30 Hidden Messages We Never Noticed In The Simpsons

By Josh King 1 year ago

1. Homer And Marge Are Married In Real Life

(Image Source/PasteMagazine)The people behind the French animations are Philippe Peythieu and Veronique Augereau - they are the ones who bring us these iconic voices. The two of them met while auditioning for the roles in 1989, they fell in love and tied the knot in 2001. A love story on and off the screen.

2. They Hide Swear Words In Nearly Every Episode

(Image Source/Tumgir)
There are no swear/curse words allowed in The Simpsons. But that did not stop them trying to sneak one past Fox producers in season 7. Apu graduates with a Ph.D. from Springfield Heights Institute of Technology. Look closely at the acronym and see what it spells.

3. Maggie's Price Has A Secret Meaning!

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We are all very familiar with the moment Maggie gets scanned at this till and the price pops up which is  $847.63, but do you actually know why? The reason for this is that in 1989 when it was made, this was the estimated cost of raising a baby, per month. Clever!

4. Homer Disproves Fermat's Last Theorem!

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For the majority of us, Fermat's last theorem is a completely unknown concept. But, Simpson's has been written by mathematical geniuses. And, while these little maths details go unknown by most - Homer in ‘The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace’ episode disproves this theory.

5. God And Jesus Have 5 Fingers - Here's Why!

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God and Jesus are the only people in Simpsons to have five fingers. These figures are higher entities in The Simpsons and this has been symbolised through their extra finger. It links to Pythagoras who said numbers are divine - a gift from god (again, it was written by a group of math whizzes).

6. There's A Subplot Of The McBain Series Running Through The WHOLE Thing!

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McBain is like a mini series within The Simpsons. McBain is an Arnold Schwarzenegger-inspired action hero Rainier Wolf castle. And if you place all of the clips together, they form a continuous sort of mini series. Another clever thing about The Simpsons that makes you appreciate it even even more.

7. Michael Jackson Makes A Cameo

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In The Simpsons there is an episode which is called Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie. There are very famous cameos in this episode when two people in particular feature. They are not explicitly stated but we know all the same. It was none other than Michael Jackson and Dustin Hoffman.

8. Ahoy Hoy Was The Real Hello

(Image Source/NME)
When Mr Burns answers the phone he always says 'ahoy hoy'. It turns out that this is not just a random little quirk of Mr Burns but it actually has historical significance. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he suggested that this should be the way to answer it.

9. The Watergate Exposure

(Image Source/ProBoards)
Do you remember Bart reading ‘The Truth About Whacking Day’? It was written by the Washington Post and the journalist stated on it is Bob Woodward who was crucial the the exposure of Watergate. Again, more proof that The Simpsons creators are geniuses.

10. Another Dig At The President...

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The Simpsons is packed full of political references and they do not hold back when it comes to taking a dig at former presidents. Bart shreds some papers and if you watch closely, you'll see a second long clip where he shreds a piece of paper saying 'V.P. Quayle... Embarrassment’.

11. John Swartzwelder Gets Sent To A Mental Hospital

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John Swartzwelder is one of the most iconic writers in The Simpsons history. He was often deemed a recluse in real life. And during one episode he can be seen behind a door in a mental hospital, playing on the rumours that surrounded him from the public.

12. Producers Take A Swipe At 'Obsessive' Fans

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Alt.tv.simpsons is a website where fans go to nit pick every single tiny detail of The Simpsons after each episode. So, in one episode there is a dig. Bart is a huge fan of comic book guy and he logs on the computer onto the site alt.nerd.obsessive where they do the same thing.

13. There's A LOT Of Clever References To History

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Remember the episode that takes place at the Vietnamese hall, there are two signs called Fops and Dandies. These are references to 18th-century European culture, where Fops was a name for men who were overly obsessed with their appearance and Dandies wore tail coats.

14. The Infamous A113

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If you are a Disney fan, you will know about the recurring A113. And, it's also a feature in The Simpsons too. It refers to the institute of the arts where many talented animators graduate and then continue on to make film and TV series - a place especially where Disney employs its animators.

15. Did You Spot The Hidden Code?

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A lot of what goes on in The Simpsons is unknown to most people who would not have the specific knowledge to understand or appreciate it. For example, when Homer goes into the video game the sequence of numbers actually converts form code to 'Frink rules' as a reference to professor Fink.

16. You Probably Didn't Notice This! Danny Elfman's Has A Store In The Opening!

(Image Source/Eeggs.com)
Even thought this one is in plain sight, it's barely noticeable. Danny Elfman is the creator of the famous Simpsons theme tune, and we can see his name written on the store front in the very opening of the credits. Once you notice you'll always see it.

17. The Controversial O.J Simpson Reference

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This episode aired just two months after the trial aired. In this series there is a trial - who shot Mr Burns. They way they talk about it highlights all the injustices and the way the trial was held. It is a clear reference to their view in the O.J Simpson trial. The Simpsons creators aren't afraid to air their opinions.

18. Bart Is An Anagram

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You may have figured this one out for yourself - but Bart is an anagram for the world brat, but of course jumbled up. And we can't deny he is a bit of a brat, we just can't help but love him all the same because he's one oft he funniest characters in the show.

19. Matt Groening Named Them After His Family

(Image Source/TheVerge)
Matt Groening is of course the iconic creator of The Simpsons. And, he decided to name all of the characters after members of his own family - apart from himself. Bart was the one he switched for his own name...and we already know what that means from the previous point.

20. The Real Reason Why The Are Yellow

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Why yellow? We've all thought it. And the answer is pretty obvious really. When you are flicking through channels they wanted something to grab your attention. And something instantly recognisable. As soon as we see yellow we know that it's The Simpsons.

21. Paul McCartney's Lentil Soup Recipe

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Lisa becomes a vegetarian in The Simpsons and so she goes to speak to Paul and Linda McCartney - who are also famous vegetarians. In the episode Paul tells Lisa to play his track 'Maybe I’m Amazed' backwards you will find a lentil soup recipe. Another thing they got right.

22. D'oh Has Been Added To The Official Dictionary

The Biggest Mistake You're Making on Twitter - The Jonathan Rick Group(Image Source/buzinga)
Now this is an impressive feat for a cartoon - but as we all know, The Simpsons is no ordinary cartoon or TV show in general. It is elite on many levels. And this is shown by the fact that Homer's famous D'oh is now in the official dictionaries as a real recognised word.

23. Only One Character Speaks In Every Episode

Homer Simpson - Wikipedia(Image Source/wikipedia)
There is only one character that speaks in every single Simpson's episode and that person is Homer - of course it had to be him. The next most frequent person to speak is both Bart and Marge. And then it is followed by Mr Burns and in fourth place comes Lisa.

24. The Length Of The Couch Gags Depends On The Episode Length

Couch gags Season 18 (Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa) - YouTube(Image Source/YouTube)
You'll have definitely noticed that the couch gag varies a lot each time - sometimes it's really long and sometimes it's tiny. And why is that? Well it just depends on the actual length of the episode, if it is shorter it has to be extended. If the episode is longer then it as to be cropped down.

25. There Was Only 1 Episode In The 80s

A Look Back at The "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" - Nerdist(Image Source/Nerdist)
Many people consider The Simpsons as an 80s show. But in actual fact there was only one episode that was filmed in the 80s which was the iconic Christmas special called Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire which was filmed in 1989. The next episode was filmed in 1990.

26. 'Itchy And Scratchy Land' Was A Reaction To Fox

The Simpsons, Season Six, Episode Four, “Itchy & Scratchy Land” – The Avocado(Image Source/avocado)
Fox told the producers of The Simpsons that they did not want any more itchy and scratchy included in the episodes. The Simpsons were not happy and they outright refused to take it out - this episode was made as violent as possible and the producers threatened to go to the media if they tried to censor them.

27. Matt Groening's Did Sounds For The Show

Maggie Simpson - Wikipedia(Image Source/wiki)
Matt Groening is the producer, of course he had to be included in some kind of way as a part of the sound. No, he does not do a voice over but he actually makes the sound of Maggie sucking the pacifier - a sound we are all familiar with, he did not do it alone however.

28. Fox Owns The Simpsons Future Rights

10 Times The Simpsons Dissed FOX - YouTube(Image Source/YouTube)
Fox owns the rights to The Simpsons way into the future - until the year 2082. We do not know whether new episodes will be still being made then but we certainly hope so. After all, with the conspiracies people will be waiting for for future predictions.

29. Is Principal Skinner
Jean Valjean?

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This theory is not known by many people at all. But, do you remember when Skinner revealed his POW number in Vietnam? It was 24601 - which is the same as the iconic and widely recognised prisoner number of Jean Valjean. This can't be a coincidence surely?

30. Homerpalooza Gwen Stefani's Band

No Doubt's First Album Came Out 30 years Ago This Week - Noise11.com(Image Source/Noise11)
In the episode called Homerpalooza, there is a feature of Gwen Stefani and her band. This seemed completely random because what is the relevance here? It turns out that Gwen Stefani's brother worked as one of the animators and decided to add her in.

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