20 Of The Most Controversial Things Joe Rogan Had Said

By Lou 2 years ago

1. He Said the Young and Healthy Should Not Get Vaccinated

There is a lot of controversy in the world at the moment surrounding the Covid-19 vaccine. Many people are against getting the vaccine and then many people are pro vaccine and are giving a lot of backlashes to those turning people against it.On his podcast called 'The Joe Rogan Experience', he recently declared that he believes if you are young and healthy you should not get the vaccine. He continued to say if he was asked if you should get a vaccine in your early 20s, he would suggest not to. Of course, he has received a huge amount of backlash for this.(Image Source/ mmafighting) 

2. He Said Democrats Have Made Us Morons

Joe Rogan was not rallying behind Joe Biden at the time of the election because he thought that he was too old to run for the presidency. And, because the democrat party was supporting him at the time Joe Rogan claimed that this decision was stupid. He thought the Democrat Party was making us all silly.
Because he believed that Joe Biden was not a suitable candidate. But who he thought would be a better replacement for president he did not announce publicly? One of the reasons Joe Rogan is so popular is because he has opinions that he does not try and hide. And, because he rejects political correctness. But sometimes people find it goes too far.
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3. He Suggested that Left-Wing People Were Starting Forest Fires

Back in September America was rife with wildfires, especially in Oregon and Washington, and California. The fires were caused by climate change and the increase in extreme weather. However, there was a conspiracy theory called Antifa which was a name for anti-fascists being the people who were starting the fires.
Joe Rogan was also pushing this theory on his Podcast at the time. Which, as imagined did not go down with many. He did actually retract this statement and claimed he was actually very stupid for repeating it.
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4, He Used the Word N*****

This offensive word of course caused a massive stir amongst the public. This word is unacceptable to use as many people at the time pointed it out. But it was not just a one-time occurrence.
He used it once during his podcast talk and then again during his stand-up comedy show. People were even less forgiving the second time when he had clearly not accepted that he sho0uld not use this word.
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5. He Compared His Situation with Caitlyn Jenner

Joe Rogan was mocking his own living situation living as the only male amongst three daughters. But he then compared his experience as being similar to Caitlyn Jenner as a trans woman.
As a man with no similar experience to what Caitlyn Jenner went through it is a highly inappropriate comment that people did not agree with. Plus, he even misgendered Caitlyn making the whole thing even more disrespectful as he had not even taken the care to acknowledge her choices to become a woman.
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6. He Said Being Trans Was Bad

The comment on Caitlyn Jenner was not the first or last transphobic thing he said. he actually called being transgender a social contagion. Which, is not only downplaying the extreme difficulties faced by the Transgender community but is also spreading hatred and prejudice against a minority group.
It was not only the Transgender community who were up in arms, a lot of people came together in support and to criticize commonest such as Joe Rogan makes. Sometimes he goes back on his comments however, he continues to make slurrs against Trans people.
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7. She Called Fallon Fox A Man

This is following a pattern. Joe Rogan Cleary has some major prejudice against the Trans community. When he referred to Fallon Fox the MMA fighter and transgene woman, he called her a f****** man.
Again, he is insulting another transgender person as well as disrespecting her choices as a woman. This shows that there have been too many incidents and comments made towards Transgender people. Which alienated some of his audience who turned against him particularly the LGBTQ community.
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8. He Thinks Being 'Woke' Is A Bad Thing

Joe Rogan spoke out about being woke and the new trend of cancel culture. He argued that it was against freedom of speech and he felt as though he was being censored. When he moved his podcast to Spotify, he said that some of his episodes were not allowed to be aired because they contained controversial conversations.
He believes that you should be able to say what you want as freedom of speech as long as you are not directly hurting someone. Perhaps he has not realised the power of words has in hurting groups of people.
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9. He Made a Very Racist Comment

Making controversial comments for humour is one thing. But being completely undeniably racist is another. And on his old Twitter account, he was found to have compared black people to apes. There was no forgiving Joe Rogan for this.
His Twitter account was suspended and of course, he lost a lot of followers who were completely shocked and disgusted by this comment. He addressed his comment and said it was not real racism because it was supposed to be a joke.
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10. He Had a Conspiracy Theorist on His Show

Alex Jones is notorious for his wild theories. And, Joe Roan invited him onto his podcast. Jones discussed many matters including the tragic Sandy Hook shooting in America to which he said it was a fake that had been made up. He also spread disinformation that Joe Biden was money laundering and that there are chemicals in the water supply that turn the frog’s gay.
Jones has been banned from most social media platforms for his endless claims and false comments. But people were not happy with Rogan for firstly not correcting Jones when he was on the show. And, for allowing him on the podcast in the first place and giving him a platform to spread his terrible comments.
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11. He Disagrees with Cancel Culture

First Joe Rogan came out and said that he disagreed with cancel culture for silencing people, despite people only being cancelled for spreading hatred or damaging comments. But he took it even further and said he feared that in the future white straight men will never be able to talk because they will never be considered woke enough.
But he was called out here for being disparaging of the real issues and regarding an increase in inequality as fear for straight white men because they already had the privilege.
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12. He Laughed at a Comment About Sexual Harassment

Joe Rogan had his friend on the podcast called Joey Diaz. Diaz was talking about how he used his high position within The Comedy Store to try and get women to perform sexual favours for him. He said that he had tried this trick multiple times.
And, that if they obliged, they would be rewarded with extra stage time. Diaz here is promoting sexual harassment and abuse of power and completely making light of it. Then, in response to this Joe Rogan actually clapped and laughed as though it was something to be proud of. The video has been removed now from Twitter.
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13. He Had a Guest That Promoted Sexual Harassment

This point goes even further. Diaz then shared a specific anecdote of his time in the industry. Diaz started to gloat about a time he had forced a woman to give him oral sex before he would allow her to go on the stage. In the podcast, he also referred to her as the 'little blonde open mic chick'.
He then shared a letter that she had written to Diaz saying the experience had broken her, to which he o0utwardly laughed. Although this story was shared by Diaz not Rogan, Rogan never called his friend out on his sexual abuse and actually laughed out loud at it publicly.
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14. He's Made Several Hate Speeches

This is a recurring theme for Joe Rogan. He seems to target multiple groups to with whom he hatefully speaks about or disregards. In the past he has made hate comments towards black people, women, transgender people and many, many more.
Spotify have had to review multiple episodes to decide whether they are able to air online and they have taken done many including hate speech. He also allows guests to come on who are not just outspoken, but who clearly have harmful opinions towards certain groups. At the moment, there has been 42 episodes that have been removed.
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15. He Has Tried to Sue Comedians

Joe Rogan lost his popularity amongst many other comedians when he strayed claiming that they were stealing his material, weren't funny or were just Abd writers. There have been multiple comedians who he has targeted in some way.
One person who was on the receiving end of this was Carlos Mercia. Who, before Joe Rogan's comments had a successful career? But, after Jo Rogan made allegations that he was stealing much of his material he lost a lot of followers. He now claims that Joe Rogan has actually ruined his career.
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16. He Body-Shamed Trish Paytas

He was discussing Only Fans with a Podcast guest one day when his guest stated that he would definitely subscribe to Trisha Paytas’s Only Fans account. Joe Rogan asked to see her bikini pic before declining and saying no you can keep that. Paytas responded to this saying:
"Not every woman is here to be pleasure for your eyeballs ... Just for future reference, for people — attention trolls like myself that aren't me — you don't have to 'ugh' at somebody. Because chances are, even if they are the most beautiful person, maybe they already 'ugh' at themselves."
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17. He Claimed that Having a Gender Changing Operation Doesn't Change Anything

One of the most controversial topics Joe Rogan continuously spreads hate about is the Transgender community. He actually claimed that even if you go through surgery to become a woman when you were a man, nothing changes.
He claims that even if you do that you are still a man. He actually used bone density as an example, saying that the operation does not shave down the bones to make them smaller. He said nothing actually changes. Again, he has completely belittled the experience of a gender transformation and everything it involves.
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18. He Stayed Silent About Sexual Abuse

Joe Rogan many times have either stayed silent when he should have corrected somebody's prejudice or he has gone along with the comment or laughed along. When he never spoke out against sexual harassment, he had a response written in publicly from Chelsea Poretti.
She said: "If you're a male comedian one thing you can do is tell men to shut the f*** up when they are saying hateful s*** about women and not go on podcasts that are racist and sexist. You can also speak up for women getting attacked online for sticking up for themselves. Or ... total silence."
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19. He Mentioned Homeless People as A Reason to Leave California

Joe Rogan decides to move out of California because it was too overcrowded. he even stated that the homelessness problem was making things more crowded. His comments were very insensitive. Tito ritz shamed his decision.
He said: "It's important that we protect this city. This city is powerful to me and I'm not leaving. Joe Rogan, a bunch of other Hollywood guys, they left. I can't say the word because my children are here, but they're quitters! I refuse to be a quitter!"
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20. He Claimed Everybody Wanted Everyone to Lose Their Job

This comment was raised because people started to be 'cancelled' on social media for saying hateful things. As we know, Joe Rogan is an opposer to cancel culture because he thinks it is impacting freedom of speech rather than protecting groups from hate speech and stopping an incitement of hatred.
He claimed that everybody just wanted to call someone out for not being politically correct enough. He continued by saying that everybody just wanted everybody else to lose their jobs. Rogan clearly does not appreciate the real reason that people are trying to become less ignorant to the situation and experiences of other people in other groups.
(Image Source/ techregister)

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