Gross Things All Parents Do

By Carole 3 months ago

1. Picking their kid's nose

Image source: Reddit
With no tissues to hand, it's not a problem in the slightest. Parents have the ability to dislodge those stubborn nose nuggets with perfect precision, like a skilled archaeologist.  They can save the day without breaking a sweat or without (hopefully) anyone even noticing.

2. Removing poop from the bath

Image source: Reddit
Just when you think bath time is going smoothly and effortlessly, your little one decides to use the tub as their own makeshift toilet. There is nothing that can prepare you more for the reality of parenthood than draining the bathtub in order to fish out poop logs.  Well, someone's got to do it!

3. Inspecting poop

Image source: Parents
You will become a professional poop analyst, being able to decipher between the different colors, shapes and textures of your child’s bowel movements. If something appears to be out of the ordinary, parents can unleash their inner Sherlock Holmes by calling a family meeting to check all is well!

4. Getting rid of lice

Image source: The Mirror
It's a gross job but when those tiny little critters start invading your child’s scalp, it becomes a battle of epic proportions.  You go on to high alert, making sure you are equipped with all the combs and special shampoos in a bid to banish those creepy crawly creatures.

5. Sucking out nose mucus

Image source: Cafe Mom
Sucking mucus out of your child’s nose with a bulb syringe sound totally disgusting but becomes an oddly satisfying experience.  You just have to make sure that the mesh insert is in place before you star on the task in hand - otherwise you're in for a nasty surprise!

6. Catching vomit in their hands

Image source: Reddit
When the stomach bug hits, parents undergo a transformation.  They turn into fearless, clean-up experts.  Armed with paper towels as well as a brave face, they will hold out their cupped hands to catch the vomit and then do what is necessary - it will be messy.

7. Unclogging the toilet

Image source: Reddit
Kids have a knack for flushing all kinds of items down the toilet, including Lego, toys, toothbrushes, or even your car keys. Parents become drain divers, with a plunger and a sense of determination. They embark on these rescue missions, because that's what parent do.

8. Eating leftover, half-eaten food scraps

Image source: The Sun
We’ve all been there although we might not admit it.  Eating those leftover scraps from your kid’s plate to avoid unnecessary wastage of any of that delicious food you just cooked.  Anyway, what's wrong with half-eaten chicken nuggets and the odd broccoli tree?

9. Being a personal napkin

Image source: Reddit
Turning into your tiny human’s personal napkin is a role you didn't expect to win but you will master it, nonetheless. You become a walking wiping station. It's haute couture meeting up with haute cuisine.  The season’s hottest accessory is a smudge of avocado with a smear of tomato sauce!

10. Encouraging kids to spit their food into your hand

Image source: Reddit
Whether it’s too much food all at once, or something that they don't like the taste of, parents will have their hands poised like landing pads.  Your kid will get the instruction to spit their food out into your hand and they will happily oblige without being asked twice.

11. Picking dirt out of their kid's nails

Image source: Reddit
Kids put their hands in everything and when their nails get full of dirt, parents will think nothing of picking out the grime with the accuracy of a microsurgeon!  What's even more gross is that the adult might not wash their own hands after carrying out the task!

12. Kisses from your cold-stricken child

Image source: Kindred
When your kid is at daycare, chances are that they will regularly catch a cold.  Once it dries up, barely a week will pass when the symptoms will strike up again.  Seeing their  little faces covered in snot and eye goop, won't stand in the way of you receiving kisses and cuddles from them.

13. Stuck a finger up their constipated baby's butt

Image source: Reddit
Grosser than gross but needs must.  Once the finger nail is cut short, the parent gently inserts a lubricated, gloved finger about an inch into the child's rectum.  After pressing the sides of the rectum in a circular motion for a minute of so and the poop should be released.

14. Removing wax from their child's ears

Image source: Reddit
I'm sure every doctor in the whole of America would advise against scraping the inside of your child's ear with your finger or fingernail, but this does not stop parents doing it.  They see the wax and feel an urge to clean the ear out.  They won't stop until it's all removed - ugh!

15. Consumed breast milk

Image source: Reddit
Usually this happens out of curiosity.  Breast milk is natural and healthy and it won't hurt you but, having said this, it still sounds disgusting that you would purposely try out your own breast milk.  There have been stories about running out of cow's milk so using it to make a coffee!

16. Pick off cradle cap

Image source: Reddit
Cradle cap is extremely common in newborn and very young babies.  It's like a case of bad dandruff but it doesn't move - until parents decide to pick off the scaley bits of skin from their little one's scalp.  Yes, it sounds gross but it's it's so therapeutic - so they say!

17. Not concerned about pee being on something

Image source: Reddit
Before kids, the idea of urine trickling on to your hands or clothes would be an absolute disaster and take your stress levels to the max but, once you are a parent, it's literally water off a duck's back.  So what if there is a minor diaper leak on your jeans - that's nothing compared to poop disasters.

18. Using a scarf or shirt to wipe up poop

Image source: Reddit
It's happened to nearly every parent - a shit-uation!  When you're away from home and your baby has a poop accident where not everything goes into the diaper!  You've used up all the wet wipes so nothing else for it but to use your scarf or similar to get rid of the evidence!

19. Accepting a bogey from your child

Image source: BuzzFeed
Toddlers have a habit of passing stuff to their parents, whether it's a toy, a piece of toast or a crusty bogey (sorry).  It happens so often that parents don't even think twice about accepting it.  They take it from their cute little kid and put it in a tissue - how does that measure on the gross scale?

20. Receive a sneeze into your open mouth, and laugh!

Image source: Reddit
This is so wrong but it so actually happens.  When you are face to face with your child, you're making them laugh and they decide to sneeze, right at the moment where your mouth is wide open.  It's a direct route from them to you and never fails to miss.  That's disgusting!

21. Go out with sick on your clothes

Image source: Reddit
When your child is drinking mainly milk, there’s a heck of a lot of posseting going on. Baby brings up a small amount of milk after a feed and maybe a touch of  projectile vomit. Highly likely you’ll get it on your clothes, wipe it off and go out anyway, praying you don't smell of sick!

22. Your child will wet the bed and you will sleep in it!

Image source: SheKnows
A parent will sometimes get into their young child's bed, either to help them get to sleep or comfort them if they don't feel well. There may be a slight tinge of wee that you detect as the odor reaches your nostrils but you decide to ignore it and lie on the mattress anyway.

23. Eating soggy leftovers

Image source: Reddit
Don't turn your nose up because this might have been you!  You cook up nutritious food that you hope your child will eat, they decide they don't like it and chuck it on the floor. Even though it's a bit soggy from when they tried it, this doesn't stop you popping it into your mouth.  Waste not, want not!

24. Stick a pacifier in your mouth to clean it

Image source: Reddit
Once considered gross, now a necessary evil if you want that kid to stop crying or go to sleep. Your sanity is worth whatever the hell that dummy landed in on the floor. Plus it’s immune boosting. Take one for the team, mum.

25. Reheat a cup of tea (or dinner) more than three times

Image source: Reddit
Contrary to non parents beliefs, there is actually no limit whatsoever to the amount of times you can reheat a cup of tea or coffee in the microwave. Even you dinner can undertake a few visits to the microwave because baby's needs come first.  That's the price you pay!

26. Lick your finger to wipe your child's face

Image source: BuzzFeed
This one has to be hilarious!  Imagine walking right up to someone in the street, then licking your finger and wiping their face with it. Of course, it's unacceptable but, hang on, when it's associated with your own kid, then it's completely normal, isn't it?

27. Sit with a urine specimen container waiting to capture a sample

Image source: Reddit
Needing to provide the doctor with a sample of your child's pee sounds easy enough but the practicalities are somewhat different.  Have you tried to place the container or bag in the right place so your kid can wee on it.  It goes everywhere but in the right place!

28. Watched your child eat something off the floor

Image source: Daily Mail
Because parents get so stressed that their young kids, often fussy eaters, aren't getting the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy, we think it's acceptable for them to pick up food from the floor and then eat it.  There's various rules about this but they usually go out of the window!

29. Wiped snot on your sleeves 

Image source: Reddit
Let's look at this totally logically.  If clothing manufacturers didn't want you to think of your sleeves as snot rags for your young children, then they wouldn't have made them so close to the kids.  Not even worth arguing the point - surely it's fact!

30. Bite your child's nails

Image source: Reddit
Baby's nails are as thin as paper. There's no point, is there,  in using a nail clipper plus, they never sit still for more than a minute.  Once you realise that your teeth are a much better option to stop the nails getting long and scratchy, then that's the road to go down!

31. This is what kids find gross about their parents! - Public displays of affection

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Teenagers, in particular, can be very conscious about their image amongst their peers. While affection from parents is typically appreciated, teenagers might prefer more subtle displays of affection in public to avoid feeling embarrassed or self-conscious.

32. Dressing differently

Image source: Reddit
Fashion trends change rapidly, and parents may not always keep up with the latest styles. Children, especially teenagers, may feel embarrassed if their parents' clothing choices stand out or seem out of touch with current trends.  Let's face it, anything minor can embarrass them!

33. Lack of tech savvy

Image source: Insider
In today's digital age, children often surpass their parents in technological proficiency. Parents who struggle with technology, whether it's difficulty navigating social media or using smartphones, can inadvertently embarrass their children, who may feel obligated to explain or assist with technology-related tasks.

34. Strict rules

Image source: Newsweek
While parental rules are essential for discipline and safety, enforcing them in front of peers can be embarrassing for children. Strict rules or parental interventions in social settings may make children feel like they stand out or are being treated differently from their friends.

35. Over-protectiveness

Image source: SheKnows
Over-protective parents may inadvertently embarrass their children by hovering or intervening excessively in social situations. Children may feel suffocated or unable to assert their independence when their parents are overly involved in their social interactions.

36. Certain behavior

Image source: Reddit
While parents may intend to be playful and entertaining, their children may find certain behaviors embarrassing, especially if they deviate from social norms or draw unwanted attention.  They can feel self conscious about the slightest thing so don't take it personally!

37. Parental nicknames

Image source: Daily Mail
Endearing nicknames used by parents in private settings can become embarrassing if used in public, particularly in front of peers. Children may feel that these nicknames undermine their maturity or make them appear childish and "different" to their friends.

38. Singing or dancing

Image source: The Telegraph
Parents who sing or dance in public, especially if they lack skill or perform in an exaggerated manner, may cause their children to feel embarrassed or self-conscious, particularly in front of their peers.  You've heard the phrase "dad dancing."  Is that you?

39. Bringing up childhood stories

Image source: BuzzFeed
Sharing personal or embarrassing childhood stories in front of others can be the ultimate in  embarrassment for children, causing them to feel so uncomfortable, as it may reveal details they would prefer to keep private or portray them in a negative light.

40. Public corrections

Image source: LD ONline
Correcting a child's behavior or manners in front of others can be humiliating and undermine their confidence, particularly if done in a harsh or critical manner.  As a parent, you may not even realise the effect it is having on your kid but it is very real to them.

41. Lack of coolness

Image source: Quora
Parents who try too hard to fit in with their children's social circle or emulate youthful trends may inadvertently embarrass their children by appearing inauthentic or out of touch with current interests.  They might be cringing at the way you are acting and you won't even be aware.

42. Social media presence

Image source: Daily Mail
Parents who post embarrassing photos, comments, or anecdotes about their children on social media platforms risk compromising their children's privacy and dignity, particularly if the content is visible to peers or acquaintances.  In simple terms, they will be as embarrassed as heck if you do so!

43. Outdated slang or lingo

Image source: Verywell Family
Using outdated slang or expressions may make children feel embarrassed or cringe, especially if their parents use them in front of their peers or in contexts where they feel exposed.  Kids want to fit in with their peers and don't want to be the subject of their parents' behavior.

44. Falling in public

Image source: Reddit
Parents who experience mishaps or embarrassing moments in public, such as tripping or dropping items, may inadvertently draw unwanted attention and cause their children to feel embarrassed or self-conscious.  A parent has the maturity to laugh, even if they are physically hurting, but a kid just wants to cry at the awkwardness!

45. Inappropriate, revealing clothing

Image source: Reddit
Parents who wear revealing or unconventional clothing in public may cause their children to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, particularly if the clothing choices deviate from social norms or draw unwanted attention.  Kids are often awkward about their changing bodies and this can make it even worse for them.

46. Strange habits

Image source: Reddit
Parents with idiosyncratic or eccentric habits may cause their children to feel embarrassed or self-conscious, especially if these habits are displayed in public settings or in the presence of others.  How a parent acts inside their home is totally different to others watching outside.

47. Stereotypical parental behavior

Image source: Wikipedia
Sometimes, parents act in ways that seem typical or expected of parents, like a mom being overly controlling or a dad embarrassing their kid in front of friends. When parents act this way, it might make their kids feel embarrassed or uncomfortable because it doesn't match what they want or how they feel comfortable.

48. Excessive praise

Image source: Reddit
While praise is essential for fostering self-esteem and confidence, excessive or exaggerated praise in public settings may make children feel self conscious or uncomfortable, particularly if it draws attention to their accomplishments or behavior.

49. Forgetting important details

Image source: Newsweek
Parents who forget commitments or fail to fulfil their obligations, such as picking up their children on time or attending important events, may cause their children to feel embarrassed or inconvenienced, especially if their peers witness what's going on.

50. Parental involvement in school

Image source: Reddit
While parental involvement in school activities is generally encouraged, excessive or intrusive involvement may embarrass children, particularly if their parents exhibit overzealous behavior or attempt to intervene inappropriately in school-related matters.