30 Weird Food Combos That Just Work

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. Cheetos and milk

Image source/ RedditNow this food combo really takes some explaining. Because you'll probably initially think how did anybody ever think to even try this. It's a fair point. But don't knock it till you do, it does actually work. And while it might not be replacing our coco pops any time soon, it's so worth a try!

2. Bananas in blankets

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Bacon and waffles, bacon and sausages.... and bacon and bananas? I mean we won't be replacing sausages wrapped in bacon with this on our Christmas dinner but it really is good. And we would recommend to anyone to try this combo - for the veggies just use vegetarian bacon!

3. Rice and ketchup

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This is a pure student meal right here. It's quick, it's cheap and it doesn't take much (or absolutely any) cooking experience and skills or imagination. But, it kind of works - at a push - as a makeshift tomato sauce. If you've got absolutely nothing else, then try it!

4. Melted chocolate on a cheese pizza

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Chocolate...on a PIZZA. Italians - look away now. Okay, it sounds wrong. But hear us out. For some unknown reason this combination actually does work. Anyway, when does chocolate not taste good? Same with cheese, these two ingredients make anything drool worthy.

5. Ketchup, steak and bananas for breakfast

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Steak and ketchup for breakfast. We can get on board with this. As for the banana...we're not really sure why it's there. But you know what, in a very strange (and kinda gross) way it really does work. Would we choose it every time? No, probably not...

6. Ketchup covered popcorn served in a tortilla wrap...

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This must be the true meaning of the phrase 'we've got no food in the house'. Or, they're a genius and they are on to something. I guess it's like combining both sweet popcorn and salted popcorn in one...and serving it in a wrap. A kind of cinema burrito invention.

7. A peanut butter and Dorito sandwich

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This person's got creative. And we can admit that this works. There's something about peanut butter that you can juts put with any food (within reason) and it turns out SO good. The sweet, the salty, the smooth, the crunchy - it truly ticks all of the boxes.

8. Seasoned apples with salt and pepper

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There can't be many people who have eaten a slice of apple and thought 'you know what, this could do with some seasoning'. But, whoever the brain was behind this deserves some kudos. It really does elevate the flavors, with a hint of spicy pepper and a little salt to bring out the flavours. It works!

9. Honey drizzled on pizza

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Let's face it, stick honey on anything and we're on to a winner! If you've got a little bit of a sweet tooth then there's no way you can go wrong with this. Honey cured meats...it's a similar kind of idea. And, it contrasts perfectly with the spicy jalapeños. You have to try this one.

10. Raw onion and peanut butter on toast

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Oh there's nothing like a finely chopped onion. This person's clearly used a shovel not a knife. Aside from the fact that this is 90% raw onion (which is a little overpowering to say the least), the combination is actually one we're here for and it's definitely worth a try!

11. Oreos...dipped in orange juice

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Oreos dipped in orange juice... soaked with orange flavour. Orange flavoured Oreos! Yum. What's not to love about this one? Hey, maybe we can use this method with any kind of cookie and infuse them with orange flavour. It's easy as well as delicious.

12. Vanilla ice cream with soy sauce

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This is the kind of food combination that sounds so wild, you must have tried it in some trendy and expensive new restaurant rather than something you randomly came up with at home. The verdict - it works. This is definitely the kind of recipe you can use when you invite people round to impress whilst slightly scaring them.

13. Marmite pasta

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One thing's for sure...you'll either love it or you'll hate it! This very strange sounding recipe went viral on the internet when it turned out that this toast spread can actually double up as a tasty pasta sauce. We're all here for an easy pasta dish. And we can vouch for the taste too.

14. Watermelon and feta cheese

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Now this is exactly he kind of recipe to use for a dinner party and impress your family and friends. There's something about it that sounds totally sophisticated. Maybe it's because it's a little bit rogue, but not so much so that people will think you're completely out of your mind!

15. Chicken nuggets and ice cream

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This is SO wrong. In every way. But also so right. Why chicken nuggets and ice cream goes together we don't know. And you'll probably not believe us until you try it yourself. People may give you funny looks...but it's totally worth it. It's not that different to chicken and peanut butter, right?

16. Fries dipped in honey

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Well we've all heard of fries being dipped in milkshake so we can confirm this is an excellent food combination. If you don't have any milkshake then just try a little bit of honey. You will NOT regret it. This wonderfully weird food mixture works, we're telling you.

17. Chocolate covered pickles

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You're probably thinking, 'what's wrong with the classic combination of chocolate covered strawberries?'. And we have a confession, this food combination was created by a pregnant woman. So, strange food cravings are justifiable. The thing is, she's on to a winner here.

18. Oatmeal and boiled eggs

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Oatmeal and boiled eggs. This may sound like the most disgustingly revolting combination of all. But oatmeal isn't sweet until you add syrup. So it's just a savoury breakfast. It's similar to eating eggs and rice really. It's not exactly a flavour explosion but it does work.

19. Peanut butter, pickles and hot sauce

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Is it just us...or does this very strange compilation of foods somehow even look good together. There's sweetness, there's spice, and then you've got the sour from the pickles! It's a culinary delight, take our word for it. We've got a new lunch time favourite here.

20. Scrambled egg and jelly

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We wouldn't think twice if it was scrambled egg with a fancy relish or chutney, so what really is the difference? The little bit of sweet actually totally works with the egg. And it's also good with a little bit of grated cheese. It's an easy way to make things a little more exciting.

21. Avocado drizzled with honey

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Anyone else feel like a complete health queen every time they eat avocado? ESPECIALLY when you get one that peels and slices perfectly - it doesn't happen often. And drizzling a little bit of honey over your avo - well aren't we totally sophisticated!

22. Salted crisps with Nutella

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Salt and sweet is always a taste sensation. And it turns out you don't need any complex ingredients just grab yourself a bag of ready salted crisps and Nutella. The ready salted are always a bit boring on their own, so why not add a little bit of interest!

23. Fish fingers in custard

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Ew. Fish fingers and custard. This is wrong on SO many levels. And what's worse is the fact we have to admit we've tried it and we actually can tell you it's really good! If you think about it, it's like a very downgraded version of fish and creamy sauce.

34. Hot dog and jelly

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You know what, as strange as this sounds it does really work. The thing is, it acts pretty much the same as a ketchup on a hotdog because it's super sweet. But the thing is, even if it doesn't work, why not just use ketchup? But it's good to change things up sometimes...

25. Butter and sugar sandwiches

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Butter and sugar sandwiches, oh how inventive. This person must have literally taken the only three ingredients in the house and put them together. It's hardly MasterChef but it is yummy. It's a kind of (much) worse version of French toast. And next time let's go a little easier on the sugar.

26. Grilled cheese and applesauce

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Yes please! This one is SO good together. It sounds like it shouldn't work...but if there's a combination from this list that you try this one should definitely be one of them. It's so good and we can't get enough of it. Plus it's super easy and quick to do.

27. Cholate covered radishes

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We've heard of toffee or chocolate covered apples, but have you ever heard of chocolate covered radishes? No? Maybe they'd ran out and had to substitute them for a radish. But, this would have been a happy accident because you know what - it actually SOMEHOW works.

28. Oreos and pickles

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I think the real question going through everyone's head is why. And how. How did anybody even come up with this? Yes, we admit - we do actually really like it. But that's not the point, it really was a strange combination to try and come up with in the first place.

29. Frosted flakes with cheese

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Frosted flakes...with cheese. I mean it's a pretty unnecessary combination. Do you really need cheese on your cereal? We know it sounds pretty gross. But who doesn't love cheese. Anyway it's like have cheesy crisps. Covered with milk...and a little bit soggy.

30. Pizza, whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles!

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When you can't decide between savoury and sweet (it's a tough decision) why not just combine them together in one meal and get the best of both worlds? Well, maybe because it sounds totally gross. But it's not, it's actually really good. And we'd definitely recommend it!

31. Mixing mayonnaise and ketchup together

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Have you ever actually thought to try this? Especially if you're a fan of both and can never decide which one to have. Just have both! The mixture is actually pretty much the same as Thousand Island Dressing, which is a readymade sauce that goes well with seafood and starters like prawns. It'd be rude not to, really.

32. Strawberries and balsamic vinegar

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Balsamic vinegar is a great salad dressing, but it's very strong and tart - so, understandably, you might never have thought to even put it anywhere near fruit. But let's be honest - strawberries are tart, too, which means they're pretty much a match made in heaven.

33. Cheese and apple pie

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Here we have another strong contender for why you should most definitely mix sweet with savoury. If you're getting bored about having your delicious apple pie with pouring cream or ice cream, why not try something a little different in the form of melted cheddar cheese on top?

34. Salt on your porridge

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It might seem like a typo, but we definitely didn't mean to put 'sugar' instead of 'salt' - so if you've been putting sugar on top of your porridge oats all this time, what have you been doing with your life? Salt is the way to go. Why? Don't ask us, just try it!

35. Pasta and ketchup

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You dip everything else in ketchup on the side, so why not pasta? But don't dip, just pour it all over the top. You have tomato sauce from jars cooked with pasta after all, so why not use tomato ketchup as a quick and easy way to add some taste to your pasta - probably popular with students, this one..

36. Dipping toast into your tea

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This one might speak on a spiritual level to the British in particular - but on first glance, you can already imagine the crumbs in your cup which makes this seem like a horrible idea, quite frankly. But actually, this might be a tasty alternative to dipping your toast in runny egg yolk if you want your toast soggy but not - well - eggy.

37. Banana and sugar sandwiches

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Banana sandwiches? Ew. Sugar sandwiches? Ew. Banana and sugar sandwiches? You get the idea. But if you thought any of the above, then you're wrong - because this is next level tasty! You can have banana as a sweet dessert with a sprinkling of sugar, so why not load all that on a sandwich?

38. Ham cooked with Coca Cola

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This one might not sound the healthiest, but it's sure the most delicious way to cook roast ham. Marinating and cooking roast ham or a gammon joint in Coca Cola means you end up with a very sweet and very sticky piece of meat to serve up to your family at Thanksgiving - or to tuck into on a casual Friday night.

39. Strawberries and basil

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You may have known this to already be a cocktail favourite, and you might have been avoiding trying it for a long time. But it might be the right time for a strawberry and herb revolution, because mixing some basil with your strawberries for your next snack or cocktail is ELITE.

40. Tea and coffee in the same cup

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Er, WHAT NOW? Even for a British person who loves both their tea and their coffee, this sounds like absolute sacrilige. But you might actually want to try this one - especially if your tea and coffee preferences align, like black coffee and strong tea or milky tea with a cappuccino!

41. Blueberries and steak

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If you're wanting to explore the realm of sweet treats and savory meat, then you can find no better combination than a meat steak cooked exactly how you like it and then smothered in blueberries! As far as fruit goes, blueberries are one of the most sour and tart options, which means a good choice for a steak if you don't want anything too sweet.

42. Sweet donut burger

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If you're a burger fan, you HAVE to try this. Especially if you usually go for the posher brioche buns for your burger. Using a sweet donut - whether two whole ones as the top and bottom bun, or cutting one in half for each side - will provide a treat for your tastebuds when it's mixed with the savory taste of the burger.

43. Noodles on toast

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You can put pretty much anything on toast, let's be honest. If you're brave enough. And why not up the sandwich game by using toasted bread inside of soft bread and then sticking a big pile of tasty noodles on top for a great breakfast option - or lunch - or dinner... or supper.

44. Yorkshire pudding with sugar and cream

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In the UK, yorkshire puddings are very popular options with roast meat, which means they're savory and most definitely not usually eaten with anything sweet. Which is also why they're perfect for a little bit of experimentation. Sprinkle with sugar, pour some cream over the top and even add some chocolate for this one.

45. Ice cream and fries

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Anything goes with fries - absolutely anything - and you can't change our minds. That's why putting fries with any dessert option is going to be a win. You can dip your fries in milkshake for a popular sweet/savory option, but ice cream can take that to a whole new level if you're not a fan or more watery milkshakes!

46. Watermelon and salt

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Watermelon is a delicious and healthy snack option, perfect for a refreshing summer fruit, and it's also perfect enough on its own - which is probably why you've never tried mixing it with anything. But you should definitely try sprinkling a little salt on your watermelon the next time you take a bite - you won't regret it.

47. Chocolate and avocado

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With avocados pretty much being the most trendy health food on the planet and plastered all over everyone's Insta pages, it's no surprise that people are getting a little creative with it. You might not see chocolate as the healthiest choice, though - and that's because it isn't - but it sure does taste good.

48. Lettuce in a sugar and vinegar dressing

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No matter how healthy you're trying to be, there's no doubt about it: lettuce is boring. So you might have been thinking of trying out some new salad dressings. Well, you might want to try dusting your side salad with some sugar and vinegar next time. The riot of different tastes will be one your taste buds won't forget!

49. Mince pies topped with cheese

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Mince pies are very popular over in the UK during the holiday season, but that doesn't mean they can't be popular no matter where you're from - especially if you're mixing them with cheese! If you're not familiar with mince pies, just to clarify - they're a more sweet dessert option than a savoury pie, which is why mixing sweet with savory cheese is  a taste explosion!

50. Chicken and marmalade

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Getting bored with your regular chicken spices and sauces and want to try something a little different? Why not marmalade? And the best thing about it is that marmalade comes in different flavors so you can experiment and pick your favorite. But no matter what you pick, there's no doubt chicken is going to taste pretty darn good with it.

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