20+ Perfectly Timed Photos That’ll Mess With Your Head Copy Copy Copy

By nick hadji 2 years ago

1. Tree Hat

(Image Source/ architecturendesign)Sometimes everything aligns for that perfect second. And, in this case it has made it look like the man crossing the road has a tree either growing from his head, or he's wearing a very, very eccentric hat. The man, is continuing to walk and has absolutely no idea that he's just created an iconic photograph.

2. Flying Bull

(Image Source/ Rayanworld)
This photo has been taken during a bull fight, whether the person taking the photograph intended to take a photo of the bull in mid air is unclear. Either way, this is an amazing photo of the bull in mid air whilst two dogs sit beneath it. It completely manages to capture the drama of the moment..

3. Man in Red

(Image Source/ boredpanda)
This is so hard to work out that it looks like there is a man infront of her. On first glance, and several glances later, it still looks like that. But she is in fact just airing a sheet over the balcony and the wind has caught it at that precise moment.

4. Fly On The Sun

(Image Source/ boredpanda)
The photo here has been captured so perfectly that it is as though it has been created artificially. But, it has indeed been caught by a person and the timing just happened to be so right at that exact moment. It created the illusion that a fly is carrying the sun in its arms and legs.

5. Sun In View

(Image Source/ themindcircle)
This is one of those photos that either takes hours and hours to be able to capture the sun in this little space at this exact moment. Or, it has to be a total accident and coincidence. Only that could explain how perfectly this shot has captured. Even the symmetry of the photo is perfect.

6. A Bird With Legs

(Image Source/ Rayanworld)
Is this a bird with legs? Or, is this a human with a bird head? Or, is it actually the most perfectly and coincidentally timed photo ever? While it most likely is the latter - the fact that someone has managed to capture this photo is still pretty amazing. It has been timed to perfection by the split second.

7. Fire Angel

(Image Source/ themindcircle)
This is not a fireman...it's a fire angel. This photo is so effective. And, it was totally unposed, the firefighter in the photo had no idea and was busy getting on with his job. Meanwhile, someone has taken a picture and by a happy accident caught it at the exact moment so that it looks like he has wings.

8. Eagle Girl

(Image Source/ themindcircle)
One second before, or one second later this master piece would never have happened. It looks like some kind of CGI human/ animal creature morphed together. The way the bird is looking directly into her face while her body fits exactly within the bird's silhouette has been captured in the exact second.

9. Treble Clef

(Image Source/ rayanworld)
Usually, when we get our head phones tangled up it's not something that we like. And, it usually doesn't turn into a piece of art like this photo here. This photo has been taken on public transport, and the person opposite has noticed that the headphone wires have formed into a treble clef.

10. Nosey Cat

(Image Source/ boredpanda)
This photo could have been planned by placing something that the cat wants to drink in the cup. But, either way, it's a hilarious photo that has been caught here. It makes it look as though the cat has a human chin and nose. It looks just like some kind of anamorphism.

11. Help

(Image Source/ themindcircle)
Help. This picture is so fitting for the content. This substitute teach was sitting in on a class and, let's face it by the expression on his face the guy is feeling a bit dejected. The way he has his head in front of the projector board has made it look like he has 'help' written on his forehead.

12. My Ice Cream

(Image Source/ rayanworld)
Seagulls have a reputation for stealing food and being brazen. And, this photo has captured this perfectly. How the seagull is upside down we are not sure. Perhaps he was actually perched on the head of the person trying to eat this very ice cream.

13. The Chosen Toilet

(Image Source/ architecturendesign)
The chosen toilet seat. The sun is shining through the window and illuminating the toilet. The way it seems to fill the bowl with light whilst not the seat literally makes it look like there is a light bulb in the bottom of the toilet. Someone has clearly gone into the bathroom and found this.

14. Glass Or Water

(Image Source/ architecturendesign)
This is such an amazing photo. It does not look coincidental or accidental it looks like the most perfectly professional image. But, water cannot be timed and so luck definitely plays a part. The photo makes it appear as though the water is glass, not even liquid at all.

15. Transporting the Sun

(Image Source/ architecturendesign)
This photo has happened so perfectly that it appears as thought the sun is literally sat in the transport container. It makes it appear as though if the truck started to move, it would take the sun along too as if it can be transported around from place to place. The way the sun is placed perfectly.

16. New Hair

(Image Source/ architecturendesign)
Do you like my new hair? Do I suit brown or should I stick with white? There's a whole narrative that's portrayed with this one picture. It's just like a kid when they are trying on their mums clothes. Of course I'm sure the foal is totally unaware that the mother's hair is draped right across it's head.

17. Googly Eyes

(Image Source/ rayanworld)
This is a rather spooky photo. Because somehow, the frog and the lady's face merge so perfectly that it is hard to tell whether she looks unusually like a frog or whether the frog has grown eyebrows and hair. The proportions of this photo are perfect and only in this second it would have worked.

18. Lightening Rainbow

(Image Source/ boredpanda)
This aircraft that we can see in the bottom of the photo was actually struck by lightening (the aircraft was fine) at the exact time a rainbow appeared. It is an amazing photo which captures two of natures wonders simultaneously. The line of lightening follows the exact line of the rainbow.

18. Totally Unaware

(Image Source/ boredpanda)
The beauty of this photo is in the fact that the two men are totally unaware. It would not have the same humour effect it they were posed behind the sign. But, because the two of them are looking quite serious as they wait it looks totally out of place that they are suited and booted on the top half.

19. Hold Back the Sea

(Image Source/ rayanworld)
This is definitely not an accidental photograph. But that does not mean that it has not required being timed to perfection. If there's one thing that's unpredictable and will certainly not stay still for a photo - it's the sea. Yet somehow, in this picture the woman lay down on the sand perfectly outlines the sea.

20. Hose Pipe

This one certainly isn't the awe inspiring moment where it seems like fate has aligned. Definitely not...but it's created a very funny illusion all the same. The man is stood in front of the hose and it has unfortunately made it appear as though the guy is weeing. To clarify, he's definitely not.

21. Soaked

(Image Source/ rayanworld)
The moment before he gets soaked. This picture has managed to get that exact moment of time, before it all goes downhill (literally), and the guy underneath who is perfectly untouched right now is about to get completely soaked by water. This is clearly a moment of luck for the photographer.

22. Mermaid

(Image Source/ rayanworld)
No, this is not one very long and very flexible person. It is indeed two people. One of them with their head out of the water and one of them with their legs out of the water to make it look like they are attached. The perfect timing of this photo and the exact positioning really makes it look as though it is one body.

23. Get the Ball

(Image Source/ boredpanda)
There's only one thing on this dogs mind - to get the ball. And, he's going to any lengths to get it. He's managed to jump around ten feet off the ground whilst doing some acrobatic twist. It's impressive. Thankfully, this dogs fine moment has been captured on camera and it an be savoured forever.

24. A Very Small Bird

(Image Source/ rayanworld)
First off you may not notice anything, then you notice something on his head. On closer inspection - we realise it is in fact a bird. The position of this photo is pretty miraculous. There is a bird stood on top of this mans head. A very small bird indeed. Actually, it's stood on something.

25. The Magic Sledge

(Image Source/ themindcircle)
Never mind a magic carpet, this guy clearly has a magic sledge. There is something very freaky about this photo. Perhaps it's because the man in the image looks so static. Of course, the sledge has obviously hit a bump at some speed and lifted straight into the air.

26. A Horse Inside A Horse

(Image Source/ themindcircle)
Again, you have to do a double take at this photo. At a first quick glance it looks as though it is eating something. Then you realise it's another horses mouth. It's a horses mouth in a horses mouth. The horse has opened it's mouth just as the other horse is stood behind him, perfectly angled at that moment.

27. Wide Open

(Image Source/ Pinterest)
This time it's not a horse inside a horse. But, in a similar vein, this time we have a lady who looks as though she has a hand coming out of her mouth. The girl in the picture is talking as someone is taking a photo and the guy in the background like she's eating his hand.

28. Framed

(Image Source/ Pinterest)
Perfectly framed within the centre of a fluffy dogs tail as it curls perfectly around these two people in the background. How the person taking the photo noticed this photograph opportunity is impressive. Or, perhaps they took a photo shoot of their dog and then happened to notice this happy accident.

29. Angel Wings

(Image Source/ rayanworld)
Is this a real life angel? Everything about this photo is so perfectly timed that it actually messes with your head as you try and work it out. There is something about it that makes it scarily realistic. You have to double check to notice that these aren't some kind of wing attached to her body.

30. Falling Head Over Heels

(Image Source/ eBaum'sWorld)
This is either the best wedding photo ever...or the worst. I think when any couple dreams of the first kiss moment being captured on camera - it's all about romance. Not, your bridesmaid face planting the floor. But, on the other hand it's hands down the best wedding photo for comedy value.

31. The Sixth Ring

This seems like serendipity the way the moon is so perfectly positioned that it looks like it is the natural sixth ring of the Olympic symbol. There was definitely nothing wrong with the logo before...but this has got to be even better. The illusion has been timed to perfection.

32. Struck by Lightning

There's nothing lucky about being struck by lightning - but the timing of this photo certainly is. It is amazing that it has managed to capture the lightning strike touching the statue of liberty. It kind of looks as though she has sent it into the sky through the power of her finger.

33. A Whale Of A Time

This is both terrifying and amazing at the same time. The contrast in size between the person and the whale is accentuated by the fact that the whale is stood up like a person. In fact, it looks like the two of them are doing a handshake with one another.

34. A Plane Between Two Fingers

This is one of the most amazingly timed pictures ever. This Thai Buddha statue has its fingers placed so that it literally looks like it is holding the tail of the plane between two fingers. The plane was flying in the background and it's created such an effective shot that it almost looks like it must be CGI.

35. Ice Cream Thief

We all know Seagulls are renowned for pinching food. But this seagull has literally swooped in and taken the entire cone from this man's hand. In fact, his hands are still gripped in the exact same position. It may not be funny for him, but it certainly is for us.

36. Eye Of The Sink

This actually looks like a piece of artwork - not just soap suds swirling down the sink. In fact, when you first look at it, it looks like an eye is looking directly back at you. Someone has decided to capture the moment with a photo. Accidental artistry is sometimes the best.

37. Photobomb...Divebomb

Posing for your poolside photo, showing off the holiday bronzed glow... This is not the way the photo ended up going - it's so much better. The lady in the background was clearly mid-conversation and she's leaned back a little bit too far. We'd love to see her moments later as she splashes straight back into the pool.

38. Stepping On The Moon

Neil Armstrong may have been the first man to step on the moon - but this guy is giving it a good go. In fact, it looks as though this snowboarder is stepping on the entire moon as it hovers perfectly under his shoe. It makes it look as though it would hold his weight if he were to step forward.

39. Starsucks

Starbucks or starsucks...this is probably not the kind of advertisement Starbucks had in mind when they bought vans to promote the brand. But, it certainly caused a stir and they do say any press is good press. If you aren't a fan of the coffee chain then this photo is for you!

40. Fish Boy

This guy has definitely been looking for the perfect underwater shot - instead he's been accidentally turned into some kind of fish man. The fish swimming past his head makes it look as though he has a fish head and a human body. Surely this is better than any photo he could have imagined.

41. Obama With The Sun In His Hands

Here is Obama doing a presidential speech. The sun in the background had been placed so perfectly that it literally looks as though he is holding it in both hands. The illusion as well as the passion on his face makes the whole thing look like some kind of holy moment

41. Somebody's Tired

This poor guy probably thinks he's got away with the massive yawn he has let out. Unfortunately, there is nothing discreet about this. He has made no attempt to stifle this in any way. And now it's on camera for all to see - what makes it worse is everyone else is completely composed.

42. Blowing The Clouds

These statues are blowing clouds out of their trumpets...at least that is exactly what it looks like here. Whoever has caught this photo on camera has created an amazing image. It literally looks as though the cloud has come straight from the mouth of the trumpet.

43. A Very Hard Slap

This poor guy has been slapped so hard that it has sent ripples through his belly. Although, the way this photo looks in the aftermath - it seems as though he is made of playdough or liquid. There is an indent where the hand has sunk into the stomach and the skin has been pushed out around it.

44. An Eagle Jet

This is an amazingly timed photo which makes it look as though this Eagle is flying so fast it has jet trails behind it. The Eagle jet...the way the lines are trailing straight from its feet make the photo even more effective. Whoever took this has a good eye for timing.

45. Lurking Whale

I don't know if this is something you would want to see at the time of being in the sea as a warning... or whether it would simply be best to see this photo afterward and remain blissfully unaware. Whales are not predators like sharks - but they are the largest animal in the world...

46. A Flock Of Dolphins

This seems like it cannot even be real, this flock of birds has gathered into such an amazing formation that it looks like a dolphin in the sky. This is one of nature's amazing moments. Nature cannot be forced - it all depends on the moment in time just as with this photo here.

47. The Headless Gymnast

This photo is pretty freaky... the headless gymnast jumping through the air. It takes an impressive amount of flexibility to bend your neck and head so far back that it looks as though you do not have one at all. In fact, it looks as though she has a foot coming out of her neck instead of a head...

48. Olympics In His Vision

This team looks very focused - the Olympics is definitely on their minds. And especially for the guy on the end who literally has the Olympics on his head. For him, the Olympics is really within his sight. The projection of the logo has accidentally but perfectly projected onto his head.

49. Kick-Ups With The Sun

This photo must have been posed, there is no way this is an accident. Someone has spotted the opportunity and the person in the photo is pretending to play football with the sun. That does not make it any less amazing - the effect is completely mesmerising.

50. Bottom On Fire

This is a very humorous photo - thankfully it is not what it looks like. We can all see this photo and feel pretty uncomfortable because it looks like it would REALLY hurt. Thankfully this guy's bum is not on fire, it's just placed perfectly to create the illusion.

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