10 Small Things That Everyone Should Keep In Their Pockets

By Lou 11 months ago

1. Cell Phone

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In today's world, a smartphone in your pocket is basically a lifeline. Other than staying connected with your friends and family, it offers a connection to a world of information. You can navigate your way to anywhere in the world, and access emergency assistance immediately regardless of where you are. Also, it keeps you entertained with basically an unlimited amount of apps.Original content at Quizzable.com

2. Wallet

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Having a wallet in your pocket is an essential practice for every American. It's not just about carrying cash or cards; it's about keeping your life together. Your ID and payment cards are within reach whenever you need them, and a well-maintained wallet shows professionalism and responsibility. Gone are the days of fumbling around for loose change or wondering where your credit card is.

3. House Keys

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This one probably seems like a no-brainer, but it is often taken for granted. Imagine being locked out of your house at night - a situation none of us ever want to be in. Having your keys in your pocket ensures that you can get back into your house whilst avoiding unnecessary stress. It's a simple habit to get into and it is one worth cultivating.

4. Pen

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You might be wondering why you need a pen in your pocket, especially when everything nowadays is digital. The truth is, pens still have their place in the world, and they can come in handy when you least expect it. You never know when you might need to jot down an important note, sign a document or leave your contact information for someone.

5. Small Notepad

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This one goes hand in hand with the small pen that you've now placed into your pocket. It's all well and good writing things down on your phone, but there's something about the tactile feel of writing something with a pen that hasn't been captured yet with phones. They provide a tangible way of capturing your thoughts or making a to-do-list.

6. Handkerchief

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A handkerchief, or even just some pocket tissues, may seem like old fashioned relics, but they come in handy for everyday use. On these hot days, one finds themselves a tad more sweaty than usual - a handkerchief can help keep you dry. Allergy season is also here, and there's nothing worse than constantly sneezing without something to help wipe up the mess!

7. Multi-tool

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For the DIY enthusiasts and keen campers out there, a small multi-tool, or even a Swiss army knife is a must-have. It's essentially the same as carrying around a tool box with you, expect this one fits neatly into your pocket. You never know when you might need to cut something up, tighten a loose screw or open a package, a multi-tool is a smart thing to have to hand.

8. Flashlight

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Smartphones have torches built into them nowadays, so a flashlight might not at the top of your list. However, you can't ever rule out that you'll be in a situation without a phone and needing to find your way around at night time. Having a small pocket flashlight on you could really help you out - what if you're in the dark and you drop your phone? A flashlight could come in pretty handy.

9. Poncho

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Unless you live in California or Nevada, it's probably going to rain at some point throughout the year, and you can bet that you'll get caught in the rain at some point in your life. Carrying a foldable rain poncho is a pretty smart idea, especially if you live in a state that is known for its rainy weather. It can be the difference between you staying dry and catching a nasty cold.

10. Hand Sanitizer

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Since 2020, everyone's personal hygiene has shot through the roof. With COVID-19 around, it has raised everyones alertness to health and staying safe where possible. It was always a good idea to carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you, but now so more than ever. You can easily find yourself in a situation that requires you to get your hands dirty, so it's important that you can clean them ASAP.

11. Lip Balm

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There's nothing worse than the feeling of dry or chapped lips. During the winter months, the elements batter our faces, leaving our lips feeling pretty sore. It's a smart idea to keep some lip balm or chapstick in your pocket just in case your lips suddenly feel dry when you're out and about. It's a simple self-care hack, but one that you'll thank yourself for if you find yourself in need of some lip balm.

12. Breath Mints

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There truly is nothing worse than catching a whiff of bad breath from the person you're speaking to. The only thing worse than that is if you realise that you're the one with bad breath! You suddenly lose all sense of confidence and you can't stop thinking about what the other person thinks of you. An easy solution is to just keep some breath mints or minty gum in your pocket - this avoids a stinky crisis.

13. Medication

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There are some people out there that absolutely need to carry around medication with them. Whether that be allergies, asthma or other health conditions like diabetes, having quick access to medication can literally be a life saviour. For healthy people, it is still worth carrying some pain relief with you - you never know when you a headache might appear, or symptoms of a cold that need quick relief.

14. Earphones

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Starting a long journey somewhere via public transport and realizing that you didn't pack any earphones or earbuds is one of the worst feelings you can have. You suddenly come to the realization that you can't privately listen to some music or watch some Netflix for the next few hours. Earbuds are easy to carry around now, especially wireless ones like Apple AirPods.

15. Small Comb

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It's annoying when you've spent the last couple of hours getting ready to go out and look nice, for you to step outside and get attacked by a random gust of wind, blowing your hair all over the place. You never know when the elements might strike, so it is always worth carrying around a small comb with you - it can quickly tame your windswept hair and keep you feeling confident.

16. Emergency Contact Info

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In case of an emergency, having your contact information readily available in your pocket can quite literally be a lifesaver. Jot down important contacts on a card or use the emergency feature on your phone. This simple practice ensures that first responders or Good Samaritans can quickly access your emergency information and contact numbers.

17. Safety Pins

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Having a couple of safety pins available can be super useful. Safety pins can come to rescue in a variety of situations - fixing a broken strap, securing a loose hem - it can save you from an otherwise embarrassing wardrobe malfunction. If you like to wear daring outfits, or shop in second hand clothing stores, it's probably worth having a couple of safety pins to hand.

18. Band Aids

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This one seems obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people don't bring a supply of band aids with them. There's plenty of people who need them - adventurers, hikers and even just clumsy people who always seem to injure themselves. On a more serious note, having a band aid to hand can be really useful in stopping a cut get infected, especially if you're out and about.

19. Sewing Kit

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It get it, it's not the 1920's anymore - people don't just carry sewing kits around with them on a daily basis, but hear me out. What if you're going for a job interview, or visiting somewhere that requires not-so-casual attire, and a button pops off, or a seam unravels? Having a sewing kit might not seem like such a bad idea in these situations - if you know how to sew of course!

20. Reusable Shopping Bag

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This one is a great shout for anyone who is more environmentally conscious. Plastic bags are terrible for the environment, and a lot of shops are charging extra for them as well. If you carry round a reusable shopping bag, it helps the environment, saves you some money over the long run and can also get you out of a jam if you need to be able to carry something unexpectedly.

21. USB Drive

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This one might not be so useful for everyone, but will definitely be a life saver for forgetful students out there. Students have to write a lot of essays and documents relevant to their course, and the amount of times that students have fell short because they lost their work or didn't save it to a hard drive is ridiculous. Carrying a small USB drive with you can save you in these types of situations!

22. Sunscreen

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You'll be surprised at how much the sun can affect you - even on cloudy days it can still burn you. If you live in a hot climate, or have recently moved from a cold climate to a hot one, having sunscreen readily available is a lifesaver. The sun produces UV rays that are good for you over a short period, but incredibly dangerous after long periods of unprotected exposure - protect yourself with pocket sunscreen.

23. Personal ID Tag

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This one won't apply to everyone, but those who have specific or rare medical conditions will benefit from carrying a personal ID tag or medical alert tag in their pockets. These tags provide really essential information to health care providers about the person's medical condition, and it can make a huge difference in the outcome of a situation.

24. Spare Change

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Having spare change or coins in your pocket is more than just a way to pay for small things here and there. It's about being resourceful and ready to handle different and often unexpected scenarios. You might find yourself in need of transport and need to pay for the bus, or make an emergency call using a payphone. You might also find yourself wanting to help out someone in need.

25. Hand Lotion

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During the winter, our skin can become a lot more dry and sore, and it's important to keep them moisturized where possible. Having some pocket hand lotion ready can save you in a situation when your hands aren't having the best day. It might be that you're meeting someone for the first time and need to shake their hand - don't present to them a dry hand!

26. Nail Clippers

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Having well-groomed fingernails go a long way in informing other people about your personal hygiene. Maintaining neat and tidy nails is a hallmark of a well-groomed person, and definitely improves your confidence. Also, there's nothing worse than having rough fingernails that seem to catch on everything - the worst is when they catch and you end up ripping your nail. Ouch!

27. Small Map Or City Guide

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While GPS and smartphones have become our go-to navigation tools, a small map or city guide can still come in handy when you're visiting a city for the first time. If your phone battery dies, having access to a map or city guide can ensure that you don't get lost. It also adds a bit of nostalgia to your trip - we all remember our Mom and Dad looking hopelessly at a map.

28. Pocket Mirror

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A lot of people check themselves out using their phone's front facing camera, but this isn't exactly the best or the most flattering way of checking yourself out. Short of standing in a shop window looking at your reflection or finding the nearest restroom, it's much easier just to carry a small pocket mirror with you. You never know when you might need to quickly apply some make-up or re-do your hair.

29. Tickets Or Passes

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Last but no means least, having any required tickets or passes in your pocket is crucial for a smooth journey or attending an event. Most people keep their documents on their phones nowadays, but you can never guarantee that your phone will hold its battery levels. Be extra safe and print off all the documents you might need for the day and that way you won't have to worry.

30. That's It!

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Obviously it would be impossible to keep every single item on this list in one pocket - in fact, you'd probably need an entire suitcase, which isn't the most practical. However, you can use this list as inspiration for your everyday carry, and choose the items that are most applicable to you. Gone are the days of not being prepared when you step out the house!

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