30 Signs A Guy Is Serious About Us

By nick hadji 11 months ago

1. He tells you so

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Despite words not meaning anything, a serious guy will outrightly tell you that you and he can have a future together. He might start saying stuff like, “Our future children.” Such statements indicate that he is serious about you and wants you in his life.Original content sourced from Quizzable.com

2. He adheres to plans you had made

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A man who wants a future with you will not bail on you at the last minute. He will be so into being around you that he cannot fathom not seeing you. He will make time even when he has none to spare. Sticking to made plans is a surefire way of showing that he is serious about you.

3. He gets weird when he’s around you

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Every guy out here is a weirdo. However, a guy can only truly let you in and see his freaky behaviors if he really likes you and wants you around long-term. He could do stuff like fart, burp, etc., and hope that you won’t be scared off. He wants to show you that he is comfortable around you.

4. Shows his appreciation for you

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Any guy that really wants that special someone in his life will not take anything lightly. He will constantly do things to show you that he is fortunate to have you in his life. He will always want to show you that he cares a lot about you. He values you as that special someone in his life.

5. He is prepared for something serious

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Any guy who wants a future with you should be in a position to offer you that said future. The man should have already settled in life. He ought to be capable of paying his bills, supporting himself, and having a good occupation. These are indicators that he is truly prepared.

6. Makes you a priority

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This sign can be a tricky one to spot unless you pay attention. Any guy wanting a future with you will not keep it to himself. On the contrary, he will ensure that you know he wants you. He will prioritize you and the things that you want. He won’t put you on the back burner.

7. He’s happy being with you

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There’s something magical about being with someone, for instance, in the house, just chilling on the couch, even in the silence. It is a clear indicator that you really have grown fond of that special someone that you are looking forward to spending your forever with.

8. He can do what you ask of him

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Every guy who wants a future with you will go to great lengths to make you happy. He might not be comfortable doing some things for you, but he will do them nevertheless. The guy can even stop being lazy for you if that is a trait that he has been struggling with.

9. He will ask you questions

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Any guy who desires a future with you will not just keep it to himself and stay quiet. He understands that the more he gets acquainted with you, the higher the chances of you two being happier together. Thus, he will do everything in his power to know you better.

10. He will not lie

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Lying might be a common human trait; however, any guy who is serious about you will not let the lies trickle down to important stuff. He might lie about not taking the garbage out, but he will always want you to know that he is trustworthy. He has good intentions for you.

11. He will confide in you

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A serious guy will not just tell you how his day was; he will also speak about his childhood, dreams, and fears with you. Once a guy listens and finds solace in you, he discloses that he respects you and really wants a future with you. He finds peace in you.

12. Likes your family and friends

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A serious guy will make an effort to ensure that he gets along with your family and friends. He understands how important those people are to you, and because he wants a future with you, he will try to make sure that they accept and like him. He will most certainly make the effort.

13. Splits responsibilities with you

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Ranging from tending to a pet to cooking to cleaning together, you can use these as indicators that he really wants you. To him, a future with you means that you share both the bad and the good. He is undoubtedly serious with you if he does those things with you.

14. Values your opinions

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A serious guy will take it upon himself to ask you what you think about his friends, plans, or occupation. Rather than ignoring your opinions, he considers your thoughts when starting a new career, purchasing new clothing, an ideal vacation spot, etc.

15. Gives you a key to his house

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Once a guy gives a key to his house, he trusts and treasures you. This is a major deal in every relationship. Therefore, when a guy gives you a key, it is a clear indicator that he is serious about you, and you can reciprocate the gesture by giving him yours.

16. Not afraid of committing to you

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This is perhaps the most transparent way a guy can show you that he is serious about you. Thus, you should take note when a guy is not scared to take things to the next level with you. It is simply an indicator that he is committed to your relationship.

17. He speaks regarding the future

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Every serious guy will take it upon himself to let you know he is serious about you by speaking about your future together. For instance, he may bring up the subject of owning a house or getting children together. Talking about the future shows that he is committed to you.

18. He is attentive to you

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It’s an innate trait for anyone who is serious about something to pay attention to it. Therefore, a guy who visualizes a future with you will pay attention to you regardless of the significance of the matter being discussed. He will do so in a bid to make you happy.

19. Introduces you to his friends

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Other than a guy’s family, the second most important people to him are his friends. When his friends make you feel welcomed and accepted, it shows that he is serious enough about you to ask them to treat you with respect. He wants a bright future with you.

20. Introduces you to his family

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Guys only bring the people that they are serious about around their family. He will want to show that person that he is serious enough about them to let his family know that they exist and are part of his life. He makes the introduction so that they start getting along early.

21. He protects you

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A serious guy will never want to see you hurt. When someone is mean to you, he will most likely defend you. If it’s a debate or argument, he will more often than not take your side in the matter. You become so important to him that he will not want to see you hurt.

22. Makes plans for just the two of you

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A guy who is serious about you will look for ways to get some quality alone time with you. He can ditch his friends or other plans to spend time with you. It might be a date or not, but just the thought of having you to himself is enough to make plans.

23. Communicates his feelings to you

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Any guy who is serious about you will, at times, become vulnerable with you. Being vulnerable and open can be challenging for anyone; however, a guy will be more comfortable doing so when it comes to that special someone. He does this to become closer to you.

24. Contemplates ways of surprising you

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A serious guy takes it upon himself to do little things that make you feel cared for and appreciated. For example, it might involve surprising you with a gift card to that store you’ve been wanting to go to. He can do all this because he believes that you deserve it.

25. Never mentions other ladies to you

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It’s like an unwritten rule that any guy who is serious about you should never mention other ladies in your presence. He does so out of respect and so that you do not feel as though he is interested in other people. Furthermore, he will not risk making you jealous.

26. Frequently checks up on you

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A serious guy will ensure that he regularly checks up on you to ensure you are okay and not lacking anything. It also shows that you are constantly on his mind. He will want to know where you are and what you are doing. He can use such information to make plans with you.

27. He is jealous when other guys are involved

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It is common for a guy who is serious about someone to get jealous. A guy who is serious about you might get easily triggered, especially when you’re hanging out with other guys. He might consider other guys as potential threats who need to be neutralized.

28. He misses you when you’re not there

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A serious guy will not want to be far from you for too long. Your mutual friends might even reach out to tell you that he is not quite himself when you are not around. He will frequently call or text you a bit too much when he hasn’t seen you for some time.

29. Frequently reaches out to you

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A serious guy will call and text you more often so that he can talk to you. To a serious guy, it will not matter whether it is over the phone or in person, so long as he gets to talk to you. He will want you to know that you mean the world to him, and he is always thinking of you.

30. Maintains eye contact while talking to you

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This is a tactic that most serious guys use to show that they are heavily invested in a conversation with someone that they genuinely care about. Maintaining eye contact is not an easy feat. A serious guy will do this to let you know that he only has eyes for you.

31. Constant communication

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Consistent communication goes beyond mere frequency—it reflects a genuine interest in staying connected. A partner who regularly initiates contact not only keeps the conversation flowing but also demonstrates an eagerness to share experiences.

32. He's transparent about his life

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Openness in a relationship encompasses a willingness to share one's inner world without reservations. When a partner is transparent about their life, feelings, and thoughts, it creates an environment of trust and authenticity. It involves more than just surface-level sharing.

33. He's respectful about your opinions

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Respect in a relationship manifests in the acknowledgment and honoring of each other's beliefs, viewpoints, and personal space. When a partner genuinely respects your opinions, it means they value your thoughts and perspectives, even when they differ from their own.

34. He shows vulnerability

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Showing vulnerability in a relationship demonstrates a profound level of trust and emotional intimacy. When a partner feels comfortable enough to open up emotionally and share their vulnerabilities, it signifies a deep bond and a safe space.

35. He's willing to compromise

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Compromise in a relationship is not about sacrificing one's needs or values but rather finding middle ground and solutions that satisfy both partners. When a partner is willing to compromise, it demonstrates a commitment to understanding, empathy, and cooperation.

36. He accepts accountability

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Accountability in a relationship is about owning up to one's actions and accepting responsibility for their impact, whether positive or negative. When a partner demonstrates accountability, it signifies a high level of maturity, honesty, and respect within the relationship.

37. He's genuinely interested in your life

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When a partner expresses genuine interest in your life, it goes beyond surface-level curiosity—it reflects a deep investment in understanding your thoughts, dreams, and experiences. It involves actively listening and asking thoughtful questions.

38. He demonstrates responsibility

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Responsibility extends beyond the boundaries of a relationship and encompasses how an individual conducts themselves in various facets of life. When a partner showcases responsibility in their personal and professional domains, it reflects a mature and dependable character.

39. He always values your input

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When a partner genuinely values your opinions and actively integrates them into decision-making, it signifies a deep respect for your thoughts and perspectives. This goes beyond mere acknowledgment—it reflects a desire to collaborate and consider your viewpoint.

40. He always respects your boundaries

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Respecting boundaries in a relationship is an essential aspect of mutual trust and understanding. When a partner respects your personal space and privacy, it demonstrates an awareness and consideration of your comfort levels and needs.

41. He shares all his emotions

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When a partner is open about their emotions, fears, and dreams, it signifies a profound level of trust and intimacy within the relationship. This sharing goes beyond mere conversation—it's about unveiling the innermost thoughts and vulnerabilities.

42. He invests in you

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Investing in a relationship requires more than just words—it entails consistent actions that demonstrate commitment and dedication. When a partner invests time, effort, and resources into the relationship, it reflects a genuine desire to nurture and strengthen.

43. He shows empathy

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When a partner displays empathy, it showcases a profound emotional connection and a genuine effort to understand and relate to your feelings. It goes beyond mere sympathy—it's about actively listening, acknowledging your emotions, and making a sincere attempt to step into your shoes.

44. He's proud of you!

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When a partner expresses pride in your achievements and actively supports your growth, it reflects a deep admiration and respect for your aspirations. It's more than mere verbal acknowledgment—it's about genuine enthusiasm and encouragement for your successes.

45. He thinks your family is important

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When a partner values and respects your family, it's a testament to their commitment to understanding your roots and the people who've shaped your life. It's more than simply acknowledging their existence; it involves a genuine interest in getting to know them.

46. He seeks your advice

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When a partner seeks your advice and values your opinion, it signifies a deep level of respect and trust in your judgment. It goes beyond simply wanting input—it's about recognizing your insights and expertise in decision-making.

47. He apologizes and he forgives

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Apologizing when wrong and offering forgiveness are essential traits that nurture a healthy and understanding relationship. When a partner is willing to apologize sincerely, it shows humility, accountability, and a respect for fairness and harmony within the relationship.

48. He wants to be a team

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Approaching challenges as a team rather than adversaries is a hallmark of a strong, cohesive partnership. When a partner adopts this mindset, it reflects a shared commitment to collaboration, support, and unity in overcoming obstacles.

49. He respects your independence

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Respecting your independence signifies a partner who values and celebrates your autonomy and uniqueness. It's about fostering an environment where you feel free to pursue your interests, goals, and passions without feeling stifled or constrained by the relationship.

50. Encourages your growth

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A partner who encourages and supports your personal growth is one who not only values who you are but also who you aspire to be. They actively advocate for your self-improvement, offering unwavering support, guidance, and motivation as you navigate your journey of growth.

51. He's integrated into your life

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When a guy is serious about you, he'll slot into your life like he was always meant to belong. Whether it's with your family or friends or your life in general, he will do his best to integrate which demonstrated that he's truly in this for the long haul!

52. And he's included you in all aspects of his life

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From sharing his passions and hobbies to introducing you to his closest friends and family, he's made it clear that you're an integral part of his story. In conversations, he effortlessly transitions from "I" to "we," recognizing that decisions and plans now involve both of you. There's a shared sense of responsibility, and he values your input in matters big and small!

53. He actively listens to you and what you have to say

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When you speak, it's as if your words are not just heard but truly understood. He actively listens, not just with his ears but with his heart. In conversations, his focus isn't divided; it's dedicated entirely to the words you're sharing. He really values your thoughts, opinions, and feelings!

54. He trusts you completely

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Trust is difficult to build and maintain, but between the two of you it's inherent. Your actions and words are met with an inherent trust that speaks volumes about the strength of your bond. He doesn't feel the need to pry or question your motives because he respects that your word is the truth!

55. He gives you random hugs and kisses

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His affection isn't confined to special occasions or scripted moments, it's random showing that he does it not because he SHOULD, but because he truly wants to. Those hugs and kisses are little assurances that he loves you and he's serious about you.

56. He makes sacrifices for you without making a fuss of it

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His love is revealed not just in grand gestures but in the quiet sacrifices he makes, unassuming and without the need for recognition (which is the most important aspect of all). He's not doing it for praise, he just wants to be with you and to make you happy.

57. He takes care of you when you're sick

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From preparing soothing teas to ensuring you have everything you need, he steps into the nursing role seamlessly. When we're sick, people see us at our worst - but he doesn't care. He's beyond the superficial aspects of a relationship, he's super serious about the two of you.

58. He remembers important things about you

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How insignificant do we feel when someone really important to us forgets our birthday or forgets something very significant in our life? He is the total opposite with you. He remembers all of the little things about you (that are actually very important).

59. He loves to show you off

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When he's serious about you, he takes pride in having you by his side, and it's evident in the way he loves to show you off. Whether you're at a social gathering, a family event, or just out and about, he doesn't shy away from expressing his admiration for you. Your presence is not just acknowledged but celebrated.

60. He makes random, thoughtful gestures

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It could be a surprise note tucked into your bag, a thoughtful gift that shows he knows your preferences, or a simple act of kindness that brightens your day. These gestures are not prompted by a specific occasion; instead, they arise from a genuine desire to express his love spontaneously.

61. He's consistent with you

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Consistency is a powerful indicator of a person's sincerity and commitment in a relationship. When a guy is serious about you, he maintains a steady and reliable presence in various aspects of the relationship and never leaves you second guessing how he feels about you!

62. You never question his intentions

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His actions and words align seamlessly, creating a level of trust and respect between you two where you never have to question if his words match up to his actions or intentions. You don't find yourself grappling with doubts or second-guessing his motives because his consistency and transparency are clear.

63. He keeps you up to date with his life

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From the mundane details to the significant milestones, he shares his experiences, dreams, and challenges with a genuine desire for you to know all about his life. He never wants to keep you in the dark about anything because he;s super serious about you.

64. He doesn't try to change you

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When someone is serious about a relationship, they often appreciate and love their partner for who they are, and so he won't try and change you, rather he'll fully accept you - warts an' all! In fact, it's these things that he particularly loves about you!

65. If he makes a promise, he sticks to it!

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When someone's really into you, they will stick to their word, no matter what. You know, if they promise something, they mean it. Having that reliability factor makes you feel secure in the relationship and lets you know that he's serious about the two of you.

66. He understands that you need alone time as well as time together

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Having that understanding is key because it means they recognize your individuality and support your personal space without feeling neglected. It's a great sign that displays a good level of maturity and emotional intelligence in a serious relationship.

67. He never dismisses your feelings

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When your partner doesn't dismiss your feelings, it shows they're tuned into your emotions and genuinely care about what you're going through and want to support you. It's a sign of respect and empathy, acknowledging that your feelings are valid and deserve attention.

68. He's open with his finances

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Being open with finances in a relationship is a significant aspect of trust and transparency. It shows a level of honesty and a willingness to share a crucial part of one's life. When someone is comfortable discussing their financial situation, it's a sure sign that they are serious!

69. He checks when you're home safe

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The 'let me know that you're home safe', followed by the 'are you home?' is the kind of gesture we all want from our man because it shows a genuine concern for your well-being. It's a simple yet powerful way of expressing love, consideration and just the fact that he really cares about you.

70. If you tell him that something upset you, he takes it on board

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This kind of responsiveness in a relationship is crucial for effective communication and emotional connection. It means that your partner is not only listening to you but also actively considering your perspective and taking steps to improve your relationship.

71. He adapts his own lifestyle to what you need

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When a partner adapts their own lifestyle to accommodate your needs, it's a clear sign of selflessness and a deep commitment to the relationship. It reflects a desire to make you comfortable and supported. This kind of flexibility and willingness to adjust their own habits or routines can be a powerful demonstration of love and consideration.

72. He does his fair share of household chores

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A fair distribution of household chores is important in an equal relationship. Each partnership has a different dynamic, but if your boyfriend does his fair of housework, you know that he is serious and committed to you. Otherwise, this display of selfishness shows a disregard for your happiness.

73. He never puts his career ahead of yours

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When a partner is considerate of your career aspirations and doesn't overshadow them with their own, it shows he values and respects you and not just himself which is essential for a serious and healthy relationship. In this kind of relationship you can encourage one another's growth!

74. He keeps all of your secrets

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If your boyfriend keeps all of your secrets and you never doubt it for a second it shows that you have a deep level of intimacy and trust in one another. It creates a bond where you feel comfortable being yourself, knowing that your partner will respect your privacy.

75. If you make a mistake, he doesn't bring it up again at a later date during a fight

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This behavior suggests that your partner understands the importance of forgiveness and doesn't hold onto past grievances to use against you later. Being able to let go of past errors is essential in a serious and healthy relationship. To do otherwise is seriously toxic behaviour!

76. They express their gratitude to you, even for the little things

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When someone expresses gratitude for even the little things, it shows they appreciate and value your efforts and do not take you for granted (super important!). It's a sign that he acknowledges all of the contributions you make to the relationship, no matter how small.

77. You know he's got your back and will always fight your corner

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It's really pretty amazing when you're sure your partner has your back and will always stand up for you. That feeling of knowing someone is in your corner, ready to support and defend you. It's a very powerful aspect of a solid and serious relationship.

78. He's made you fully aware of his future intentions for the relationship

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Knowing his intentions means you know that he's serious about the future of the relationship. This kind of transparency is a sign of commitment and clarity, indicating that they are invested in building a shared future with you which you can work towards together!

79. He goes at your pace in terms of intimacy

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When a guy rushes you, it suggests he's not in this for the right reasons. On the other hand, when your partner respects your pace when it comes to getting closer it shows that he's invested, no matter how long it may take. There's no rush when he's thinking about the long-term.

80. He loves your quirks

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When your partner loves your quirks, it means they're not trying to change you or fit you into some mold. Instead, they're celebrating the things that make you different and special. This is genuine love, when he loves ALL of you and you are free to be truly yourselves.

81. He's your biggest cheerleader

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Having a partner who serves as your biggest cheerleader is truly special. It means they're not just there for you; they actively support and encourage your aspirations and achievements. This kind of support goes beyond a fleeting relationship, this kind of stuff shoes he is serious!

82. He remains patient during your testing times

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We all have times when we're going through something and we are a little bit more difficult than usual - our patience may be thin, we may be grumpy or we might just not be feeling ourselves. If your partner understands this, and he remains patient, he's clearly a keeper.

83. He always wants to be close to you

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When your partner always wants to be close to you, it's a beautiful expression of emotional intimacy and connection. This desire for closeness goes beyond physical proximity; it reflects a deeper emotional bond and a genuine yearning to share moments together.

84. He tries to help you in small ways, without even telling you

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These acts of kindness show that they pay attention to your needs and genuinely want to make your life a bit easier or more enjoyable. When your partner takes the initiative to help without seeking recognition, it shows that he has a selfless and considerate nature - a great trait to look for!

85. He makes an effort to keep the spark and romance alive

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In the ebb and flow of daily life, relationships can sometimes face challenges, and routines may set in. Making a conscious effort to infuse romance into the relationship keeps things fresh and exciting and it's totally necessary in any relationship. It can take work!

86. He initiates affection without expecting anything in return

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When your partner initiates affection without expecting anything in return, it's a beautiful demonstration of selfless love and genuine care. This kind of gesture shows that their actions are motivated by a desire to express love and affection, rather than seeking something back.

87. He's protective of you - but not possessive

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Having a partner who is protective of you without being possessive is a wonderful balance. It means that your partner cares about your well-being and safety, yet respects your individuality and autonomy. He checks in with you, but he never check UP on you.

88. He communicates openly, even when it's difficult

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Times can get tough in relationships, and it's important to be open about it so that you can work through it. Open communication during tough times demonstrates that your partner values honesty and understands the importance of addressing issues head-on.

89. He encourages your style and self-expression

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Blue hair? It will suit you! A new tattoo? Sure, if that's what you want to do! This kind of encouragement shows that your partner values and celebrates the uniqueness that makes you who you are. He's not ashamed of you, he celebrates you and loves you to be who you want to be.

90. He makes you feel safe and secure with him

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This feeling of safety can manifest in various ways, such as being able to share your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment, trusting that your partner has your best interests at heart, and knowing they are there for you during both good and challenging times.

91. He matches your energy and enthusiasm about the things you love

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Whether it's a hobby, a passion, or simply something you enjoy, having a partner who matches your energy means they value and appreciate the things that bring you happiness. It creates a shared experience that strengthens the connection between you two and shows he wants to support the things you love.

92. He respects your culture and your background

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When your partner respects your cultural identity, it signifies a deep appreciation for who you are as an individual, acknowledging the importance of your heritage and background. These are part of what makes you you, so it's important for somebody to understand this.

93. He never tries to change you

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In a healthy and serious relationship, both partners recognize and celebrate each other's strengths, quirks, and imperfections. Your partner's acceptance of you as you are creates a foundation of trust and allows you to feel secure in being your authentic self.

94. He makes decisions as an equal team, never alone

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Making decisions as an equal team requires open communication, compromise, and a willingness to consider each other's perspectives. It builds trust and reinforces the idea that the relationship is a shared journey where both partners actively contribute to the decision-making process.

95. He gives you the reassurance that you need

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Receiving reassurance from your partner is a crucial aspect of emotional support in a relationship. When your partner provides the reassurance you need, it signifies their understanding of your feelings and a willingness to be there for you during moments of uncertainty or insecurity.

96. He takes time to learn all about you

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When your partner takes the time to learn all about you, it's a clear sign of genuine interest and investment in the relationship. This effort to understand you on a deeper level goes beyond surface details, showing that your partner values the intricacies of your personality, experiences, and preferences.

97. And he wants you to know all about him

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Sharing personal details, experiences, dreams, and even vulnerabilities fosters a deeper emotional intimacy. It indicates a level of trust and a desire for authentic connection. By inviting you to know all about him, your partner is essentially saying that he values transparency and wants you to be a significant part of his life.

98. He loves your values, not just your looks

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It's more than just looks. While physical attraction is often an initial aspect of attraction, valuing someone's principles, beliefs, and character demonstrates a deeper and more meaningful connection. It indicates that your partner sees beyond the surface and appreciates the qualities that shape you.

99. He encourages you to live a healthy lifestyle together

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Encouraging each other to live a healthy lifestyle together shows that you truly care about each other and one another's well being. It shows you want to strive for a long and healthy future together. When he wants you to be healthy, he seriously cares about you.

100. Your interests have become his interests too

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In a relationship where interests become shared, it creates a unique bond built on common experiences and a deepened connection. It's a way of saying, "Your happiness is important to me, and I want to be a big part of all of the things that bring you joy."

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