30 Things That Should Actually Be Stored In A Fridge

By Ange Arnal 1 year ago

1. Ketchup

Imageimagesource/twitterThis has probably caused quite a few arguments between families over the years, but we're here to settle this debate, Ketchup doesn't technically need to be kept in the fridge but if you go through your Ketchup rather slowly (slower than a month) then you should keep it in the fridge to prevent any bacterial growth.

2. Chocolate Syrup

It's safe to keep Chocolate Syrup in your pantry for two to three years but after it has been opened, you must keep your chocolate syrup in the fridge, where it'll stay safe for up to 6 months. Mould and a rancid smell are indicators that the syrup has spoiled.

3. Pure Maple Syrup

Pure Maple Syrup can spoil. You may not have thought so but it can, mainly because it has no preservatives in it so when it's stored at room temperature, it will grow mould on the surface. For long term storage, always keep it in the fridge after it's been opened.

4. Soy Sauce

Like a lot of condiments, Soy Sauce can be kept out of the fridge and even though it won't spoil at room temperature because of it's high sodium contents, it's said that if soy sauce is left out of the fridge that it'll lose it's freshness and the flavour will change.

5. Avocados

[📸: Kenyan avocados displayed at the booth of Dole at the fifth CIIE.]imagesource/twitter
Storing you Avocados will keep them from ripening too quickly. If you buy your avocados very ripe, keep them out of the fridge for an evening & then place them in there to avoid them going brown. Place them in the fridge to keep them over-ripening.

6. Corn on the Cob

Corn on the Cob will lose it's sweetness if it's left out of the fridge. It's best to keep it in their to slow the chemical process that destroys the flavour. The best method of storing corn int he fridge is to leave it uncovered at 4 celsius, where it can be kept for 5 - 7 days.

7. Bananas

When we say bananas, we mean ripe bananas. If you put a ripe banana in the fridge, it will keep it from over-ripening. The peel may turn brown, but it will have kept the perfectly ripe flavour of your banana.

8. Lemons, Oranges and Limes

This isn't completely necessary but when it comes to oranges, lemons and limes, if you keep them refrigerated it will keep them for up to four times longer. Storing fruit like this in you fridge will save you money and allow you to keep your fruit for a lot longer than planned.

9. Butter

Butter - Wikipediaimagesource/wikipedia
Another one that might causing arguments is Butter. Where should butter be kept? Well, some people like to keep it out of the fridge so that it spreads easier. When it's kept at room temperature, it will keep for one to two weeks so it's probably best to just leave a small amount out and the rest in the fridge.

10. Nut Butters

The Best Homemade Peanut Butter (With Variations)imagesource/inspiredtaste
Unprocessed, natural peanut butter should be kept in the fridge if it's not going to be scoffed within a couple of weeks. If kept out of the fridge, the oils will separate and become rancid a lot quicker. Even though refrigeration can make the peanut butter harder, its best kept in there and just taken out a few hours before use.

11. Soy & Nut Milks

Soy, almond and other nut milks don't actually need to be refrigerated before opening and while still sealed, they can be stored at room temperature until the expiration date. But once opened, soy and nut milks should be kept in the fridge and consumed within a week.

12. Fruit Pies

Minded fruit pie, round pie, stars and bells short crust decorations, rum butter in background. imagesource/twitter
Not all pies need to be refrigerated, but Fruit Pies for instance, can be kept at room temperature for a couple of days. After that, you should store your fruit pie in the fridge and it'll last you a few more days. Perfect for when you buy a big one and can't eat it all in one sitting.

13. Grapes

Many people like their grapes nice and cold and crunchy, especially if they're going in a glass of wine (ooooh gorgeous!) but what most people don't actually know is that grapes should be kept in the fridge at all times to extend their shelf life.

14. Dried Fruits

With a lot less water content than regular fruit, dried fruit can last for several months in a cool area but if you plan to keep dried fruit for a long time (more than a few months) then it should be kept in the fridge to keep fresh for even longer.

15. Fruit Spreads

Some people do not put their jellies and jam in the fridge but most labels actually recommend refrigerating after opening. If your jar is left for a day or two, it should be safe to eat but most fruit spreads should always be put in the fridge after more the 48hours of opening.

16. Aloe Vera

Fresh Aloe Vera should be kept in the fridge to keep fresh, its also a good way to keep it cool so when it's used, it's nice and cold and fresh on your skin. Perfect for summer weather as Aloe Vera is great on sunburns.

17. Eggs

In the USA, you should always refrigerate your eggs as they undergo a washing process to reduce the chances of salmonella contamination. This is why it is important to keep them in the fridge. Eggs found in the US tend to spoil quite easily too.

18. Most Cheeses

Where should you keep your cheese you ask? Well, hard cheese like cheddar, American or Parmesan can be stored securely at room temperature, however, unaged or soft cheese, like Mozzarella, ricotta, brie etc should be kept in the fridge. All cheese last longer in the fridge.

19. Tender Herbs

Tender herbs, like cilantro, dill or parsley should be washed, stored in a sealed mason jar (can be purchased for very cheap on Amazon) with approximately 1 inch of water and kept in the fridge. This will make your tender herbs last a lot longer.

20. Tortillas

Now, Tortillas are probably something that you would keep in your fridge, however, if you take a quick look at the label on your tortillas, it'll say that they should be kept refrigerated after opening. At room temperature, opened tortillas will only stay fresh for a couple of days.

21. Cured Meats

Get To Know Italian Cured Meatsimagesource/paesana
Most bags of beef jerky or cured meats usually tend to be eaten very quickly (they're just delicious) but if you are keeping some stored, they should be kept in the fridge to prolong the freshness. After opening, different cured meats will remain fresh for varying amount of time.

22. Nuts & Nut Oils

Nuts and nut oils that aren't going to be consumed in a few months should be stored in the fridge. Nuts can be kept for up to four months at room temperature and up to a year in the fridge, even longer in the freezer because they hold little water content.

23. Some Medicines

Some medicines should be kept in a cold fridge, especially insulin as it loses it's effectiveness when exposed to other temperatures. Penicillin, aspirin and amoxicillin should also be kept in the fridge. Eye drops don't need to be kept in their though!

24. Opened Wine

Once you've opened your bottle of red wine, you should recork it and keep it in the fridge. This will allow the oxidation process to slow down and keep it turning vinegary. The wine will then keep for about five days and should be removed for a little while before reserving.

25. Champagne

Science has proven that Champagne, should be kept in the fridge because over time, it develops a browning compound called 5-HMF. A study at Barcelona University discovered that after storing a bottle of Champagne at room temperature, in a cellar below room temperature and then in a fridge for two years, the refrigerated Champagne was still almost perfect.

26. Cream Liqueur

Because of the Dairy contents in some cream liqueurs, they're prone to spoiling so once opened, they should be placed in your fridge and consumed within six months. If unopened, they can be left for up to two years; Bailey's being the exception - that stays fresh for two years from the day it's made.

27. Mustard & Horseradish

So, with this one, there are no ingredients in mustard or horseradish that will actually spoil, but both of these condiments actually need to be kept in the refrigerator or else they will 'lose their distinct flavours if not kept in a cold place' according to French's.

28. Hardy Herbs

Some herbs do well outside of the fridge, but most herbs should be kept in the fridge. According to Serious Eats, hardy herbs - like rosemary or thyme - should be washed, arranged and placed on a damp piece of paper towel, rolled up and wrapped in plastic and stored in the fridge.

29. Some Cooking Oils

Olive oil will last longer in the fridge but can become thick and cloudy until you remove it from the cold. If you buy it in bulk, use a small container to keep on hand while storing the larger bottle in the fridge. Some oils need to be kept cool in the fridge.

30. Nut Flours & Whole Wheat Flours

Most people have flour etc lying around in your cupboards, but what you need to know is that Whole Wheat flour should be kept in your fridge after opening, as the Wheat germ will spoil and go rancid a lot faster than other types of flour.

31. And Now: Surprising Things You Should NEVER Store In The Fridge! Avocados

image source: reddit.com
Most people's kitchens these days are crammed with that ever-so-Instagrammable avocado, and especially busy is the fridge full of these popular fruits. But did you know you shouldn't store them in the fridge? This main pertains to an unripe avocado - it's actually better to store at room temperature to make it perfectly ripe.

32. Basil

image source: reddit.com
If you're a fan of herbs and a sprinkling of something green, you may have thought basil should be stored in the fridge because you keep your coriander in there, too. But basil is best stored at room temperature in a cupboard to stop it from going all soggy and brown!

33. Cucumber

image source: reddit.com
Now this one might surprise you - cucumbers surely belong in the fridge, right? They're almost full percent water, so you'd expect to keep that fresh and cool instead of out on the side. Well, while it's true that you can technically keep them in the fridge, it can be a risky game in keeping them fresh and it's best to wrap them up tightly in packaging if you're going to put them in there to keep them from spoiling quickly.

34. Onions

image source: reddit.com
You might have always stored your onions in the fridge after you've cut them and not used a full one, or to include in your next day's salad. But onions should ideally not be placed in the fridge - especially whole ones - because they can go soft or even moldy.

35. Garlic

image source: reddit.com
You want to keep your garlic bulbs and cloves fresh, we get it. The fridge is the most obvious place for that. But garlic should ideally be stored in a pantry or cupboard at room temperature. They'll last for longer that way, as well as avoiding them becoming too rubbery.

36. Tomatoes

image source: reddit.com
Now this one is as surprising as the cucumber! Surely the best place for a juicy sweet tomato is refreshed and cool in the fridge, right? But actually, stored at room temperature can be the best way to make your tomatoes be as juicy and fresh for as long as possible!

37. Potatoes

image source: reddit.com
The moisture in the fridge should not be combined with a potato - these are earthy vegetables that should be stored in a cool, dry (and ideally dark) place. The reason to keep them out of direct light is to avoid them sprouting a new potato family. Go double check you haven't put yours in the fridge!

38. Bananas

image source: reddit.com
Bananas can be a tricky bunch - they're a fruit, and you'd think they'd do well in a cool and hydrated fridge environment. But bananas best ripen when they're kept out of the fridge, and stored at room temperature. But you'll want to make sure to keep them out of direct sunlight - they like it warm, but not

39. Melons

image source: reddit.com
This one all depends on whether you have a whole melon or sliced melon. It's absolutely fine to store your juicy and tasty watermelon slices in the fridge ready for summer! But if you have a whole melon that hasn't been chopped into yet, you'll want to keep that out on the side.

40. Olive Oil

image source: reddit.com
If you store olive oil in the fridge, it can actually end up more solid because it forms crystals in lower temperatures. Not only that, but it can impact the flavor. And while a lot of people may store their olive oil in arm's reach by the oven if not in the fridge, the best place is actually a cupboard or pantry away from the heat of the hob!

41. Hot Sauce

image source: reddit.com
You don't need to worry about putting your hot sauce in the fridge, because the vinegar in it is there to help keep it preserved for a long time. Unless you're putting it in the fridge in the hope of cooling it down - if that's the case, maybe you should switch to a milder sauce...

42. Butter

image source: reddit.com
We know this sounds strange, but butter is actually best
stored in the fridge! We definitely all know that frustration of going to butter our toast and finding the butter rock hard right when we need it. Keep your butter at room temperature instead and it will be nice and soft.

43. Honey

image source: reddit.com
As long as your honey is stored in an airtight container, you never have to worry about it being stored incorrectly - and definitely not in the fridge. While it has a hardy lifespan, you should aim to eat it within about 2 years - though you surely will when it's so tasty!

44. Nuts

image source: reddit.com
Maybe you've made a salad or leftover meal that has nuts sprinkled on it, and now they're in the fridge. Or maybe you've just been putting bags of nuts in there all along. But nope - the best way to store and keep nuts is to buy them in low amounts and keep them in your pantry, so they're eaten quickly.

45. Bread

image source: reddit.com
Freezing your bread and then taking it out to toast it is actually recommended to keep your bread fresh for longer and you don't have to risk throwing it out too soon. But the same doesn't apply with the fridge, unfortunately! If you put it in the fridge, it's just going to go stale.

46. Pastries

image source: reddit.com
If you're a fan of those delicious fresh pastries - because of course you are - and you often have a lot of leftovers you want to save until tomorrow, the best way to do this is actually to keep them wrapped in a paper bag at room temperature instead of in the fridge!

47. Chocolate

image source: reddit.com
We get it - it's peak summer and you don't want your delicious bars of chocolate to melt. The fridge might seem logical, but actually it's compromising the flavor - as well as making it go all weird and grainy looking. Your best bet is to keep chocolate in a cupboard, that's dark and cool.

48. Apples

image source: reddit.com
If you have apple slices you've prepared, these are fine in the fridge overnight - but if you're storing a bunch of uncut apples, then you need to leave them on the side in a fruit bowl - that's what a fruit bowl is there for, after all! The best storage for them is room temperature.

49. Aged Cheese

image source: reddit.com
We know that cheese and dairy should always be stored in the fridge - so how is this an option? Well, aged cheese specifically doesn't need to be stored in a fridge. Any cheese that's aged and hard in consistency will be fine stored at room temperature in a cool, dark place.

50. Canned Fish

image source: reddit.com
It may seem logical to keep canned fish in the fridge. But a good rule of thumb is to think how it's stored at the grocery store when you first buy it. Canned fish is on normal shelves and not in the fridge for a reason. After you've opened the can and if you still have some left, fridge storage is then the way to go!

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