Inventions From Around The World That Will Instantly Make Life Easier

By Lou 11 months ago

Finger Guard

Image Source: Reddit
Unless you're a trained chef you probably aren't cutting veg and other food ingredients at lightning speed and even if you tried, you might end up causing yourself more harm than good! Then this cool invention might be exactly what you need! There are a whole range of these finger guards on online shopping sites and the essentially mean you can chop as fast as you can without running the risk of taking the ends of your fingers off. Maybe its time for you to do your best Gordon Ramsay impression!Original content available at

Lighter Cubes

Image Source: Reddit
Okay, so these aren't the exact lighter cubes I'm talking about, but there is actually a new company who have developed a selection of lighter cubes that can be used rapidly, and in any conditions, so there's no worry if its actually raining instead. The best part about these lighter cubes is that you can use them for a whole range of things. You might be looking to start a barbecue, you might be trying to set up your fireplace or you're just burning some rubbish. Either way, this product will be great!

Scooter Suitcase

Image Source: Reddit
Some of you might have heard of these or seen these before, especially if you're a fan of the show Impractical Jokers! But essentially, someone grew so sick of lugging their suitcase around that they've invented this, The Suitcase Scooter. Okay, so personally I don't think pulling a suitcase is particularly difficult, it has wheels after all! But instead of pulling it around you can instead sit on the top ad ride your suitcase around the airport. I suppose if you turn up to the airport early then you've got a way to enjoy the time!

Backpack For Bikes

Image Source: Reddit
To be honest, I don't actually understand why this guy has decided to carry a bike on his back, whilst he's already riding a bike? Maybe it's a present for someone! But this product is great for you wh0 love to regularly get your two wheeled exercise machine out and enjoying riding out on the streets or elsewhere. If you own a folded bike then you might struggle trying to find a way to carry it, it can be a little awkward due to its size and shape. Instead here you have a way to attach it to your back instead!

Glass Holder

Image Source: Reddit
This might seem a little overboard, I know, you could very easily just put your glass down on the table or floor. But let's be honest, where's the fun in that! I feel like there might be some better times for this to be used than others, for example, you could probably find some benefit of using this when you're eating outside or at an event. However, this seems like it might be a little pointless if you're just trying to eat your dinner at home in the lounge. Why not give it a go, it could be useful, but it could be useless.

Heated Butter Knife

Image Source: Reddit
It's kind of crazy that something like this took so long to be invented, but this is something that, I think, should be a staple in everyone's home around the world (those that use butter anyway!). Have you ever gone to use the butter, for whatever reason, from out of the fridge but its so hard that it's just coming out in chunks? Or have you tried to butter your toast and the butter is so hard that instead of spreading your butter you're just destroying your breakfast instead? Get yourself one of these!

Easy Off

Image Source: Reddit
Okay, so there are loads of products out there designed with the intention of making your oven cleaning go much faster, and be much easier than making you sit and scrub away. Easy off is supposedly, one of the best products you can buy to help with this ANNOYING housework issue. So essentially, all you do is spray the product on to your oven and leave it for a few hours (make sure you've already eaten!) and then when you come back later on, you should be able to remove all the grime with just one wipe!

Fingerprint Padlock

Image Source: Reddit
I know I can't be the only one to have been unable to open something I've put a padlock on because I've either forgotten the pin I made, or I've lost the little key. It can be quite infuriating! Maybe then, you should invest in these newfound fingerprint padlocks instead. Just like iPhones began doing a few years back, companies have began developing these much better, much safer devices in order to protect your various products. I assume this would probably be a great purchase for your holiday!

Self-Stirring Mug

Image Source: Reddit
Yes, so maybe this one is a little bit lazy more than anything, but for those of us who can't function in the early mornings without that caffeine hit, this might be the perfect device for us! Essentially, you still have to make the whole cup for yourself, add all the ingredients, the only difference is that you don't need to get a spoon out to finish off the job. Instead you press a little button and all the little ingredients will be swirled around together. You might not want to fill it too much though, don't want to make a mess!

Scale Cutting Board

Image Source: Reddit
This is another of those products that you probably never thought about existing, but now you see it, you'll probably want to try and begin getting your hands on one! You have to think, not only does this item have multiple USEFUL uses, it also means you can save yourself an extra job when it comes to cleaning the dishes later in the day! I mean, why wouldn't you want to be able to chop your veg and then measure it instantly. Surely this will make your job in the kitchen go slightly quicker than before!

Floating Mug

Image Source: Reddit
So this is the first of two mugs in a row that you might want to consider going out and purchasing in order to make your house look both stylish and hopefully a little cleaner. I'm sure I'm not the only one that hates those little dirty circles that can appear on your table and desks when you put your cup down. This cool little cup actually makes coasters unnecessary as all of the drips from the cup will catch on that little plate at the bottom. Not only that either, but it looks pretty snazzy as well doesn't it?

Drip Catching Mug

Image Source: Reddit
From one floating mug, to another with this funky little groove at the bottom, which catches any drips from down the side. It seems like quite a simplistic little feature to add to the cup, but you probably wouldn't be complaining about that when you no longer have to clean up those little stains from around your house, they can be REALLY annoying! You'd probably want them to have a couple of other colours available too, unless you're a fan of just keeping your home very plain (and white!).

Self-Heating Mug

Image Source: Reddit
Clearly, people seem to have a problem with their morning coffees or breakfast tea's around the world and so they keep coming up with clever ways to try and improve the experience they're having. A number of companies have began selling these pretty nifty self-heating cups so that you never have to worry about your drink going cold again. For those of you with kids, you've probably went through the experience of settling down with a coffee only to become distracted and then come back to a cold cup. That'll never happen again with this device!

Phone Holder

Image Source: Reddit
Again, this might seem like quite a lazy little device, but I'm sure it does make your trips feel a lot easier! If you're the sort of person that likes to watch TV or any other form of video content whilst you're travelling then this might be the perfect product for you to look in to buying! You might have realised that your arms can get tired if you're carrying your phone around or your neck begins to hurt as you have to angle your head to watch the content. Instead, with this device you'll have no such worry!

Page Holder

Image Source: Reddit
For those of you readers out there, this might be the ideal product for you to look at investing in, and fortunately there's a huge range available on online stores and in your local superstores too! Although we've been reading without these for years, it means you'll no longer have to keep your entire hand on the page to keep your book open. It's also a great way to preserve your book from beginning to crease around the corners. Go on bookworms! Get yourself one of these cool little page holders!

Laser Measurer

Image Source: Reddit
So this device probably isn't something that all of us will be likely to use or consider buying, but that doesn't mean that it won't make some people's lives much MUCH easier. In fact, for people who are constantly decorating (maybe you've just bought your dream house) you might find that this product will make your life a whole lot easier. Instead of having to mess around with a traditional tape measure, you can just tap a button on this machine and the laser will shoot out, then giving you a detailed measurement to the distance.

Fruit Stickers

Image Source: Awesome Inventions
Who knew something quite so simplistic could be such a game changer, I would never have thought about this being a thing, but now I've seen it, I can't believe that this hasn't existed for a longer period of time! We've probably all been in the situation of trying to find a fruit at its perfect ripeness, and you might not be fully clued up as to what one should look like. But this company have actually began using stickers that tell you what colour your food should be if its ripe! Great idea!

Tyre Puncture Kit

Image Source: Reddit
Now, these aren't a new invention, they've been around for years and you've probably all seen them before; that might have been in person or on TV. That doesn't mean you shouldn't consider them an invention that will make your lives much easier. In fact, it should probably be suggested that you regularly carry these around within your vehicles. I mean, who knows when you might find yourself with a punctured tyre and I know I'd rather be prepared than stuck somewhere in the middle of the night.

Tube Chips Collector

Image Source: Awesome Inventions
HOW DID I NOT KNOW THESE EXISTED BEFORE RIGHT NOW! Over in Asia, they have these snazzy little tabs that you can attach to the top of a chips can in order to lift the chips up remotely instead of having to shove your entire arm to the bottom of the can in order to get them out. Okay, this might be a little lazy, but there are few things as annoying as making your hands and arms feel greasy after pushing them in to the can. Have a look for these online if your a pringles aficionado.

Hanging Gas Pumps

Image Source: Awesome Inventions
They really are living in the future over in Asia aren't they! That might be a little exaggeration considering I'm talking about chips tabs and hanging gas pumps but they do make your lives easier don't they. These gas pumps should be used all over the world! Instead of having to queue for a pump that suits your car, instead the gas pump will instead lower to you once you're in the bay so you don't have to worry about which side of the pump you need to park on anymore!

See-Through Toaster

Image Source: Reddit
This might seem like a little unnecessary, we've been using normal, non-expensive toasters for decades now and I'm sure few of us have really had many problems with what we've received. But this would probably be a pretty cool little invention to have available to us. I mean, we all have a specific colour and level of cooked we like our toast; this see-through toaster would probably mean we never had to worry about burning or undercooking our toast ever again. Perfect toast forever? Count me in!

Heel Stoppers

Image Source: Footwear News
If you've ever found yourself walking around on grass whilst wearing high-heels then you might have experienced the unfortunate incident of tumbling to the ground. And this isn't a particularly flattering look for yourself and it can also be a little bit embarassing! Fortunately, these little attachments have been made in order to make the task of walking on grass a little bit easier for you all. They might look a little odd, but they're cheap and they'll stop you from breaking your ankles (hopefully!).

Food Catching Bib

Image Source: Reddit
For those of you with kids, you might be sick by now of having to constantly throw your child's bibs in to the washing machine and also having to collect all the scraps of food your messy (but adorable) little thing has left behind at the dinner table. Fortunately, you can now avoid doing both of these things with the invention of this silicone, food-catching baby bib! No longer will you be picking up spaghetti hoops or mushy baby food from the floor but instead you'll just quickly rinse this device!

Make-Up Removal Stick

Image Source: Reddit
Instead of having to sit and remove your makeup with cotton swabs and wipes when you make a little mistake, you'll now be able to save a load of time by using this little stick to remove your errors. Until you've used it, you probably won't be able to understand how efficient this little device really is when it comes to helping sort out your face! And, although it might be a little more expensive than some makeup remover, it lasts long enough and it's also a great way to save your precious time!

Self-Weighing Suitcase

Image Source: Reddit
None of us want to run the risk of turning up at the airport and finding out that are luggage isn't of a suitable weight to travel. Yes, they won't ban you from boarding, but they might well charge you a boatload of extra cash in order to allow you to add the extra weight. Some of you might also know that weighing your suitcase on a set of scales isn't always easy! Instead you might want to purchase this fancy new SELF-WEIGHING suitcase that permanently displays its weight on top of the handle!

Portable Charger

Image Source: MacRumors
Portable chargers aren't a new invention, they've been around for more than a decade now, but they can be a great way to ensure your phone is never out of charge. Phones have become such an important part of our lives and as technology continues to advance, our phones will only become more and more essential. If you permanently carry around a portable charger, you'll never have to worry about being able to communicate with your friends or work from your phone ever again!

Vegetable Chopper Pro

Image Source: Reddit
This is another way for you to make sure you're chopping your veg and other ingredients like a pro! And this even means you don't even have to get the knife out of your block (or drawers). Instead, all you have to do is get your veg and place them in the particular device that will cut to your needs and push down on them. It's that simple! You can slice, you can chop, you can dice and you can even get some fancier cuts like a Julienne. Now this is probably an even better way to get your Gordon Ramsay on!

Pasta Colander

Image Source: Reddit
Have you ever burned your hands or lost some spaghetti (or pasta) whilst you're trying to drain your pans? Then you might want to consider going out and getting yourself one of these silicone strainers that you can simply attach to the top of your pans. Okay, so it might not look the most professional and I feel as though Italians might see this as some sort of sacrilegious act, but who doesn't want to make their job in the kitchen easier! Why not give it a go and see if its the sort of thing you need!

Bike Trailer For Kids

Image Source: Reddit
Travelling with your children, especially when you aren't a driver isn't the easiest of things to have to do, especially if you're also trying to carry around your shopping whilst you do it. That's why some people have began purchasing these additional little trailers to the back of their bikes! Not only do you now have space to carry your child but your shopping too, all whilst your getting some essential exercise. You might want to start with a light load if you aren't a natural though!

Baby Food Dispenser

Image Source: Reddit
Another item designed to make parents lives easier is this food dispensing baby spoon! If you have a fussy little one, you might struggle to have to constantly squeeze their food out on to the spoon in between each spoonful. Instead, with this device, you can fill a bottle with any food and attach the spoon device to the top which will automatically fill with the food with just a squeeze of the bottle. This is definitely a much easier way to work and what parent doesn't like efficiency!

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