Personal Trainer Reveals 30 Things You Should Never Do In The Gym

By Sarah Smith 1 year ago

Neglect your dynamic warm up 


From first grade, kids can tell you warming up is important! Having a dynamic stretching routine is vital to raise the temperature of your muscles gradually before getting down to serious business. This helps avoid injury and reduces aches and pains generally. Studies have shown that a dynamic warm ups prep your muscles better to perform at optimum power than static stretching (where you hold a pose rather than keep moving through a motion.) Get to it! 

Eat a massive meal before hand 

Source: Reddit 

No Michael, carbo-loading is not the way to success before a gym sesh. Not unless you're a fan of indignation, nausea, bloating or gas... Your body usually needs 2 hours to digest a meal, so plan your day accordingly. If you're thinking of doing some medium intensity cardio, it's fine to do it on an empty stomach, straight after getting up perhaps. This burns fat faster, if that's your goal, as your glycogen stores will be low.

Be put off by how much the big guy/gal benches 

Source: Men's health 

You know the one - look like they could bench two of you without breaking a sweat? Ignore them. This is often the reason people skip their strength training; they're intimidated. Trust us - no one cares if you're the stringiest bean in the room, you do you. Everyone else, even Mountain Man over there, is more concerned with their own zone than yours. Crack on. 

Stick to cardio 

Source: Health shots 

It's not just intimidation which means people stick to cardio and skip the weights. Girls - it won't bulk you up (if you're trying to avoid that) and it'll help you achieve that tone, improve your cardio performance and burn fat. Lifting a more intense level with a little rest time between sets will also burn just as many calories as cardio. Variation is key, as we'll keep saying! 

Curl in the the squat rack 

Source: Scary Symptoms 

This is just the worst gym crime, ever. These limited areas are literally the only place you can do Barbell Squats. Not doing those? Then take your weights elsewhere please! No one wants to come over to get their squat on and find you merrily curling in their area. 

Stick to weights 

Source: Get Healthy U 

We've said how cardio without weights is not the dream, but the opposite is also true. You can look as buff as you like using weights, but don't miss the serious benefits cardio can give your heart and lungs. It also burns a load of glycogen if done right. Mix it up, it will 100% help your overall form. 

Do any heavy lifting alone

Source: Imgflip

Buddying up is so important for safety if you're getting serious about the amount you bench. It's in no way a sign of weakness - having a spotter can improve your form, keep you motivated and efficient. Also, no one wants to get stuck under a weight. It's not a good look. 

Sweat up the cardio equipment 

Source: 9Gag

Gym etiquette is mostly obvious - not sweating up the machinery is a biggie. You'll never make any friends if you leave a trail of sweat behind you wherever you go. Bring a towel or grab one of the paper ones which almost every gym puts out for you. Always leave things as you'd want to find them. 

Neglect your form 

Source: Steel Supplements 

If you're doing an exercise incorrectly, it's pretty much as bad (or worse) than not doing it at all. Mainly, you're risking injury, especially if you're using weights. Youtube is full of helpful advice, or your gym most likely has personal trainers available to help you out with a few sessions. Take your time, ask for help, watch videos and be safe. 


Source: Imgflip

The same is true of rushing through your routine. You need to hit the full range of motion and do every repetition correctly to make your routine effective. Make sure you're constantly checking the feel of your muscles throughout your workout. Speed is no one's friend here - going slow, on the resistance machine for instance, will only make your muscles work harder and your workout more effective. Even if you're doing an explosive movement, it doesn't mean you have to rush it. 

Only use machines 

Source: Imgflip

Sure machines are helpful in any gym set, but if you're going to hit that full range of motion and engage your core and stabilizer muscles, you need to be looking elsewhere too. Free weights will active your core and force you to stabilise yourself in order to control them. This means gaining greater strength and burning more calories. 

Wing it

Source: Meme generator 

Even if you're not a planner in everyday life, don't just wander into the gym with no idea what you're about to do. It's a huge waste of time. Best case, you'd have some long term goals to aim for too. A personal trainer can help you with this. They'll help you gradually build up your stamina and strength, as well as making sure your form is on point. 

Text whilst using equipment 

Source: Origym 

Chances are, someone is waiting for whatever you're using and also needs to check their work email or organise their plans for this evening. If politeness is not enough to persuade you, research shows texting an impede your balance and stability by 45%. Put the phone away! 

Blindly copy someone else 

Source: YouTube 

The biggest concern with this, is that you'll pick up a poor technique. Just because the fittest gal in the gym lifts that way. doesn't mean she's doing it right. Rotator cuff warm ups and Romanian deadlifts are especially susceptible to contagious bad form. If you're unsure about your technique, ask a personal trainer or head over to youtube. 

Forget about static stretching


We've covered dynamic stretching, but static stretches also have their place in your workout. They increase range of mobility, motion and will help your body recover from your work out. As we get older, our muscles get stiffer and poses will need to be held for longer than the standard 30 seconds, but they will still help prevent back pain and help relax your muscles, 

Over train 


You won't get the results you want any quicker if you overdo things. What you'll get instead is extreme fatigue, long lasting soreness, and possibly even depression and irritability. Make sure you get enough, good quality sleep and make eating highly nutritious food a priory. 


Source: Pure WOW

Hanging around that occupied piece of kit you want to use next won't get you on it any quicker. Go away and use something else until it's free; it's not hard. There's literally an entire gym to choose from. All you'll achieve is some irritable looks. 

Make it just a social club 

Source: Buzzfeed

Sure, going to the gym can be a social thing. Spin classes, aerobic classes, group training are all good fun in groups, but if someone's in the zone - back off. There are times to chat: going in, leaving or at the water cooler. If someone is moving about, a quick chat is fine, unless they have headphones in (they may as well wear a sign saying "not here to chat.")

Wear whatever 

Source: Pinterst 

Safety is always key. Please please please make sure you have the correct footwear - closed toe, well structured trainers will help protect your toes from stubbing or any rogue weights, as well as strains on your legs etc. Also, make sure you've also got a change of gym clothes, a towel, supplement shaker and water bottles. Keep it all in your car if you can. 

Be too proud to ask for help


If you don't know what to do: ask. No one will say no or think any less of you, everyone started somewhere. Plus, everyone is there for a common goal, even if it's a solitary pursuit, so utilise your resources. It's better than injuring yourself or wasting time doing something incorrectly. 

Over-use a routine 


Your body needs to be put under stress to improve, adapt and change. If you constantly repeat the same routine, your body won't adapt and you'll stop getting better; it's the biggest reason for lack of results. When you hit your comfort level, it's time to switch things up. Do those things you don't like as, chances are, you don't like them because you need to improve them. 

Go too heavy, or not heavy enough 

Source: Design Press

We hate to gender stereotype, but it's usually guys who over-lift and girls who under-lift. That is not a challenge to over-lift girls - they're both as bad as each other! If you lift more than you can cope with, your form will be the first thing out of the window. You'll risk injury and won't help you improve. Showing off gets you nowhere (plus, no one is watching anyway.) Under-lifting won't put your muscles under enough stress to achieve anything; you need to be engaging your core and stabilizer muscles. Find a weight you can handle for 8 reps - that's the sweet spot. 

Get your grunt on 

Source: MEME

Grunting is a sure sign you're over-lifting. You are not Nadal or Venus; grunting will not help you get power in this situation. Learn how to breathe properly whilst doing your reps, this will help improve your form, increase your strength and stop everyone thinking you're a total idiot.

Only work out in the same place

Source: iStock 

Variation is good, not only in your routine, but also in your environment. If being in the same gym, in the same space is doing your nut in, find a new place for a bit. Even if you head outdoors for your cardio or get a set of weights to use at home, you'll be amazed how a little change in routine can improve your stamina and commitment. 

Assume you know someone's journey 


Never EVER assume you know why someone is at the gym. Just because someone is plus size, does not mean they're not a heck of a lot fitter than you. Unless they invite "encouraging" comments, even if you're just trying to be nice, keep them to yourself. Plenty of the top fitness trainers we know do not conform to the Hollywood fitness instructor vibe.  

Forget to rehydrate 

Source: makeameme

Water is amazing (and basically free most of the time.) Your baby needs water to function correctly and having a big ol' water bottle w8th you is never a bad thing. Add flavour if you like, but don't allow yourself to get dehydrated, especially when training, but in wider life too. It will not end well. 

Or refuel 

Source: Pinterest 

Working out will put your muscles in a catholic state and they need fuel to recover if you don't want them to start breaking down their own tissue for energy. Carbs and protein are key here, ideally within 30mins. it may sound crazy, but chocolate milk is a good one for this. Protein supplements are good too, just make sure they have a low sugar content and don't forget to have an actual balanced meal before too long! 

Focus on your beach muscles 

Source: Imgflip

If all you do at the gym is 400 biceps curls, you'll be pretty sore and won't use up many calories. Most "beach muscles" are secondary and pretty small, so focus on the bigger picture and you'll be working these out too. For example, a squat will mainly work out your gluteus, but your calves and core are also involved. If you must do some curls, fine. Just don't overdo it. 

Forget leg-day 

Source: Body bulldog meal plan 

Legs have some pretty key and powerful muscles in them. If your base is strong, the rest will follow, so don't scrimp on leg day. Most leg exercises involve your upper body anyway, so it's not like the rest of you will miss out. In terms of power output and calorie burning, left day is the bees knees. 


Source: Imgflip

For the love of all you hold dear - don't sing. If you find it hard to remember that the whole gym can't hear what you've got blasting through your headphones, don't wear them. Or stick with wordless numbers. Whatever the solution is - find one, or work out at home!

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