1. They Never Ask For Your Input

Image Source / WikipediaOne of the most important things a boss can do for their employees is make them feel valued. And being asked for your opinion makes your feel valued. If your boss never asks for yours, and never appreciates your input, it may be because they don't care.
2. Your Gut Tells You There's Something Going On

Image Source / Johns Hopkins Medicine
You know that feeling you get when you just know someone doesn't like you? They may even be really nice to you but you just know underneath it all, there's some negative vibe there. The same can apply to your boss - you might just have this feeling they don't particularly like you.
3. They Treat You Differently Than Everyone Else

Image Source / WeAreTheCity
And by this we don't mean they treat you better than everyone else. They may not treat you badly, per se, but you can just see that everyone else gets treated in a certain way apart from you. That could be because they don't like you, but it might not always be the case!
4. You're Never Involved In Key Decisions

Image Source / Daily Mail
It's one thing never to ask for your input in everyday decisions, like what colour to paint the office. It's another thing entirely to always be excluded from key decisions that relate to the business or your own job. They obviously don't value your opinion one way or another.
5. They Don't Make Eye Contact With You

Image Source / Review of Optometry
If a boss doesn't like you, it's likely they're going to think that can be noticed in their angry or disappointed eyes, so they won't even bother to make eye contact you. They may not want you to properly see their expression, or may dislike you enough not to even look at you. Eye contact is a key part of good communication, after all, which means they can't even be bothered to communicate properly with you.
6. Or, They Struggle To Maintain It

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It may also be that they act shifty around you when it comes to eye contact. They may be able to hold your gaze for a few seconds or so but then immediately start looking anywhere else but you, down at their hands or just acting weird about holding your eye contact for too long.
7. They Don't Smile At You

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It takes minimal effort to smile at someone, even if you don't like them, but for someone in a position of power - like a boss - it's just too much effort for someone they're not interested in smiling at. You may never have seen this common, polite gesture on their face when looking at you.
8. Or, They Don't Smile When You're Near

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You know when you're in a room, laughing with other people, and then someone you don't like walks in the room and the smile just slides off your face? That. Your boss could be doing this with you when you're just in the room or in the vicinity, even if they're not specifically talking to you.
9. They Micromanage You

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A boss who trusts you, and likes you enough to know that you're a capable person who can get on with their own work, is not going to micromanage you. A boss who doesn't like you probably also thinks that they have to tell you how to do your job.
10. And They Do This Only To You

Image Source / Entrepreneur
A boss who micromanages doesn't necessarily mean you're not liked - they could just be one of those people who does it with everyone. But if your boss is only micromanaging you, and you alone, that's a different story. It just shows you're the only one they think they can't trust.
11. And Sometimes It Can Feel Like Bullying

Image Source / Stylist
The problem with this micromanaging focus only on you is that it can often come across as aggressive. They've obvious got something personal with you to make them feel like they have to micromanage you all the time, and this can turn to frustration and controlling behaviour, which can feel like bullying when it comes from a boss.
12. They Avoid You In The Building

Image Source / Marriage.com
You spot them on the stairs to suddenly see them speed up in the opposite direction; you're already in the workplace's kitchen when they walk through the door, see you and walk straight back out again. They're suddenly taking the elevator because you always take the stairs... you know, that sort of thing.
13. And They Avoid You When It Comes To Schedules

Image Source / Relational Advantage
It doesn't just come down to physically avoiding you, either. It could be that they've designed your entire schedules around them encountering you as little as possible. They may be in the office the most on your days off, or schedule hours so that you're rarely in the office at the same time.
14. They Don't Acknowledge You

Image Source / MyBossZone
They come into the office and say good morning to everyone by name, except for you. You walk into a room full of people and say hello, and everyone answers you but them. They don't say goodbye to you when they leave, even if you're the only one in the room.
15. They're Very, Very Short With You

Image Source / International Advisor
This is going into that very annoying 'one word answer' territory. You ask them a question relating to work, and they only say 'yes' or 'no' and don't elaborate. You ask them how they are, and they say 'fine' before walking away.
16. And Especially Over Emails

Image Source / AppleToolBox
In this day and age, it's not uncommon for some bosses who actually do like their employees to still write emails like 'yes' or 'thnx' and that's it. But if it's a habit where they're writing very, very short unhelpful emails - and especially if they write more with other people - this could be a sign.
17. They Never Ask Polite Questions Back

Image Source / Small Business Trends
You might ask them how they are, and they respond with 'fine' without asking how you are in return. You might ask them what they've planned for the evening, and they'll answer, but not ask you. Anything you ask is never reciprocated.
18. You're Always The First To Start The Conversation

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You could walk into the room with them being the only other person and have it be three hours of silence if you don't start a conversation first. They'll never start talking to you off their own bat, and it's always you that has to say something first.
19. And Even Then It's Like They Wish You'd Never Spoken At All

Image Source / The Oakland Press
You can almost see them roll their eyes the moment you open your mouth as though they're praying you'll just stop talking. They're half way out of the door before you've even finished your sentence. They can't even look at you because they're trying to stop the conversation as quickly as possible.
20. Their Body Language Around You Is Completely Off

Image Source / Everyday Power
Their body language will tell you more than they ever could. If they're closed off around you, such as standing at a distance, turned away or with their arms folded, it's not a good sign. They may never look up from their computer when you go in the office, or maybe they will do something completely obvious like the eye roll.
21. They Avoid Talking To You In Person As Much As Possible

Image Source / Idkuu.com
Even if you have your desk about a metre away from them, they may choose to email you instead of getting up to talk to you face to face. You may find they message you about any little thing just to not have to actually talk to you.
22. You're Never Invited To Special Meetings Or Projects

Image Source / Entrepreneur
If your boss is someone who always has something exciting going on for the business, or likes to hold a million 'important' meetings, you may find that you've never been invited to a single one of them. They may not explain why, or they may say you don't need to be there.
23. Their Door Is Always Shut

Image Source / Kevin Eikenberry
And this goes for literally and figuratively. They definitely don't have a 'come and talk to me about anything, any time' mentality with you, and it might be that when they walk in the office, they slam the door as hard as they can get away with to make a point for you not to come in.
24. They Shut Down Absolutely Everything You Say

Image Source / KALW
No matter what you say - from the biggest opinions on your job role, down to you smallest opinion about what makes the best coffee - they will disagree with it. They will never, ever agree with you and always have a 'well actually' attitude to absolutely anything you say.
25. They've Never Asked You A Single Thing About Your Personal Life

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They don't know whether you're single, in a relationship, have kids, married, live on your own, live anywhere near work... they don't know what you're doing for the holidays, or when your birthday is. Because they don't care. They don't want to know, and they never ask.
26. But You've Heard Them Ask Other People About Theirs

Image Source / RWA Insight
Some bosses may not ask a single personal thing about any of their employees and prefer to keep it professional, but if you can hear them over at the next desk asking Bob in Accounting how his wife is doing, you can tell it's something personal by not asking you.
27. You Always Get The Jobs That No One Else Wants To Do

Image Source / SHRM
You may find that you're getting a whole load of boring and simple tasks on top of your normal job role. It could be that all these tasks are well below your pay grade, as well as your qualifications, and this could hint that they don't respect your abilities, or really don't care whether you work for the company.
28. You Never Get A Single Piece Of Feedback

Image Source / Forbes
Feedback is so important for employees to progress in their careers and feel valued. You need to know whether what you're doing is worthwhile, which is why regular performance reviews are so important. If you're not getting any feedback whatsoever, it shows that your boss doesn't care either way to progress you.
29. Or If You Do, It's Only Ever Negative

Image Source / Runrun.it
There's a difference between constructive negative feedback during a full review, and just only ever pointing out what you've done wrong. They may constantly tell you you're doing something wrong, and this is even worse if they do it in public, such as loudly in the office, or during meetings.
30. They Friendly Tease Everyone But You

Image Source / The Adult Man
A good workplace will often have teasing bants, and especially between boss and employee. Your boss may playfully tease others about things and share a joke, but then never make any effort to have banter with you.
31. You are excluded from the social events

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Work social events are for everyone. But you might have a feeling that there's a work chat that you're not a part of or that there are fun work nights out happening which you have definitely not been invited to. Maybe people are whispering about the fun they all had at the weekend which you didn't even know about!
32. You never get any praise, even when you've done really well

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You know when you've done really well at work. But if your boss doesn't like you then they might begrudge giving you any praise at all. Even when it's completely obvious that you've done really well, they might never actually tell you or praise you for it.
33. They put no trust in you

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When you feel trusted by your boss then you feel as though you are valued. So, if your boss doesn't like you they may not put any trust in you even if you've well and truly earned to be trusted by them! It's a sign they are thinking with emotion rather than their reason.
34. They ask somebody else to keep an eye on you

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On a similar note, you may feel as though you are continually under scrutiny from your boss. And, even worse than this you may have an inkling (or you may even know!) that your boss has also asked somebody else in the work place to keep their eye on you!
35. They cancel meetings on you at the last minute

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Cancelling last minute can happen from time to time, things crop up and it can be inevitable. But when it's happening time after time, it's not inevitable it's just a clear lack of respect for you and your time. They are letting their dislike cloud their judgment.
36. And they never see you one-on-one if they can avoid it

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Seeing your boss on a one to one basis is an important part of work relations because it is important that this rapport is one of mutual respect, and so your boss should check up on your from time to time in both a professional and personal manner. If they don't like you, perhaps they are avoiding this as much as possible!
37. They never say thank you

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There's nothing easier than having basic manners, it takes two seconds to say thank you, yet it can mean a lot! In fact, it may not be that they're lacking manners in general. They might be very warm and polite with everyone else, but with you they might not even bother to say thank you at all!
38. They speak over you

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Is there anything more grating than having someone speak over you? Come on, it's basic manners. But for your boss to do it is another level. When your boss does it it can be very degrading and humiliating. And even if they don't like you - they should have the respect to listen to your ideas.
39. They never give you a bonus

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Maybe the bonus isn't yours because someone else simply did better and deserved it more. But, if you know in your heart of heart that really that bonus belonged to you - then they may be avoiding giving you the bonus because they do not like you, not because you don't deserve it.
40. And they give other people credit for your work

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Doing good work is satisfying and we're not saying it's all about the regards, but it's nice to get the credit for it! If you are working hard and getting results then you deserve the credit for it. But nope, it seems that even when you do really well they give someone else the credit.
41. You feel like you can't advance under their management

Image Source / Insider
You feel like no matter what you do, you'd never be able to climb any higher than you are right now under your current boss. It's not for a lack of trying and it's not because you don't deserve it but no matter how hard you try you feel like you'll be staying put.
42. They don't even greet you in the morning

Image Source / BusinesInsider
'Hi Karen. Oh hey Steve, good weekend?'. It's all friendly and chatty when it comes to everyone else in the office. For you? Not a hello, a how are you...nothing. You don't even get the bare minimum. In fact, you'd probably even take an awkward nod at this point!
43. Things are kept as impersonal as possible

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Business is business and things can be pretty impersonal at times. Yes, there's a difference between a supportive work environment but not super friendly than having a down right frosty one. And if your boss doesn't like you then two guesses which you are experiencing.
44. They ask co-workers to pass messages to you

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A two second chat, a quick email, even a scribbled post it note. That's how long it takes to communicate directly. It's not hard. But you might experience them passing messages through other co-workers instead of coming directly to you - just to avoid you.
45. They nit pick your work like nobody else's

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You notice that they pick apart every aspect of your work from top to bottom. In fact they will do whatever it takes to find the smallest mistake. Everyone else? They seem to get away with things, whereas you can't even put a comma out of place without being pulled up on it.
46. They'll email you when they could have easily spoken to you in person

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Talking in person really changes the dynamic of a work place because it makes it so much more personal and engaging. Sometimes it's not practical, but there's usually time to speak in person sometimes rather than solely relying on emails like they do with you!
47. They give you impossible deadlines

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I want a 9 page spreadsheet and a presentation for 9 am tomorrow. If these are the kinds of deadlines your boss expects of you then it sounds like they're just setting you impossible tasks. Maybe if they don't like you they are merely setting you up to fail.
48. You feel like they want you to fail

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Having someone rooting for you is the biggest confidence and morale boost ever. On the other hand, you could be experiencing the opposite. You might feel like they want you to fail, like they are waiting for you one day to either fail or pack in your job.
49. They explain very simple things to you

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Do you feel like your boss over explains the simplest of things to you, things you have been doing for years and could do with your eyes closed? If so it could be because they are downplaying your talents and trying to belittle your work capabilities.
50. Or do not provide you will all the information

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On the other hand, they may give you a really hard task and instead of providing all of the information they have and would have provided for anyone else, they want to watch you struggle with the task. This way, you have to do all of the back work yourself because they don't want to make things easy for you.