This Is How Homeless People Survive

By Juliet Smith 11 months ago

Use free WiFi hubs

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In today's world, access to internet is a necessity to survive. With so many public places offering free WiFi, this is a life saver for anyone who doesn't have a home. Public libraries, fast food joints or internet bars are just some of the places that this is available.

Make a community of people

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For protection and safety a lot of homeless people group together and create their own family. Being homeless is a vulnerable position to be in so having their own community increases that safety. That is why many people choose to set up shelter together.

Asking for donations

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A vital part of survival for a homeless person is relying on donations from charities and people. Thrifted clothing can be pinnacle for a homeless person to stay alive in the colder climates. Charities rely on donations to be able to give this support.

Find a free water source

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Finding a free water source is easier than having to explore the woods for a running stream. There's now more than ever so many ways to get free water in cities. Water fountains are so accessible and give homeless people the water they need to stop any life threatening dehydration.

Garbage bin food halls

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Retail outlets throw away so much waste food and this is a heaven for anyone on the streets. Homeless people congregate around garbage bins to be able to get their hands on this food. It's a free way to be able to get their hands on a delicious cheeseburger.

Public transport

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You might dread a 4 hour bus journey but for someone with no home this can be the comfort that they need. By saving up money to take a trip on a train or bus they are able to get the comforts of a nice seat and a heated bus for a little while before going back to reality of the streets.

Wear suitable clothes

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Layering up in clothes is the smartest way to be able to keep warm in the colder seasons. For the homeless to survive they prioritize sourcing the best clothes they can get through hand outs. Think twice next time you're about to throw your old coat in the trash.

Being arrested

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It might be your worst nightmare to be put in a jail cell but for the homeless this can be a haven. Going into jail allows the homeless to have a bed and restroom facilities whenever they need them. Sometimes it's the best way to be able to gain some comfort.

Find a form of shelter on the streets

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Making a base under shelter such as a bridge allows the homeless protection from weather like rain and wind. It can also be a warmer option than sleeping without shelter. Shelter also creates a safer place to stay and keeps them out of any danger from the public.

Build a make-shift house

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When you don't have a home the best way to make a comfortable area is make one yourself. So many homeless people opt for a make-shift home to protect them from the cold. It's also a great way for them to have their own space and feel a little more comfortable.

Homeless shelters

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Homeless shelters offer people a bed for the night who don't have one themselves. This is a great way for the homeless to get a good nights sleep and clean themselves. Although this sounds great the spaces in them are limited and not something that is available every night.

Minimalist items

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Being homeless means that there's never a permanent place for someone to set up a base. Because of this the amount of personal belongings must be kept to a minimum. The more items someone has the more they have to transport from place to place which causes more hassle.

Move to a suitable climate

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Being homeless in some of the coldest states makes the living situation a hundred times worse. This is why someone homeless may try and gain any money they have to move to somewhere warmer. Being in a warm state makes the chances of survival a lot higher.

Use any hygiene products sparingly

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Basic hygiene is essential to stop any infection or diseases. That's why if you're homeless you won't go around using any hygiene products crazily to ensure it lasts as long as possible. Keeping clean is so important for the homeless to survive on the street.

Use a vehicle (if they own one)

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Some homeless people are able to have access to a car and this is one of the safest options for them to live in. A car can allow a homeless person the ability to travel around and have a warm place to stay. This comes with it's danger though as in many states it's illegal.

Public restrooms

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When you don't have your own restroom a public restroom is a lifesaver to do your business. Having access to a public restroom gives the homeless the opportunity to get clean and get some easy access to water. Restrooms aren't always the cleanest though so this can have its issues.

Using food stamps

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Food stamps are key for a homeless persons survival. Although they are not always available throughout the US, when they are they give the homeless the opportunity to gain basic food and drink. Many of the food joint places have stopped taking these stamps though which makes it harder.

Appreciate the little things

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We take having a home for granted but when you don't have that you can begin to appreciate the smallest of things. Many homeless people have nothing so a free coffee or a nice evening sky can really lift their spirits and keep them the motivation to keep going.

Family members

Image Source/WNY Coalition for the Homeless
Although not everybody has a family to help them out many homeless people rely on their family for support. Sofa surfing between family members is the norm for many peoples lives and it gives them the stability they need.This a very common form of homelessness.

Move to a bustling city

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Moving to an urban area gives someone living on the street the greatest chance of survival when homeless. Being in the city gives homeless people the chance to create a community. It also means that more people around makes it easier to gain donations.

Soup kitchens

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Being in a city is the best place for homeless people to get access to soup kitchens. Soup kitchens offer a free meal for anybody homeless and it is a great place to gain the nutrition they need. Without soup kitchens it is so hard for a homeless person to survive.

Thermal blankets

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Blankets are essential for keeping warm and thermal blankets make this a lot easier. Just like the blankets used by mountaineers many charities give out thermal blankets to the homeless. Being homeless in the winter can be highly dangerous so these are essential.

Access homeless charities

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There are many key homeless charities that work to help the homeless live as comfortably as possible. Not only this many charities work with the homeless to get them off the street and into homes. Without the charities many homeless people would not survive.

Keep as clean as possible

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Prioritising hygiene is important for a homeless person to keep good health. Even though it is difficult as the streets are so dirty cleaning as often as possible is essential. Cleaning stops any dangerous infections or bacteria having an effect on a persons health.

Utilise public places

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Public places such as train stations or public libraries can be a safe haven for a lot of homeless. With long opening hours this gives homeless people a place to settle and rest. Although many homeless people are moved on by public authorities which cuts this luxury short.

State-run hospitals

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State-run hospitals give homeless people the opportunity to gain free medical attention when they have no funds to pay for the treatment they need. Having this is the main way in which homeless people are able to survive and without it the death rates would increase.

Making a visit to a day center

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Day centers offer homeless people somewhere to sit and gain support in the day. These centers can be a way to gain support, food and the opportunity to clean up. Without this option many homeless people struggle to get through the day and stay out of trouble.

Staying away from quiet areas

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A quieter area may seem like the most peaceful place when you are homeless but it does come with its downfalls. By being in a more populated area the chances of being affected by crime are lower. This is due to the amount of people around you to notice the crime happening.

Begging on the streets

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Many homeless people hate it but begging can be the only way to survive when you are homeless. Due to shelters costing money and the need for food begging can sometimes be the only option. This is another reason why being in a popular area comes with it's benefits.

Having a good backpack

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Carrying all your life belongings in one backpack is risky work but the only option someone homeless has. This is why by ensuring they have a great backpack the chances of being able to survive are increased. Losing one essential item can make life even harder for someone on the streets.

The dark facts about homelessness: California has around 20% of all homeless in the US

image source: the sacramento observer
There is a lot of homelessness across the entirety of the USA, that much is clear - and while California is definitely not the only state dealing with high amounts of homeless people on the street, it is actually accountable for around 20% of the homelessness across the entire country. In fact, when California is paired with the states of Texas, Florida, New York and Massachusetts, these five states are responsible for 50% of the homeless population across America. This just shows the states where homelessness is most likely to happen.

1 out of 50 Americans will be homeless at some point

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None of us like to think of it ever happening to us, and that's the tragic fact - that any homeless person you encounter on the street probably never thought it would ever happen to them either. The truth it, it can happen to anyone, and the statistics show the dark reality of that: that 1 in 50 Americans will actually be homeless at some point in their lives, for whatever reason. And when you think of the huge population America has, that's a scary thought that 1 in 50 is a huge amount of people to deal with homelessness.

The 3 top reasons for homelessness

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Most people work hard to try and get some savings in order, or emergency funds, to have something to fall back on if they should lose their job, or if circumstances change. A lot of people also have a support network of loved ones with their own houses, knowing they can use the spare room if things go awry. Unfortunately, that's not the case for a lot of people, and some people have no other choice than to be out of the streets. The top three causes of homelessness are unemployment/losing a job, poverty and being unable to find an affordable place to live.

The laws that work against the homeless

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As if the homelessness crisis wasn't bad enough, and horrible enough to see people suffering in that situation, there are some laws in place that actually make it even harder for people who are homeless. These laws work to make it very difficult for them, and one example is public constructions like 'anti-homeless benches' which are made with the sole purpose of preventing a homeless person from lying down on it, or sleeping on it. The growing number of these types of laws in the US has got negative attention from the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

It can be a criminal offence to give them food

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As if these anti-homeless laws weren't bad enough, they even stretch as far as to make the everyday person suffer, or be punishable, if they try and help out a homeless person. It's often advised to give a homeless person food or drink instead of money, to avoid the risk of them spending money on something that would do more harm than good, but there are some cities which have actually made it a criminal offence to give food to the homeless. In fact, there are at least 30 cities in the US which have criminalized this act of kindness.

One way plane tickets have sometimes been a 'solution'

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You might think that a homeless person being given a free plane ticket is a luxury, but not with the intent behind it. In some areas of the US, the authorities are so desperate to solve the homelessness crisis in completely the wrong way - and that's with them simply shipping off the homeless person somewhere else so that it's less of a homeless statistic in their state. States like Hawaii will often give homeless people a one way plane ticket to somewhere else so that they leave that particular area. Maybe the intention was good deep down if they think the person will have a better chance elsewhere, but we don't know for sure!

Our brains might see the homeless as objects rather than people

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Most people have been in a situation where they have walked straight past a homeless person without making eye contact, whether purposefully or not. When you're busy getting to where you need to be, you might not have even noticed them. A lot of people don't do it intentionally. The sad reality is that there was actually a study done at Princeton university, that revealed how our brains process homeless people. According to the study, our brains often process the image of a homeless person the same way it would process an object, rather than processing it as a human being.

Homeless people might purposefully get arrested

image source: prison UK
For a lot of homeless people fighting on the streets for food and a place to sleep, day in and day out, you can understand why being in a prison cell would actually be a better alternative to them than being out on the streets. So much so that a lot of homeless people purposefully do things to get arrested so that they can spend time in prison. There was a case of a man in North Carolina who held up a bank - and he only wanted a dollar instead of all the cash. Nevertheless he was arrested and went to jail, where he could also get healthcare.

Homes without father figures account for a lot of homelessness

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Studies into households and the affects on children have also revealed statistics relating to homelessness. It's been shown that children who grow up in a home without a father, or at the very least a father figure, account for a whopping 90% of homelessness in children. This could be if the other parent is struggling with single living and may lose their home due to lack of money or affordable housing on only one income. It's also been shown that households without a father account for 70% of children dropping out of high school.

A lot of homeless people are veterans

image source: national alliance for honelessness
It's another sad fact that most of the homeless people on the streets these days are the very people who fought for their country. Army veterans account for almost 25% of the homeless population in the whole of the United States. A lot of the time, army veterans are unable to get another job when they return from active duty, whether because of trauma, injury, disability or other reasons. This can make it more likely that they can't afford the cost of living, or find employment, so they end up homeless on the streets.

There's a 'Hobo Convention'!

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In the state of Iowa, there is actually a more 'happy' spin on the homelessness crisis. They annually host a 'Hobo Convention', located in Britt, and have been doing this convention every year for the past century! During the convention, there is even a hobo King and Queen that's crowned. The whole town knows about the 'hobo' celebration and comes together in honor of it, taking place on the second weekend of August. It's the largest celebration where travelers, hobos and people without a permanent home get together.

Some communist bunkers are used as homeless shelters

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Under the rule of communism, there were hundreds of thousands of bunkers built in the country of Albania, located in the Balkans. In this modern age, some of these thousands on thousands of bunkers are actually used to provide shelter and housing for homeless people. Because there are so many of them, there have been confusion over what to do with them, with a lot of them housing the homeless and others providing animal shelters. Some of the leftover bunkers have even been switched into small businesses, like cafes.

A third of homeless people in the US are in their 20s

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While it's true that homelessness is likely to happen to older army veterans and people in the middle of their lives who have lost their jobs, there is actually a very high statistic for homeless people only in their 20s. Almost one third of homeless people in the whole of the United States are not only in their 20s, but they're actually younger than the age of 24 - so barely out of their teenage years. This could have something to do with the ages associated with finishing school, dropping out of school or even struggling to get a job after graduating.

Some homeless youths have parents who just didn't care

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That's not to say that some homeless youths out there in their early 20s haven't made that decision for themselves, as a lot of homeless young people do have good parents with comfortable homes, and parents who care about them, while they've made the choice to leave and live on the streets rather than with them. But in a lot of cases, it's been reported that around half of young people living on the streets have said that their parents 'didn't care' when they said they were leaving, so in a lot of places this youths are leaving homes from unloving parents.

The working class is at risk more than you might think

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When you think of the people more at risk of homelessness, you often think of the lower classes more at risk of poverty, or who are less qualified or working less prestigious jobs which are more at risk. But the reality is that working class people are actually more at risk than everyday people might think. While it remains true that the high numbers of homelessness are mostly single parent homes, army veterans or disabled people, the numbers of working class homeless people are at risk of being higher than they once were.

Women and children are often the most homeless

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There are some areas of the country, like the state of Texas, that have a very high statistic of women and children being homeless more than anyone else. And the population of homeless people which is the fastest growing in number tends to be women and children. This could again be because of single parent families, or pregnant women left to fend for themselves. Homeless women may even need to give birth whilst living on the streets and increasing the statistic of homeless children, too, as a result. The homelessness of women and children remains a big problem.

There is honesty among the homeless every day

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There's no doubt that everyday people are capable of negative things towards fellow human beings, and a lot of people presume that the people on the streets who have nothing to lose are to be considered with suspicion or lack kindness - but it's not the case. Often the kindest or most honest people can be found among the homeless who are just trying to do the decent thing. There have been cases of homeless people giving money to everyday people in need - even if it's the only money they have - and a homeless woman even returned a purse after she found it contained over 10,000 dollars, instead of keeping it.

There are more empty houses in the US than there are homeless people

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We know it's not as black and white as saying fill all the empty houses with homeless people, because the real estate market exists and houses need to be legally owned and sold. But the sad reality is that the amount of empty houses in America are actually more than enough to house all the homeless people in the country - there are actually 5 times more empty houses in the United States than there are homeless people across America. This also explains why some desperate homeless people turn to squatting in empty houses.

Every year will see 1 in 200 homeless Americans

image source: the guardian
The reality of homelessness in America is that 1 in every 200 Americans will be homeless every year in the country. With over 330 million people in America, that's around 1 and a half million homeless people every single year across the country, on average. That just sheds a light on the crisis of homeless and how many people you might expect to see out of the streets. And this number may even increase if populations are dealing with economic crises, losing jobs or facing financial difficulties as everything gets more expensive.

Some celebrities were once homeless

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Some celebrities also dealt with homelessness before they hit the big time. One example is Sylvester Stallone, who was homeless and also heartbreakingly had to sell his dog for only 50 dollars at the time. When he earned money - after he sold the Rocky script - he bought back his dog for $3,000! Other celebs who have been homeless include Jennifer Lopez when she moved away from her family home to chase her career dreams, and some celebs have turned to living in their cars or vans when trying to get by, including actress Hilary Swank.