Really Creepy Things You Can Buy On Amazon

By Juliet Smith 2 years ago

Eyeless Baby Doll

Image Source/ AmazonYou must be a massive horror fan to buy something like this. Amazon is selling a creepy baby doll, with no eyes, that plays chilling music on command. It also speaks too, in an incomprehensible babbling. An Amazon reviewer described the product as "utterly terrifying."

Wide Awake Sleep Mask

Image Source/ Amazon
Sick of the kids coming into your bedroom in the middle of the night? Well, Amazon has a solution. This sleep mask gives the impression you're sleeping with your eyes open... guaranteed to scare the kids when they come barging into your room. Safe to say they won't do it again.

Latex Vladimir Putin Mask

Image Source/ Amazon
I don't know who's deciding to go as Putin for this year's Halloween, but if that's you, Amazon has you sorted. This Vladimir Putin mask is beyond creepy. With it's wide head, huge ears and dead eyes, I can't imagine that this product get's purchased very often...

Fake Ripped-Out Eyeball

Image Source/ Dead Head Props
This has to be one of the best and most grotesque products Amazon has to offer. This fake ripped out eyeball would be great for a Murder Mystery night, Halloween party or as a movie prop. One Amazon reviewer described the eye as "seriously realistic."

Sickening Fake Tongue

Image Source/ Amazon
Why anyone would need or want a second tongue is beyond me, but here we are. This polyester tongue can be stretched, twisted, pierced and pulled before returning to its original shape. Wanna know the best thing? It comes in a pack of three... just in case your creepy mates wanted them too!

Crybaby Latex Mask

Image Source/ Amazon
Imagine glancing out your window at night and seeing this thing staring back at you. Yup. This weeping baby mask can actually be used by adults or children. If you're looking for a cry-baby Halloween costume, just take your kids iPad off them for the night!

A Dissectible Owl-Pellet

Image Source/ Owl Brand Discovery Kits
This one's kinda gross but kinda interesting. If you don't know what an owl-pellet is, it's the undigested stuff that owl's regurgitate after having their dinner... usually a cute little mouse. It comes with its own scalpel so you can examine the owl's dinner. Yum.

Scary Pennywise Candy Holder

Image Source/ Amazon
Planning on scaring the kids this Halloween? Well, this is the perfect option. Fans of IT will probably get well behind this candy bowl, with a creepy Pennywise ironically holding a bowl of candy. The plastic bowl comes included with the product too!

Horrifying Clown Window Sticker

Image Source/ ColorBok
Sick of people looking into your tinted car windows? Amazon has your back. With it's versatility, being water-resistant and offering UV protection, this ridiculously scary clown window sticker is an all rounder and will deter anyone from looking in your car.

An Encased Bat Skeleton

Image Source/ Amazingbug
Is this... ethical? You can actually buy a bat's skeleton from Amazon, which has been encased in clear resin and can be used as a totally innocent paperweight. Unless your obsessed with anatomy, I can't fathom why you'd want such a creepy thing for your desk.

Seasoned Crickets

Image Source/ Hotlix
Fancy a snack? How about crickets? Amazon actually sell flavoured crickets in an array of different tastes. Why not give the Sour Cream & Onion ones a go? Or is Bacon & Cheese your kinda thing. Don't worry, they've got Salt & Vinegar too for your Lays lovers.

Bald Mannequin Head

Image Source/ Roxy Display
Okay, so I can see why people would get mannequin heads to practice hair on... but bald? What's the reason? Maybe the target audience for this 17 inch bald head are the lonely type, who knows. I'd rather just step outside than sit with this creepy face!

Bearded Mannequin Head

Image Source/ training head
Okay I take it back, I don't see why people would get mannequin head's with hair on... especially this long ass beard. However, if this is the type of thing you're looking for, a good selling point is that the hair is 100% top-quality human hair. Brill.

Creepy-eyed Latex Alpaca Mask

Image Source/ Amazon
When all else fails, get the Alpaca mask out. Aside from dressing up at Halloween, why else would anyone ever need this Alpaca mask? Is there some kind of Alpaca-themed sexual fetish going on somewhere deep on an online forum? Probably to be honest.

Scary Slappy the Dummy Doll

Image Source/ Celebrity Ventriloquist Doll
If you ever watched Goosebumps you'll 100% recognise this little creep. A Slappy the Dummy doll is actually available through Amazon, just in case you wanted to lose sleep at night. To make all matters worse, the eyes actually glow in the dark. No, no no!

Hilarious Human Organ Lunch Box

Image Source/ Amazon
This one's kinda funny. If you want to shock your friends and family, especially if you work in a morgue, you might wanna get your hands on this lunch box. With the words HUMAN ORGAN, you might attract a few strange looks when you're tucking into a ham sandwich from this...

The Watching Glasses-Holder

Image Source/ JewelryNanny
Have you ever seen a face in your peripheral vision and had to do a double glance? If that's the case, stay away from this. This imaginative glasses holder will have you doing double takes all the time when you think someone's staring at you from your desk.

Chernobyl Garden Gnome

Image Source/ Amazon
This one's more creative than creepy. This Chernobyl inspired garden gnome is perfect for your front lawn if you're a gnome fan. Sporting a gas mask, AK-47 and a hazmat suit, it's great as a Halloween decoration or permanent all-year-round addition to your garden.

Unicorn Skeleton Candle

Image Source/ Amazon
Wanna teach your kids a lesson about Unicorn anatomy? Look no further. This gorgeous Unicorn candle actually burns to reveal an equally mystical golden skeleton underneath. I'm sure this will give the kids nightmares for a while, but worth it, right?

Dead Zombie Pen Holder

Image Source/ Amazon
This one's for all you Walking Dead mega fans. I'm sure your colleagues will think you're completely normal when they ask you for a pen and you yank your ballpoint from the torso of a dead zombie on your desk. Totally not weird or creepy whatsoever.

Cotton-filled Blood-red Brain

Image Source/ Amazon
This one actually looks kinda realistic. This cotton-filled brain is entirely covered in silicone and is even wobbly to the touch. Perfect for when you have guests and want to look like a murderous creep! Or just to put in your window as a light bit of décor.

The Distressing Stress Toy

Image Source/ Amazon
What's the one thing you need when you're curled up on your bed bawling your eyes out in the foetal position? A stress ball, of course. There's nothing more relieving than squeezing a replica of yourself so hard that it actually destresses you... right?

A Soulless Annabelle Funko Pop

Image Source/ Amazon
Wait a second, are Funk Pops not for kids? What kind of crazed parent is letting their child watch Annabelle as a bit of night-time TV? This Funk Pop does the job of portraying the creepy Annabelle amazingly with it's completely empty and soulless eyes staring from the box.

Removable Human Organ Apron

Image Source/ Amazon
Have you ever wondered where abouts your organs are based in your body in the middle of baking a chocolate cake? Well, then get your hands on this bad boy. With removable, Velcro organs, you can even teach yourself a thing or two while waiting for your bakes to rise.

Gun-pointing Taxidermy Squirrel

Image Source/ American Natural Resources
Like squirrels? Like guns? Look no further. Head to Amazon now to get yourself the coolest (and creepiest) gun-wielding taxidermy squirrel for all your home décor needs. This one would sure be a conversation starter at your (probably creepy) house parties.

The Paragon Mr. Sneezy Egg Separator

Image Source/ Amazon
It doesn't take a renowned chef to know that separating the egg whites and yolks is a tedious task and often ends with bits of shell floating round in your egg. Well, this amusing contraption will separate the white and yolk in the most repulsive way you can imagine.

Staring Cat Toilet Sticker

Image Source/ Oksale
This cat obsession has gone too far. Why would anyone want to do their business with the beady eyes of a feral cat staring right at them. That's enough to make anyone constipated! I bet it's those crazy cat ladies that go mad to get their hands on one of these.

Soulless Salt-N-Pepper Wielding Cat

Image Source/ Home 'n Gifts
Okay we get it. This was meant to be nice and cute and not creepy at all, but I think it missed the mark. This salt-n-pepper holding cat figurine comes with the shakers, which is great, but it's eyes. How can a cute cat look so cold and dead behind the eyes.

Toilet Bowl Mug

Image Source/ Amazon
Does someone keep talking crap in work? No problem, just ironically buy them this product as their secret Santa gift this year. It's a toilet bowl shaped coffee mug, perfect for that person who just can't stop talking rubbish while you're trying to work!

Summoning Demons T-Shirt

Image Source/ Amazon
I know the Christians are shivering in their boots at this one... and I bet there's a Karen in the comments trying to get this t-shirt banned. Amazon are currently selling a retro "Let's Summon Demons" t-shirt. If you ask me, it's both creepy and stylish.

This Heat-Activated Zombie Mug

Image Source / CNET
You know what's creepy? Zombies. You know when they're creepier? When they're staring at you every time you take a sip of your morning coffee. You even have the pleasure of watching as the black ceramic slowly turns the colour of blood and despair. Well they do say you feel like a zombie before you've had your coffee...

An Oven Mitt That Looks Like A Pig

Image Source / CNET
Now you can look at a pig the next time you feel like a pig when you're cooking up a feast! What makes this pig oven mitt creepier is when you know that pigs will literally eat anything - including, you know... human beings.

A Head In A Jar

Image Source / CNET
Because why not? For legal reason, this is of course a fake head. The head is stuffed into a plastic jar, including rubber mask, and the head is just... there. It's not bobbing in fluid or anything, it's a dry head in a jar. What more could you want?

A Big Batch Of Doll Heads

Image Source / CNET
Yep, just the heads. And if one decapitated doll head wasn't creepy enough, it's a huge batch of them - just in case you need some spare for.. you know.. whatever you want to do with these things, I guess? Apparently they're supposed to be for makeup practice, but I think they're just nightmare fuel practice.

Cthulhu In A Cup

Image Source / CNET
You know what every coffee needs? Cthulhu. And even better when you unveil the god at the bottom of your cup as you drain your drink. This one's for lover of creepy horror and tentacles, of course. Just make sure you know what you're getting into when you answer the call...

Jeff Goldblum Pillow

Image Source / CNET
The creepiness of this item comes more from you choosing to have the face of Jeff Goldblum on your pillow to cuddle and caress.. You may have to explain yourself to friends and family, too. Although the need to have Jeff Goldblum's face on everything actually needs no explanation.

A Casket For Your Pet

Image Source / CNET
To be fair, it's sweet to want to give your beloved pet a nice send off and to find a way to treasure them forever - but having your very own pet casket in your home is a little bit creepy when you think of it long-term.. especially when you have to keep looking at it.

A Set Of Bloody Footprint Stickers

Image Source / CNET
There's nothing worse than someone trailing footprints over the floor you've just mopped, and this is about to make it a whole lot worse - how about blood instead of mud? At least these are only stickers that you can take off, but this would be a pretty darn creepy prank to play on someone.

Head Mask Of A Crying Baby

Image Source / CNET
I mean, a head mask of a baby would be creepy enough, but the fact it's crying? Nope. This latex mask can actually be used by both children or adults... and I honestly don't know which is creepier. Is a crying baby mask over the head of a crying child a good or bad thing?

Stabbed Body Pen Holder

Image Source / CNET
Pierce your pen right through the heart of this poor little rubber guy, again and again. Hold your pen in the cavity of his cold, dead chest, if that's your sort of thing. Not creepy at all.

Hippo Head Cat Bed

Image Source / CNET
On first glance, this looks comfy-cosy for your best furry friend. But the more you look at it, the more the disembodied head of a giant hippo becomes creepy - and even creepier when you have your cat sat inside its mouth, staring at you.

Wall Decal Of An Old-Lady

Image Source / CNET
This has the potential to be more and more creepy depending on where you decide to hang it... Over the head of your bed? Creepy. In the bathroom? Creepy. No matter where you put it? Creepy.

Your Very Own Vulture Skeleton

Image Source / CNET
Full disclosure - it's a fake. But it looks darn real, which is why it's so creepy. The vulture skeleton figurine sits (or lurks hungrily) at 10 inches tall and even includes a bendable neck, which is just all kinds of weird. So you can turn it into a particularly creepy position, of course.

Alien Cookie Jar

Image Source / CNET
This might be the perfect thing to buy if you're looking to diet because the idea of putting your hand anywhere near this thing is enough to put you  off cookies for life. The creepy out-of-this-world cookie jar is far too realistic for my liking.

Human Skull Planter

Image Source / CNET
With house plants being a staple in most homes these days, why not opt for a planter with a little bit of a creepy difference? Enter this human skull. It's important to note that this is fake - but it doesn't make it any less creepy.

A Nice Set Of Severed Hands And Fingers

Image Source / CNET
This would be great for Halloween but any other time of the year it's going to be considerably creepy to have a set of severed fingers and hands just lying about the house. Especially because it looks
realistic and you don't want your roommates finding that lying around.

Disembodied Hand Phone Holder

Image Source / CNET
Did you ever have to think you'd have to check whether your phone is compatible with a disembodied hand? Well now you do. This smartphone holder is more than a little creepy and you'll probably decide to leave it in its holder a bit longer if it means you don't have to go near the thing...

A Murder Of Crows

Image Source / CNET
No, not a real one, just a plastic set, which is where the creepiness comes in. The bendable wires which come with the crows' feet mean that you can place them however - and wherever - you'd like around your home. Perfect... maybe?

Tiny, Tiny Hands

Image Source / CNET
Tiny hands are just creepy. Period. And when you have a full set of them that you can place on each and every finger it just becomes a whole messy ball of weird. What would you even wear these for? No idea.

Spock-Eared Socks

Image Source / CNET
Even Star Trek fans have to admit this is creepy. Themed socks are great and very rarely creepy, but there's just something about those realistic ears sticking out and that impenetrable gaze... Live long and prosper, I guess?

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