Body Malfunctions That We Experience Every Day

By Lou 11 months ago

1. Headaches

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Headaches happen as a result of a malfunction of the body's pain receptors. When these receptors are stimulated, a signal goes to the brain. This signal tells your brain something's wrong, which translates as "there's a pain in your head!" There's a whole host of different factors that can cause headaches. Some examples are stress, lack of sleep, dehydration or illness. Of course, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and taking pain killers when needed will help to ease the nasty, irritating pain.Original Content at

2. Constipation

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If you've ever been constipated, you'll know that it can be extremely uncomfortable! You're more than likely all too familiar with the abdominal pains and discomfort. Well, constipation is actually a malfunction of the body's digestive system. It can be triggered by your diet, diabetes, pregnancy, medication and many other factors. Sometimes, a viral infection will cause temporary constipation. Whilst it's fairly common, constipation should never be ignored if it's not going away! Otherwise, it could lead to far more problems.

3. Yawning

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Yawning is one of the body's natural reflexes. The purpose of yawning is to help us to improve our alertness and concentration when needed. The way this works is by taking in a deep breath, which gives you a big surge of oxygen into your blood. Usually, you'll find yourself yawning when you're bored, tired or sometimes during exercises. All of these instances require you to increase your focus. Other reasons could simply be due to a change in temperature or even just by seeing somebody else yawn!

4. Hiccups

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Hiccups are arguably one of the most irritating bodily malfunctions out there. They really do know how to ruin a night out! They're classed as a bodily malfunction because they're involuntary, disruptive and unhelpful! They happen when the diaphragm contracts, creating a "hic" sound and what can sometimes be a painful intake of breath. Some common causes are eating or drinking too fast, excessive alcohol intake or swallowing air. You can try holding your breath, drinking water upside down and all of the other well-known treatments. But, usually, they will just pass in their own time!

5. Nausea

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Nausea is certainly no fun! It's that horrible feeling of unease and discomfort that you get in your stomach. Often, this makes you feel like you need to throw up. Whilst it's extremely uncomfortable, it's a very common symptom that can triggered by a whole host of different reasons. Some of the causes can be pregnancy, travel sickness or certain medications. There are also some illness and conditions such as diabetes that can contribute to nausea. Rest, sipping cold water and watching your diet can help to ease the feeling.

6. Snoring

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Usually, the person doing the snoring is the lucky one. As they're sound asleep and probably don't even realise that they're doing it! But, for the poor people around them, it's a huge nuisance! They're sure to be silently (or not so) cursing their snorer. Snoring is recognised as a body malfunction because it's caused by the airway collapsing during sleep. Factors such as obesity, alcohol intake and sleep apnea can worsen this irritating symptom. Using a nasal strip, sleeping on your side and limiting alcohol can help reduce snoring.

7. Insomnia

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You've probably been there before. Staring at the ceiling, feeling the minutes turn into hours, unable to sleep, stressing over the fact that you'll need to be getting up again in a few hours. Insomnia is the troublesome sleep disorder that means having difficulty falling or staying asleep. Most people experience it at some point in their lives. It can happen due to stress, anxiety, or even some medical conditions like chronic pain. Lifestyle changes such as reducing caffeine and cutting down on smoking can help to improve the condition.

8. Bloating

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Bloating is a common (albeit, very uncomfortable and very annoying) condition that happens when there's a build up of gas in your digestive tract. It's that horrible and sometimes painful feeling of fullness, pressure or tightness in your stomach. There's a number of reasons people may suffer from bloating. The most common reasons being overeating, digestive issues or food allergies. Although, there are other reasons people may suffer and seeing a doctor can help determine the root cause for you.

9. Diarrhea

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Admit it, every single one of you reading this has been a victim of diarrhea before, right? It's not pretty and it's definitely not comfortable! Diarrhea could be classed as a body malfunction as it shows your digestive system isn't working as it should. It basically happens when the food moves through the digestive tract too quickly. Whilst it's rarely serious, it's extremely disruptive to your day. The usual causes of diarrhea are food intolerances, certain infections, food poisoning or stress.

10. Muscle twitches

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Muscle twitches are weird. They're those random, involuntary muscle contractions you get. For some people, they're more common than others. One fairly common example that most people can relate to is a twitching in your eyelid. Usually, they're absolutely no cause for concern and don't last very long. Exercise, dehydration or nutritional deficiencies are just a few examples of why they may happen. So, making sure you're getting enough sleep, eating well and drinking enough can help you to avoid them.

11. Itching

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Itching can be super uncomfortable, especially when it's excessive! Sometimes, itching can prevent you from getting to sleep. Or, it can interfere with your day, as it's hard to concentrate when you're fighting with the sensation. Itching happens when your nerve endings are activated, which sends a signal to your brain that something's wrong with your skin. Your brain then interprets this signal as an itch. Obvious causes are dry skin, allergies or skin conditions such as eczema. So, using creams and taking antihistamines can help manage your symptoms.

12. Menstrual cramps

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If you're one of the lucky ones that can't relate to this point, good for you! You can smugly skip past this. But, for those of you that know the struggle, you'll know that menstrual cramps are no joke! They could be considered a malfunction, as they're a sign something isn't working as efficiently as it could. Cramps can be extremely disruptive and uncomfortable, seriously interfering with daily life. Your uterus is contracting, causing intense pain. Thankfully, you can find some relief with over-the-counter pain relievers, heat therapy, and exercise.

13. Blurred vision

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Blurred vision is a surprisingly common symptom that a lot of people (even with strong eyesight) experience. The loss of sharpness or clarity in your eyesight can happen for a whole list of different reasons. Just to name a few examples, eye strain, dehydration, alcohol or medication may be contributing to this. If you're a sufferer of blurred vision, you could start by making sure you're getting your Z's, taking regular breaks from screens and creating a habit of drinking enough water to improve this.

14. Goosebumps

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Goosebumps can actually tell us a lot about evolution! These days, this reaction actually does very little in terms of helping to keep us warm. And, goosebumps are completely useless to us in the face of fear or emotion. Our ancestors benefited from goosebumps because the raising of their hair made them appear bigger, giving a scarier appearance, which helped them to ward off predators. So, today, they're an outdated, involuntary response that is no longer necessary or even useful for our survival.

15. Heart palpitations

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Heart palpitations can be scary. However, they usually will go away on their own and are harmless. The abnormal heart rhythm might be caused by anxiety, stress, excitement or exercise. Of course, there are cases when they become more frequent, severe or even painful. In these cases, a doctor can help rule out any more serious underlying conditions that could be causing them. Once you can identify what the triggers are for you, you might be able to manage them. For example, if stress is a factor, meditation or lifestyle changes might benefit you.

16. Mood swings

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Mood swings are best addressed rather than ignored. A lot of people dismiss their rapid changes in emotions and decide to just deal with it, riding the waves of emotional shifts. Not only is this going to be extremely draining for you, but it's likely to have an effect on your productivity, not to mention the people around you. Mood swings are telling you that something isn't right! Examples could be hormonal changes, stress or mental health conditions. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to find out what the cause is and work towards managing them, your quality of life will be drastically improved, trust me!

17. Dry or itchy eyes

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Dry or itchy eyes can be considered as a bodily malfunction because they're not the normal, healthy state of the eyes. Your eyes are supposed to be lubricated. So, when they're dry or itchy, it indicates that something isn't working like it should! The lack of moisture can be really uncomfortable and can even interfere with your daily activities. Sometimes, this might happen because of allergies, like hay-fever or an allergic reaction to products that have gotten into your eye. Or, excessive screen time could be the culrpit!

18. Eye floaters

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You know those weird, annoying spots or specks that drift across your eye? That's what I'm talking about when I say eye floaters. You blink and you see them, it looks like they're floating through the air. Whilst they are usually completely harmless and don't cause any long-term problems, there's no doubt that they can be annoying! Sometimes, they can even interfere with your vision. Factors such as age, diabetes and high blood pressure can make eye floaters more common. Although sometimes, they can just happen! If you see a floater, try looking away from it rather than following it. Usually, this will make it disappear.

19. Joint cracking or stiffness

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Joint cracking and stiffness can really impact your quality of life. It can make what was once a fun activity painful and stressful! It can be seen as a bodily malfunction because it's an indication that your joints aren't functioning as they should be. This can cause inflammation, leading to stiffness. But, never fear! There are things you can do to prevent and treat these problems. Wearing supportive shoes is one of the best things you can do for your joints. If you feel joint pain, it's probably best to avoid aggravating activities.

20. Hair shedding

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Everybody experiences hair shedding! Sometimes, hair can fall out excessively and this can then be considered as a malfunction. There are some medical conditions that can cause this to happen, such as Alopecia or thyroid problems. Other factors such as stress, diet or environmental factors can also lead to excessive hair shedding. If this is something you struggle with, your doctor can help point you in the right direction. In the meantime, eating well and sleeping enough can help manage the symptoms in some people.

21. Stomach rumbling

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I don't know about you, but I feel like your stomach always rumbles at the worst possible time. You can be in a silent exam, having a serious conversation, sitting in a job interview, and your stomach chooses that moment to embarrass you. For this reason, I'm calling it a malfunction - it's not helpful! The amount your stomach rumbles varies from person to person. Some lucky ones never have any rumbling at all and don't have to endure the awkward moments. If you do think your rumbling is genuinely excessive, there's a small chance it could be a sign of a medical condition, you can always visit your doctor.

22. Dizziness

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Dizziness is a sign that your body's balance system is out of sorts. Of course, sometimes you feel dizzy because your balance is genuinely disturbed, like if you've been span around in circles. But if you're feeling dizzy for what is seemingly no reason, it could be a sign of a number of conditions. Some examples are low blood pressure, dehydration, or inner ear problems. If you keep feeling lightheaded or unsteady, you could start by avoiding sudden movement and making sure you're well hydrated.

23. Acid reflux

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Around 20% of Americans are affected by acid reflux. So a lot of you reading this can understand the pain, it is not nice! It's caused by an unusual build up of your stomach acid in your esophagus. The feeling created is a burning, acidic sensation in your chest. It can be triggered when you eat a big meal, spicy foods, excessive alcohol or lying down too quickly after eating. Some people taking certain medications can be more prone to acid reflux, for example aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can irritate your stomach lining.

24. Muscle cramps

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Everybody has to endure the pain of muscle cramps at some point in their lives. In fact, they're unfortunately likely to happen numerous times throughout our lives! The cramping is a malfunction because they're caused by an involuntary contraction of a muscle. Often, it's super painful and makes it very hard to move the cramping area. The most common places to get muscle cramps are in your feet, hands or calves. Some causes are dehydration, overusing a muscle or having low potassium or calcium.

25. Stuffy or runny nose

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Usually, if you have a stuffy or runny nose, this is your body telling you that it's trying to fight some kind of infection or irritant. Your body produces an excessive amount of mucus which can make you feel blocked and congested. When you feel stuffy, usually, the blood vessels in your nose have swollen, which leaves you with a more narrow airway and can make it very difficult to breathe! Obvious reasons for this can be a cold or the flu, but some conditions like asthma and cystic fibrosis can worsen these symptoms.

26. Allergies

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Allergies can be one of the most serious types of bodily malfunction. They happen when your immune system overreacts to a substance that your body perceives as harmful. The problem is, it's actually the reaction that is dangerous, not the substance! Some people's immune systems mistakenly class their allergen as harmful, even though it isn't. In reaction, some people may swell, itch, sneeze or have watery eyes. Of course, there are some people who's allergies can be fatal. In which case, they need to avoid the allergen and make sure they're medicated when needed.

27. Skin blemishes

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Skin blemishes usually aren't any cause for concern health wise, but they can have a significant impact on a person's confidence and self-esteem. There are some cases where blemishes can indicate an underlying issue, some examples could be diabetes or an autoimmune disorder. Steps to take if you're battling with your skin could be washing your face twice daily with a wash that works for you, eating healthily and avoiding oil based makeups or moisturisers. With some people, hormones are the cause and the blemishes will simply pass with age.

28. Blushing

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We've all been there. You're already super embarrassed and wishing the ground would swallow you up, just for someone to shout out that you've gone red, which embarrasses you further! Blushing is an unhelpful and involuntary reaction caused by the widening of blood vessels in your skin. This happens when your body releases adrenaline, which can be triggered by emotions, heat or physical exertion. Some people struggle so much with this that they choose to take up CBT therapy to help them manage their triggers.

29. Excessive sweating

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Hyperhidrosis, more commonly known as excessive sweating, is an embarrassing and highly inconvenient malfunction of the body. If you struggle with this, you'll know excessive sweating can happen even when you're not hot and don't need to cool down! Unfortunately, some people just inherit this condition genetically, whilst others struggle due to medical conditions such as anxiety or diabetes. Strong antiperspirants can help with managing the symptoms, although treating the cause really does depend on the trigger for the individual.

30. Trapped wind

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Trapped wind is usually underestimated and many people don't realise just how painful it can be! In fact, approximately 20% of people who go to the emergency room with a suspected heart attack actually just have trapped wind. It's a malfunction of your body because it's caused by an excessive build up of gas in your digestive tract. There are a number of reasons a person may experience trapped wind. Some examples are irritable bowel syndrome, swallowing air or eating foods such as beans or broccoli.

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