30 Of The Craziest Pregnancy Cravings

By Ryan 1 year ago

1. Ice... Just Plain Ice

Image source/ ImgflipOn a warm day, you might fancy some ice to go with your drink to cool you down. Instead of doing that, some pregnant women have had a sudden craving for eating the ice. Many of these pregnant women feel that crunching ice helps if they feel nauseated early on in their pregnancy. Many pregnant women begin to crave ice as they are at much higher risk of Anemia due to the bodies demands during pregnancy therefore the craving of ice helps counteract the issue. 

2. Pickles... Soaked in vinegar

Image source/ simplyrecipes
When it comes to women's pregnancy cravings, one of the most classic examples is pickles. However some pregnant women crave this iconic craving but with a slight twist. Some women carve out the middle of the pickle so it can soak up the vinegar and say this snack is amazing because of the tang that the vinegar brings.

3. A Noodle Sundae

Image source/ commons.wikimedia
Fancy an ice cream? How about adding some noodles with that. There are many things that go perfectly with ice cream. However noodles is not one of them, unless you are pregnant of course. Many pregnant women have had a craving for noodles and ice cream.  You may think this combo is strange but trust me it gets stranger.

4. Blocks Of Coal

Image source/ unsplash
Coal can be useful for many things but for pregnant women coal is most useful for eating. Yes that's right pregnant women can get the unusual craving for coal. Although this craving is very odd, it is usually caused by Pica which can be very common in the early stages of pregnancy.

5. Toothpaste

Image source/insider
After coal, the craving of toothpaste may come as a sweet surprise to the women who get this craving when pregnant. These pregnant women do not tend to squirt tube of toothpaste in their mouths but instead like to swallow or eat the toothpaste whilst brushing their teeth.

6. Gravy... With Everything

Gravy, Gravy on everything! : r/foodImage source/ simplyrecipes
Many people would fancy some gravy over their Sunday roast, but these pregnant women had the craving for putting gravy on everything they eat. Some of these women thought that putting it on food was not enough so instead decided to drink the gravy straight from the cup.

7. Christmas Inspired treat

Image source/ nerdist
People who like to watch holiday films during the Christmas period will be very familiar with this crazy treat.  This treat loaded with noodles, marshmallows, sweets and then drowned in maple syrup has now become a crazy craving for many pregnant women especially for the women that have seen the festive film.

8. No Cough Just Drops

Image source/ prevention
Many people like to suck and chew on these drops to help relieve them of a cough. However, craving these as a snack is not something people do often, unless you are pregnant of course. Many pregnant women have craved cough drops as a snack and some have even eaten them by the box.

9. Everything Onions

Image source/ foodprint
There are many pregnant women who get the craving for onions so decide to have onions with any food possible. Some of these women previously hated onions before being pregnant but during pregnancy had a non stop craving for them. Onions are packed with nutrients and minerals that are essential for pregnancy so this could be a reason for this craving.

10. Bacon Wrapped In Dark Chocolate

Chocolate Covered Bacon SkewersImage source/ thespruceeats
Many people love to eat bacon and try to add it to every meal possible, therefore there is not much surprise with this pregnancy craving. Strips of bacon dipped and wrapped in a dark chocolate sauce. It sounds strange but this craving might be worth a try.

11. Canned Corn Uncooked

Image source/ saleeinter
Craving corn doesn't seem too crazy but some pregnant women have had the craving for uncooked corn straight from the can. These women would just grab a spoon and a can of corn and away they go, some women couldn't get enough of it and would eat two cans of corn a day.

12. Tangy Tasting Treat

Image source/ eatthis
You may like a lemon in your drink or a drizzle of lemon on your food but not these pregnant women. These women prefer to just eat the lemon on its own. That's right these women would just grab a lemon and start eating. This may seem unusual but the craving of lemons is very common during pregnancy.

13. Spongy Surprise

Image source/ andkeep
Sponges have many uses that help keep things clean but using them as a snack is not a very common use. However it is quite a common craving for many pregnant women. Some of these women actually eat the sponges and others use it to suck out all of the water inside.

14. Orange Juice... With A Minty Twist

Image source/ alzdiscovery
Orange juice is a refreshing sensation that perfectly complements any breakfast, as long has you haven't brushed your teeth beforehand, otherwise the minty flavour overrules the refreshing orange and leaves a taste that nobody likes except certain pregnant women. These women only crave orange juice after getting the minty taste from brushing their teeth.

15. Fancy A Shot?

Image source/ dreamstime
On a night out, many people enjoy doing a few rounds of shots of drinks like tequila or  jäger bombs but never are there any shots of vinegar going round. However some pregnant women crave vinegar and are guilty of doing shots of the stuff to satisfy their craving.

16. Marshmallows And Crisp

Image source/ myincrediblerecipes
This pregnancy craving may sound strange but if you think about it there are many people who enjoy a sweet and salty combination so mix the salty crisp with the sweet marshmallows and this combination makes some sense. This might be a craving worth a try.

17. Mashed Potatoes... With A Unique Sauce

Image source/ popsugar
Everyone loves some mashed potatoes, especially with a drizzle of gravy, but not some of these pregnant women. These women would rather add a different sauce to their mashed potatoes... caramel sauce. Although this image looks appetizing, I'm sure it's not as good as mashed potatoes with gravy.

18. Pickles And Ice Cream

Image source/ mashed
There are many things to add with your ice cream like strawberries or cherries but not very often do you see people asking for pickles with their ice cream. However, this combination is a very common craving with pregnant women but unfortunately for them I don't think any ice cream vans sell this combination.

19. Spaghetti-Filled Sandwich

Image source/ imgur
There are many sandwich combinations out there that people enjoy. However, scoops of spaghetti stuffed between a couple of bread slices is not a very common sandwich combination but does the job for many of the women that get this craving during pregnancy.

20. Chicken Nuggets Drizzled In Warm Custard

Image source/ allrecipes
Chicken nuggets are a very popular choice of food and there are many different sauces that can go with them like tomato ketchup or barbeque sauce but some pregnant women had the craving of custard on their chicken nuggets. Yes you read that correct, custard with chicken nuggets, sounds crazy!

21. Everything Cheese

Image source/ thecheeseshed
There a many mothers-to-be that crave cheese - even celebrities like Kim Kardashian. These women would eat mostly cheese during their pregnancy or at least try to incorporate it into everything else they eat. Whatever the form these pregnant women had the desire to eat cheese.

22. Pizza For Dessert

Image source/ kettlepizza
A sweet pizza is nothing new in the world of food but a savoury pizza covered in sweet toppings and layers of icing is definitely a new one. However, this is what some women were craving during their pregnancy. For the women craving something sweet and savoury this could do the job.

23. Dirt For Dinner

Image source/ newscientist
Not all pregnancy cravings involve food so yes you read that right, some women really do crave dirt during pregnancy. This sounds crazy but this is another common craving that can be caused by Pica which is because of  iron deficiencies which occurs often during pregnancy.

24. Burritos With A New Sauce

Image source/ laurenslatest
It is very normal for people to fancy a burrito even if they are not pregnant. Not often though do you see people covering their burrito in the world wide favourite sauce... Nutella. Yes some pregnant women have admitted to craving burritos smothered in the hazelnut spread.

25. Garden Grass

Image source/ lawnsmith
Sounds like these pregnant women took the phrase 'eat your greens' very seriously by adding a new green to their diet as some pregnant women have had a craving for eating grass. These women would just go out in the garden, grab some grass and start eating.

26. Grains Of Coffee

Image source/ rollcutstudios
Many people enjoy a good cup of coffee and it is very common for people to have a cup of coffee in the morning even if they are not pregnant. However, instead of a cup of coffee, some pregnant women have had a craving of just munching on the grains of coffee.

27. Anything Spicy

Image source/ chilli-plant
Some people may like one or two spicy foods but not some pregnant women. They like every food that has that spicy flavour as the spice satisfies their craving. Hot and spicy food is a well-known way to help ease nausea during pregnancy so this crazy craving makes some sense.

28. A Pickle Juice Slush

Image source/ goutaste
There are many common flavours of slush like strawberry or blueberry but pickle is definitely not one. However, some pregnant women have had a weird craving for a slush drink made from pickle juice, frozen water and sugar. This craving is thought to help with nausea during pregnancy.

29. Chalk

Image source/ dreamstime
When you think of common pregnancy cravings, not many people come up with chalk although it is a very common non-food craving. Many pregnant women have admitted to having a crazy chalk craving during their pregnancy. So if these women are feeling a little bit peckish they may decide to nibble on a piece of chalk.

30. Soup With Crisp On The Side

Image source/ pixabay
During the colder months, people may crave a nice warm bowl of soup but some pregnant women have had a craving for a side of crisp with their soup. These women tended to have a their side of crisp and dip them into the soup and this combination was used at every meal of the day for some women.

31. Popsicles

image source: reddit.com
If you happen to be pregnant in the middle of winter or during those colder days, you might be wondering why on earth you want a cold popsicle, of all things! But this is a very real craving, and it can happy because your body is craving more hydration than it usually needs due to the pregnancy increasing your body temperature! So you might want to make more room in your freezer.

32. Toothpaste

image source: reddit.com
Getting the motivation to brush your teeth everyday can be tough even for a full grown adult. The solution? Get pregnant, apparently - because you'll be craving toothpaste in abundance! Although we don't know if it counts as brushing your teeth if you're eating it straight from the tube... but still. Apparently wanting to swallow toothpaste instead of spitting in the sink is a real thing.

33. Sand

image source: reddit.com
You, er... might want to avoid any beach days during your pregnancy, and especially if you already have Pica syndrome (cravings to eat non-food items) because you could actually get the urge to eat sand. We obviously highly recommend you don't... but craving it is really a thing. Maybe it's to do with the grainy quality for chewing? We have no idea - just don't do it!

34. Mushrooms dipped in custard

image source: reddit.com
Oh mushrooms, finally a craving that - oh. With custard. Okay then. So mushrooms are a very healthy craving to have during pregnancy, and it makes sense because of all the nutrients in mushrooms, including antioxidants which can help with fetus growth. But the dipped in custard? We imagine just because eating mushrooms is too normal for some pregnant women.

35. Mustard

image source: reddit.com
Mustard in very small doses can be a great addition to many recipes for a bit of a kick - but we wouldn't say anyone usually craves mustard in huge amounts. Especially if it's a very hot mustard, you don't want to be having too much of that - unless you're pregnant and craving it. Mustard craving could actually be a sign your body needs more antioxidants!

36. Vegetables

image source: reddit.com
This craving is weird because who actually wants to voluntarily eat vegetables? Not only that, but crave them? Craving for chocolate and sweets, sure, but to actually crave something healthy - it's unheard of! But don't complain if this is you, because indulging on veggies during pregnancy is encouraged to get those vitamins and minerals you need.

37. Salad

image source: reddit.com
Okay, craving healthy vegetables was weird enough, but salad too? Nobody really craves salad - they barely even want it on the side of their plate - but apparently it can be a big craving during pregnancy. Much better than craving Big Macs, we're sure. A lot of pregnant people crave salad because it's packed with healthy ingredients and a ton of fiber.

38. Paper

image source: reddit.com
Most of us having eaten paper at some point in our lives - it sounds weird, but let's be honest, as kids or teenagers we might have been chewing on paper in class to try and make spit balls, or thinking we could hide a note from teacher if we chewed and swallowed it. But for pregnant people, craving paper to eat is actually a thing - one that we wouldn't encourage!

39. Sp*rm

image source: reddit.com
Okay this one's extremely weird, we know - but we said we were going to talk about the craziest pregnancy cravings! It's actually been suggested by professionals that ingesting your partner's sp*rm in the morning can not only be a craving, but beneficial to combatting morning sickness. At the end of the day, there are minerals in the stuff, so... there you go.

40. Mint

image source: reddit.com
If you're going to be squeezing toothpaste into your mouth during pregnancy, then it makes sense why actual mint would also be a big craving! We all know how refreshing mints can be when we need a freshen up, and for pregnant people, it's actually likely to get more of a bitter taste in their mouth as a result of pregnancy, so no surprise why you might be craving a nice mint or two (or three).

41. Soap

image source: reddit.com
Some people might have said you need to wash your mouth out with soap in the past, but this is really not what they had in mind. Soap is essential for cleaning - not essential at all for your diet! But some pregnant people do crave to eat soap, which can again be a part of the Pica syndrome problem. It could be a sign your body is lacking in certain minerals.

42. Garlic

image source: reddit.com
Garlic is one of those things that makes a lot of recipes taste a lot better, but which most people avoid too much of due to the whole bad breath situation - or you know, when it starts seeping out of your pores. But some pregnant women don't care about that, because all they want is a huge pile of garlic! The good news is garlic has a hefty supply of antioxidants.

43. Chewing gum

image source: reddit.com
Bonus points for minty chewing gum, and even more points if you don't have the craving to actually swallow it! A lot of pregnancy people can crave chewing gum, and while it has nothing to do with any health benefits for you or your baby, the good thing about it is that the chewing movement can help to relax you or help you to focus - and even help your mood!

44. Meat

image source: reddit.com
This one isn't so weird if you're already a meat eater, but it can be very weird - and a problem - for expectant people who are vegetarian or vegan. The last thing you want to be craving is meat. It's actually very normal during pregnancy because of your body's need for lean muscle tissue as your baby grows. But it can be strange if you haven't eaten meat in years and years!

45. Peanut butter

image source: reddit.com
If you've never been a peanut butter person, you might be wondering why you're suddenly having the urge to stock up your pantry with 50 jars. Peanut butter cravings during pregnancy are normal, and this can often be because of your hormones being all over the place - so much so that you naturally crave a good dose of comfort food (the best of which has to be peanut butter!).

46. Toast

image source: reddit.com
You might be thinking a craving for stodgy bread makes sense, but why cravings for toast specifically? It can actually happen during pregnancy, any time of day or night and not just for breakfast! A lot of this can come from the fact that there are a ton of things you can spread on toast, like all the other things you're craving, including that peanut butter we just spoke about!

47. Tea

image source: reddit.com
You might have been thinking cups of tea are more a British thing, and you've always been a coffee person so why would you suddenly be wanting a whole load of tea? Craving tea can be a lot down to the high antioxidant content in this drink, but it also depends what kind of tea you're craving. Certain teas you might not want too much of because of the caffeine content, others are fine!

48. Dog food

image source: reddit.com
This one might make you want to vomit, regardless of whether you're suffering from morning sickness or not! But yep, it's actually a thing for some pregnant women to crave dog food. Needless to say, dog food isn't really safe for humans to eat, but that doesn't stop you from craving it if you're pregnant. Dog food might be a craving because it smells weird and shouldn't be edible, which seems to be a key theme for pregnancy cravings!

49. Fennel seeds

image source: reddit.com
While fennel might make a little bit of sense - it is a food item, after all - craving the seeds specifically is a little bit more weird. Fennel seeds are actually some of the most popular pregnancy craving foods, as well as foods eaten by pregnant people, because they do have the power to alleviate morning sickness and general nausea in some people. You can easily mix them up in any food or drink!

50. Soda

image source: reddit.com
We all know how unhealthy too many fizzy drinks can be, but here we are again with your pregnancy craving the most unhealthiest things on the planet. If you're usually so good with resisting any form of carbonated drink, you're going to hate this one, because all you'll be wanting is that very sweet fizz as much as possible! Try not to drink more than a can a day, though, because of the caffeine.

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