12 Bad Habits You Didn’t Know You Had

By Kirsty 2 years ago

1. You're Using Your Phone On The Toilet

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It makes sense to use your phone on the toilet, right? You're saving time by getting stuff done or replying messages whilst doing your business. Wrong! This is gross. You wash your hands after you use the toilet, so why would you want those hands all over your phone at the same time? Germs and your phone don't mix!

2. You're Shoving Q-Tips In Your Ears

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Yep, it feels good, and you need to clean your ears, so what could you possibly be doing wrong? Well - exactly that. You shouldn't be pushing Q-Tips in your ears, period. It can actually risk you pushing earwax down further into your ear rather than getting it out, which can be bad news for your eardrum.

3. You're Washing Your Hair Every Single Day

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You may feel super clean when you do it, but it's actually not doing any favors for your hair. Your scalp has the nifty job of producing helpful natural oils that keep your hair shiny, so all you're doing is washing them away every day. It's much better to wash your hair every other day, or a few times a week, depending on your hair type, of course.

4. Or You're Never Washing Your Hair

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Okay, so we just said don't wash your hair every day, but that doesn't mean never wash it at all. There's a limit for how long those natural oils can keep your hair looking healthy. If you leave it long enough between washes, your scalp will start to be a little bit stinky and your hair follicles could get clogged up with bacteria.

5. You're Not Doing Eyelash Extensions Right

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Eyelash extensions aren't just a case of gluing them on and then leaving them be. They need proper caring for, including applying them properly and cleaning away the glue, because it can cause major problems for your eyes if the glue gets into them - including impaired vision or even an inflamed cornea.

6. You Don't Wash Your Hands Often Enough

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If you only wash your hands after you've been to the toilet or before you cook, you're only doing about 1% of what you need to do. You actually need to wash your hands every time you come in contact with bacteria - which obviously seems like a ridiculous amount if you're always out and about touching things but, alas, that's the way it is. Always wash your hands throughout the day!

7. You're Putting Things Off You Don't Want To Do

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Procrastination is one of the worst habits, and a lot of people don't even realise how bad they are. We all do it - but that doesn't mean it's okay. It just means we all need to stop! Procrastinating can leave you feeling stressed and tasks unfinished. And the biggest cause of procrastination can be - you guessed it - getting distracted by your phone (you're reading this when you should be working, aren't you?).

8. And You're Doing The Easiest Things First

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You make a huge to-do list and then put the easiest and quickest things at the top - you're already feeling your best productive self. But it's still a bad habit if you're constantly doing the easiest things first. All this means is your time and energy is getting taken up by simple tasks so that when you actually come to the stuff that's harder to do, you probably won't have any energy left to do it.

9. You're Sharing Your Razor

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Even if this is with your partner who you share everything else with, it's still a no-no. You might think hair is hair, but you can actually risk spreading infections when you're using the same razor between you. In worst cases, you might end up spreading a virus. Always buy your own razor!

10. You're Sloppy When It Comes To Teeth Brushing

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Any attempt to brush your teeth is better than no attempt at all, but that still doesn't mean you're doing it right for your oral health. A quick once over once a day won't help to keep your teeth clean, especially if you're always running late or half asleep. You need to brush your teeth for a full two minutes, and do so twice a day, to even hit the minimum of what you need to be doing!

11. You Sleep With Your Contact Lenses In

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How can this even be comfortable! But maybe you're just so tired that you forget or it's the last thing on your mind collapsing into bed fully-clothed after a night out. Either way, not only can sleeping with contacts in cause eye irritation but, worse, you could damage your eyes or get an infection.

12. You Keep Your Toothbrush Next To The Toilet

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It's natural when the sink is next to the toilet to pop your toothbrush on the edge of it. But you could actually be exposing your brush to dirty, contaminated particles that are released into the air every time you flush your toilet. It's much better to keep your toothbrush far away. Covered up. In a lockbox.

13. You're Using Dirty Towels Far Too Much

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It's definitely a good idea to reuse a towel to save on extra laundry - not to mention the environment. But there's a limit to how much you should be using the same towel. The same one for up to three days should be the max, because after a few days your towel will begin to have bacteria, yeast and even mold! So you don't want to be drying yourself off with that.

14. You Don't Wash Your Fruit Or Veg

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Even if your fresh fruit and veg looks sparkly clean, it's so important to wash it before you cook or eat. Because there can still be bacteria on your food that can risk your health if you ingest it. The labels on the packaging should always advise to wash before eating, too - so don't ignore them!

15. You're Taking Long, Hot Showers

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We know what you're thinking - this sounds like heaven, how can this be a bad habit? Well, having the water way too hot can actually be a bad thing, as it can strip your skin of its natural oils and dry it out. The combination of a really hot shower and the fact you've been in there for 30 minutes therefore isn't a good thing. Keep them warm and short!

16. You're Scrolling On Your Phone Last Thing At Night

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You need time to wind down before sleep, but your phone isn't the way to do that. Staring at your phone screen isn't going to be good for your eyes in terms of blue light exposure that will keep you feeling more awake - not to mention, laughing at funny social media fails or getting jealous about celeb snaps is only going to get you more riled up than sleepy.

17. And It's The First Thing You Do When You Wake Up

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How you start your day is extremely important for your health and wellbeing - getting up on time so you don't rush, waking up with natural light and having a healthy breakfast are all part of it. What's not part of it is immediately staring at your bright phone screen, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling and getting addicted to social media before the day has even begun.

18. You Sleep With Your Phone On Your Pillow

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This bad habit only makes the two previous bad habits more likely! Not to mention that sleeping with your phone next to your head can be very disruptive to your sleep if it lights up, buzzes or even rolls over and smacks you in the face. It's better to keep your phone at a reasonable distance!

19. You Snooze Your Alarm - Every. Single. Time.

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Snoozing may feel good in the moment, but for your body, brain and mood? Not so good. If you snooze you're only risking drifting back off into that weird half-sleep where you have a panicked dream about being late for work, and then you just feel even more groggy when you jump out of bed.

20. You Use The Same Kitchen Sponge Too Much

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Did you know that a kitchen sponge could have just as much bacteria as the inside of your toilet? Yeah. Kitchen sponges are the best at attracting bacteria and spreading it around, so if you're not keeping track of washing your sponges or replacing them, you could just be spreading that bacteria everywhere. Gross.

21. Not Changing Your Sanitary Pad Or Tampon Often Enough

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If you're not having a particularly heavy flow (we can dream, right?) you might not bother to change your pad during the day because it's clean enough. Or, you may forget to pop a fresh tampon in. You can actually get infections from having a tampon in for too long, including toxic shock syndrome. Not to mention a clean-looking pad is still in need of a change.

22. You're Using Too Much Moisture

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These days it feels like a balancing act when it comes to skincare - you think you're doing the right thing when it could be the complete opposite. You may think the fact you're bothering to moisturize is a huge win, but you could actually be doing it too much. Over-moisturizing could have the opposite effect and dry out your skin (who knew) or if you slather too much on, your skin may not be able to absorb it.

23. You're Not Washing Your Bedding Enough

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The mother of all bad habits has to be this one, and it's so easily done because you can't see all the germs and problems occurring in your bed when your sheets might still look clean. Dust, bacteria and skin cells can all collect on your bedding, not to mention sweat residue if you're a hot sleeper - and then the risk of those pesky bed bugs. You should change your bedding, ideally, once a week.

24. You're Using Too Much Mouthwash

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Can't catch a break with your oral hygiene, can you? It took you long enough to start using mouthwash and now you find out you could be using it too much. Well, it turns out that alcohol-based mouthwashes can be very harsh and actually work to make your mouth dehydrated.

25. You're Wandering Around Barefoot In Public Showers

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Hitting the gym showers or the public pool might mean you're wandering around in your bare feet - it's logical when you're in the middle of getting changed and showered, after all. Trouble is, think about how much must collect on those floors with all the people coming and going. Bacteria... sweat... hair... even urine for those people who like to pee in those showers. So maybe take your flip-flops next time.

26. You're Not Cleaning Your Nail Clippers

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Brownie points for keeping on top of cutting your nails in the first place. Unfortunately, that also means another task on the to-do list - actually cleaning your clippers. When was the last time you cleaned yours, if ever? Dirty fingernails and toenails can carry so much bacteria, and that's just going to get transferred onto your clippers when you use them.

27. You're Sleeping In Your Makeup

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We know that it's such a chore to remove all that makeup you spent ages putting on that morning, and it's so easy just to slip into bed and not bother. But this is one of the worst things you can do for your skin (and your eyes). It can clog pores, cause more spots, risk skin or eye infections and - at the very least - make your poor pillows look a mess!

28. You're Always Touching Your Face

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Are you picking at spots, leaning on your hand with your chin when you're bored at work, rubbing your eyes when you're tired, or all of the above? Think about the amount of germs your fingers pick up on a daily basis, and then you're just transferring all that to your face. This can risk dirt and bacteria being transferred, which may cause illness if you're spreading germs, or cause spots.

29. You Barely Shower

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We understand those days - or weeks - when adulting is hard and you just want to stay in your pajamas. Some people swear by a shower every single day, whereas others may never have the energy. But if you rarely shower, you're risking skin problems like acne or rashes, or other issues due to key hygiene areas not being given a good scrub!

30. You Never Clean Your TV Remote

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Do you lift up the TV remote and clean under it when you're polishing the coffee table? Do you ever give it the once-over with a cleaning cloth? Think of all the germs on that thing from touching it everyday - not to mention when you've got greasy fingers from a takeaway and you're trying to tell Netflix you're still watching.

31. Or Your Phone Screen, For That Matter

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Think about how much you touch that touch screen of yours, day in and day out. And especially if you take your phone to the toilet with you and you're browsing! So many germs, so little time. But failing to clean our phone screens - ever - is something we're definitely all guilty of!

32. You're Cursing Too Much

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We know how it is - you've had a really bad day, and the curse words just keep slipping out. But have you had friends and family members telling you that you curse too much, or to watch your language in public? You might not even realize you're doing it so much!

33. You're Picking Your Nose!

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We get it - sometimes you just have to, because there's something stuck up there that won't go away. Picking your nose can easily be done on autopilot when you don't even know you're doing it, which is bad enough, but what's worse is what you choose to do afterwards with what you find!

34. Your Coffee Cup Count Is Too High

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Coffee is a highlight of many people's day, and especially the work day. It takes priority over switching your computer on on time, anyway. But if you're busy working, are you really keeping tally of how many cups of coffee you're downing every single day? It might be more than you think...

35. Most Of Your Money Goes On Take Out

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After a long busy day, we know how hard it is to force yourself to cook - and it still takes energy to reach for that take out menu. Having too much take out is an easy bad habit anyone can slip into, and you might not realize how much you're actually spending on it until you check your bank statement!

36. You're Picking At Your Fingernails

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Even if you're not someone who bites their fingernails, that doesn't mean you don't still have a bad nail habit! If you're not reaching for those clippers often enough, then it might be that you're a fan of picking away at your fingernails until there's nothing left! Ouch.

37. Everything Goes On Your Credit Card

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In this day and age, sometimes it's unavoidable to stick something on your credit card like groceries or repairs until pay day comes along. But the bad habit problem can be when you're reaching for your credit card for every little thing - or booking too many vacations and worrying about it later.

38. You're Ignoring Work To Go On Social Media

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If you have a job where you're left to your own devices, this can be a blessing and a curse for the easily distracted. You might be reaching for your phone to scroll social media endlessly instead of doing that work task list you've been avoiding for hours - or days - on end.

39. You're Filling The Void With Comfort Shopping!

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Comfort shopping isn't easily recognizable as a bad habit, because it makes you feel good. How can something be a bad habit if it makes you feel happy? Well, you might be spending far too much time and money on pointless things you don't really need just to get a tiny boost of serotonin.

40. You're Going To The Gym Too Much

image source: reddit.com
Yes, this can be a bad habit! And you thought you were doing the right thing exercising so much, right? Going to the gym far too much - like hours and hours every single day - can actually risk injuries and not allowing your body the right time to recover. Sometimes more exercise isn't a good thing!

41. Being A People Pleaser

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This one is easily done, if you're making more time for others and neglecting your own energy and time to make other people happy. You might not even realize you're doing it, which is why it can be such a bad habit to drain yourself so much just for the sake of other people!

42. Cracking Your Knuckles

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We've all been guilty of this bad habit every once in a while! But some people can do it all day every day - and may even do it without realizing they are because it's become complete second nature. Especially if you work with your hands, you're more likely to find yourself doing this.

43. Having The Absolute Worst Posture!

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Most people these days have a desk job, or are unfortunately sitting down more than they're doing anything else - and this can, of course, lead to bad posture. We don't realize it when we're hunched over our phones day in and day out, either. Bad posture is something that can creep up on you over time!

44. Speaking With Your Mouth Full

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Gah, one of the worst bad habits, and only for the people across the table who have to look at you! Eating with your mouth open or talking with your mouth full can be a bad habit from people who live alone if they're not used to eating in front of other people!

45. Never Drinking Enough Water - Ever

image source: reddit.com
You might be sick of hearing people telling you to drink more water or the importance of staying hydrated and all that - but not drinking enough water (or, worse, not drinking any at all!) can be the worst bad habit you could ever have. Especially on a daily basis. Go fill up that water bottle!

46. Far Too Much Bread

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Bread is everywhere - and it tastes so good. Toast for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, naan bread with the take out for dinner... it's easy to have too much bread, but it's also a bad habit if you're trying to be healthy. Especially if you're having white bread instead of wholegrain!

47. Picking Your Teeth

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We commend you if you're trying to get the food out from between your teeth for good dental hygiene - but most of the time this bad habit isn't for that. Picking at your teeth can just be an unconscious, healthy habit and not very nice for the person who has to watch you doing it.

48. Bad Shaving Habits

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Shaving is a chore, we get it, so any extra effort is going to have you rolling your eyes. But good shaving practices need a little prep work and a little aftercare. You might have got into the bad habit of not exfoliating, not using the right razor or not using lotion afterwards!

49. Not Using Hand Cream

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Your hands go through so, so much and even if you are making sure to wash them every time you need to, you're suffering a bad habit if you aren't keeping them moisturised! You should try to apply hand lotion after each time you wash them to avoid them becoming dry and sore!

50. Not Recycling!

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This is one of the worst bad habits because it affects the environment - you should be trying to recycle everything you can. But it can be far too easy to just throw away the packaging without thinking about it, or dumping recycling in the household waste bin because the recycling one is full!

51. Procrastinating

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So, you know that friend who always puts things off till the last minute? Yeah, that's procrastination, and we're all guilty at some point. It's like a sneaky stress monster that creeps up when you least expect it. Next time you find yourself procrastinating, try identifying what's holding you back and kick that stress to the curb. Your future self will thank you.

52. Skipping Breakfast

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Picture this: you hit snooze one too many times, rush out the door, and forget about breakfast. No biggie, right? Wrong. Skipping breakfast messes with your mojo, leaving you feeling sluggish and foggy-headed. Let's make a deal - start your day with a quick bite, even if it's just a banana or a granola bar. Your stomach and brain will high-five you.

53. Drinking Too Much Soda

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Soda - it's bubbly, sweet, and oh-so-tempting. But here's the thing: too much of it is like a one-way ticket to Sugar City. We're talking weight gain, dental drama, and a not-so-happy body. Swap out that soda for some H2O, and your body will thank you for the hydration without all the sugary baggage. You're only going to ruin your dental hygeine!

54. Snacking Too Often

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Who doesn't love a good snack attack? But when those cravings hit every hour, it's time to pump the brakes. Constant snacking can mess with your healthy eating goals and send you on a rollercoaster of energy crashes. Be snack-smart - choose options with protein and fiber to keep you satisfied between meals. Don't just fill up on the bad stuff!


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Let's cut to the chase - smoking's just not cool. It messes with your lungs, ages you like a time machine on fast forward, and puts everyone around you at risk. Quitting is tough, no doubt, but it's a game-changer for your health. Reach out for support, toss those cigarettes, and give yourself the gift of a smoke-free life. You'll end up hurting yourself and the others around you!

56. Using Your Phone Before Bed

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Who else falls into the bedtime scroll trap? Guilty as charged. But guess what? It's wrecking our sleep. The blue light messes with melatonin, leaving us tossing and turning. Time to break the cycle - put that phone away before hitting the hay. Your sleep quality will thank you, and those late-night memes can wait till morning.

57. Not Exercising

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Let's get real - exercise isn't just about fitting into skinny jeans; it's a vibe for a healthier life. Ditching the sweat sessions leaves your body feeling like a lazy couch potato. Find something you love, whether it's dancing, hiking, or yoga, and let those endorphins do their happy dance. Your body will thank you with extra energy and good vibes.

58. Being Too Negative

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Negative vibes - ain't nobody got time for that! Constant negativity doesn't just mess with your mood; it's like a raincloud over your whole life. Try flipping the script, focusing on the positive, and watch how your outlook changes. Spoiler alert: life's better when you're rocking those rose-colored glasses. Don't let the little things get you down too much!

59. Not Asking Others About Their Day

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Ever notice how some folks never ask how your day went? Don't be that person. Taking a sec to check in with others is like social glue. It builds connections, shows you care, and who knows, you might discover some juicy gossip or a reason to celebrate together. So, what's the scoop on your friend's day? You might find something interesting out!

60. Not Tidying Up

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Let's be real, keeping things tidy isn't about living in a Martha Stewart fantasy. It's more like decluttering your mind and creating good vibes. Embrace the art of tidying up, even if it's just tackling one corner at a time. Your inner zen master will thank you, and finding your keys will become a breeze. Don't be that person who all the others hate living with!

61. Impulse Shopping

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Sale alert! We get it; those impulse buys are hard to resist. But let's talk truth, do you really need that eighth pair of shoes? Impulse shopping can hit your wallet and closet hard. Next time the urge strikes, pause, ask yourself if it's a need or a want, and maybe save that cash for something that sparks real joy.

62. Never Being On Time

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Running on "fashionably late" time? Chronic lateness might seem like a flex, but it's really just a major party foul. Whether it's a meeting or a casual coffee catch-up, showing up late sends the wrong vibes. Set those reminders, ditch the procrastination, and be the one who's fashionably on time for a change. You'll end up annoying all of your pals eventually!

63. Gossiping

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Spill the tea, they say. But too much gossiping? That's like swimming in a drama-filled pool. Gossiping might be a tempting pastime, but it can ruin relationships and trust. Try switching the convo to something positive or productive. Your social circle will thank you, and you'll avoid stepping on those rumor landmines.

64. Not Drinking Water

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Water - it's like the elixir of life, yet many of us treat it like optional. Dehydration messes with your focus, energy levels, and even your skin's glow. Let's make hydration a habit; get a fancy water bottle, set reminders, or do whatever it takes to turn H2O into your new BFF. It isn't hard to make this part of your daily lifestyle, just start one bottle at a time!

65. Swearing Too Much

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We all drop an occasional swear bomb, but if every sentence is an F-bomb extravaganza, it might be time to hit the language gym. Excessive swearing can make you seem less eloquent and might even offend grandma. Let's keep it classy and sprinkle those expletives strategically, shall we? You need to be very careful to not offend the wrong person!

66. Not Replying To Friends

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Ever leave your pals hanging with the dreaded "read" receipt and no response? Yeah, not cool. Ignoring messages is the new ghosting, and it's a friendship buzzkill. Even a quick emoji or a "busy, catch up later" can keep the connection alive. Your friends will appreciate the effort, and you'll avoid the awkward vibes.

67. Drinking Too Much Alcohol

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Raise your glass, but not too high! Downing one too many can turn a fun night into a regretful morning. Be mindful of your alcohol intake, know your limits, and hydrate between drinks. Your liver and tomorrow's headache will thank you for finding that perfect party equilibrium.

68. Not Thanking People For Holding The Door

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Someone holds the door for you, and you walk through like it's an automatic sensor. Rude much? A simple "thanks" goes a long way in the land of common courtesy. Let's not forget our manners and give a nod of gratitude to the door-holders of the world. People won't always be as nice to you if you keep taking advantage of them

69. Not Holding The Door For Others!

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On the flip side, don't be the door-slammer. Holding the door open for others is a small gesture that makes a big difference. It's like a "welcome to the good vibes club" move. So, channel your inner chivalrous hero and let that door swing open for someone else. If you want people to do it for you then it has to be the same both ways.

70. Interrupting Others

image source: Pedestrian
Ever been mid-sentence, and someone bulldozes their way into the convo? Yeah, it's annoying. Interrupting is a conversation faux pas that can make you come off as rude and inconsiderate. Practice the art of listening; your input can wait a hot sec. It's all about the ebb and flow of a good chat.

71. Being Too Sarcastic

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Sarcasm is an art, but too much, and you might as well be speaking a different language. Constant sarcasm can make others feel like they're walking on eggshells. Dial it down a notch, sprinkle in some sincerity, and let people know when you're serious - sarcasm should be the spice, not the main course. You don't want to become THAT person do you?

72. Being Passive Aggressive

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Ah, the subtle art of saying one thing but meaning another. Passive aggression is like a ninja move in the communication world, but it's not fooling anyone. Clear communication is key; if you've got something to say, say it. Your relationships will thank you for being upfront, and you'll avoid those awkward passive-aggressive vibes.

73. Taking Painkillers

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Got a headache? Pop a pill. It's a quick fix, but relying on painkillers like they're candy might be doing more harm than good. Overuse can mess with your liver and mask underlying issues. Before you reach for that bottle, consider other ways to tackle the pain – hydration, rest, or a good ol' cup of herbal tea might surprise you.

74. Leaving Dishes In The Sink

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The sink is not your personal dish hotel! Leaving dishes piled up is a surefire way to invite unwanted guests (looking at you, bacteria). A quick rinse or loading them into the dishwasher takes minimal effort. Your kitchen will thank you, and so will your roommates or anyone else sharing the space. They might even end up calling you out soon!

75. On Your Phone When Driving

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Texting and driving - it's not just dangerous; it's a downright bad habit. Your Instagram feed can wait; your safety and the safety of others on the road can't. Keep your eyes on the road, hands on the wheel, and your phone in the glove compartment. Your destination can wait for that LOL emoji reply.

76. Scratching Your A**

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Alright, we're all human, but there's a time and place for everything. Public scratching is a social no-no. Keep it discreet, find a private moment, and spare everyone the TMI vibes. Your dignity and the comfort of those around you will appreciate the subtlety. It might be uncomfortable but no one else really wants to see that!

77. Leaving Lights On In The Home

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Lights, camera, action! But seriously, leaving lights on all day is an energy guzzler. Let's hit the switch when leaving a room; it's a simple move that's kind to both the planet and your electricity bill. Plus, it adds a little drama – who doesn't love a cinematic entrance into a well-lit room?

78. Not Turning Plug Sockets Off

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Your electronics are on standby, but your energy bills are on the rise. Leaving plug sockets on when not in use wastes energy and money. Be a superhero; save the day (and the planet) by flipping those switches off. It's a small move with a big impact. It's not like you're using all of those devices at one time anyway is it? Leave them off when you can!

79. Avoiding Sunlight

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Vampires might love the dark, but you're not a vampire (probably). Avoiding sunlight means missing out on that vitamin D goodness. Take a stroll outside, bask in the sun's rays (with sunscreen, of course), and let your body soak up some natural energy. Your mood and bones will thank you. It's important for you!

80. Neglecting Sunscreen

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Listen up, sun worshippers! Neglecting sunscreen is like playing with fire – or, more accurately, with harmful UV rays. Whether it's cloudy or sunny, slap on that SPF. Your skin will thank you when you're wrinkle-free and avoiding sunburn like a pro. You might end up making yourself feel way too ill in comparison to what you could be feeling!

81. Gaming Too Much

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Leveling up is cool, but if you're spending more time in the virtual world than the real one, it might be time for a reality check. Excessive gaming can mess with sleep, relationships, and overall well-being. Take breaks, go outside, and let the real world be your favorite game for a bit. Touch some grass!

82. Lying

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Pants on fire? Chronic lying is like building a house of cards; it's just a matter of time before it all crumbles. Honesty is the best policy, even when the truth is a bit awkward. Save yourself the trouble and be the straight-shooter; it's a habit that builds trust and keeps those pants cool.

83. Pulling Your Hair Out

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Stress can make us do weird things, like pulling out our own hair. It's called trichotillomania, and it's not a party trick; it's a habit that can lead to bald spots and serious stress. Find healthier outlets for stress, like deep breathing or a good workout. Your hair and your peace of mind will thank you.

84. Wearing Too Much Make-Up

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Hey makeup lovers, less is sometimes more! Layering on the foundation, concealer, and all the works can be fun, but letting your skin breathe is crucial. Embrace the natural beauty; your pores will thank you, and you might just save some time in the morning for that extra cup of coffee.

85. Getting Road Rage

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Traffic can be a beast, but turning into the Hulk behind the wheel isn't the solution. Road rage not only stresses you out but also makes the roads a scary place. Take a deep breath, put on some calming tunes, and remember, everyone's just trying to get to their destination without a superhero showdown.

86. Washing Clothes After One Wear

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Laundry day is the real MVP, but washing clothes after one wear? That's a bit much. Save the planet and your clothes; unless they're visibly dirty or smelly, give them a second chance. Your favorite shirt will last longer, and Mother Earth will give you a virtual high-five.

87. Eating Too Much Chocolate

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Chocolate is a love language, but too much can be a rocky road. Sugar crashes and guilt trips aren't worth that extra chocolate bar. Enjoy in moderation; your waistline and mood will thank you. And hey, a little chocolate can go a long way when savoured. Try and find some healthier snack alternatives to make you feel a little better!

88. Picking Scabs

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The scab-picking struggle is real, but it's a habit that can leave scars and slow down the healing process. Resist the urge, slap on a bandage if needed, and let your body work its magic. Your skin will thank you, and you'll avoid playing a game of scar roulette.

89. Popping Spots

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A zit pops up, and the temptation is real, but squeezing can lead to a pimple party on your face. Let them be, or if you must, do it the right way with clean hands and minimal force. Your skin will thank you with a smoother complexion, and you'll avoid becoming the neighborhood pimple-popper.

90. Snoring!

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Snoring is the soundtrack of deep sleep, but for your bedmate, it'smore like a chainsaw symphony. It's not intentional, but snoring can affect your sleep quality and your partner's sanity. Explore solutions like changing sleep positions or investing in anti-snore gadgets. Your well-rested partner will appreciate the effort.

91. Farting Too Much

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Let's clear the air - everyone does it, but excessive gas can be a real mood killer. If your digestive symphony is too loud, consider dietary changes, like avoiding gas-inducing foods. Your social circle (and noses) will thank you for a little less musical ambiance. Surely you can keep it to yourself until you have some space.

92. Hoarding Useless Stuff

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Admit it, we're all guilty of hoarding a bit. But when every nook and cranny is filled with useless stuff, it's time for a decluttering intervention. Keep what sparks joy, and bid farewell to the rest. Your living space will feel lighter, and you might discover that missing pair of socks.

93. Gritting Your Teeth

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Stress can turn your teeth into an unwitting grinding battleground. Invest in a stress ball or explore relaxation techniques to give your jaw a break. Your dentist will thank you for preventing cracked teeth and worn enamel, and you'll avoid sounding like a human pencil sharpener. Find another way please!

94. Using Slang

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Language evolves, and slang spices up conversation, but relying on it too heavily can be like wearing bell bottoms in 2024 - a bit outdated. A healthy mix of proper language and slang shows versatility. So, ditch the excessive "lit" and "on fleek" and let your vocabulary shine. Your communication skills will thank you, and you'll sound as fresh as your playlist.

95. Not Covering Your Mouth When You Sneeze

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Ah, the sneeze – a force of nature that should be covered up like a secret agent. Not doing so? It's like a germ party invitation. Embrace the elbow sneeze or use a tissue; your co-workers and friends will appreciate the extra layer of protection, and you'll avoid spreading those unwanted party favors.

96. Chewing Gum

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Bubblegum aficionados, brace yourselves. Chewing gum can be a game-changer for fresh breath, but doing it loudly like a cow chewing cud? Not so charming. Keep it discreet, close your mouth, and save your co-workers from an inadvertent gum-chewing symphony. Your breath does smell good, but there are other ways to get that!

97. Gambling

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Feeling lucky? Gambling can be thrilling, but when it starts to drain your wallet, it's time to reassess. Set limits, know when to fold 'em, and avoid turning every Friday night into a high-stakes poker game. Your bank account and stress levels will thank you. You don't want to leave yourself in any financial distress!

98. Biting Pens And Pencils

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Got a pen or pencil in your hand? Great. Biting it like it's a snack? Not so great. Besides the germs, it's a one-way ticket to ink explosions and a chewed-up writing tool graveyard. Break the habit, invest in some stress balls, and let your writing utensils live a long and unchewed life. You might end up damaging your teeth doing this too!

99. Speaking With Your Mouth Full

image source: reddit
Ever been mid-bite when someone starts a conversation with you? It's not the ideal moment for chit-chat. Speaking with your mouth full is something grim that turns your words into a muffled mumble. Chew, swallow, then chat – your dining companions will appreciate the clarity, and you'll avoid awkward food spray.

100. Sucking Your Thumb

image source: reddit
Thumb-sucking is cute for babies, but for adults, not so much. It can mess with your teeth alignment and raise a few eyebrows. Find alternative stress-relief methods or invest in a stress ball. Your orthodontist will thank you, and you'll avoid those judgmental stares from strangers. Don't look like an adult baby guys!

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