15+ Final Meals Of Death Row Prisoners Copy

By nick hadji 2 years ago

1. John Wayne Gacy - 12 Shrimps, KFC, Fries and Strawberries

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
Crime: John Wayne Gacy murdered at least 33 young men and boys between 1972 and 1978, and went on to bury at least 26 of them in his own house.Death by
: Lethal Injection on 10th May, 1994 in Illinois
Last Mea
l: a bucket of KFC, 12 fried shrimp, French fries and a pound of strawberries

2. Ronnie Lee Gardner - Steak, Lobster, Apple Pie, Ice Cream and Netflix and Chill

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
: Ronnie Lee Gardner killed a man during a robbery in 1984, then fatally shot attorney Michael Burdell in 1985 during an attempted escape from a courthouse
Death by
: Firing squad on June 18th, 2010 in Utah
Last Mea
l: lobster tail and apple pie with vanilla ice cream. He also requested that he ate all this while engrossed in a viewing of The Lord of the Rings.

3. Ricky Ray Rector - Steak, Chicken, Kool-aid and Pie

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
: Ricky Ray Rector was on Death Row after committing two counts of murder
Death by
: Lethal injection on 24th January, 1992 in Arkansas
Last Mea
l: is request was steak, fried chicken and cherry Kool-Aid. For dessert, Rector ordered Pecan Pie, and told the guard on his way out that he was '
saving it for later

4. Ricky Ray Rector - Catfish, Hushpuppies, Hamburgers, Raw Onion and More...

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
John Conner didn't take it easy when putting in his order. Prior to his execution at 60 years old, Conner put in his final meal order: 10 pieces of fried catfish, 10 hushpuppies, two triple deluxe hamburgers with bacon, one raw sliced onion and two pints of vanilla ice cream. Wow!

5. Victor Feguer - A Lone Olive

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
Victor Feguer was sentenced to death at the age of 28. He had a very strange request for his last meal... his only request was a single olive with the pit still in it. The idea of eating one lone olive feels haunting and symbolises the end of Feguer's life.

6. Allen Lee Davis - Lobster, Shrimp, Clams, Potatoes and Garlic Bread

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Allen Lee Davis was executed by electric chair for robbery and murder. He requested lobster tail, fried potatoes, half a pound of fried shrimp, six ounces of fried clams, garlic bread and 32 ounces of root beer. I'm not sure about the fish and garlic bread combo myself, but we'll move on...

7. Ferdinando Sacco - Soup, Tea, Meat and Toast

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Ferdinando Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were both sentenced to death in Massachusetts for two counts of murder. Both convicts ordered soup, tea, meat and toast as their last meal, a strange (and very brown) final order. In 1977, the case was reopened as the governor stated they had been unfairly tried and convicted.

8. Christopher Brooks - Two Reece's Peanut Butter Cups and a Dr Pepper

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Christopher Brooks clearly had some sort of sweet tooth! Executed in Alabama in 2016, he was convicted of very heinous crimes. For his last meal request, Brooks put in a request of two peanut butter cups and a Dr Pepper. This is a little unlike the other requests and clearly Brooks had no intention of staying full in the afterlife.

9. Timothy McVeigh - Mint Ice Cream

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American terrorist Timothy McVeigh was on Death Row at the age of 33 an his official charge was 168 counts of murder. For his last meal, McVeigh opted for a simpler sweeter request... two whole pints of mint chocolate ice cream. Not the worst choice on this list, but definitely not one for the lactose intolerants.

10. Kenneth Fults - Steak, Potato, Rice and Apple Juice

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Kenneth Fults spent 18 years on Death Row before his execution in Georgia. He was convicted of murder. In his last meal request, Fults asked for a T-bone steak, baked potato with butter, brown rice and apple juice. A simple and effective final meal, seems like Fults liked his carbs.

11. Stephen Anderson - Grilled Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Peach Pie and Radishes

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At age 49, Stephen Anderson was sentenced to death for burglary, assault and murder. While on Death Row, Anderson requested his last meal as two grilled cheese sandwiches, a pint of cottage cheese, a corn mixture, peach pie, cookies and radishes. Strange combination to say the least!

12. Ted Bundy - Traditional Death Row Meal

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Notorious Ted Bundy was put to death by electric chair for a number of inhumane crimes. Bundy actually declined a final meal, but was given a traditional last meal: steak, eggs, hash browns, toast with butter, jelly, milk and juice. I wonder what the thinking was behind this standard meal...

13. Pablo Vasquez - Steak, Rice, Veg, Beans and Brownies

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
Pablo Vasquez was sentenced to death by lethal injection at the age of 38. As his final meal, Vasquez requested Salisbury steak, steamed rice, gravy, vegetables, ranch beans, break, butterscotch brownies with water, tea and punch to wash the final meal down.

14. Daniel Lucas - Pizza, Calzone, Mushroom and Salad

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
Daniel Lucas was 37 when he was put to death by lethal injection. After 16 years on Death Row, Lucas requested his final meal as meat pizza, steak and cheese calzone, stuffed portobello mushroom, salad with ranch dressing and a glass of orange juice.

15. Earl Forrest - Steak, Pasta, Salad, Fruit and Cake

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
Earl Forrest was executed in Missouri in 2016. His final meal request comprised of steak, pasta, sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, fruit, chocolate cake and milk. Not the most normal meal that you see among these requests... that pasta must be dry as hell!

16. Gregory Lawler - Steak, Baked Potato, Dinner Rolls, Soup and Ice Cream

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
Ordering a ribeye steak, baked potato with sour cream, dinner rolls with butter, French onion soup, strawberries, pistachio ice cream, milk and apple juice, Gregory Lawler's final request meal was one for the history books. He was executed in 2016 after 16 years on Death Row.

17. Steven Frederick Spears - Just Pizza

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
Steven Frederick Spears decided to keep it plain and simple with his final meal request. Sentenced to death by lethal injection after 15 years on Death Row, Spears put in his final meal request as just one large meat pizza. It seems not all Death Row inmates' stomachs were bigger than their eyes.

18. Gustavo Garcia - Chicken Patties and Mac'n'Cheese

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
In Texas in 2016, Gustavo Garcia was sentenced to death by lethal injection after 24 years on Death Row. Keeping it somewhat plain for his final meal, Garcia ordered chicken patties and mac n cheese with bread and vegetables. I can think of better final meals to be frank!

19. Angel Nieves Diaz - Air...

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Angel Nieves Diaz was executed in Florida at the age of 55 for several counts of murder, kidnapping and armed robbery. Interestingly, Diaz actually declined his last meal for reasons unknown. Instead, he was served a regular prison meal, which he then also declined!

20. Aileen Carol Wuornos - A Single Cup of Coffee

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American serial killer and prostitute Aileen Carol Wuornos shot and killed several men from 1989 to 1990. Despite her claims that she was assaulted by the men, she was still sentenced to death. In 2002, she was executed by lethal injection, her last meal being just a cup of coffee.

21. Teresa Lewis - Chicken, Peas, Apple Pie and a Dr Pepper

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Teresa Lewis was on Death Row due to her crimes of murder, conspiracy and robbery. A lot simpler compared to the other Death Row inmates, Lewis actually requested fried chicken, peas with butter, apple pie and a Dr Pepper to wash it all down with. Seems like a Sunday kind of dinner.

22. Ronnie Threadgill - Chicken, Mash, Veg, Bread and Tea

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Sentenced to death for murder, Ronnie Threadgill was executed in Texas at age 40. His last meal request was baked chicken, mash with gravy, vegetables, sweet peas, bread, tea and punch. However, Texas actually abolished the last meal choice before Threadgill was executed and he received a basic prison dinner!

23. Brandon Jones - Standard Meal including chicken, rice, turnips and cornbread

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
Brandon Jones was 72 when he was put to death by lethal injection after 36 years on Death Row. He refused his choice of last meal and was given a standard meal of chicken, rice, rutabagas, turnip greens, dry beans, cornbread, bread pudding and fruit punch. Not what I would choose!

24. Coy Westbrook - Chicken, Mash, Gravy, Bread and Cake

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
Coy Westbrook was sentenced to death by lethal injection after 17 years on Death Row. He requested baked chicken, mashed potatoes, country gravy, green beans, black-eyed peas, bread, orange cake and to wash it down water, tea and punch. A feast for the afterlife!

25. William Sallie - Pizza, Chicken Wings and a Soda

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William Sallie was sentenced to death in 1991 for going on a rampage against his ex-wife's family and killing her father. Sallie was 50 years old when he was executed and requested pizza with sausage and pepperoni, chicken wings with buffalo sauce and a soda. Seems like a Friday night take-out order.

26. Oscar Ray Bolin Jr - Steak, Salad, Potato, Meringue Pie and Garlic Bread

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Oscar Ray Bolin Jr was a serial killer that was executed in 2016 in Florida. Bolin requested the following for his final meal while on Death Row: Rib Eye steak, baked potato with butter and sour cream, salad with iceberg lettuce, cucumber, tomato, garlic bread, meringue pie and a bottle of Coke. Now that's a feast.

27. Adam Ward - Soft Tacos, Salsa, Rice and Mixed Greens

Image Source/ Henry Hargreaves
After five years on Death Row, Adam Ward was sentenced to death in Texas at the age of 33. His final meal included beef soft tacos, salsa, rice, mixed greens, corn and beans with tea, water and punch to drink. Sounds like Ward was a fan of Mexican cuisine!

28. Richard Masterson - Chicken, Mash, Veg, Gravy and Bread

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Richard Masterson was executed in Texas in 2016 after 13 years on Death Row. He had murdered drag performer Darin Honeycutt. Masterson was 43 when he put in his final meal request consisting of baked chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, carrots, peas and sliced bread.

29. Robert Harris - KFC, Pizza, Pepsi, Jelly Beans, Ice Cream and Cigs

Image Source/ Medium
Robert Harris was put to death by gas chamber for two counts of murder. As his last meal request, Harris asked for: A 21-piece bucket of KFC, two large pizzas, ice cream, jelly beans, six-pack of Pepsi and a pack of Camel Cigs. I wonder if he managed to finish all that?

30. Thomas J Grasso - Literally Everything Apart From SpaghettiOs

SpaghettiOs on Twitter: "What goes with SpaghettiOs & Meatballs better than grilled cheese? http://t.co/4C0R9M6Hlj" / TwitterImage Source/ Twitter
Thomas J Grasso was executed by lethal injection in 1995. He killed two pensioners in the early 90s for money. His last meal request was mussels, clams, spare ribs, a cheeseburger, two strawberry milkshakes, a pumpkin pie, strawberries and a can of SpaghettiOs with meatballs. However, the prison cook only gave him normal spaghetti. Grasso said:
"I did not get my SpaghettiOs, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this."

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