10 Psychological Tricks To Learn Something Faster

By Lou 11 months ago

Never Cram In Work

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One of the worst things you can do while trying to take on new information is cram in information at the last minute. So it is crucial that you remember to never leave things to the last minute and force information into your head as this will have a very negative effect on your ability to consolidate your knowledge and be able to then apply it in classes or a test.Original content at Quizzable.com

Manage Your Time Better

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A perfect way to improve how quickly you are able to consolidate your learning and take on new information is to ensure that you are giving yourself an ample amount of time to do so. Time management is not only a good skill to improve your learning capabilities it can also be a very crucial life skill. By doing this you will ensure that you don't end up panicking and cramming information at the last moment.

Practice Interlinking Ideas

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There can be many different ways to improve your learning and make your psychological skills more effective. One very effective way to improve your abilities to take on new information is to find a way to interlink all of your ideas. The benefit of this will be that when you recall one piece of information it will trigger your mind to think of more information that has been learned.

Make Diagrams To Understand Data

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We all find it difficult to understand lots of information let alone information that is in numerical form. It is also dependent on how a person best learns and how they best take on information. One way to break down data and different forms of information to make it more accessible and understandable is to turn them in graphs so the information is clearer to the reader.

Make Up Mnemonics For Your Work

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Everybody learns and takes on new information in many different ways and there is never a right way to revise or learn so it is imperative to come up with a way that will really stick. One very creative way to be able to increase your learning speed could be to make Mnemonics for the information that you learn therefore you can find a catchy way to keep your brain ticking along.

Try To Visualise Your Ideas

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Studying can very hard and incredibly stressful no matter whether your in school, college or even in a new job therefore it is vital to come up with ways to take on this information and to be able to do it as quickly as possible. A great way to take on information quicker is to visualise what you are studying. Picturing what you are reading can greatly help your comprehension of a book.

Tell The Story Of Your Work

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It can very difficult to improve your psychological abilities and improve the speed at which you are able to learn or study. But that is not to say that it is impossible to do so. A very effective method to try is to repeat and retell the information that you have read. This is highly effective as by attempting to do this it will trigger your brain to work harder and proceeds the information more critically.

Make Sure You Take Good Notes

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When we think about what we do to improve how we learn and the pace at which we consolidate and take on new information we often think to the different methods that we learn in school and fall back into the old habits that used to do. But this is not always a negative thing as very simple method is to make notes on everything you do as this helps to reduce the psychological load when you revise a topic.

Try And Match A Song To Your Work

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Improving your psychological processing skills with the intent to improve the speed that you learn new information can be a quite a difficult process and at times very boring if you do not know the more efficient methods of learning. Well, one of the best ways to do this is to listen to a specific song that relates to the main idea of a topic as then it triggers a response from your name to recall the information alongside the song.

Chunk Your Ideas Together

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Now there is a lot of debate with education as to what the best method of learning is and how this should be implemented in education and revision. One technique that you could try to incorporate into your revision to improve your psychological learning speed is chunking. This is a method where you study a large amount of information in a small amount of time and then have a break before revisiting it again.

Make Sure That You Use Your Work Effectively

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When we are doing work or studying it can always feel quite repetitive going over the same information over and over again. This is not a very efficient way to study, so ignorer to improve your cognitive load improve your psychological development it can crucial that you go back to your notes and update them as you are revising as there may be information you can cut out or ideas you can further build on.

Make Sure You Remain Focused

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Due to the mass amounts of tedium and repetitiveness of studying it can be easy for your mind to wonder and for you to lose focus of what you were working towards. By allowing yourself to become distracted it can heavily impact the speed at which you take on new information. Therefore it is crucial that when you are going to study you clear any possible distractions so that your focus can remain sharp.

Understand When Your Brain Works Best

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Studying and the techniques and methods we put into place to increase our efficiency for learning is incredibly subjective and specific to an individual. So it is important that we take the time to understand our own brains and how they work. By doing this you can figure out at what points of the day and which activities allow your brain to take in information as quickly and successfully as possible.

Don't Spend Too Long Reading Texts

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Everybody knows that one of the most time consuming parts of learning no matter which level it is at is reading. Now whether it is a novel, an article or even a research paper this can seriously slow down your progress if you cannot read efficiently. Therefore it is important that you adopt the ability to skim and scan for the most relevant and important information and not dwell on anything insignificant to what you are learning.

Try To Make The Information More Accessible

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It is imperative to our psychological state that we understand exactly what to do in order to improve our rate of learning and the varying amount of methods we can implement to achieve a greater rate of learning. One good strategy to use is when you have taken the time to understand a difficult concept take the time to make it simpler and easier for you to understand when you come to revise the information.

Try To Organise Your Ideas

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It can be difficult for us to figure out what the best way to learn is and how we can make that process as efficient as possible. This is a very tough mental battle that many students have but the first step to trying to improve your rate of learning is to try to organise your thoughts. Often when you study your mind is going a million miles a minute but this is not efficient and often results I good ideas being lost so it can be crucial to slow down and organize your thoughts.

Use The People Around You

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It is quite a common perception that studying or revising is meant to be done alone and it is up to that person to figure out the most efficient way to increase the speed at which they learn. But this is not necessarily true, although some people prefer to work alone it can improve your speed of learning if you use people around you such as your family or friends to bounce ideas off of or even just rant about what you are learning.

Figure Out What Stops You From Learning

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There are a vast amount of different psychological factors that everybody experiences that hinders our ability to take on new information or slow us down when we are trying to learn. Therefore it is crucial to figure out what the issues are around you or in your own mind that is stopping you from completing your work or slowing you down when in lessons or when revising.

Make Appropriate Adjustments To How You Study

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There has never been a definitively proven way to increase your productivity when studying as due to everybody's individuality and different learning habits it makes it hard to come up with a method that works for everyone. But one way to become more efficient in your learning is to trying to improve upon how you already study whether this is adding incentives such as rewards or taking away distractions.

Don't Get Caught Upon On Struggling

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It is a well known fact that no matter how intelligent you are or how organised you are you will always become stressed when completing your studies at some point and getting caught up in your stress or what you are doing wrong only hinders the speed in which you work and how efficient your brain is working. So by letting these issues go your brain is able to work more efficiently and with a clear goal in mind.

Make Sure You Look After Yourself!

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Studying can be very stressful and take a serious toll on your mind and your body which ultimately has a negative impact on your learning and lowers the speed at which you can learn. Therefore, one of the best things you can do to calm your mind is ensure that you are looking after yourself. psychologically your brain is more efficient when it has had enough rest to process what you have previously learned.

Study For Something You Love

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We have all been in a situation in school where we need to study for tough tedious exams or essays and this always has a negative effect on our cognitive abilities. That is why it is imperative to your rate of learning that you have a goal in mind when studying. This may be a dream job or role in the future. The motivation of this dream make the brain work harder and more efficiently.

Try To Study As Part Of A Group

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When the content that you are studying becomes difficult or tedious we often seek out distractions that take us away from our work but what if there was a way to have this distraction whilst also focusing on work? Well, psychologically working in a group is a lot more effective as there are other to help through difficult problems and also people who will engage in short conversations before refocusing on their work therefore increasing how quickly you learn a concept.

Make Sure That You Take Breaks!

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Studying can be an incredibly difficult task and takes a heavy toll on a person mental strength as people tend to try to continuously work until they feel as though they have completed an appropriate amount of work that rarely comes. So it is crucial that you remember to take breaks so that your brain can rest and recharge so the is still working as efficiently as possible!

Pu Your Knowledge To The Test

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How do you know if you have truly mastered a topic? It is quite simple actually you put yourself to the test by quite literally using different tests that you may get from your teacher or online. The benefit of doing this is that it give you clarity of your own knowledge and helps you to figure out areas you need to work on and what ares you can move on from therefore improving your speed of learning.

Try And Study In Different Ways

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There is no denying that when we are learning new material it can be difficult and boring and therefore lower the speed at which we work. Therefore in order to stop this from happening we must try to engage ourselves more in our learning so if while your are revising or studying you change up your revision methods it will make your brain more active and therefore speed up your rate of learning.

Do Your Work Out Loud

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The speed at which you learn is dependant on many different factors and varies depending on how you learn as an individual but there are some strategies you can try to improve how fast you learn new things. One way is to do your revision out loud. By not only making notes and thinking of ideas but saying them outlaid it makes them clearer and helps you to hear the idea properly. It is easier to remember something being said than something being thought of.

Ensure That You Exercise

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There are many studies that show the negative effects of continuously studying and how neglecting your physical health can have a negative impact on your mental health. That is why if you want to learn things faster you need to do plenty of exercise as this unlocks chemicals in your brain that relaxes you and helps deal with your stress of other psychological worries you may be having.

Try To Teach Others

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Studying is very difficult and even when you believe you are doing well and taking on the information it can be hard to see if you have actually fully understood the content. Therefore a great psychological trick to try consolidate your knowledge quicker is to become the teacher yourself and try to help others understand. If you are successful this shows that you have mastered the topic and can move on rather than dwelling on it.

Build On The Things You Know

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Often when studying we create our own psychological barriers as we fixate on the things that we can't do and therefore increase our levels of stress and lower how quickly we can obtain information. So a good way to stop this from happening is to focus on the things that you do know. By using your pre-existing ideas you can slowly build on your knowledge and improve it rather than trying to come up with something new and therefore increasing how quickly you learn.

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