19 Things Every Kid Who Went To Primary School In The 90s Will Remember

By Ange Arnal 1 year ago

1. The recorder

This was the one instrument that you were actually allowed to play when you were at school. The people who got to play this in assembly were so lucky. I used to be ridiculously jealous of them!

2. Frozen water

This was one of those things that we all did when we were younger. If it was sunny you froze your water bottle the night before. This meant you had to freshest of drinks all day long on your desk. You would be so annoyed if you forgot your bottle that day!

3. Fountain pens

This was a monumental moment in your childhood. When you finally upgraded from pencil to FOUNTAIN pen. You were only allowed to do this if you were seriously good at hand writing. This was unfortunate for me, it took me so long to make the jump!

4. Pencil cases

I think that every single person went through a phase of having this as their pencil case, didn't they? I could never understand why these were actually that popular?! They were quite weird looking back on it now.

5. Badges

There was always a school council at every school. But, with this title came great responsibility. This meant you had loads of meetings all the time because you were now important and got to wear a badge.

6. Smelly Gel Pens

If you had your own smelly gel pens then you were the talk of the class. There was nothing cooler than this. Everyone wanted to trade their gel pens with you so they could have your really funky ones.

7. OHP

This was one of the biggest things that we will all remember from our childhood. I loved the Overhead Projector. There was nothing better than being selected to move the words on the screen in assembly.

8. Pokemon Cards

This was a huge craze when we were younger. Who remembers collecting Pokemon cards?! This was so much fun. There was nothing better than getting a card that you had really wanted for ages.

9. Plastic Glue Sticks

Who remembers these glue spreaders?! These were ridiculously cool. These were much better than Pritt Sticks. Who remembers the spread that you would get on these. This was seriously cool! I wish I was back in Primary School!

10. Birthday treats

Whenever it was your birthday it was your duty to bring in some goodies that everyone could eat. This was quite sad because you had to make everyone else celebrate your birthday but you had to bring in the treats. But, when it was someone elses birthday you were buzzing.

11. Fresh exercise books

This was one of the best things ever. When you got given a new exercise book because yours had ran out. There was no better feeling than writing your name in the neatest writing possible on the front of it. If someone got a new book it was a huge thing.

12. Labelled stationary

This was one of those things that got out of hand very quickly. It all started because we didn't know who's pen was who. This was never an issue when we all began labelling our pencils and pens though! Lucky us.

13. Pogs and Tazos

Who remembers these little, flat, circular disks!? There was nothing that was more fun than these. Who remembers the pogtainer's that they used to have so you could store all of your things in?

14. The tiny telly

You knew it was going to be a good lesson when your teacher brought in this massive television. Although the screen was tiny, you simply did not care! You got to sit and mess about for a full lesson.

15. Backing your books

Every year when you made a fresh start, you were told to back all your books in really nice paper. For our school this was ALWAYS the first week's homework. There was nothing better than doing this.

16. Roamer

I think we all remember this guy, don't we?! This was the best lesson in the world when he came out. You had to put in different coordinates and stuff and you got to spend a fill lesson in the hall playing with it.

17. Spice Girls

It was safe to say that every single person back in the 90s was completely obsessed with the Spice Girls. Who else loved these gals ridiculously? The crazy was filling photo albums completely full with pictures of them.

18. The Magic Key

Who remembers these books from when we were back at school!? I used to be obsessed with these. We all loved following all the adventures of Biff, Chip and Kipper, didn't we?! This brings back so many memories.

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