Reasons Why Breast Isn’t Always Best

By Lauren Mccluskey 11 months ago

1. Why do people think breastfeeding is best?

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Breastfeeding is widely acknowledged as a very beneficial and natural way to nourish babies.  This is because it is designed to supply babies with all of their necessary nutrients in the right amounts.  It has also been found that it may protect against sickness, allergies, infections, and even obesity, as well as certain diseases like diabetes and cancer.

2. But is breast REALLY best?

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There is an attitude in society that 'breast is best' for infants but, to be honest, it's a complete myth because the ways mothers feed their babies are completely unique to them and everybody is different.  This attitude is terribly damaging because it puts the blinders on mothers recognizing that breastfeeding may not always be the best or feasible option.


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First of all, how a parent chooses to feed their baby is entirely up to them.  It's their choice.  There's no question about it.  And if they choose to bottle feed their baby rather than breastfeed them, then that's their business and not anybody else's.

4. Insufficient supply

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But sometimes the choice might be taken out of our hands and how we choose to feed our little ones for various reasons.  And one of these reasons might be that the mother has an insufficient supply of breastmilk.  This might make it harder for her to exclusively breastfeed her baby.

5. Difficulties

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There might also be various difficulties that may make breastfeeding harder.  These include difficulties with latching and nipple pain.  And these challenges, as well as others, can really make breastfeeding stressful, painful, and uncomfortable for both mother and baby.

6. Exhaustion and mental health

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Being a new parent is exhausting.  That's a fact.  But the demands of breastfeeding may be physically and emotionally draining for the mother.  And when you're physically and emotionally drained, you are more likely to have increased stress, exhaustion, and this may lead to postpartum depression.

7. Medications

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Some of the medications that the mother may need to take regularly could be completely incompatible with breastfeeding.  This is because traces of medicine may be present in the breastmilk which could potentially pose significant risks to the baby if the baby consumes the milk.

8. Previous breast surgery

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Sometimes, if a woman has had previous breast surgery, such as an augmentation or a reduction, they may experience difficulties with milk production or latching.  But it is also important to point out that if you have had previous breast surgery, this might not mean that breastfeeding is impossible for you.

9. Prematurity

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If a baby was born prematurely, which means they were born before 37 weeks gestation, they may have special nutritional needs.  This isn't always the case, but quite often cases, when babies are premature they may need to be fed with fortified formula and sometimes, donor breast milk.

10. Multiple births

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Mothers who give birth to twins, triplets, quadruplets, and beyond, might face some significant challenges when it comes to breastfeeding.  Particularly if they want to exclusively breastfeed their infants because they might struggle to produce enough milk to nourish them all.

11. Adoption

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Sometimes, a mother might not give birth to the babies that they are a parent of, for example, if they are adoptive parents.  So in this case, breastfeeding might not be possible because they may have not undergone lactation to produce breastmilk themselves.

12. Baby health issues

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Sometimes, babies may be born with certain health issues that may require different feeding methods, and they may require specialized formula in order to get the nutrition they need.  These health conditions that may affect their ability to breastfeed may include metabolic disorders or allergies.

13. Maternal health issues

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As well as infant health issues, maternal health issues also exist and if a mother has certain conditions, for example, HIV, active tuberculosis, or a health issue that requires certain medications, these might affect her ability to breastfeed and might even make it unsafe for the mother to breastfeed.

14. Trauma

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Sometimes, if a woman has had certain traumas in her life, like a traumatic birth experience or previous trauma unrelated to pregnancy and giving birth, breastfeeding might be triggering and emotionally distressing so may not be the best option in these cases.

15. Pain and discomfort

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Occasionally, some women might experience intolerable pain or some discomfort when breastfeeding their baby which might mean that this is not the best option for mom and baby.  This pain can be severe and may be caused by mastitis, sensitive nipples, or other conditions.

16. Employment

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It is common for mothers to need to return to work after they have their baby, and sometimes, this can be only a short time after giving birth.  So returning to work and being away from their baby may make breastfeeding their child much more difficult than if they were with their baby all the time.

17. Insufficient leave

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In some places, parental leave from work can be incredibly short, or even non-existent.  And these parental leave policies around the world might make it much more challenging for moms and babies to establish their breastfeeding routines and maintain them.

18. Working in high-risk environments

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Some working environments can be described as high-risk which might involve working with certain hazardous chemicals or radiation.  So if a mother works within one of these high-risk environments, their employment might pose risks to breastfeeding infants.

19. Lack of adequate facilities at work

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If a woman needs to return to work, they might still be able to breastfeed their baby if that is their choice through pumping and storing her breastmilk whilst she is away from her baby.  But sometimes, there might be inadequate facilities at work to facilitate this, such as a fridge and a private room, as well as time constraints.

20. Lack of support

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Some mothers might lack support for their breastfeeding journey, including proper community breastfeeding support, education, or even resources.  And as a new mother, whether this is her first or fifth baby, breastfeeding might be challenging, and without the right support, it can be even more difficult.

21. Intolerances and allergies

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Sometimes, infants may be born with or may develop allergies or intolerances that might make breastfeeding unsuitable.  This is because they may be allergic or intolerant to some of the components in the breast milk, and therefore may require specialized formulas.

22. Shared parental responsibility

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Fathers or partners may also want to actively participate in feeding the baby and this can be facilitated through bottle feeding.  And allowing fathers or partners to share the task of feeding the baby can promote bonding between them and the baby.

23. Co-parenting

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Sometimes, families choose to co-parent and each parent or guardian responsible for the baby's care may live separately.  This means that some of the time, the mom and baby are likely to be apart whilst the other parent looks after them.  This may or may not make breastfeeding more challenging.

24. Time constraints

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There could be time constraints that make breastfeeding more challenging, particularly in the beginning when mom and baby are trying to establish their breastfeeding routine.  This is because the mother might have other responsibilities, like work or caring for other children or family members.

25. Infant feeding challenges

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Sometimes, babies might face challenges themselves and have certain difficulties breastfeeding due to certain conditions.  These conditions include oral motor issues, tongue tie, or other medical conditions.  And although certain conditions like tongue tie may be corrected through a simple medical procedure, some of these conditions might make bottle feeding the more suitable option.

26. Cultural or religious considerations

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It's also important to remember that there are certain cultural or religious beliefs that may influence how parents choose to feed their infants.  And it might be that parents choose to feed their babies using alternative methods that differ from breastfeeding.

27. Logistical challenges

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There might also be occasions where breastfeeding might be inconvenient or challenging in more logistical ways which means that the mother is not always available to feed their baby.  For example, if they're working, traveling long distances, or in emergencies.

28. Discomfort or pain for the baby

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Babies may occasionally experience pain or discomfort that could affect how efficient they are at breastfeeding.  Conditions like reflux, gastrointestinal problems, oral aversions, and other medical conditions might make using alternative feeding methods much more suitable.

29. Maternal wellbeing

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Ultimately, prioritizing maternal well-being can be considered with the utmost importance when deciding how to feed a baby.  This is because a mother's physical and mental health inevitably directly impacts her ability to care for and look after her child.  So choosing a feeding method that aligns with her needs and circumstances, whether that is breast or bottle, can help a mother maintain a healthy balance and therefore enjoy her bond with her baby.


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So no matter how parents and caregivers choose how to feed their baby, it's important that we change the record from 'breast is best' to 'FED IS BEST'.  Everyone is different and there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to this.  The most important thing is that the baby is fed and thriving and that the health and well-being of both the parents and the baby are prioritized.