This Is What Happens To Your Hair When You Don’t Wash it for A Month

By Juliet Smith 2 years ago

DAY 1: You WON'T See Any Difference Yet, But Just Wait...

How To Wash Your Hair - Christophe Robin Tips | dominoImage Source / WikipediaSkipping just one day - which most of us have done - is unlikely to have any negative effect whatsoever. Your hair might even feel better. In fact, washing every other day, instead of every day, can help to balance out your hair with natural oils.

DAY 2-5: It'll start to get SO oily

Why Is My Hair So Oily?' and Other Greasy Hair FAQs, Answered | SELF

Image Source: Pexels

The first thing that'll happen is you'll notice an increase in the amount of oil in your hair. Most of us will have experienced a minor form of this before - forgetting to wash your hair the day you said you would and having to wear a hat outside to disguise a greasy scalp.

DAY 5-8: It WILL start to smell...

Have you got Smelly Hair Syndrome? | Daily Mail Online

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However, leaving it too long between washes (for example, a month...) can turn this lovely natural oil into something more disgusting. To put it simply, you're going to smell. Really bad. In some cases, your hair could smell as bad as sour milk. Not something a normal person would want!

DAY 9: ARGH, you will now *PROBABLY* get ingrown hairs

Scalp folliculitis: Symptoms, pictures, causes, shampoos and creams

Image Source: Pexels

Most women may have experienced ingrown hairs before, maybe on their bikini line or in their armpit. They're usually nothing serious, and sort themselves out. But now, imagine having an ingrown scalp hair! A build-up of oils and hair products on your scalp can actually cause ingrown hairs.

DAY 10: Ouch! It will start to hurt...

Ingrown Hairs on Scalp Painful

Image Source: Pexels

While you might think that you've never experienced really bad ingrown hair before, just wait until you experience ingrown scalp hair. This can be really painful, and will probably put you off ever trying the 'no poo' method ever again. If you get one, the easiest thing to do is apply a warm compress to the area three times a day, and it should subside.

DAY 11: Dirt And Grime Will Be VISIBLE On Your Hair

Cleansing a very dirty scalp| dandruff cleansing - YouTubeImage Source /
Your hair won't only feel dirty, it will begin to show visible signs of grime on the strands, too, as well as the scalp. The grime can show up more easily for those people with fine and straight hair, and for curly-haired people it can take a little longer to show.

DAY 12: The dandruff is coming...

Get Rid Of Dandruff on Natural African Hair | 4C Hair, Black African Hair

Image Source: Pexels

After the increased oil and potential ingrown hairs, you're also going to see more dandruff if you don't wash your hair for a month. Usually, dandruff is caused by a dry scalp - it's just skin after all. But when your hair is very oily, it can also increase the amount of dry skin you're shedding. A build-up of products can add to the issue.

DAY 13: Your hair will start to attract dust

dusty hair | polyfilla | subflux | Flickr

Image Source: Pexels

It's not just dandruff you have to contend with, though. You might find that you're seeing little white specks in your hair, maybe further down the strands that dandruff. This could be dust! When your hair is unwashed, it will start to pick up pieces of dust from your pillow or hats.

DAY 14: You might get itchy

Itchy Scalp

Image Source: Pexels

We've all had an itchy head before. But now imagine there's a month's worth of dandruff, oil, and hair products on your scalp - that's going to get very itchy before long. This is caused by the skin cells on your scalp not being exfoliated frequently. Try to resist the urge to scratch, though - it'll definitely make dandruff worse.

DAY 15: And When Your Hair And Head Get Itchy It Can Damage It Even Further If You Scratch

Image Source / Medical News Today
What's the first thing you want to do when you have an itchy scalp and riddled with dandruff? Scratch it, of course. And it's actually worse to do this - apart from being a bit icky for bacteria on your fingers, it can risk further damage to your hair or scalp.

DAY 16: The texture could change

Woman with Thick Hair

Image Source: Pexels

While your hair is getting more oily and your scalp is itchier, the actual texture of your hair could also change. When you don't wash, you deprive moisture and oxygen to your scalp, which could cause your hair to become dryer and lose its natural texture.

DAY 17: You Could Experience Infection Of The Hair Follicle

Image Source / SkinKraft
Your hair will be desperate for healthy goodness after a while, and the bacteria trapped in hair follicles can make it more likely to experience folliculitis, which is an infection of the hair follicle. This can be in addition to ingrown hairs and dandruff.

DAY 18: Your hair might break

Image Source: Allure

Everyone gets split ends - when the hair naturally breaks at the tips because it's too dry or not well maintained. However, not washing your hair for a month can make your hair more brittle, increasing the chances that they just snap right off. The best way to prevent this? Keep it moisturised by washing.

DAY 19: You might get acne

Frustrated Woman

Image Source: Pexels

Yep, you read that right. Not washing your hair can actually give you acne. Spots are caused by oil build-up in our pores, and when you have an increased amount of oil on the scalp, you could develop acne there too. Additionally, anywhere your dirty, greasy hair touches could prove ripe for acne, such as your back, shoulders, or hairline.

DAY 20: It WILL get pretty tangled

Tangled Hair

Image Source: Pexels

While oil production generally makes our hair softer and naturally easier to brush, the opposite is true if you go longer without washing. A build-up of hair products and dandruff on the scalp can cause your hair to tangle more easily - and that could be painful to try and tease out later.

DAY 21: And might even fall out...

Woman Looking at Hair

Image Source: Pexels

In more severe cases of not washing your hair (although, we think not washing for a month is already pretty severe), you could even cause loss of hair by not washing. A build-up of gross oil and dandruff on the scalp can make hair loss much more likely, though it's worth remembering that we lose up to 100 hairs a day normally.

DAY 22: It can affect hair dye and make it fade...

Bright Blue Hair

Image Source: Unsplash

Do you dye your hair regularly? Then not washing your hair for a while can affect your hair dye. Hair colour needs clean-ish hair in order to best penetrate through the hair follicle. If your hair is super oily and greasy, it can affect how well the colour penetrates.

DAY 23: Making for an uneven job

Woman Getting Hair Dyed

Image Source: Unsplash

When hair dye can't penetrate into the follicle, it means you could end up with a dodgy hair dye job, with some areas of your head looking brighter and more vivid than others. The best way to ensure a good dye job? Wash your hair before you go to the salon to get it coloured.

DAY 24:Plus you might get a tingly scalp

Tingly Scalp

Image Source: Pexels

This is a bit of a weird consequence of dirty hair. But yes, if you haven't washed your hair in a while you could develop a tingly scalp. You might have already felt this when having your hair in a tight ponytail or bun, and it's pretty uncomfortable. It happens when the hair follicles get clogged.

DAY 25: Forget hair growth! Hair could stop growing

Woman Tucking Hair Behind Ear

Image Source: Pexels

We know that not washing your hair could cause your hair to start falling out, but did you know that your hair could just stop growing at all? Washing your hair regularly and keeping your hair in good condition will promote hair growth, meaning the opposite is also true.

DAY 26: Things might start to get better...

Happy Long Hair

Image Source: Pexels

So, we've detailed exactly what horrible things can happen to your hair if you go one month without washing it. But did you know that there are some benefits to not washing as regularly? Overwashing can become a problem, so sometimes it's good to practice going longer between washes.

DAY 27: You won't have to wash as often

Woman Touching Hair Outside

Image Source: Pexels

Firstly, you might find that by prolonging the time between washes, your hair adjusts naturally to the lack of shampoo. This means you could extend the time between your washes permanently. This means less money spent on shampoo and more time gained in the mornings!

DAY 28: Your scalp can readjust

Woman With long Hair Happy

Image Source: Pexels

Just as your scalp can naturally adjust the amount of oil it produces, it can also adjust to the lack of shampoo. Though this might not happen after a month of washing (for some people following the 'no poo method,' it can take a few months), your scalp will find its own way out of the greasiness.

Making your hair better

Woman Pink Hair

Image Source: Pexels

Overall, you could come out of a period of not washing your hair with it looking more healthy than before. It might look shinier and feel softer - just like it would if you'd just washed it with traditional shampoo. Though we admit it might be difficult to make it through the 'greasy mess' stage.

And your scalp more healthy

Woman Feeling Scalp

Image Source: Pexels

If you already suffer from dandruff, an itchy scalp, or eczema, then washing your hair could be making it worse. Try not to wash your hair for a while and your scalp will thank you. However, we'd recommend trialling just a few days without washing first - if you notice any significant increases in dandruff or eczema, it might be time to stop this experiment.

But it depends on your hair type

Woman with Curly Hair

Image Source: Pexels

Your hair type will also affect how well it will do with not being washed for a long time. If you have fine, straight hair, all that oil and grease build-up is going to make your hair look significantly worse after not washing. if you have coarse, thick, or tightly curled hair, your hair will look good without washing for longer.

Curly hair doesn't have to be washed as regularly

Woman with Curly Hair Outside

Image Source: Pexels

In fact, curly hair doesn't need to be washed as often as other hair types anyway. Plus, people with tight, coiled hair can sometimes develop a condition called trichorrhexis nodosa, which can cause your hair to break. Not washing prevents this condition from developing.

But the disadvantages are pretty hefty

Woman Annoyed with Hair

Image Source: Unsplash

But, as we've seen, the consequences of not washing are...numerous. The list includes an itchy scalp, more dandruff, scalp acne, painful ingrown hairs, and just generally greasy hair. Even though there might be benefits to not washing, are they worth it? We're not sure.

So, are you going to give it a go?

Woman Thinking

Image Source: Pexels

So, after hearing all of the things that could happen to your hair if you don't wash it for a month, are you still going to give it a go? If you are, we'd suggest waiting for a period when you don't have to see many people - we don't know many people who would love to sit next to someone with really greasy hair...

This Is What Happens When You Wash Your Hair Every Day Instead

Image Source / Healthline
If skipping hair washing for so long doesn't appeal to you, you may think that washing your hair everyday is the way to go. But there are a lot of things you need to be aware of for this, as over washing could also have detrimental effects. So let's take a look at what happens when you wash your hair every day.

It Keeps You Clean

Image Source / Healthshots
Let's start off with a positive. Washing your hair every single day no doubt keeps you clean as a whistle. You're washing off any dirt, sweat or grime build up and keeping yourself fresh every time you hop into the shower daily. But clean doesn't necessarily result in silky soft hair.

There Are Natural Oils Produced By Your Scalp

Image Source / SkinKraft
Your scalp is very good at taking care of itself, by producing a natural oil called sebum. Sebum is not only produced naturally in the hair, either - it's also produced on the skin. It's an oily substance produced to moisturise and protect your skin, and by the same logic, your hair.

Washing Daily Will Easily Strip Your Hair Of This Natural Oil

Image Source / Naturally Curly
If you wash your hair every day, you're cleaning away any dirt or grime build up, that's true, but you're also going to be washing away this natural production of sebum produced by your scalp. So what happens when you're constantly washing away the moisturising good stuff produced by your scalp?

You'll Have A Dry Scalp

Image Source / NetDoctor
There's nothing worse than a dry scalp - it feels itchy, looks dry, looks flaky and can then lead to further issues like dandruff from an overly dry scalp. If your scalp isn't able to regulate its own moisture levels with the right amount of sebum, then inevitably it's going to stay dry.

Your Scalp Will Feel Tight

Image Source / News24
Not only will your scalp look and feel dry, but it'll feel very tight too. I think we've all had that tight-scalp feeling at some point or another, sort of like when the skin on your face feels stretched and tight through lack of a good moisturising routine. It's never a pleasant feeling to have on your head!

You'll Also Have Very Dry Hair

Image Source / SkinKraft
Sebum is produced by your scalp to protect your strands from moisture loss, so if you're washing this away on a daily basis, the sebum isn't there to keep your strands moisturised. So not only will you have a dry scalp to contend with, your actual hair will be very dry, too.

Which Will Then Easily Break

Image Source / Hair Extensions BFF
Dry hair is one think, but having dry hair that then splits and breaks is a whole other ball game. This is the opposite of what you think might happen if you wash your hair every day with the intention of soft, cared-for locks. You might then see an increased amount of split-ends.

Overwashing Can Then Lead To Long-Term Damage

Image Source / SkinKraft
With all this in mind, it makes sense why long-term damage would be on the cards if you're washing your hair every single day. If you're depriving your scalp and hair of sebum moisture and making it drier and more prone to breaking with every wash, then your hair will be worse for it in the long-term.

Or Maybe Even Hair Loss

Image Source / Health
With long-term damage like this then comes the inevitable next step - the risk of hair loss. If your hair is so dry, damaged and brittle - along with a weak and dry scalp - you may then find that your hair falls out more easily, especially if you have longer and finer hair.

But All Of This Can Depend On The Type Of Hair You Have

Image Source / Only Curls
But obviously different hairstyles are going to take differently to how often you wash. You might be more susceptible to hair loss, dry hair or damaged hair if you have long and fine hair, compared to someone who has thick and curly hair. Or vice versa!

As Well As The Lifestyle Or Job You Have

Image Source / Council on Foreign Relations
While there are obvious downsides to being overly clean when it comes to your hair, it's important to take your lifestyle and job into account. If you find yourself with dirty and sweaty hair every single day - such as an industrial job working with dirt and grime, or maybe you hit the gym every day - then obviously cleaning your hair often is important.

You Could Also Switch Up Your Shampoo

Image Source / Oh, The Thing's We'll Make!
There are ways you can wash your hair regularly whilst negating a lot of the damage discussed above. When sebum is involved, most shampoos will be sebum-stripping when used regularly, so you can always look for an alternative that doesn't do this. This could be using water only for a quick refresh, or fashioning your own natural DIY shampoo.

How Can You Tell If You're Washing Too Much?

Even if you don't wash your hair every single day, you may be wondering whether you're still washing too much - like every other day. The main signs to look out for are mentioned above, such as a dry and itchy scalp, dry hair or dull hair.

It Might Need Some Experimentation

Image Source / Huda Beauty
What's important is finding a routine that your own hair is going to react best to. If you wash your hair every single day at the moment, then try skipping a day to see how different it feels. If you're happier with this, you can then move on to skipping two days, or maybe only washing once a week, and get a good idea of when your hair look and feels best.

afind A Good Middle Ground

Image Source / Glamour UK
All in all, this post outlines the benefits and negatives of both avoiding washing for a whole month, and the extreme opposite of washing every single day. It's important to find that happy medium balance of what is going to work best for your hair.

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