Signs Adoption Could Be Perfect For Someone

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. You want to expand your family

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Of course, somebody wanting to adopt has to be looking to expand their family. If this is the case then considering adoption may be a perfect way for you to do this. Not everybody has the ability to have a biological child, and you may want to expand your family knowing that whether a child shares the same blood or is adopted, they are your family just the same.

2. You've got fertility concerns

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Not everybody is able to conceive or to have children naturally. For some women and some men, this just isn't a possibility or it isn't a good option. But this doesn't mean you can't have more children if that's what you want! In this case, adoption is a solution that should be taken into consideration as you can go through the process of adopting a child no matter what your fertility concerns are.

3. You have an open heart

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One of the most important things about adopting a child is having an open heart. If you do have an open heart then it means you're ready to love somebody no matter what. You don't view love as something with confines or barriers, you see love as something simple and pure. This is the perfect mindset of somebody who should consider adopting a child.

4. You just love children

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Loving children seems like a prerequisite for someone's wanting to adopt a child. Or at least, it should be! If you love children and adore the joy and love they bring then you may be the perfect potential adoptive parent. To love children means that you love them for who they are. You don't have expectations on who they should be, you just love them all in their very different ways!

5. You're very naturally caring

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Usually, to be an adoptive parent people are naturally caring. Because it's people with the instinct to want to help people and want to nurture and care for someone else that adopt a child. Being naturally caring means that you are that way inclined. You love to nurture people and want the best for them. This is the PERFECT way to be in order to be an adoptive parent.

6. You feel emotionally ready

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When considering whether to adopt a child you need to make sure that you're emotionally ready. Although you can never fully emotionally prepare for a situation, you can anticipate what it may require in order to help prepare. If you feel ready and able to take on a hugely emotional experience, in both the best way and also in hard ways, then you're a good candidate.

7. You have pregnancy scares

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Tragically some women really struggle to fall pregnant, to carry a pregnancy full term or they struggle physically or mentally throughout pregnancy. Whatever the reason it is a common experience for women to struggle physically or mentally during pregnancy. This could be the reason you are motivated to adopt a child because it does not mean that you are not able to have one!

8. You respect different backgrounds and cultures

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When you adopt a child you should be completely open to accepting children no matter what their racial background of cultural differences. To be open to loving a child without prejudice no matter what is so important when considering whether to adopt a child. For example, if your adoptive child has a different culture, be accepting and embracing of this to make them feel accepted.

9. You have financial stability

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It's a practical and financial consideration that does come into play when you are adopting a child. Although money does not equate to a loving and happy home, to be able to give this child the stability that they need after their turbulent experiences it is something to consider, whether you are financially stable to provide for them and to give them the care that they need.

10. If you have other children you'll be inclusive

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Whether you're childless or have children already you can be an adoptive parent. If you have children already you need to be able to love your adopted child in the same way, accept them as your own, and show absolutely no preferential treatment to your biological children. You have to be inclusive always so that none of your children feel any resentment towards you or each other!

11. You've got a strong support network

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Having a strong support network will really help when you adopt a child because you do not feel as though you are alone in this new and daunting experience which will have highs and lows. If you have a support network they can help you both physically and mentally during this time of adjustment while you help your child settle into their new life with you and your family!

12. You have a stable situation

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So we've already considered the need to be financially stable, but stability is so much more than this. A stable home is what an adopted child needs after a time of such emotional trauma. To be an adopted child into a tumultuous home is not fair and could jeopardize their mental health further. They need to feel finally as though they are safe and have a forever home.

13. You would have respect for the birth parents

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You do need to respect their birth parents, this is important because as your child grows and asks questions about them for their sake you need to be respectful and talk about them openly and kindly. It is not fair to put your child through any kind of hard feeling in regards to their parents or for you to put your own emotional beliefs onto your child about their biological parents.

14. You see adoption as a forever commitment

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If you adopt a child, you're in this forever, And for most people who adopt this is exactly what they want. They want a child, who will be their family through thick and thin, forever. That is the beauty of adoption. But it is something that makes adoption a good idea for you if this is what you are intending. So if this is the case, adoption may be perfect for you!

15. You are open to a child of any age

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It's not a good idea to go into adoption having an ideal age in mind. Even if you had a preference deep down, this should not be something that you truly care about. You should be open to a child of any age. Age means nothing regarding compatibility and how much you will love this child. So whether you have a baby or an older child, be open to loving them!

16. You have a child-centered approach

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Even more so with an adopted child, it's important to have a child-centered approach. An adopted child may have more emotional needs and more vulnerabilities that require more time, patience, and commitment as you help them to heal their emotions from their past experiences. Adopting children means making them the center focus of your world and having them as your priority.

17. You're aware that this is a consuming responsibility

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Having a child, adopted or not, is a lifelong commitment. A child will be your child forever and ever and nothing will change that. It's not a case of caring for this child until they are old enough to move out. You need to realize that you will always be their parent no matter what their age. But, this is one of the beautiful things about being a parent too! It's the most rewarding commitment.

18. You have masses of empathy and compassion

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An adopted child has been through extreme emotional turbulence and it's so important that if you are going to adopt you need to have compassion and empathy. Even if you cannot imagine what it is like to be in their situation, you can use your empathy to try and put yourself in their shoes of how they are feeling to apply as much compassion as possible to this child.

19. You are willing to put the hard work in

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If you're willing to work hard then adoption could be right for you. Adopting a child will not be easy and you have to be prepared to put in hard work when you adopt a child to make their life as good as it can possibly be and to help work with them to make them feel settled into your life. Work at being a good person for them, work at creating stability for them and work towards building a good bond between you both.

20. You realize there will be challenges

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Good things don't come easy right? And as people who have adopted children before will tell you, there's no more rewarding experience in the world than giving a child a home and a loving family. But that's not to say that as soon as you adopt a child everything will be super easy. There are bound to be challenges. This child has been through trauma and you have to be prepared to help.

21. You have a healthy relationship with yourself or with a partner

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Adopting is something that you can do even without a partner. Just because you haven't found a partner or don't want a partner it shouldn't stop you, right? But if you are doing it alone you have to have a good and positive relationship with yourself. Only then can you help a child? And, if you're adopting a child with your partner your relationship has to be super strong because this child deserves a stable and loving family.

22. You are open to the fact they may want to talk about their birth family

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When your adopted child gets older they will have to deal with the fact that they have been adopted which of course raises questions such as what happened to my biological family? Did they not want me? Are they alive? The child may even want to reach out and make contact with them to find out these answers for themselves. Helping them navigate this difficult stage is something you should understand.

23. You're ready to legally commit

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Adopting a child is about all kinds of commitments. It's about an emotional commitment, a lifetime commitment, and also a legal commitment to adhere to your legal duty as a parent. When you adopt a child you commit legally to the adoption of your child which is something you should accept and understand. If this is also something you are happy with, it's something to seriously consider!

24. You are open-minded

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Being open-minded really is crucial to being a potential adoptive parent. Everyone has had different experiences, may come from different backgrounds, or have different beliefs. This isn't something that should be considered a bad thing, yet people with a closed mind may find it difficult to accept, Having an open mind means that you will accept your child no matter what!

25. You are adaptable

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Adopting a child is by no means an easy process, it's not something to rush into or to not think about long and hard. But, if adoption is something that you are considering, and you are an adaptable kind of person then it sounds like it is suited to you! Being adaptable is crucial to feeling like you can deal with the situations that may come your way without feeling too disconcerted when something doesn't go the way you thought.

26. You want to give the best to a child that you can offer

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Adopting a child is very much to do with your intentions and just wanted to give the best to a very deserving child who has found themself in an impossible situation through no fault of their own. If you feel like you want to give the very best to a child waiting to be loved then adopting definitely does sound like an option that would suit you and you could consider it!

27. You're prepared to have tough conversations

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When you adopt a child you will have to face or may have to face some very difficult conversations. An adopted child may have some complications when it comes to settling in, dealing with their experiences, or even when it comes to asking questions about their biological parents! Adopting is a great option for you if you understand this and feel able to face these conversations!

28. You have realistic expectations

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So when you adopt a child, it can be everything you dreamed of and more. You will have a child and that's more than you could possibly wish for. But of course, things aren't always so easy. Especially older adopted children may be facing vulnerabilities and struggles from their past that have to be worked through. If you have realistic expectations for the beginning it will stand you in a good position.

29. You have experience with children

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Of course, this isn't crucial because some people don't get the chance to have experience with children despite wanting it. But if you have had a lot of experience with children then this could make adoption a perfect solution for you as you understand children and you would already be equipped with the skills necessary to provide everything that your adopted child needs!

30. You have a lot of love to give

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Really one of the most important factors is the simple matter of, do you have a lot of love to give. Sometimes we can have such a full life but we still feel like there's so much love to give, like we have space to give the love a child needs. And sometimes it's the opposite, you may crave a child to give your love to because perhaps you are missing that aspect of your life.