30 Things Everyone Missed In Shrek

By Ryan 1 year ago

1. Shrek's Voice Has Been Heard Before

Image source/ whatcultureEveryone knows that Shrek is played by famous comedic actor Mike Myers and that he gave the character of Shrek a unique voice that people could associate with him and the film. However, people do not know that the voice was actually used previously in several other films such as Wayne's World 2. 

2. The Film Is Completely Different To The Book

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Most films are similar to the books and the storyline is often the same, however in Shrek's case the film and the book are completely different. In the book, Shrek had laser eyes and was quite an evil and aggressive character whereas in the film, he is classes as the good guy and does not have laser eyes.

3. Mama Bear Is Turned Into A Rug

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This is quite a dark joke in Shrek and can be easy to miss when watching the film. There is a scene in the film where Mama Bear, Papa Bear and Baby Bear are all locked up in cages but further on in the film, there is a scene where you can see that Farquaad has turned Mama Bear into a rug.

4. The Name Shrek Fits Perfectly

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In every film, the characters name have a hidden meaning and in this case the name ''Shrek'' has a hidden meaning too. The name sounds similar to the word Shreck in German which means fright and terror which is kind of fitting for Shrek as he is feared by the people in the film.

5. A Small Indiana Jones Reference

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There is a scene in Shrek where Donkey and Shrek are trying to cross the bridge to escape the the dragon but the bridge begins to break in a similar ay in which the bridge breaks at the end of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, however it was a dragon chasing Shrek and not a human sacrifice cult.

6. Princess Fiona Gets Her Fighting Moves From Pop Culture

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Princess Fiona learned some fighting moves and used them in the Shrek films as when she was fighting Robin Hood and his men she used a move from The Matrix but not only that, in Shrek 2 she pulled off Chun Li's spinning bird kick move from Street Fighter II, maybe she spent her time in the tower playing video games.

7. There Is No Back Story On Donkey

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In all films, most of the main characters have a background on their life but not Donkey. In Shrek, we learn nothing about Donkey like where he is from or how he ended up there. It is pretty obvious that talking donkeys are not normal in this universe but we are never told how Donkey came about.

8. What Is Deal With The Dragon

Image source/ autumndragon
Like Donkey, the dragon and her reasoning for keeping Princess Fiona captured in a tower is unknown. This seems to be a common theme in Shrek as characters have unknown backgrounds and unknown reasoning for being there.  The Dragon then becomes friends with Shrek and Fiona at the end of the film.

9. Fiona's Inner Ogre Appears

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In Shrek, there is a scene where Princess Fiona hands over a spider web and flies cotton candy over to Shrek and after she hands it over and walks away, she licks her fingers. This is a very subtle hint that Princess Fiona is also an ogre as well. We find out that she is fact an ogre later on.

10. The Stair Master

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Donkey, who is played by Eddie Murphy, claims to be ''the stair master'' in Shrek and this is the exact same phrase that Eddie Murphy's character said in The Nutty Professor therefore making this a nod towards Eddie's previous acting experiences before being apart of Shrek.

11. The Title Shows 2 Sets Of Ogre Ears

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Before the film begins, the title card appears, and it shows two sets of ogre ears showing Shrek and Princess Fiona are together. A bunch of fireflies make out the word Shrek and add on the extra iconic ogre ears onto the room number of Shrek and Fiona's honeymoon suite.

12. The Sequel Opens With A Fairy Tale Of Shrek

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At the beginning of Shrek, the film begins with a fairy tale story that Shrek reads out loud in his outhouse. Shrek 2 opens with the same book; however, it actually tells the story of Shrek and recaps all of the key events in the first film. A classic fairy tale styling to begin the second film.

13. The Big Bad Wolf Is Reading A Pork Magazine

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There is a scene in Shrek 2 where the big bad wolf is reading a pork illustrated magazine whilst eating a bag of bacon flavoured crisp. in the first Shrek movie, the wolf does a similar thing just lounging about and this is a reference to his behaviour in little red riding hood.

14. The Onion Carriage From The First Movie Is Spotted

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At the end of the first Shrek film, Shrek and Fiona ride away in their onion carriage after they get married, and this carriage was a significant part in the first film. In Shrek 2, the same onion carriage is used to transport Shrek, Fiona and Donkey and is also spotted several times during the film.

15. Hanzel And Gretel Reference

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During Shrek, Princess Fiona and Shrek have their honeymoon in a gingerbread house decorated with sweets and icing with a sign at the front saying Hanzel's Honeymoon Hideaway. The design of the house is a reference to the fairy tale characters who are referenced more than once in the film.

16. Princess Ariel Seems To Make An Appearance

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During Shrek and Fiona's honeymoon, Shrek goes from kissing Fiona to kissing a red-haired mermaid after a wave comes crashing over him. Once Fiona clocks on, she picks up the mermaid and drags her back into the water. The mermaid's appearance is nearly the exact same as Princess Ariel so this could be a nod to the Disney character.

17. Shrek And Fiona Recreate Spider Man Scene

In Shrek and Fiona's honeymoon montage, there is a clip of Shrek being caught in a trap and he gets turned upside down right in front of Princess Fiona, who rushes over to check on her husband, and the two end up kissing and recreating the iconic kiss from the spider man film.

18. Rapunzel and Cinderella references

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The film Shrek is a film full of fairy tale references including many famous princesses. For example, Princess Rapunzel and Princess Cinderella are referenced during the film as they drive by Rapunzel's tower, which has long blonde hair falling from the window on their journey and also Cinderella's castle.

19. Shrek's Swamp Sign Has Been Updated

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In the first Shrek film, Shrek has a sign up which says beware of the ogre and has a picture of Shrek on there. After his marriage with Princess Fiona, Shrek decides to update the sign after the couple return home to beware of the ogre's now with a picture of Shrek and Fiona.

20. Far Far Away Resembling Hollywood

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In the film Shrek, there is a couple of scenes which show the kingdom of Far Far Away in the background and even further behind them you can see a sign that says Far Far Away. This sign is a resemblance of the sign that you can see in Hollywood and there are people in the film selling maps on the street just like in Hollywood that show where celebrities live.

21. A Coffee Shop With A Sign Like Starbucks

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During the film, there is a scene where Shrek and Fiona arrive in the kingdom of Far Far Away in their onion carriage and in the background, you can see a coffee shop and it has a sign that looks very similar to the Starbucks sign. The name of the shop also seems to be a nod to Starbucks as it is called Farbucks.

22. The Main Road Is Full Of Real-Life Store References

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In the kingdom of Far Far Away, the main road is completely filled with shops that are references to real-life shops. For example, there is a reference to GAP, Versacchi, Burger King and various other famous shops around the world. Far Far Away seems to be a version of Los Angeles.

23. Fiona's Dress Flies Up Like Marilyn Monroe

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When the fairy god mother first turns up, she does a magical performance where she changes Fiona's clothes and room and also makes Fiona's furniture talk. When the fairy god mother changes Fiona's dress, it flies up like Marilyn Monroe's dress did clearly making a subtle reference to her.

24. King Charles Makes An Appearance

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During the fairy god mother's big song, Fiona sits down, and an image of King Charles appears on her mirror as her furniture begins to sing. There are many references to fictional princes and princess but this time round it is a member of the British Royal family. Obviously, Charles was known as Prince Charles at the time of the film.

25. Fairy God Mother References Fairy Tales

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After Shrek asks the fairy god mother for her potion, she goes through several books to prove that ogres do not live happily ever after. Whilst she sis doing this, she lists several fairy tale books such as Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid and Pretty Woman.

26. A Spilled Potion Turns People Into Beauty And The Beast Characters

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When the fairy god mother's potion is spilled it cause mayhem by turning animals into people, people into animals and it even turns two of the employees into two of the characters from Beauty And The Beast, which is quite clearly a reference to the fairy tale film.

27. Jill From Jack And Jill Makes An Appearance

Image source/ shrekfandom
When the potion turns Shrek into a human, there a few women who are talking about how good-looking Shrek is as a human. Out of nowhere, a woman by the name of Jill comes running over and says to Shrek that she has fetched him a pail of water which is a phrase from the nursery ryhme.

28. Gingy Has His Legs Reattached

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After being tortured and getting his legs chopped off by Lord Farquaad in the first Shrek movie, Gingy has had his legs reattached to his body in the second film with a cool edition of icing stitches where his legs were cut previously, which help keep his legs attached.

29. The Muffin Man Lives On Dury Lane

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In the first Shrek film, Gingy was brutally tortured about where the muffin man was, and the baker not only features in the second film, but we also get a view of his house. Not only that but there is a sign outside his house saying Drury Lane which shows that he does in fact live there.

30. More Stories Referenced By The Fairy God Mother

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Another occasion where the fairy god mother references other fairy tale stories. When Shrek and his friends come to save Fiona, they get into a very chaotic fight with the fairy god mother which leads to her referencing other fairy tales such as Pinocchio, who gets turned into a real boy.

31. Ever Thought About What 'Farquaad' Really Sounds Like?

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The names in Shrek also have hidden meanings, and in particular Farquaad. This is one that's definitely for the adults, but even a few adults might have missed this one the first time round. Farquaad sounds like.. well, if you change the 'ar' to a 'u' and split the word up into 'Farq' and 'Uaad', you might get the idea.

32. There's A Shout Out To Chris Farley

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Chris Farley was actually the original actor cast as Shrek before Mike Myers took over after Farley passed away. The film paid homage to Farley by adding in Shrek doing air quotes, which was a reference to what one of the characters did on Saturday Night Live, who Farley played.

33. Peter Pan Is Trying To Sell Tinkerbell

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This is actually quite horrid when you think about it, as we all know they're supposed to stay together. In the scene where Donkey manages to fly away from the Duloc guards after being hit by pixie dust, you can see Peter Pan with a cage containing a rather familiar looking fairy, when the cage gets knocked over.

34. And Geppetto Tries To Sell Pinocchio!

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In what could be considered even worse than Peter Pan trying to sell off Tinkerbell, in the same scene you can also see what looks like Geppetto trying to sell Pinocchio. Obviously in this reality, Geppetto is less than impressed than the wooden puppet he created, so obviously waned to try and make some money off of it at least.

35. Does The Big Bad Wolf Find Love With A Knight?

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At the end of the movie when Shrek and Fiona get married, you can see the Big Bad Wolf (still in Grandma's clothes) smiling at, and hugging, a knight - who gets very emotional about the ceremony. later, they're also seen on the dancefloor together. Are they just friends or completely in love? You decide!

36. Farquaad's Plan Makes No Sense

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Farquaad's evil plan consists of wanting to get rid of fairytale creatures. But he's part of the fairytale world, and even uses a magic mirror... which counts as a fairytale creature. His reasoning is also that getting rid of fairytale creatures would make the world more 'perfect' - which doesn't really make sense. But what makes least sense of all is him wanting to marry a princess so he can be king... when he already rules the land anyway.

37. Gingy's Torture Is Actually Quite Dark

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The scene of Gingy's torture is funny at first watch, because we all laugh at the gumdrop buttons and reference to the Muffin Man, but it actually gets a little darker than this. We can see through the shadows on the wall Gingy being 'waterboarded' - or 'milkboarded' in this movie - which is a real life torture technique.

38. Er... What's Farquaad Doing Alone In Bed?

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One for the adults, Farquaad appears in a scene where he's having some alone time in bed - naked, it would seem - in zebra-print sheets and speaking to the Magic Mirror. He asks the mirror to show him a picture of Princess Fiona... just when he's in bed... alone... looking mighty comfortable.

39. And His Love For Himself Is Also Shown In His Decor

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In the same scene, you can see a portrait on the wall in his bedroom, which is - of course - a painting of himself in 'Birth of Venus' style, with the painted Farquaad looking down at himself on the bed. This is a tiny bit weird, to say the least, especially when you think the painted Farquaad would be watching what the real Farquaad does in bed.

40. The Duloc Cathedral Appears To Worship Farquaad

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Well, he does worship himself, so it makes sense. During the wedding scene in the cathedral, you can see a statue and stained glass windows depicted as Farquaad. This is very religious imagery, and seems to be the only one in the cathedral, implying that he is, in fact, their whole religion.

41. Shrek's Appearance Is Apparently Based On A Real-Life Person

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There was a boxer in the 1940s named Maurice Tillet, also known as the French Angel, and it's rumored that Shrek is actually based on the looks of Maurice Tillet. Tillet had a hormonal disorder named Acromegaly that resulted in increased bone growth. It's never been confirmed if Shrek was officially based on him, but their similarities can't be ignored...

42. Robin Hood Is French - And There's A Reason For That

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Robin Hood is very much an English character, so you might have been wondering why he's French in the movie. Well, even though Robin Hood is set in England, the Anglo-Norman period at the time had French as a common spoken language. English nobility would also speak French, so it's not so odd that Shrek's Robin Hood has a French accent.

43. The Three Pigs' Hats Reflect Their Different Homes

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Each pig of the Three Little Pigs is wearing a different hat, and they actually aren't random. Each hat references the home they've built. One hat is a construction hat, which would reflect building a house out of wood or sticks; another hat is a straw hat, which references a straw house; and the final hat looks like a white hat with a trowel on it, referencing masonry or brick-building.

44. The Jurassic Park References With Dragon

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During the sequence where Dragon is chasing Shrek and the others through the castle, there are so many shout-outs to Jurassic Park. And when Dragon later breaks into the cathedral and scoops up Farquaad in her mouth, it's the same movement the T-Rex makes in Jurassic Park when it eats Donald Gennaro on the toilet.

45. Duloc Is Supposed To Be A Parody Of Disney Parks

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The appearance of Duloc will be very familiar to people who have spent time in a Disney park or two. There are tiny figures that greet Shrek and Donkey that feel very much like the figures from the 'It's A Small World' ride; there's a parking lot; there are souvenir shops, and you can see 'guests' eating cotton candy!

46. The Reference To The Famous O.J. Simpson Car Chase

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In the real life car chase involving O.J. Simpson which is now famous, Simpson was driving a white Bronco. In Shrek, there is a scene where Donkey turns into a white horse when on the run with Shrek from palace guards. The guards chasing them reference being in pursuit of a 'white Bronco'.

47. The Three Blind Mice Are The Only Characters From A Nursery Rhyme

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In the first movie, the mice are the only characters that aren't fairytale creatures, and actually from their own nursery rhyme. Every other creature in the movie is from a legend or fairytale, whereas we all know the three blind mice from the rhyme we learned at school.

48. And The Three Blind Mice Stay Blind Even When They Transform Into Horses

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At the end of the film, when Shrek and Fiona are being whisked away on their honeymoon, the mice have been transformed into two horses and a carriage driver to pull the wedding carriage. You might not have noticed, but the horses and the driver appear to be blind (which gives a whole new meaning to 'horse blinders').

49. The People Fighting Over Fiona's Wedding Bouquet Are Cinderella And Snow White

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Every wedding needs guests fighting over who catches the bouquet, but did you notice that the people fighting over it at Fiona's wedding are famous fairytale characters in their own right? The two women fighting over the bouquet are Cinderella and Snow White (and there's even a dwarf there who laughs when Snow gets slapped).

50. The Rocky Horror Picture Show Reference

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During a scene in the second movie when Shrek and Fiona are having dinner with their parents, they all shout out each other's names in a way very similar to a famous scene from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's so similar that some fans have even made video mashups of both scenes!

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