20 Things Nobody Knew Were Vegan

By Lou 11 months ago

1. Oreos

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Oreos taste absolutely delicious. Period. They have a sweet and creamy filling surrounded by a chocolatey biscuit and they are amazing on their own, or crumbled up on top of (or in) a milkshake. Some people even twist off the biscuit and eat the filling first. What is AMAZING is that they're 100% vegan. Unbelievable! Who would have thought that something that tastes THIS good would have 0 animal products in it? Most people are in complete shock when they find out that oreos are totally vegan.Original content at Quizzable.com

2. Sriracha Mayo

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We've all heard the recent buzz surrounding sriracha hot sauce, although it has been around for a while - around about 80 years to be precise. Apparently it was created in the 40s by a woman from Thailand, and began being mass-produced in the 1980s when 'Huy Fong Foods' brought it to the American market. Tangy and spicy, it goes great with a whole host of dishes. Many brands also do a mayo version and surprisingly it is suitable for a vegan diet. All the taste or spicy mayo with none of the guilt? Sounds good to us.

3. Biscoff Cookie Butter

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There are only a select few brands in the world of food that embody the word luxury. Lotus Biscoff is definitely one of those food brands however, and it is no surprise. The sweet, creamy and rich taste is what sets it apart from other sweet spreads. Chefs and home-cooks around the world use this ingredient to their advantage, making things like Biscoff cheesecake or even adding them to donuts. Yummy. It is also completely vegan, which is amazing considering how good it tastes, so they can enjoy this delicious treat as well.

4. Ritz Crackers

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What more can be said about these moreish, crispy crackers delivered straight from God Himself? They speak for themselves. We've all binged on these delightful biscuits, and you can eat a box of these without a second thought and you best believe you wont regret a SINGLE moment. They're salty, crunchy and perfect for topping off with some cheddar cheese. However, if you're vegan, then you can still enjoy these beautiful little crackers. Not a single animal product can be found in original Ritz crackers.

5. Twiglets

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Twiglets are definitely what someone would call an acquired taste. Our friends over in Blighty go absolutely crazy for these...chips? No one really knows that category they fall under, but they're the snack of choice for the more daring of Brits. For those who have never tasted these, they remind people of a British product called Marmite (which is also vegan). We don't really have that here in America, but the Brits have a saying - "marmite, you either love it or you hate it". That statement appears to ring true for Twiglets.

6. Cap'n Crunch

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Ahhh, the old familiar. Breakfast was never the same as a kid without the taste of Cap'n Crunch. You knew you were in for a good breakfast when you found this box of cereal in the pantry, and even as adults this somehow finds a way into our shopping carts. We tell ourselves that it is "for the kids" - yeah, right. We all know who'll be sneaking downstairs early in the morning to pour some in a bowl and eat it before anyone sees! Vegans can also enjoy this cereal, so long as they swap out the milk for a non-dairy alternative.

7. Doritos

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Doritos. The ultimate chip. You can't get much better than these, and there is SO much you can do with them. Eat them straight out of the bag, dip them in your favorite salsa of choice, crunch them up and sprinkle over your burrito filling, or even use them for nachos. Unlimited choices, and a boat-load of different flavours to choose from. The beauty of these chips is that they're friendly to every diet - well, maybe not every diet, but you won't find any animal products hidden in Doritos.

8. Starburst

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Starburst sweets are great. They're chewy, sweet and completely addictive (maybe that isn't a good thing). They first came on the scene back in the late 50s when they were invented in the UK by the Mars company, and they quickly found their way over to America. Apparently, the name starburst was used because the consumers experienced a "burst of flavor in their mouth' when they first ate them. We're not quite sure where the 'star' bit came from, but it clearly worked for them! Starburst are super popular and are found in every sweet aisle.

9. Bisto Gravy

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Bisto gravy granules are a staple food for our friends over the pond, and they commonly use this when they have Sunday lunch, and proceed to drown the contents of their plates in this magical, thick brown liquid. Other than Thanksgiving, we use gravy a bit differently in the states. Gravy and biscuits - yum. Although our limey friends turn their nose up at this, gravy as biscuits is one of life's great pleasures. Another great pleasure is that Bisto is completely vegan, so our plant-based pals can enjoy this with us.

10. Skittles

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We've all heard the famous tagline 'taste the rainbow', and we all know that it belongs to the rainbow- colored Skittles. Apparently, humans can actually only taste 5 colors (are skittles lying to us?), but skittles have managed to pack in loads of different flavors into their colorful treats. Skittles made their way over to the states in 1979 after being invented in the UK in the mid-70s, and have been a top choice of sweets for kids all over America. Any downsides? Apart from the sugar, not really. They're also vegan, so our extreme animal-lovers can enjoy these as well.

11. Sour Patch Kids

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Sour patch kids definitely remind us of when we were kids. They came out in the late 70s, but only the O.Gs will remember what they were originally called. Any guesses? That's right, "Mars Men". Doesn't quite have the same ring to it, and it's no wonder that they rebranded to the familiar 'Sour Patch Kids'. A delicious blend of sweet and sour, it makes your tongue twist and your eyes pop, but it doesn't stop you from reaching for another one. You guessed it again, they're totally vegan as well. Amazing isn't it!

12. Peanut Butter

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Peanut butter is delicious. There's no two ways about it. I mean, c'mon, even chimps and dogs love this stuff. We've all seen those hilarious videos of animals getting the peanut butter stuck in the roof of their mouths! Again, there are so many different ways you can eat PB; PB&J sandwich, PB and apple slices, or even just taking a big spoon and eating it straight out the of jar. Plenty of asian kitchens utilize PB in their dishes as well. There isn't really a wrong way to eat this stuff.

13. Dark Chocolate

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Not everyone likes dark chocolate, but for the chocolate purists out there, this is their favorite type. Putting milk in chocolate is like putting water in a glass of wine; it just waters it down. It removes the pure taste of what the chocolate is and it definitely shouldn't be tampered with. Bit dramatic? Obviously, but dark chocolate really is the way forward. Vegans will back this up, but only because it is the only chocolate they can actually eat. Most dark chocolate doesn't have any milk in it at all, which makes it a perfect post-supper snack.

14. Pasta

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Okay, this is quite a general one, but plain pasta is totally vegan. No matter what the pasta is, you won't find any animal products in it. God bless our Italian friends. Pasta is a soul-food if there was ever a description of it, and there's no one on the planet who could possible hate it. It doesn't matter what sauce you add to pasta, it will always work. Vegans love pasta, as it is such a good way for them to experiment with different flavors of sauce and try out different ingredients, because they know that it will go with the pasta. As long as their sauce tastes good, the dish will be amazing.

15. Guinness

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If anyone has been lucky enough to pay a visit to the Emerald Isle, they most likely headed over to Dublin and paid a visit to the Guinness factory. This place is amazing, and the tour gives your a full breakdown of the history of the brand and how it is made. You can also go up to the sky bar and get a free pint of the delicious, dark-ruby stout. The only ingredients in Guinness are water, barley, hops, yeast and malted barley. Yep, that's it. No animal products in sight, so Guinness can be enjoyed by everyone. Unless you don't drink alcohol, but they even do an alcohol-free version now.

16. Ben & Jerry's

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We don't need to sell you on Ben & Jerry's ice cream, this stuff is probably the best ice cream out there. We've all sat down and ate an entire tub of this stuff to ourselves (and probably paid the price of it later on), but it was all worth it at the time. Obviously, ice cream isn't vegan (the 'cream' part probably gives that away), but Ben & Jerry's have made a number of plant-free options available for the vegan population and, you know what? They genuinely taste great. It has all the same flavors as the normal stuff and it probably has a few less calories in it.

17. KIND Bars

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These beautiful little snacks are all the craze at the moment, and it is easy to see why. They're healthy for you and they taste really good. All the ingredients are natural and they a lot of them also don't contain gluten. Not every bar is vegan, but a lot of them are. Especially the ones with dark chocolate and sea salt - whoever came up with this combo is a genius. Who would have thought that the sweet taste of chocolate would go well with sea salt? Well, it does, and it tastes amazing. For any vegans that have somehow not heard of KIND snacks, have a look for them on your next visit to the grocery store.

18. A1 Sauce

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This stuff is in pantries and cupboards all over America. A1 sauce is amazing stuff, and goes well with so many different things. The label says that it tastes good with meat and, obviously they're not lying. It works amazing as a steak sauce, or to dip your pork chop and chicken breast in. It tastes a little bit like HP sauce, the stuff that the Brit's eat. What is cool, is that it's also totally vegan. They won't be smothering steaks in this stuff, but they use it ALL the time with their meat-alternative dishes to spice up and and that lovely A1 tang to their taste buds.

19. Doc Martens

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Veganism isn't just about food, it is a lifestyle that aims to remove animal products in every way that is possible, and diet is just one of those aspects. The majority of vegans will also buy animal-free products like health and beauty brands that don't test on animals, or clothing that isn't made from animal skins. Doc Martens is one of those brands and, whist they still sell genuine leather boots, they also make some neat animal free boots that look and feel just the same. It doesn't matter how old you are, Doc Martens are cool, and they're even cooler when they don't contain animals.

20. Popcorn (Hold The Butter)

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We don't really know anyone who doesn't like popcorn. It's one of those foods that you don't actually realise you're snacking on and, before you know it, the entire large bucket you bought just 10 minutes ago before heading into the movie theatre is empty and you're sat looking around at your fellow movie-goers wondering if someone else was eating your popcorn. They weren't, it was you, but don't feel bad because everyone does it. Also, if you just hold off on the butter and just have sweet or salted popcorn, it makes this delicious snack completely vegan.

21. Krispy Kreme

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Probably the most calorific and naughty food item on this list, but they're SO good. A proper treat that should only be consumed on a handful of occasions. Who are we kidding, we could eat one of these donuts every day, they never get old (our waistline might not thank us though). Obviously, a lot of these donuts contain dairy and most of them aren't plant-based but, luckily for vegans, Krispy Kreme released a number of different vegan options and they are just as good. Donuts should be available for everyone regardless of dietary preference and Krispy Kreme have nailed it here.

22. Turkish Delight

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Okay, this one splits opinions quite a lot. Turkish delights are quite a weird sweet-treat and not everyone has a taste for them. Those who do enjoy them love the sweet and chewy consistency of them and will go out of their way to buy them. Whilst a lot of Turkish delights have gelatin in them, most producers of it now are making them purely vegan. The basic ingredients only include starch, sugar, water and various fruit flavorings, and the gelatin is only really added for a more chewy consistency. So, if you're vegan and looking for a new vice, give these a go.

23. Baked Beans

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Baked beans are a gift sent from heaven. A typically British food but we made them our own here in the states. The Brits would have baked beans with every meal; full english, beans on toast, and they even put them into pasta sauces! Okay, that sounds a bit weird, but they are delicious. Also, they're totally vegan AND they're good for you. Beans are full of protein and it's a great way for vegans to the macronutrient in, given that they can't source their proteins from animals or dairy. This is a staple part of a vegans diet and rightly so.

24. Hershey's Syrup (chocolate)

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I think it's safe to say we all love Hershey's chocolate, and we all had it when we were growing up. Unfortunately, most of their products contain milk or some sort of dairy, so vegans can't enjoy the delicious chocolate with us. Luckily for vegans, Hershey's came out with some vegan alternative products that taste just as good as the real thing! The chocolate sauce they do is totally vegan and is perfect for drizzling over vegan cheesecakes and pastries. They also do dark chocolate which is vegan, but not everyone likes the taste.

25. Nutter Butters

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These things have been around for years, who else remembers eating these as kids and getting a sugar rush straight away? Honestly, an entire box of these basically aren't enough, they're so tasty. A nostalgia-evoking treat that taste just as good on their own as they do when they're dipped in to a cool glass of milk (plant-based, obviously). If you're feeling especially daring, maybe even dip these bad boys into your coffee or, if you've gone completely off the rails, into a steaming cup of hot chocolate - honestly, you won't regret it.

26. Granola Bars From Nature Valley

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Just because someone is vegan and decides to remove pretty much everything from their diet, it doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy food. Nature Valley granola bars and a sweet treat for our plant-based friend and to be fair, they taste amazing. Crunchy, sweet and full of goodness, these bars are great as a super-quick breakfast for those in a rush, or even as a mid-morning snack with your second (probably third, right?) coffee of the day. They're pretty low in calories as well so you can definitely eat these bars guilt-free.

27. Franks Hot Sauce

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Frank's Red Hot sauce is one of life's great pleasures (as long as you like your food hot). You can make some seriously tasty chicken wings with this stuff, so long as you have a cool dip to help cool your mouth down. Now, obviously vegans can't eat chicken, but they CAN eat chicken-style wings like cauliflower wings or another plant-based option. Douse these in this tangy and spicy hot sauce and you'll have a very familiar taste in your mouth, with none of the animal cruelty! Brilliant. For those who are brave, try the extra hot sauce.

28. Ketchup

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Ketchup goes with pretty much everything. Okay, maybe not cereal, but we're not ones to judge! Traditionally, ketchup is sauce for meats and meaty sandwiches to add some tomatoey tang to your taste buds, but it doesn't mean that vegans can't use it. Plenty of vegans dip their fries and potato-based snacks in this delicious sauce, and they use it to sweeten and thicken up pasta sauces (don't knock it till you've tried it), and there's nothing stopping them from putting it on their plant-based sandwiches. Ketchup isn't just for hotdogs.

29. Bagels

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For the most part, Bagels are vegan-friendly. Their basic ingredients only include flour, salt, yeast, water and occasionally a pinch of sugar, all of which have n0 animal products. Some variations of bagels come with honey or eggs, but you can be rest assured that the bagel from your favorite food cart is probably going to be totally vegan (so long as it isn't plastered in cheese and meats of course). Bagels are super popular with vegans - they taste amazing and you can put whatever filling you want with them. Some people even eat them plain!

30. Jelly

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Who doesn't love a bit of PB and J? Some jelly does contain gelatin from pigs, but there are PLENTY of vegan-friendly jelly brands out there; 'Crofter's Organic', 'Trader Joe's' and 'Smucker's Natural Fruit Spread'. Yum. Vegans have to get pretty creative with food given that they've removed a lot of food options from their diet, and jelly is a great way of getting something sweet and tasty in without the animal guilt. Plenty of vegans use this on vegan pancakes, in vegan yogurts and on the top of vegan desserts like cheesecake.

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