60 Gross Things All Couples Do

By Lou 2 years ago

1. Couples who bathe together...

One of the grossest things that couples can do together is having a bath together. Because while it may seem all romantic, when you really think about laying in each other's grime and dirt the appeal seems to wear off.  And anyway, the reality in comparison what we see in films about couples bathing together falls entirely short or expectation.It's cramped so that you are both trying to fit in at awkward angles, it's pretty uncomfortable and when you move your bodies squeak along the tub. And, when the bubbles go and you can suddenly see everything below the water surface the novelty quickly wears off. So all in all this is a pretty gross couple's habit.

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2. Cleaning the plug hole

The final thing is cleaning (which is a mission in itself between the pair of you) the shower. It's scary how much grime collects around the shower in such little time, when you think, how is it like this i'm not that dirty? Unfortunately it's just one of those things. But it has to be cleaned - by someone. And the worst thing is most definitely the plug hole; where everything collects - all the stuff you try to get rid of.
Knowing the amount of pubes and stray hairs that must be in there means it is not a job you want to do yourself, and also not a job you want your partner to see. But, relationships inevitably come with some gross things, it can't all be romance all of the time.

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3. PDA

One of the most ridiculed couple habits is PDA (public displays of affection). Yet, when people get into a relationship everything bad that they once said about PDA seems to fly out of the window and they begin to turn into the couple they once slated.
There's general consensus that some things are fine, for example, hand holding or the occasional peck...but making out in public or not being able to keep your hands off one another while out and about is one of the gross things couples do. Who wants to see that? Save it for when you are both in private.

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4. Cutesy voices

Okay this one is one of THE worst gross couple habits to be done. When couples speak in those high-pitched, cutesy voices - does it grate on anyone else? This one is just gross, and if it has to be done then it should definitely be confined to somwhere private because for the people who have to witness and listen to it, it's just downright awkward.
We've all been there whilst a couple was speaking to each other in this sickly way. Not knowing where to look...wanting to cover your ears... and trying to act remotely normal after witnessing it. High pitch baby voices are just gross.

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5. Feeding Each Other

If there is anything worse than the voices, it's
feeding each other in public! Feeding each other. This whole thing should start and end with being a baby. Otherwise, what's the need for it? And why do some couples think this is cute? It never ends well either, for one, the concentration to make sure someone elses fork enters your mouth without smearing food along your face ruins the moment.
Then, it's pretty inevitable that some of the chosen mouthful won't end up no your knee or down your nice top, then bam, the moment's gone. So this couple tradition has to be one of the grossest. Especially in public, making another person witness this is a punishment. Especially when you're trying to eat your own meal in peace and then a display like this completely knocks your appetite.

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6. Soppy FB posts

The last thing that any of us wants to see in the morning is a lovey dovey facebook post. And, is it really neccessary. Sometimes it is nice to show your partner that they are appreciated and make them feel loved. But do we have to show the whole world at the same time?
Why not just write it down in a card rather than taking to Facebook or Instagram to declare your love. And, if someone does share a cute couple post then there are definitely acceptable exceptions. For example, if its kept short and sweet then people don't find this too gross. But, when it's a whole paragraph or essay about things that a couple should only say to each other when they're alone...then it's gross.

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7. "Your" song

Every couple has 'their' song, whether it's a couple who've been together for most of their life or it's a couple that's been together for a week, they'll have a song. And, when you're out and about you'll hear someone grab their boyfiend and drag them to the dance floor screaming it's 'our' song. And, yes it might also be the generic song of thousand of other couples like Ed Sheeran 'Thinking Out Loud' or Christina Perri's 'A Thousand years' but that's okay.
No matter where you are, whenever you hear it, your eyes start to well up you get all nostalgic with each other. So this gross thing that couples do might be gross...but we've all done it at some point. And at least it isn't PDA or feeding each other in public. Amongst the many, many gross things couples do this has to be one of the most acceptable.

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8. Going to the toilet in front of each other

Yes, this is kind of gross, but is also a relationship milestone even if we don't like to admit it. There's nothing more awkward at the beginning of a relationship than going to the loo in front of each other. So, when it finally happens it it the moment when we've both reached the comfortable phase.
And once that initial awkwardness is over with, we all become a whole lot more comfortable going in front of each other. It may be gross, but after a while in the relationship it becomes a kind of neccessity when someone is using the bathroom for too long and you really just have to go. After that, it starts to become a regular thing that you don't even think about anymore. So while it is gross, it's also kind of practical.

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9. Celebrating a monthiversary

We all know that one couple who will celebrate any kind of anniversary that is possible. Monthiversaries, kissaversaries, first date-aversaries, first sleepover-aversaries - you name it, they celebrate it... and don't we know it! We all know a couple like this this, every milestone (even if it is just one more week) and they'll celebrate it no doubt.
But not just celebrate it amongst themselves, no they'll probably post it on social media so that everyone can see it too. The worst thing is, that when it comes to celebrating your own anniversary whatever kind it may be, we start to question if we are really that couple too. The couples like this who do it in private then it's definitely more acceptable, why not find a reason to celebrate everything?


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10. Farting infront of each other

Okay, we're all human. We all fart. And, in a relationship there are going to be many times when we accidentally slip out a fart in front of each other. There's nothing we can do about it. Especially if you are asleep and can't excerise the same amount of control. Or accidentally doing one and then blaming the other person or whoever is arouond at the time. But, doing it on purpose is another thing, it's gross.
Sometimes, after the going to the bathroom in front of each other level of comfort has been reached, then comes farting in front of each other. You get those guys who start doing it at any opportunity they can, not out of neccessity but out of some kind of gross enetertainment. So while farting in front of each other is totally normal, actually doing it on purpose and enjoying it is just gross.

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11. Picking your nose

Although we all hate to admit to it, we all pick our noses. Even when we're not single and are in a relationship. Again, unfortunately it's human nature. So, we may deny it all we like but everyone has done it at some point. And, probably when our partner turned their back for a moment.
It's definitely a gross thing and if you make a habit of it then it definitely is gross. But, its happened to us all at some point. However, if couples actually do this infront of each other - then that's another thing entirely. At least have the decency to try and hide what you are doing. Because after the age of 5, no one should see you do this.

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12. Sleeping in old sheets for a month

There is nothing better in the world than fresh sheets - the feeling when yu get out the shower and climb into the fresh sheets. The smell when you inhale the fresh scent of linen that you probably hadn't smelled in a little bit too long. But they're a bit of an effort aren't they, it feels like a mountain of effort to get there. First, there's stripping the sheets and trying to cram them all in the washer.
Then, comes the worst bit - trying to get the sheet onto the matress. It's a full workout, and a thankless task because the ends will inevitably pop off as you go to do the otherside no matter if you've invested in fitted sheets for this very reason. So sleeping in old shets for too long is definitely gross, but it is also completely understandable. Anyway, it's even more of a treat after a long time.

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13. Taking cringey pictures

Nowadays, everywhere has turned into a photoshoot opportunity. Everywhere you go someone will be taking a selfie or a full length outfit picture. But the worst is witnesseing a cringey couple photoshoot where both people take turns to kiss the other while trying to capture the photo in the best angle.
If you're in a couple it's still bad but when you're single it's even worse having all these happy couples taking photos together while you're posing alone. And what's worst is when you log onto social media and see your feed absolutely covered in cute couple pictures.

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14. Dance classes

Although we all think that we look like
High School Musical's
Troy and Gabriella when we dance, that may not actually be the case. And in reality, we can look like to fumbling people who have no clue what they are doing or whether they know their left from right. It's definitely a nice thing to go and do classes together as a couple.
But, the expectation versus reality may come as a shock. It's suprising how different the image we have of ourselves in our heads can be so different in person. When we are picturing ourselved glide around like we've come straight from Strictly Come Dancing, be aware that this might not be the case. And, don't subject another person to watching you both dance.
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15 Getting Each Other's Name Tatooed

This one speaks for itself. This is one of the gross trends that couples do. They try and find a way to show the other person that they are commited to one another and seem to think that getting their partner's name inked on their body is the best way. If it all works ouot then fine. But, how many times have we seen people walking around with ex-girlfriend's names on their body.
And do you really want to be the new name who is tatooed right over it. Plus, what would you do if you broke up and they were still on your body? it's a constant reminder of someone who you most likely don't want to be involved with right now. This gross trend is not good, it's potentially very problematic and at best it is just cringey.

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16. Matching Trainers

Matching trainers, this seems to be a trend that is taking off more and more. For some reason couples think it is cute to have the same shoes. For some reason having your own shoes that are different isn't seen as very coupley or romantic anymore so people have started buying the same shoes as their partner, particurlarly trainers.
It used to be bad thing when people turned up in the same outfit as you, something that had to be avoided. Now, apparently we are doing it on purpose. This is trying to be cute but really it's just quite gross and cringe. But, if the couple likes it then why not?

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17. Pet names in public

Whilst it is inevitable that you're going to give your other half a nickname, there's no need to use it in public. Isn't that right, Princess? Sorry, we meant to say Leia Organa of Alderaan. Just forget the princess. Pet names range massively on a scale of completely gross to okay. But, either way, is there any need for it in public, we do have names after all.
Pet names are also such a personal thing, and whilst one name for one person can be seen as cute it could be totally aeful for another person. One person might think that 'babe' is a good option, not too soppy but still affectionate. Someone else may completely hate it. Then again what we can agree on is that some people take it too far, for example if you are calling your parnter 'boo boo' or something along those lines then we can all agree that it's gross.
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18. Sharing toothbrushes

This one is a very split subject. Some people are totally against while the other half see nothing wrong with it at all. There's perhaps nothing more personal than a toothbrush, but for some couple's sharing is just part and a parcel of a relationship. Whilst in some relationships, if their partner forgot their toothbrush they would either be using their finger to brush their teeth or they'd be walking straight to the shop to get one.
In reality it is gross - there's so much bacteria carried in a mouth that is then being transferred and mingled together. On the other hand, couples tend not to find their loved one gross and this might just be another thing that they share together.

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19. Wearing Your Partner's Clothes

Again, this is a very personal topic where some people think this is really gross and some people love it. In essence there is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing clothes with your partner. What some poeple do not like is when it's taken to the extreme and they'll go out somewhere dressed clearly in all their partner's wardrobe to show that they are in a cute relationship.
But, it's definitely not the grossest thing that couples do. Plus, you get two lots of clothes instead of just one, what's not to love? And who has not stolen a hoody from their partner? We all have.
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20 .Smell each other to see how much they really stink

Sometimes having a shower just seems like too much effort. Especially if it's hair wash day (that is a huge commitment). You're comfy, dry...and the last thing you want to do is step in a shower that will change all that. But, asking your partner to smell you to check if you really have to shower is really gross.
It's easy to forget boundaries when you're in a comfortable relationship - but nobody wants to smell your sweat let's face it. And, if you're asking your partner how much you smell and if you can get away with another day, you've answered your own question anyway - it's time to have a shower.

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21. Shaving each other

Men often get their beards shaved by others, but would you ever shave your partner? And this time we aren't talking about a beard. Apparently a lot of modern couples have introduced this practice into their cosmetic routine. But, why? This is pretty gross and it is way easier to shave yourself than someone else.
Plus, whatever intimate are you are shaving has to be done very carefully, and it can be tricky to do yourself nevermind getting someone else to do it. Or, shaving someone else and worriying the whole time about hurting them. Maybe this is supposed to be romantic and an intimate activity but it's just quite gross

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22. Kissing each other despite morning breath

There's nothing nicer than a morning kiss, or at least the thought of a morning kiss. Waking up, opening your eyes and having a kiss from your partner first thing. In reality is it really as nice when they have morning breath? The thought sound perfectly romantic.
In reality you wake up feeling a little bit groggy, needing a drink to shift that taste out of your mouth. Then you kiss and taste the taste on one another's morning breath. Do you and your partner worry about it, or do you kiss despite the acrid smells? If it's still an enjoyable experience for the both of you then go ahead. But, it's actually pretty gross when you think about it.

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23. Sharing cutlery

This one isn't that gross but it is certainly a dividing topic. While some people think it's gross, its pretty much likie kissing your partner. What is worse is when coupled share cutlery in an attempt to look cute.
But it's uneccessary when you already have your own. If you don't and you want to try it then no problem. It's definitely not one of the worst things couples do. Just don't start feeding each other.

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24. Eating messy foods

We've talked about getting comfortable with your partner to the point where you go to the toilet infront of them. And on a similar par is eating messy foods infront of one another. The emssier the food you go for, the more comfortable you are with one another. Because let's face it, on a first date we try and eat like we a polite, we definitely try and not get it all over our face and over our clothes.
After a while, you choose the sloppy burger and don't even bother to wipe away the BBQ sauce smeared around your face because you just don't care anymore. And, this is kind of gross in a good way. Because we all just want to enjoy our meal in peace, there's nothing wrong with a little bit of sauce spillage.

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25. Cleaning up their sick

Is there any greater sign of true love than cleaning up your partner's sick? I think not. It's the ultimate sign of love when you'll do something as gross as clean up their sick. Maybe they're unwell and you're looking after them or maybe you're facing their consequences of having one too many beverages.
Whatever it is, you are a good partner if you are willing to do this. Because what is more gross than sick? Then again, it could be you in that position one day and then you can expect the same kind of cimmited treatment back. So although it is totally gross because sick is the worst smelling thing ever, it is like a strange kind of declaration of love.

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26. Communicating in sounds


(Image source/ peopleofeveryday.com)
This is a really gross thing that couples do, they seem to have their own language with one another that revolves around making strange sounds. Whether they actually undertsand each other or whether they pretend to just to be cute is another question.
I wonder if they have a dictionary with all of the sayings and words for specific things! Sometimes its robot sounds for example, or sometimes it is kind of squeaky sounds made at one another. Either way we can all agree that is gross and should be either saved for private or just not done at all. But, to inflict it on other poeple...nobody wants to be the one who has to listen to that and awkwardly pretend that they haven't noticed anything.

27. Talking about intimate moments... out loud!

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We've all accidentally heard that one couple talking about their sex life way too loudly. In fact some couples seem to do it on purpose as if they are proud of the fact that they do have sex and want everybdy to know about it. There are those couples who do it on a regualr basis or try and turn any conversational sexual just so that they can talk about it all over again.
They do it despite the fact that nobody else does want to hear about it, and to everyone else it's just gross. I do not want to hear about how many times you did it and what position was your favourite. So, this is definitely a conversatoin that the two people should have in private and save the rest of us from details we definitely did not want to hear.

28. Putting up with your partner's BO

You know that it's true love when you *quietly* put up with your other half's BO. But it's not good for anyone, certainly not for you who has to put up with the stench and certainly not people that they are about to mix with in public. Dealing with it yoursef and keeping quiet is one thing, but for strangers who aren't nose blind with love it's another question.
Plus, no one wants to become known as the person who stinks of Body Odour. So, do everybody a favour and tell them to grab a shower, even it they might face some mild offence, it is definitely better in the long run for everyone involved.

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29. Finishing each other's sentences

Is there anything worse than those couples who are so inseparable that they finish each other's sentences? Like seriously, although you are a couple it doesn't mean that you have to become one person. Finishing each other's sentences has become a cringy cliche for a reason - because it is exactly that.
And, the most gross thing about it is when they actively try to finish each other's sentences by trying to guess what their partner is about to say and blurting it out before them in an attempt to look cute. If it happens accidentally then fine, couples who spend a long time together do start to think on a similar wave length. But let's keep it to a minimum please.
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30. Slapping each other's bums

This one is usually done as a joke but it is still a bit akward for the people around them. When it's done as a joke once, then it's just about okay. But when it's done seriously then it really is gross. Once or twice then we can let it slide but some couples persistenrtly slap each other's bums like they cannot keep their hands off one another.
There is no need.. And more importantly, no one wants to see it between their parents. It's not something that anybody wants to witness particualry, so definitely not between your own parents. For the bedroom only please.
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31. Fighting in public

Fighting in public is something that no couple wants to do. Usually couples strive to look cute, definitely not to display their fights in public. That being said - it happens because arguments are a normal part of any relationship. Any couple who says they've never had a fight in public, are either lying or they are still in the honeymoon period.
And it's extremely awkward for all of those around them. Unfortunately these things happen and it's an inevitable part of a relationship, but saving it until you are behind closed doors saves everyone the uncomfortable situation. Of course, you can't always predict when you and your SO are about to fight and so it can happen in public. But screaming and shouting is not good for anyone to witness, especially if you make a regular thing of public fighting.
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32. Calling Each Other Constantly

We all have that friend. That friend who in a relationship calls their boyfriend/girlfriend conctantly. The wosrt is when you go ut to spend some quality time together with your friend and they are completely attached to their phone checking and talking tot heir partner non stop. In the end you wonder why they bothered to come out at all when they have ended up speaking to them more despite being sat with you.
Aswell as being completely rude it is also gross when a couple can't not speak to each other for a second without watching their phone and they pratcically ignore the other people they are with. Plus, it's healthy and essential to any relationship to have time paart and spend time with other poeple.

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33. Ditching your friends for your SO

This one is the worst when it happens to your friend. And, we all say we won't do it, but it just happens. It's the start of a new relationship and you're totally caught up with one another in your new bubble of love that you kind of get preoccupied with and forget about the outside world. From the outside, it's gross but from the inside you are kind of swept up in the moment. We don't mean to do it, but we've probably all done it at some point.
Eventually you realise it is important to balance your life better an make time for everyone. And as time goes on you get better at navigating the relationship. But when that friend ditches you for their new partner it's hard to be that understanding and it feels like they've switched you out for the new person.
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34. Giving relationship advice

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When you know someone who is in a happy relationship, they think that they know all there is to know about finding 'the one'. Who knows, maybe they do. But really, they're in the same boat as eveyone else and no one is a love expert - experience shows us all that. What's most gross is when someone in a brand new relationship starts to tell you that you can find your true love too.
And, after being together for a very brief amount of time, relationship experience isn't something they should be giving out. And especially if you do not ask for it. When somebody, without you asking, starts to give you relationship advice there is nothing more infuriating. And, people should leave their own advice for themselves, unless it is specifially asked for.

35. Sharing a towel

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This one divides people: sharing a towel. For many people, it seems normal to grab the towel of their significant other. After all, sharing a bed is surely no different anyway and many people in relationships do not get grossed out about sharing their partner's germs.
Yet, the other half think it's gross and unneccessary to share a towel. Why rub someone elses germs all over your newly cleaned body? Either way, this one is nowhere near as gross as some of the others we have previously discussed. It's actually pretty normal. Either way is totally fine.

36. Asking their other half's permission

This one has to be up there with the worst things people do in a couple. Why does anyone need their partner's permission to do something. After all, we are grown adults and asking another person if they can do something as though they have control over what you do is just gross.
Imagine asking your friend out and they respond saying they will just ask their partner first. It's happened to us all. We've arranged something with our friends and we've had to wait for them to ask permission from their partner. This one has to stop.

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37. Taking it in turns being the big spoon

There's nothing better than being the little spoon and getting all the cuddles, but when it comes to being the big spoon...i'd rather not. You know that you're out of the honeymoon period when you have to take it in turns to get to be the little spoon.
Does anyone even like being the big spoon? Thankfully, some people do prefer to be the big spoon so for these lucky people they get to always be the little spoon without ever having to feel guilty that the other one is waiting to be cuddled instead.

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38. Clipping toenails in front of each other

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You know you've reached a certain point in your relationship when you feel comfortable clipping your toe nails in front of each other. But it's gross either way. Whether it is a sign that you are comfortable together or just because you do not care, it's still gross. I guess as long as they don't leave their clippings on the sofa - it's fine? At the start of the relationship there is that elelment of mystery and suprise.
All the behind the scenes things such as toe nail clipping or shaving, they're all done in private. Then, as time passes these things start to get more and more open and in the end perhaps you're both their clipping your toe nails together without a shred of embarassment. It can be seen either way, as a good thing, or that you've turned gross.

39. Sharing chewing gum

There is no debate with this one, sharing chewing gum is gross. We wouldn't chew food and share it so surely this should not be acceptable either. Maybe if you only had one left and bit it in half to give them a little before it was chewed, then that is fine - but fully from their mouth?
Ew. Imagine all those germs and spit being chewed around your mouth and then you put it right into their mouth. Gross. Some people think that if you can kiss your partner then it is not really any different. But it absolutely is, it's undeniably gross.
(Image Source/ healthlineblog)

40. Checking for bogies

Checking each other for bogies. Some people are just naturally more comfrotable with themsleves and their partner and they feel very open and comfortable doing things like this. And props to them for having no embarssment. For others, it would be the height of embarassment to have their partner peering up their nostrils checking if they have any bogies that they should remove.
And, some people think it's just plain gross regardless of anything else. This one definitely depends on the kind of relationship you have and what you think works for you. If you are fine checking up your partners nose, then go ahead.

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41. Picking up their dirty tissues

When you have a cold whether you intend to or not, somehow their inevitably seems to be a trail of tissues. Everywhere. In fact it is alwasy a puzzle how there seem to be so mnay scattered around pretty much everyhwere you've been. And it is the ultimate sign of love when your partner goes around cleaning them up for you.
It may not be the most romantic gesture, but it shows they love you even despite your snotty nose. And, that they aren't at all disgusted by you. So while it may be gross, you know the love is real though when they go around cleaning up your trail of tissues.
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42. 'Forgetting' to shave

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Ah, we all remmeber the honeymoon period where everything remains perfectly shaved, not a hair out of place. Then, as soon as this period is over, so it the effort. As soon as it becomes a solid relationship, the initial struggle to stay on top of everything disappears and you no longer care if you're a little bit hairy.
Well, it starts with a little bit of hair, and then a bit more, and very soon you just totally don't care if you look like a teddy bear anymore. To be fair, it is a lot of effort - surely they'll understand the struggle? And anyway, love should not be fickle. So if they do not mind, then they're definitely a keeper.

43. Getting each other's earwax

Getting each other's ear wax. This is totally gross. Some couples have no limits when it comes to things like this, in fact some atcually enjoy it. They will clean each other's ears by removing the wax.
If this doesn't gross you out, you must truly love them. Or, you have very strange hobbies. But we can all agree that this one is defintiely gross. And definitely don't go doing it in public. This one is for private only.
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44. Getting the food out of their teeth

For some reason this is slightly less gross than getting your partner's ear wax out of their ear from them. Getting food out fo your partner's teeth sems a little more normla. Perhaps it's because there's no reason you can't do your own ears. Whereas if you are at a restaurant and you have something stuck and can't see it, then your partner can help get it out.
We've all been in that situation where we've got a bit of spinach stuck in our teeth and had to have somebody point it out for us. So, this one is more understandable. Plus, otherwise it will be all that either you or them can look at, so it's probably for the best.

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45. Giving each other a naked dance

One of the best things about being in a relationship is getting a post-shower naked dance from your bae. It's totally up to you as to whether you find it gross or incredibly sexy. One thing is for sure is that things like this never look like they do in the films. For example we all have a picture in our heads of how wee look in the shower and when we get out the shower.
Think slicked back hair, glistening body, goddess vibes. In reality it's more that our hair is either absolutely everywhere from towel drying it or we've slickd it back so much from the water that we just look like an egg. But, regardless of any of that post shower dances are fun.
(Image source/ Aliexpress.com)

46. Writing each other love letters

It's a shame that this used to be so romantic. When we think of letter writing in the past there is nothing more romantic than recieving a paper letter from you loved one whom you haven't heard from since the last letter. Now, with things like texting, emails, and other instant messaging apps - there doesn't seem to be a need which definitely takes the romance out of it.
Because when you've texted all day the effect of recieving a letter from the same person isn't the same. In fact if anyhting it's seen as a bit gross. To want something written down is understandable, but love letters can be a little bit cringe

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47. Recreating their first date

As anyone who has been on a first date knows, they can be cringey, awkward, and intense. They can either go really bad or really great. But even if they go well, they still are very awkward. Hence, why on earth would anyone want to recreate that experience?
People want to capture the excitement of the first meeting, but you can never relive the experience of not knowing someone again and so it can be seen as a gross thing to do. But hey, if you like it why not? Everyone does different things in relationships to keep the spark alive.

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48. Fondle each other in public

There's always a couple out and about who seem to be fondling each other. And, after doing a double take you realise yes, they are all over each other on a public bench and they seem to be enjoying it, however, everyone else is feeling pretty uncomfortable.
It's the last thing I want to see when I'm walking up the street with my headphones in pretending I'm in a music video. And surely there's no need. Either refrain from a very public dislay of affection (to put it mildly), or go somewhere private so that everyone else does not have to see.
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49. They become 1+1

It's lovely for your friend when they get in a relationship and they're all happy and lovey dovey. But it is annoying when everything becomes not just them, it's them and a plus one. For example, you now have to think about having two car spaces free when you invite them anywhere.
And, you might just want to go out with them and you know they'll automatically assume that they can invite their boyfriend too. It's frustrating because it's like they can't have their own life without each other and it get's very irritating. You don't want to be on a girls spa day and that one person has to bring their boyfriend along.

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50. Becoming "we" rather than I

That person who becomes obsessed with the fact that they are in a relatinship and forgets that they are their own person withouot one another. Suddenly it's not 'I' anymore it's always 'we'. Not eveything has to be a we, you are your own person; you're not connected to your partner by the hip.
For example you can be chatting tot hat person about anything random and asking them about something, and whatever it is, they will manage to turn it around to be about them as a couple. It's like their whole life has been taken over by this one person and they have merged themselves into one person.o
(Image source/ pexels)

51. They won't hang up the phone

If you managed to hang up the phone ... were you even in a teenage relationship? Or any, let's be real. Why is it so hard to hang up? You hang up, no YOU hang up....no
hang up. This is probably the most sterotypically cringe things that couples do, we see it in films all the time and it hasn't just come from nowhere.
And it is gross, especially when it's likely that soon after you'll probably start texting again anyway. It's not as though you'll never speak to them again. Yet we've all been there. And, whether its from awkwardness or from not wantnig to hang up...it is actually difficult to be the fist to put the phone down.
(Image source/ mixkit)

52. Getting each other's eye gunk

Eye gunk, sleep, eye bogeys - whatever you call it, we all get it when we wake up in the morning. But, would you ever pick it out of your partner's eyes - is it gross or normal? It's gross. Of all the things you can clean from your partner this has to be the most gross of all. It's just not neccessary, or cute.
We can all remove this by ourselves and it should not be something that we have to wait for our partner to do for us. Of course, it's easy to miss a bit, but let them tell you about it so that you can remove it. But for them to do it for you or for you to do it for them is one of the very gross things couples do.

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53. Talk openly about periods

Okay this one isn't gross. Being able to talk to your significant other openly and freely about your monthly visitor is a victory. And, it shoudln't even be a victory because it's a natural part of life. The more open you can be with your partner the better.
And the only gross thing here is if they don't respond well to it, or if they actually say it's gross. But if they do then that is a very bad sign on their part. After all, we're all adults and periods are just a natural part of life.
(Image source/ YouTube)

54. Having intimate moments even though you haven't showered yet that day

In the heat of the moment, you don't stop to think if your SO has showered or not yet that day. Or, sometimes even whether you yourself have showered. And, if neither of you care then it's totally fine. Plus, noone will proabbly notice. If it's been days since showering then yeah, that's gross, but if we are talking a day then it happens.
But we've all forgotten to shower one day before.  And, this is assuming that the person who hasn't showered isn't noticeably dirty. Anyway, what's a bit of grime between partners?
(Image source/ Shutterstock)

55. Peeing in the shower

Again, this one splits people's opinions. Some think it is totally gross and some think it is completely normal. Maybe not whilst the other person is showering with you, but if they're jumping in after you, what's the harm? Nobody will ever notice. And it has to be a lie if we say we've never done it.
Because we all definitely have at some point (or pretty much every time). And, it saves on water anyway because it's one less flush that is needed. Plus, you're right where you need to be to clean afterwards so it's a win win all round.
(Image source/ huffpostcanada)

56. Baby bird feeding your SO

It's bad enough seeing people hand feed each other things, but apparently some couples baby bird feed each other! This is just undoubtedly gross. Feeding each other is bad enouh, but passing something mouth to mouth is definitely one of the worst things you can do as a couple.
Imagine seeing that in a restaurant, it would ruin your meal and probably haunt you forever. And, why is this neccessary? Who even came up with that?

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57. Burping really loudly

This one depends on your relationship. For some couples it's just an everyday occurence ti do a long loud burp infront of their partner. Some people prefer things to be as comfortable and normal as possible so that they don't have to hide anything.
Others, will run to the bathroom and hide it before doing it infront of their partner. Although it's gross, we've all got to burp at some point in our lives, right? And, burping is one of the least gross things in comparison to the rest. Better out than in right? Well, maybe not to some people...
(Image source/ self)

58. Not flushing the loo after a wee

You have definitely reached that stage of not caring when you don't flush after having a wee. The honeymoon period is well and truly over at this point. And, once you start you do it more and more often. But there's a variety of reasons why it can be very useful.
For example if you wake up needing to wee in the middle of the night and don't want to disturb anyone by flushing then it is more practical not to flush. Besides, it's only a wee. And, it's better for the environment so it's a win win. So, while some people might think this is gross it's not the worst by any means. Never flushing the toilet after a wee is a little bit gross, but occasionally is fine.

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59. Wearing old, ugly underwear

We all have those days, when nice undwear and a thong will just not do. So you have those go-to comfy knicks that you save for the days when you need that extra level of comfort. You know the kind that we mean; the ones with the holes and pulled elastic. How sexy.
But although it doesn't look the best, sometimes it's totally neccessary. And, I'm sure your partner has their days where they wear gross undewear too. Anyway, at least by occasionally wearing your worst undewear it'll make the other days look even better.

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60. Popping Each Other's Spots

We're all guilty of enjoying squeezing a spot or two - but even when it's on your own face, it's pretty disgusting, especially if it's a big one with A LOT of bleeding and A LOT of pus. But couple's who are feeling particularly close might also ask each to pop their spots for them. And this would be bad enough if it was just spots on the face...
But most people ask for their couple's help in getting particularly hard-to-reach spots that they wouldn't be able to get themselves, like on the back or even - dare we say - behind. So yeah... couples for some reason might think that's not a very gross, unhygienic thing to do!
Image Source:
The Mirror

61. Sniffing Each Other's Armpits

We've all checked our own smell levels by a quick, sneaky sniff of our own armpit when it calls for it. Whether you've forgotten your deodorant and feeling a little bit paranoid, or maybe your current deodorant is letting you down big time, it's normal to want to have a quick check if you're not feeling as fresh as you could.
But what's gross is when a partner might take a big sniff of their partner's armpit to check whether they smell or not. Or - even worse - if they're not even doing it to check, and they just fancied taking a sniff for whatever reason.

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62. Smelling Each Other's Clothes To Check How Clean They Are

It's one thing to take a big sniff of a partner's armpit, but when you start sticking your nose in their clothes and - god forbid - undergarments, this is where things get weird. It might be a little grosser if you're taking a good old whiff of a partner's clothing to check how clean they are... because you want to wear them yourself. All couples are guilty of leaving clothing items here there and everywhere...
And especially on the floor, under the bed or even in the bed of a partner's room. So picking up these items of clothing to sniff them and check their wearability instead of chucking them immediately into the wash basket is a little weird, and potentially gross (depending on what state they're in!)

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Men's Health

63. One Person Talking To Their Partner While They're Using The Toilet

It's completely understandable to do the whole 'Hey babe, where are you, I'm home - oh wait sorry I didn't know you were using the bathroom, I'll just go and wait far far away until you're done...'. This doesn't really count as talking to your partner while they're busy with their business. But some couples find the need to have a full blown conversation with their partner through the door while they're busy.
Or, worse still - and more unhygienic still - some couples may hold a full blown telephone conversation while one of them is using the toilet. This is gross enough if it's a voice call- or, even worse, a video call! - but even one person texting out a message to their partner on their phone whilst using the toilet is a little bit gross...
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64. Having Full Blown Conversations About What Happened On The Toilet

When you first get into a relationship, there are plenty of things to talk about - hobbies, travel plans, what the future looks like... but there comes a certain point when you know each other so well that maybe you're feeling like your grasping for new topics of conversation, or that you've exhausted everything there is to know about each other.
Enter: bathroom habits. Some people may describe - in detail - what their last trip to the toilet looked like. Maybe how long they were there for, their surprise at what it looked like, how big it was, what it smelled like... you get the idea. And it's gross.
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65. ...Or, Actually Inviting Your Partner To Take A Look

Some couples may take it one step further when words just aren't enough, or maybe they aren't blessed with the capacity to offer a vivid description. So you might have one person shouting to their partner to 'come quickly and take a look at this one!' in apparent disbelief of what they're able to produce. It could be what they ate, or maybe just one of those strange anomalies that they simply have to share with a partner...
God forbid some couples may even take a picture if their partner isn't available to look in person - or maybe just to preserve the special event. But in all seriousness, if it's due to a severe health concern and you're wanting your partner's second opinion, then that's fully encouraged and maybe a little less gross...
Image Source:
New York Post

66. Sharing A Razor

There's no denying that sometimes there may be a desperate need to borrow a partner's razor, such as if you don't live with each other and you're staying at theirs and suddenly realise you need a quick shave in the shower. But sharing a razor all the time, even when it can be avoided, is particular unhygienic
Especially if you're sharing a razor which is used to shave intimate areas, and ESPECIALLY one that is never cleaned out after the previous person has used it! That's not to mention couples where the guy might use the woman's razor for his face after she's used it on her more private parts...
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67. Using Bath Water They've Already Used

It's one thing to share a bath today and awkwardly cram into the tub whilst both sharing 2 x the grime from each other's bodies. But if you're waiting until your partner is done to jump in the same bathwater after them, that's gross. It might have been okay when you were a toddler sharing bathwater with your siblings...
But for adult dating couples... nah. It's always a great idea to be eco-friendly and try and preserve water, but this takes it to another level. Especially if you're washing your hair and private parts in the same water they have...
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68. Sharing A Face Flannel

It's one thing to share a towel with your partner, but a face flannel is a whole other story. Your partner's washed off the grime, oil, dirt and sweat from their face onto that flannel, all accumulated throughout the day. Maybe a bit of spit thrown in there, too, if you're feeling drooly at the end of a long day.
So then having a partner who uses the same flannel to use the dirty, bacteria-invested towel to wipe their OWN grimy face after a long day... there's a fine line between trying to save on extra laundry and just being pure gross. That's no good for anyone!
Image Source:
New York Magazine

69. Wearing Their T-Shirt

Most people in a relationship will have borrowed a clothing item from their partner before, and borrowing a t-shirt is great when it smells like them and you miss them - maybe taking a t-shirt of theirs home with you if you don't live together and still want a bit of them with you.
But wearing a t-shirt that smells like that is a little bit different when the smell is days-old t-shirt with dirt and sweat thrown in (think used gym t-shirt or one they've been sleeping in for days). Not to mention the amount of bacteria and dirt that can be attached to a t-shirt that's been unwashed for a while, that you're then putting against your bare skin.
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70. Wearing Their Worn Underwear

Many couples share underwear from time to time, especially when it's a girl borrowing her boyfriend's boxers because - let's be honest - they're so comfortable compared to lacy knickers! But if you're talking about sharing used underwear, that's beyond gross - and unhygienic, even for couples that spend a lot of time with private parts in close proximity!
Maybe it's an act of desperation if you've had an unexpected sleepover and no clean clothes for the morning, or maybe you've been caught short on holiday... But surely it's much better to go commando than consider putting on a pair of your partner's dirty underwear. It would be bad enough wearing your own underwear two days in a row.
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71. Eating Dessert From The Same Spoon

All the rom-coms have us thinking that it's romantic to share food - especially if one partner is lovingly feeding the other from their spoon. But there's just something about sharing food off a spoon that's a whole different ball game than simply picking fries up with your fingers off your partner's plate.
With a spoon, you have to wrap your full chops and saliva right round, so it's sort of just as bad as sharing a toothbrush if we're talking about things going right into the mouth. And when you're eating dessert, it's gonna happen again and again with every spoonful until the plate's licked clean... ew.
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Women's Health

72. Sharing Floss

It's always great if both parties in a relationship are keeping on top of their dental hygiene and remembering to floss, so points for that. The problem starts if you're actually sharing a piece of used floss with your partner. Yikes.
Whether it's because you've forgotten your own floss or the tube has ran out, there's no excuse for then sharing the used piece of floss your partner's already had in their mouth. It's much better to go without flossing for just that once, trust me.
Image Source:
Medical News Today

73. Licking A Finger And Using It To Wipe Something Off Their Face

We've all seen this gesture done a million times, and it's never comfortable to watch - it's usually a grandmother licking her finger to wipe some dirt off her young grandson's face, or maybe a mother licking her finger to get some food off her daughter's cheek. Either way, it makes everyone involved comfortable, it's disgusting...
...and it's definitely not the most hygienic way to get something off someone's face. Not to mention that when it's a partner doing it to their significant other, it all becomes weird because it's a gesture so often associated with 'motherly' or 'grandmotherly' - so it's all just plain weird as well as more than a little gross.
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74. Licking Food Off Their Fingers

We know how it feels to delve into a large bag of Cheez-Its and have your fingers come out orange, covered in crumbs - and naturally the best thing to do is to lick them clean, which isn't the worse thing when it's your own fingers. But when you're licking off the food remains from your partner's fingers, that's a whole different story...
It's just plain ew. And that counts for any food, no matter what it is they've got left stuck on their fingers. The best thing to do is for them to wash their hands and pretend you never even thought about contemplating licking their fingers dry!
Image Source:
Food Hacks

75. Giving Attention To Their Dirty Feet

It doesn't matter in what capacity, it's just a huge, grimy no-no for touching or giving attention to a partner's dirty feet. If their feet are dirty, dry, cracked and really in need of some TLC, then it's a little bit gross if you're considering getting your fingers in there for a foot massage or even having their bare feet on your lap when you're relaxing on the sofa.
Or, to make it worse, maybe a partner is one of those who likes playing with feet as a sign of foreplay - messing with toes, stroking the foot, sucking the toes... all of that's a huge NOPE if their feet are in need of a very thorough wash.
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76. Sharing Tweezers

We all have hairs in places we don't want them, and for women in particularly it can be tricky to find a host of new chin hairs, moustache hairs or maybe even messy full unibrows if you're a guy. Plucking those hairs out whenever they appear is all well and good, but if you're sharing tweezers with your partner when they use them for the same reason, things get a little awk.
Especially if those tweezers are getting up close and personal with oily skin or close to dirty pores, or perhaps even in a more intimate region like belly button or nipple hairs... Either way, sharing those tweezers instead of getting a pair of your own is a big no.
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77. Uploading Overly Romantic Videos

There's nothing wrong with sharing romance when you're a couple, but keep it behind closed doors people! When couples feel the need to upload VERY romantic, VERY personal and VERY emotional videos to social media, it's just a bit ick for everyone watching - not to mention for the single people who've just been called out in video form.
The videos are worst when it's a surprise one partner has set up for another: so cue the camera watching the person's reaction, think rose petals spread all over the bed and 'OH MY GOD BABE I'M SO SURPRISED', and then having to watch them hug and kiss and cuddle for the rest of the video... yeah, just don't upload it, please.
Image Source:
Our Wedding Journal

78. Congratulating Each Other On Particularly Big Farts or Burps

You know how it goes: you start a relationship and you try your best to hold in your farts and burps until they nip to the car for something, in the other room or just accept that you're going to have painful trapped wind for the rest of your life. Eventually, you might become more comfortable with each other and let them out whilst excusing yourself politely.
But then there comes a certain point where a partner might congratulate their significant other for a particularly impressive, smelly, loud or long burp or fart. Yep, it's apparently impressive. And not only that, but some couples might even feel the need to upload the video or audio to social media, like TikTok.
Image Source:
New York Post

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