're missing something in the big toe department, but more than make up for it in the third toe along department, then it might mean you're someone with energy which knows no bounds. Again, this is based on those trusty footcare experts rather than scientific fact, but it's suggested people with a particular long third toe have higher levels of energy.

56. Thin Legs? You Might Actually Have Poor Metabolism

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While slim legs as part of an overall healthy physique are of course a win, thin legs as a result of fat never collecting around your legs completely could suggest that you have a poor metabolism in terms of it being flawed when converting food to energy. This may result in your legs suffering for it, as well as other areas of your body, if you don't maintain a balanced diet.

57. Thin Lips? You're More Competitive

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Maybe you're getting competitive about who's got the thinnest lips? People with thin lips are apparently more likely to be competitive, as well as to be loners, preferring time alone to time spent with company. They also tend to have strong personality traits that stand out.

58. Wide Lips? You're Outgoing

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Maybe because wider lips seem easier for talking a lot? Who knows. But apparently people with wider and bigger lips tend to be more outgoing, thriving on time spent with others rather than alone, and are more generous with their time and efforts. It's also likely they're people their loved ones can depend on.

59. Defined Cheekbones? Higher Levels Of Testosterone

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Men with those sharper, more defined cheekbones that we all covet are also said to have higher levels of testosterone. This is also true of people with defined cheekbones and wider faces. According to studies, people with more obvious cheekbones had more aggressive personalities - even making it more likely to become violent.

60. Ring And Index Finger Same Length? You're A Great Communicator

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Just as your ring finger and index finger are working in perfect harmony, so do you with others through excellent communication. You're an expert at talking things out and easily keeping the balance in a situation. Alternatively, if your ring finger is longer, it can mean you take more risks, while a longer index finger can mean you're more likely to succeed as a leader!

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